Ectopic Pregnancy

Hi frostt,

I mean I went for the scope on the same day when the tests showed that it was ectopic. I had been bleeding for 3 weeks till then before i knew it was ectopic. Initially I thought it was normal mensus so didnt bother too much abt it.

Hi nic,

I saw your mail in the other thread under Fibriods and Endo. How r u now? I had the same experience as u- ectopic pregnancy. Dont be too hard on yourself, u dont want that to happen too. My gynae was also Peter Chew. He did the same procedure on me as well. Just had it done in Nov 08. I suffered from endo also discovered during the surgery. I just took the 2nd jab to control my endo condition.
hi twin star,

sorry that i misunderstood.
my HCG drop to 2000 yesterday! i hope by friday it should be 0 or even less than 100.
i'm really sick of drawing blood every few days.
my hcg dropped to 800 now.
but im having very heavy menses. i never had such heavy menses before in my life.
its only 22 days before my last menses.
doctor said its normal as long i don't feel pain. hormones are all in a mess now!
Hi frostt,

Dont worry too much abt the hormones first as long as hcg level is normal. Did u take the 2nd jab or just the 1st one? My hormones also in a mess at the moment. Had 2 menses last mth, none in this month. Dont know what to expect in next mth.
oh twin star, you had 2 menese last mth too? did the doctor say its normal? did your blood flow exceptionally alot?
today my hcg is 400. just need to go for another blood test next week.
Hi frostt,

Really good to hear that your hcg really drop to such low levels. My period was like a normal mensus flow each time it came last time. It came once on 9th Jan, then another time on 24th Jan. I was shocked when i saw the 2nd time in the same mth. Then i rem gynae did mention that my period may come more than once or not come at all. He said he wont know what wil be the reaction on me. Last mth i got twice, n this mth none, not sure wat will happen next mth. Now i feel like a 'cancer' patient having to see the gynae on a monthly basis. Tink i will stop going to gynae after my 3rd jab. Will use chinese medicine instead.
hi twin star,

today just went to see the gynae.He told me by having menses every alternate week is normal for me now. my body is flushing out the "remainings" out. He says he will only scan me after my hcg is 0. then from there, he will regulate my hormones back to normal.

My hcg level is 400 now. i will have another blood test next week.
hahaha..once a month ok lah..i pratically every week for my blood test. lucky my gynae never charge me consultation fee, only blood test fee.
otherwise my both pockets big hole.
ohh..i tot of going to see chinese doctor also which many of my mom's frens recommend.
i met him once, he seems to be very pro and he knows all the "ang mo" medical terms.
He will ask me for my hcg level or ask me whether i got take the hcg jab etc... then he ask me to avoid chinese herbs. I stopped seeing him becoz i had ectopic.
hi frostt,

Your hcg level is the same as previous week: 400? Your gynae so good, never charge for consultation...

Can share which chinese doctor u thinking of seeing? thanks?

Has anyone been to Tong Chai for TCM? Is it good?
Hi Twinstar,

ya. next week then go and take blood. now is every alternate week. gynae says no need every week now.

I thought of seeing this one at marine parade at the old cinema there. My mom said her fren's daughters all went to see him and got bingo lor!
But he super long Q in the morning, unless you go during noon time.
I went to this TCM at bukit merah last year. but that is too tedious for me, every day must drink chinese herbs till my body too heaty for that which made me missed my menses.
Apparantly it was suppose to be another popular one with also super long Q. But i think i can't take it.
hi frostt,

besides the blood test, do u need to do any scans to monitor?

I had been once after my first endo jab to this tcm at marine parade there, i suppose we are talking abt the same one. I told him Im currently on the jab for my endo, he knows and asked me to go back after im off the jabs n a regular menses has come. I didnt get any medication at all on that day. Perhaps 2 mths later then i go n see him.
Hi all,

Just want to encourage you ladies not to give up trying after an ectopic pregnancy.

I had one in May 2007. It left a deep wound in my life and I thought I was not going to have anymore babies. I was devastated that the 0.1 percent chance of having an ectopic pregnancy actually happened to me!!!

But the LORD is very good to me. I was pregnant again 3 cycles after my operation and today my son is 10-month old!!

So keep trying and dun give up!! Jia You!!!
hi Fabisee,

It's so good to hear some encouraging news from forum friends. Currently feeling abit down n lost. Just had my 3rd jab for endo, had to wait for a full cycle b4 i go tcm. Even so, i do not have the confidence to try. Gynae said this bad, tat doesnt seems good makes me lose heart. So many things needs to be done, really depressing.
Hi Twin stars,

Understand your feelings of no confidence to try. My EP is also due to endo. My case was moderate. The entire left tube was blocked and cringed up so badly that my uterus was loop-sided.

I also did not have the confident to try after tat. My mind was constantly thinking of the EP and I suffered chronic anxiety as a result. Had to see a psychiarist. I took anti-depressant and tranquiliser. It was that bad...

My advise to you is to concentrate on what you can do on hand. If you need to treat the endo first, so be it. Though it may take a long time and physically tiring. Take small steps at a time and you will be less stressful and depressing. In no time, you will soon achieve your desired hope of having your baby.
hi Fabisee,

Im sorry to hear that u had actually seen a psychiatrist. My endo was similar to ur case, also moderate. My EP happened at my right tube. May i ask if u had done HSG to assess ur tube after ur operation? How did ur gynae know that ur entire left tube was blocked?

After my 3rd jab for endo this mth, i asked my gynae where was the endo being found? He said it was found at the back of my womb. No idea y EP occurred when endo is not on the fallopian tube... i really wonder if endo is the cause for EP in my case, even my gynae couldnt tell me. Kept asking my to go for HSG test.
Hi Twinstars,

I had a laparascopy to remove the EP. My gynae does not recommend jabs. I think from the scope, she managed to re-structure my blocked tube. I actually saw the photos from the scope, quite bad.

She advised me to try asap after waiting for 3 rounds of cycle, or else the tube may block again. I did ask if I need to do HSG before trying. She said most girls would rather try and see first, rather than go for HSG. But if I want, she can arrange for me. I did not go for it.

Why did yr gynae ask you to go for jab? Read in internet, best to get preggy within 1 yr after scope, before endo comes back.
hi FabiSee,

After my lap, i was very worried that my endo will be back so i asked the gynae whether i need to take the jab. He said ok so i took on the same day when i went back for review. My gynae kept asking me to go for the HSG test, which i didnt want cos im afraid of pain. Your gynae seems quite good, at least she lets u have more options.

Im very envy of u that u manage to conceive in such a short time despite the existing condition. Really hope i can be like u2. But currently i have no confidence to try... think i will go tcm first next mth.

May i know how is your diet like after your operation? Did u avoid certain foods since u have endo as well? After my operation, i havent had any herbs to tiao my body yet.
Hi Twinstars,

Ya I was very into eating right after learning that I have endo. I searched the net and borrowed books from the library. Most suggest eat more fibre (brown rice) and less soya bean products and diary products. I even took fish oil .However, many studies, including my gynae told me that there is no explanation for why endo happen.

For me, it is due to menses backflow into my tube. My gynae said it may or may not happened during every period. So, everything is not conclusive....I just leave it to God and try to conceive loh. I told myself that if ectopic again, I will have the tube remove.

Where exactly did your foetus implant? Mine was at the tube.
hi FabiSee,

Actually i m kind of confused by what should be consumed or not... some say soya bean products can n some say not...

Like what ur gynae says, my gynae also has no explanation y endo occurs?

My EP happened at my right tube... i asked my gynae did endo grow at my tube? He said no, endo is at the back of my womb. Strange, then y did EP happen at my tube? Till now, i stil cannt figure out...

So did u try to build up ur body after the operation? Im kind of loss n fearful of trying.
Hi Twin Star,

Gynae says no point to scan right now. Must wait for my HCG to drop to 0 then we will go for a thorough scans. I'm still having a pregnancy cyst but has decrease as times goes by.

OH i think we are talking abt the same chinese doctor! i think i will visit him once i hit 0.

haiz.. today just had my blood test and i hope its the last time. Seriously im also afraid of going to HSG scan. hahaha..the thought of having the liquid flowing into ur tubes makes me eek!
Don't give up hope, jia you! I had 2, not only 1 ectopic pregnancies, year after year. I was in a much worst stage. Nobody can tell me why and how it happened. Removed my right tube as both happened in my right tube. I had my first boy before the 2 ectopic pregnancies and he was conceived on the left tube. Decided to let nature takes its course although we love to have more kids. I am currently pregnant with a set of boys, naturally. email me if you need a listening [email protected]
Hi Twinstars,

Did your gynae check if your tubes are blocked during the scope?

I just took pre-conceived pills (by blackmores) and exercise everyday before I tried to conceive.

If HSG gives you a peaceful mind before trying, can consider trying. I dun know if it is painful. I heard some say painful, some say no.
hi FabiSee,

My gynae only checked the outside of my left. Didnt advise for the inside... i wondered y didnt he also checked during the removal of my EP? I refused to take the HSG becos im fearful of pain.

So right after ur operation, u took the pre-conceived pills? I didnt know of such pills.
Hi Twinstars,

Hmmm....strange lei...I dun know if my gynae checked my tubes, but she told me that the other tube is perfectly ok....

I waited for 2 months then took the pills. They are just multi-vitamins for pregnancy and bf mums. Also suitable for pre-conceive to build up the body I think. Throughout my second pregnancy I took the pills as mult-vit and fish oil. I din not buy any pills from my gynae. From blackmores called pregnancy gold.

What did your gynae tell you about HSG procedure? Maybe you can ask him if it is painful? I heard some are done by the gynae and some are by the radiographer.

There's a thread on HSG, check it out:
hi FabiSee,

Thanks for sharing. I have a condition known as viginismus, so im quite fearful of HSG.

I asked my gynae if it's painful. He said it's only uncomfortable, it's all in the mind.

I had read abt some who went for it felt the process painful. Some articles also mention that HSG can also introduce some bacteria in the process.

By the way, u mentioned u had a lap to remove EP. So the gynae did preserve your tube? Did u check which side is ovulating before u try to conceive? How serious is your endo condition?

I will check out on the thread u provide. Thanks.
Hi Twinstars,

Have you had vaginalscan before? I think it's similar, just uncomfortable....
Your gynae is Peter Chew? The famous one? Hmm....Perhaps you want a second opinion from another gynae? I dun understand lei...since lap is the most direct method to check inside of the womb, why your gynae never check if the tubes are blocked during your lap?

Ya, she preserved my tube. My endo is at the left tube and outside the tube. So the ectopic end up cringing my left tube into a ball...Saw the photos taken during the lap, quite bad lei. My gynae cleared the tube and re-structured it.

I din not check which side is ovulating when I tried to conceive. But after the lap, I experienced slight pain on the side which is ovulating. But this is not accurate one lah, cos pain can be reflected on the other side.

If you want to know who is my gynae, PM me.

Hi FabiSee,

Thanks for sharing. Yes, i did the varginal scan b4, even had the transvirginal CT scan to scan my ectopic. The transvirginal scan is very painful to me during the scan for EP.

FabiSee, do u mind to pm me instead becos i dont know how to pm. : ) sorry abt it. Or u can email me at [email protected].

Thanks & Cheers
hi there!
i'm currently travelling.
My HCG is 118 now. hahaha! so slow...getting impatient liao. will have another test again next week.

how are u doing? everyhting's fine?
hi frostt,

oh u r travelling... for leisure or work?
Gd to hear that the level has dropped dramastically...

I jus finished my 3rd jab for endo. Waiting for 2 more months b4 i see tcm.
hi twin star,

i was travelling for work, back to singapore this week.
btw my HCG dropped till 60 now. doctor says its abit too slow. if 2 week's time still not yet 0, i will need another jab to clear it once and for all. I start to have a pulling feeling on my right side everytime i walk too much or stretch myself.
hi twin star,

How are you? HOpe you are doing well.

latest update is my HCG is at 30 now. wah lao.. take so long. doctor says my body is taking quite long to dissolve the cells but he wants to avoid the chemo jab if possible as it is not good for the body. He forsee this whole thing will end by June. So long!

Last week i had the most painful menses in my life. I never suffer from such cramps. And my cycle is 40 days! long.
Gynae says its normal again. He kept reminding me not to get pregnant now.
hi frostt,

So glad to see your reply. I finished my last jab for endo last mth. However my menses keep coming every 2wks. It is in a mess now. Perhaps wait for it to be stablished then i hope to go tcm. Im having some occasional pain at my right side these 2 days. The place where I had EP removal. I guess it's normal.

At least ur menses has arrived. Is it for the 1st time after EP? Must wait till HCG is 0 then can start to conceive?

Actually im still having some phobia abt trying to conceive, until i had undergo tcm.
ya.. same thoughts as you. Got a feeling if i try to conceive, the next one will be EP again.
Have you tot of trying IVF? aiya..but i think its going to be very expensive especially seeing private doctors.

That's what doctor says..must wait till 0 otherwise if im pregnant now, its so hard for him to monitor.
doctor says he will only scan me when i'm close to 0 to make sure everything is alrite.

oh..when i'm squatting down or carry heavy stuffs or even walk fast, i start to feel my right side pain also.
hi frostt,

Actually it's easy for pple to say going for IVF, but it's going to be a mental n emotional struggle. I dont think im going for that, worse come to worse, i will just leave things this way. Saw some pple on the forum going to KKH for IVF, guess it's subsidised. Maybe u shld go n find out more if u r really interested. Understand that in order for IVF to be successful, the eggs n sperms must be healthy.

So do u visit ur gynae on a weekly basis in order for him to scan u?

Perhaps, the ectopic is still inside the tube as a small clot that's y u can feel the pain.
hi ladies, i was from the 2009 Dec thread when I just discovered I was having ectopic pregnancy a week ago. Its like today I know im pregnant and tomorrow I had bleeding, with no pain. So after a few days of bleeding, my gp wrote me a letter to go to the emergency room to check. And so they discovered that its a failing ectopic pregnancy. Which yesterday my gynae told me its called Tubal Abortion because the sac is in the left tube before this but because the tube sense something is not right, it moves the sac to the exit of the tube and dispose it off. But some tissue is still stuck at the implantation area therefore feeding my body with pregnancy hormones still.

I was admitted and we had a wait and see period to see if this is a normal early pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunately its confirmed to be an ectopic because they saw a 4cm mass near my left ovary but outside of my tube. Its practically hanging itself there, because some tissues are stuck.
And since I am well enough with no other pains, I was given a jab to begin the miscarriage process instead of going under the knife.

I had my shot of methotrexate on Monday and currently my betaHCG levels are going dwn from 1119 to 625 as of yesterday. But the side of effects of this shot is irritating, been having dull aches and shooting pains at my left lower abdomen, left backache and through my left leg. It feels like my left leg is so tired!

The nurse called me today to see how Im getting along and she told me its normal to feel the dullaches and cramp through the left side since they all share the same limbs.

Am going back to SGH tomorrow to get my betaHCG levels drawn out again. Hope that tomorrow will be around 300++.

Anyone had the MTX jab before as well?
hi andreanie,

Im sorry to hear abt your ectopic. Didnt know ectopic can occur in this manner. For me, mine was struck in my right tube and had a laparascopy done on the same day discovered. Did u ask ur gynae what is causing the ectopic? My gynae couldnt give me a definite answer.

Hopefully it will drop further when u checked tomorrow.
hi twin stars

no my gynae too did not give me a definite answer why it happened. he said when it happen, it just did. actually i have googled online too but no one can give a definite answer as well.

Yesterday's drop is from 625 to 405. Not much as expected by gynae but he said im doing well. So the next round of betahcg is next thursday. Hope it will go down further.

And oh yes, last night as I was sleeping I can feel gushes of blood cmg out of me. To my horror when i woke up to change my pad, my pad was soaking wet with clots! I guess the jab is working!!

And i feel a bit lighter today, like theres nothing down there anymore... relieve but at the same time, sad.
hi andreanie,

I can understand how u feel. We had went through the same situation but different process to remove it. Frankly speaking, im still having some phobia abt trying to conceive. The chance of ectopic is there once it had occurred b4.

I believed u can walked out of this terrifying experience given more time. I read abt some postings on this motherhood forum. Some of the mothers have given me words of encouragement n inspired me in some ways or so. I had done some reading on my own to occupy my mind. At the moment, dont worry too much abt the level of HCG. I believe it will come down in time to come.
Hi Andreanie,

I went through the MTX jab on Feb 09. It was 18,000 initially. It was way up too high. But because i didnt feel any pain or had any symptoms so i was able to go for the jab instead of going under the knife.

Bleeding is terrible since the jab is working. This will continue till your HCG hits 0.
Today my HCG is 11.20 and i have to go for another blood test in June to make sure it hits 0. During these few months, my menses are heavy and painful.I guess the body is trying to discharge the remainings out.

I think for people like us who opted for the MTX jab, we have to be emotionally prepared that this will take quite a few months to clear depending on your body.
Twin star,

I'v chatted with a friend yesterday.
she told me to see a TCM instead. Only TCM can help to improve the quality of the egg but not western medication.

Since i miscarriage twice with no answer. I guessed its the quality of my egg. so most prob next month i will visit the marine parade TCM to hear what he can offer.
hi Frostt,

It's so good to hear from you again, especially u r doing fine with the MTX jab. After my lap, my last HCG test shows a level of 7. After that, i did not do any further test to see if it hits 0. Thanks for sharing so much abt your recent plans.

Seems like alot of pple are going to the parine parade tcm. Actually i had been there once in Jan this yr after i had my first endo jab. The physician asked me to go back after i had finished with all the jab n after a regular menses has arrived. However, as distance is a concern to me, i went to the one at hougang instead.

Hopefully we will all conceive soon in time to come. Cheers!
hi hi...

i went for my checkup and gynae suspect ectopic.. im conceive thru ivf and kinda disappointed of such result. first time i have miscarriage too thru natural conceive.

my betahcg did not raise well and also scan nothing.. it's coming week 5 since the last ET. i have spotting every day. anyone experience this before?

i had blood test yesterday but will only get to know the result tml together with another blood test tml. how do we determine ectopic? shd it continue to raise slowly? what if there is a slight drop? does it still conclude ectopic?

if we are not able to scan anything, even nothing at the tube etc, does it still conclude as ectopic?

If ectopic, is the jab encourage if beta hcg level is below 1000?

hi Joline,

Im sorry to read abt your case. I had went thru an ectopic last november. I didnt know it was ectopic until the gynae confirmed it was at my right tube. I rem i had my spotting at the same time when it was supposed to be my period. I experienced increasing pain as the day went by. The color of the spotting was prune color. My hcg level did not double up as supposed to be. My hcg level was close to 800 by 5 1/2 wk. My gynae wanted me to do laparoscopy to remove it, at the same time, he can see if there is anything wrong in me. At the same time, he found that i had endometriosis as well. Ectopic can also occur anywhere beside the tube. It can occur at the cervix, abdomen etc.

You may read the website below which has a very clear background on ectopic. Hope it helps.

In the meanwhile dont worry too much. Take care.
