Ectopic Pregnancy

Hi Joline,

My first pregnancy was tubal ectopic. The HCG levels did not double on alt days, in fact, it was slowly rising. Even detailed vaginal scan could not detect any sac, not even a lump at the tube.

I had bleeding at week 6 and still the hcg levels did not fall. My gynae told me that if the hcg level falls, it could be a natural miscarriage. However, I ended up having rising hcg levels and had to to a key-hole surgery after 2 weeks of many blood tests and vaginal scans.

It was only thro the surgery that she found out it was at the left tube.
Btw, my gynae does not recommend jab.

Take care

I had 2 ectopic preg and removed my right tube in 06 as both occurred at the same tube. Can u imagined it happended twice when it is supposed to be rare??? Like the rest, so sad at first and decided to leave nature takes its course. And I was preg naturally in 09 with twins. I just gave birth to 2 identical boys on 14 Apr. DOn't give up hope but don't stress yourself too. Jia You!
Hi twinstars, fabisee, thanks. my case has not been concluded as ectopic yet. my level has went down, but very slow. my gynae is still hoping it can be unhealthy pregnancy.

i have slight bleeding today.. but seems to stop this noon. and cramp too. thus i was given an oral medication to abort and let bleeding come in more and see if it can miscarriage naturally. was told to go emergency unit if got heavy bleeding or bad cramping. next wednesday will go for another blood test and review again. hope the level can go down further.
Hi Joline,

No problem. Did not help much. Hope you will recover soon.

Hi Serene,

I managed to conceive 3 months after my ectopic surgery. I am a mum to a 1 year old boy. So, dun give up.
Hi Kath,

Congratulations to u on the delivery of your 2 boys. Did you go tcm b4 u try to conceive? Juz curious how many months apart after your first ectopic did u try to conceive?
hi kath, congrats to u... i have a tube removed when having EP. thus think it lower my chances of getting preggy, actually have phobia trying, after 2X miscarriage

fabi, congrats to u too... im also a mother of a turning 4 yrs old boy, thats why trying for another baby, but failed

anyone has any suggestions to avoid EP?
Serene & Twin Star
It was spontaeous(rt spelling?), did not go to TCM or do anything, in fact,we sort of give up hope liao as only left with 1 tube and hubby didn't want to go through that agony again. There is no way to avoid EP, i guess, my own mom even said I 'suay" as it happened twice to me! I also have 2 earlier miscarriages before my 1st born. So whatever can happen has happened to me and really, it is damn miserable. But in my heart, I have always wanted to try again, one last time, I would silently say to myself. My 1st born is 8 this yr. So the gap bet my 1st boy and the twins are 8 long yrs.

Twin star
I had my 1st ectopic in early 2004 and the 2nd in Nov 2006.

Whatever it is, be positive.
hi Kath,
wow... u really very brave

sorry to ask, u were saying u had 2X EP? all happened on the same tube? the 2nd EP then u removed a tube?

i tot i was "suay", din noe u experince such agony more than me...its very scary... i really loves children... still pondering if i should try for 1 more...

btw, how old r u now? hee....sensitive question
hi Kath,

Thanks for the encouragement, it's always an encouragement to read abt successful stories. I hope i will be able to have a kid to call my own too. What is frightening abt EP is that there is no explanation for it's happening and there is no way to prevent it. All we can do is to pray it doesnt happen again.
Hi all, i would like to ask some questions...
Do u still experience the frequent urination and sore/tender breasts & nipples during ur ectopic pregnancy?

Is the pain on one side only? Or will it be sometimes left, sometimes right, or sometimes lower centre abdominal?

And usually when did u discover that its an ectopic pregnancy?
hi crazie,

I dont quite rem if i experience the freq urination cos im having the bleeding which i thought it's my monthly menses. But definitely, my breasts felt tender then. During my ectopic, the pain was on my right. Through the transvirginal scan, it was on my right too. However, i had read on the website that the pain may or may not happen on the side of the ectopic.

For me, i didnt know i was pregnant. My 'menses' came at the same time when it was supposed to be. That was actually my bleeding. I went to a normal GP at first, to get an mc for the day. The GP asked me to take a urine test after i told him i had painful cramps for more than a week. He said i was preg n referred me to a gynae to do a scan.
Sad to say, the scan didnt show any foetus. It was my 5 1/2 wk. Maybe it was too small to be seen then, so put me to bedrest for 2 days. Beta HCG blood test was taken on alternate days to see if the level has doubled. The level didnt n they sent me for a detailed scan n really found ectopic in my right tube. At that time, i juz cannot believe it actually happened to me when the % happening is so small.
Hi Crazieness,

During my ectopic, the pain was everywhere, left, right and centre when the jab is working.

I did experienced tender breast and bloated stomach.
As the scan couldn't detect my EP, the only way they can derived its thru blood test since i didnt suffered from sharp pains.

i have taken Methotrexate jab to stop my hcg from raising.. can i know how long ur gynae advise u the no. of mths from getting pregnant??
Last year i experienced baby no heart beat. This year, i just had an ectopic pregnancy. It was on my left tube. I was 7 weeks pregnant. My gayne give me 2 choices. One is to remove the whole tube and the other is to remove only the fetus. In the end i decided to remove only the fetus. My gayne told me the left tube is already no good and if get pregnant on the left tube again, i may experience another ectopic again. Any mummies here can share their experiences with me?
Hi Twin star,

I just got back from my gynae. Finally my hcg is down to 0.
And yes, tomorrow i'm going for the HSG scan. IT took me alot of courage to go for it! haha.
Gynae advise me to go for the test in order to see the condition of the tubes and we will decide whether to try for another pregnancy again or what.
i'm so scared abt tomorrow as gynae said i may suffer from cramps after the scan but he has given me painkillers and asked me to pop the pills before the scan. Just in case!

Update you tomorrow again!
hi Frostt,

So glad to see your reply. Good to hear that your hcg has dropped to 0. Yes, must pop the painkillers first b4 the scan. All the best n wait for your reply tomorrow k.
hi twin Star,

HSG is fine. It's not pain lah just some tingling effect where u can feel the liquid movin in your tummy. Other than that, its just like papsmear. THe nurses at Mount E are very nice people. They tried to distract me.

Anyway, i asked the doctor at Mount E how are my tubes. He said they are fine. Both tubes look ok. Haha! now i wonder why i got ectopic! Must ask my gynae next week when i see him.

Currently, i'm having "menstral cramps" feeling and abit of spotting here and there. So i pop the pain killers just to play safe if it got worse!

You should go for the HSG if you really want to see which part of the tube went wrong. At least there will be no more guessing after you see the xray.
hi frostt,

After reading your reply, it seems that HSG test is not that awful afterall. But some people posted seemed to have a bad experience. I guess it is dependent on who operates the test as well. Actually i have not done papsmear b4 so it's hard for me to imagine how it feels like? Is the feeling same as doing virginal scan?

Good to hear that your results are ok. : ) So will u trying? Oh yes, wanted to ask u how long was your spotting b4 hcg level finally drops to 0?
Hi Twin Star,

Erm, vaginal scan is not painful at all, juz abit uncomfortable.HSG is abit of pain initally and after that its fine.

Gynae just called me saying everything is fine. I can start trying without going back to scan.

Thankfully i didnt opt for Laproscopy. otherwise one tube will be wated.

Once my hcg hits less than 50, the spotting will only comes after my menses or if i go jogging, i will see small little strands of blood.
But on my recent menses, i didnt have any spotting.

I think my next step is to see TCM.

What about you? how's your condition now? has our endo cleared?
hi Frostt,

Not sure if i had told u b4, after my laparascopy last nov, i had 3 jabs for my endo, with the last jab ending in Mar. Throughout the 3 mths, i was having menses or spotting twice a month. The last menses i had was in Apr, afterwhich im completely dry from then till now. I guess now is just the beginning of the dryness. Not sure how long it will last. Without menses, cant try at all. Now got to wait till it comes. The purpose of the jabs is to stop the menses n dry up the endo. I have not gone back for any review, hopefully it had dried up. Again, this is not permanent. Once menses had returned, there is a possiblity that endo may start again.
hi Twin stars,

I'm not so sure what endo is, but it definitely sounds complicated. By having endo, it will reduce your fertility?
Isnt' there a way to completely stop the whole endo thing? I mean you have to worry every month to hope that your menses will come, and even it comes, the endo will start again. This thing is enough stress you not to even mention to try again.
hi frostt,

this is exactly what i feel too. Endo is a disease which may occur anytime. I had read that it is a cause for infertility as well. Sad to say, there is no way to stop it. Therefore, it is advisable to start trying within a year after surgery. I had also read that endo is also a cause for ectopic pregnancy. Scary right?
Hi Ladies

Im back! Been avoiding the forum for a while.

My bleeding after the MTX jab stopped just 2 weeks ago, roughly I had bleed about 8 weeks!! But the last 3 weeks or so is just spotting with tiny strands of blood whenever I pee or walk too much.

My stomach no longer feel bloated, nor I have breast tenderness anymore. Finally I feel normal again. But then sometimes I miss the pregnant feeling..hehe..

I went for my checkup with gynae yesterday and my urine test showed Negative!! I am clear! Which gynae mentioned that we can try again by September. Have to wait for 3 menses cycles just to be sure that I clear the MTX from my body first. He also given me Clomid for standby. But to eat only after the 3rd cycle.
My ectopic pregnancy was a Clomid pregnancy, so he said my body responded well to Clomid.
I can also start to resume on taking Folic Acid and other multivitamins.

Now I can't wait to try again! Gynae did mention if I fell pregnant before he sees me in November, I have to quickly go to the hospital and have a quick scan to see if its a normal pregnancy or another ectopic. But of course, we all wish for the best.....

till then!
My updates to share with you all: My gayne do blood test for me for every week for 3 weeks until my hcg drop till 25, then do a urine test and it shows negative. My menses also come one month after my surgery. My gayne said i will have 1 out of 25 chances of ectopic pregnancy again. And my doctor also advise me that i will have to quickly go hospital to scan if found myself to be pregnant. And my gayne also advise me to eat folic acid if want to try again. I really don't have the courage to try again
Hi Qin

Pls do not feel discouraged.. I am in the same situation as you are. Right now, im waiting for my 1st menstrual cycle after the ectopic to come. Cant wait for the 3rd cycle before I can start trying again.

Dont think too much that your next pregnancy is ectopic. I learnt to let that feeling go. I was once like u, kept telling my gynae everytime I see him and also I told my hubby that Im scared to try again. The "What If.." questions are too much to handle at one point of time. Until I realise if I forever think so much, I will not get to be a mother at all for the rest of my life. And I dont want that to happen.
Im sure u dont want that to happen to you too.

Whatever the next pregnancy is, just be glad that we have survive the past ectopic pregnancy and we are alive and healthy and hope the best for our next pregnancy that everything will be ok...

My thoughts are with u.
Hi Qin

I agree with Andreanie, not to worry too much. There's a chance that your next pregnancy will be alright.

Hi Twinstar,

How are you?? hope you are doing fine..

I went to visit the Marine Parade sinseh 2 days ago.
Because after my HSG scan, i did not have my menses till now but im not pregnant. I didn't want to go to my gynae as i don't want to spend again on pills and injections.
So i i went to see the sinseh...he gave me this pills and ask me to eat till my menses come. Today is my 3rd capsule, and i feel the symptoms of coming menses already. Quite amazing.

Anyway, he told me and my husband to see him one week after my menses, then he will start to "bu" both of our bodies.

I can't wait for my menses to come and try again next mth.
Thanksss all so much for all your encouragement...
Frostt, try eating bai fong wan (from Eu Ren Sen) after ur menses finished. It really helps to regulate menses as well as "bu" yr body.
hi frostt

It's so good to hear from you again. Rem i took the injection for my endo, my menses stopped temporarily for close to 3 mths. Finally, it came 2 wks ago. ;p first time looking fwd to menses. I think the marine parade sinseh is good. Did u wait for long? I went there once for consultant when i took the injection. He advised me to go back to him after menses has arrived. Me hope to try naturally first.

Hopefully, we will succeed this time round. Cheers.
I was told there is no hope for ectopic pregnancy. The fetus will not survive in the tube.

If I can advise, be healthy first, boost your immunity before trying to get pregnant. You want a healthy trouble-free-as-possible pregnancy.
I had ep in aug.. i kept asking myself why i'm so unlucky...even though i try to be positive..i found myself cry easily..any sad show can make me cry...

did u all eat confinment food after ep? i heard that ep is like after birth where u have all the discharge...

may i know how old are u all? cos im above 35 so not sure if i able to get pregnant natually..

worse is i'm overweight so need to resduce my weight before get pregant but biological clock is tikking..
There is only one case in history where an EP was successful. The reason why many doctors recommended a termination for EP is because it is therotically impossible for the feotus to develop and also the fatal danger EP will bring to the mum.

My SIL had a EP about 13-15 years ago. It's was a family tragedy as it was the first grandchild in my family. I remembered my brother calling home one night, crying over the phone that his baby was gone. My brother is a very macho man, fyi. I had never seen him so sad and crying before.

After the operation, my SIL was told that the chances of her getting pregnant again is only 5%. SAD.

They never have a child to this day. For this reason, my child (and any other of my children in future) is their god-child. My child is never going to make good their loss but it's my hubby and my way of trying to let them have a chance to try something that they dont have a chance.
Hi greeny... My mum said that EP is also considered having given birth and made me eat those liver, ginger stuff after my operation just before Christmas last year.

I used to come to this part of the forum to seek solace and comfort that there was really nothing I could do to salvage the situation when it was growing in the tube.

Ours was supposed to be twins. First was a normal miscarriage and had 1 op to clean it. But 2 days later the pain didn't go away but intensified. My own gynae said it was normal (?). The next day we went to another gynae for painkillers cos we were in JB and that's when the 2nd opinion said I was having an EP and massive internal bleeding. Rushed back to SG, checked myself into the hospital and emergency op that very night.

It's a haunting experience and extremely difficult to forget, especially when we had the chance of twins...

We started trying again about 6months after the incident. As you all said, the fear and "what-if"s came along, but I think it's important that your husband supports and goes easy with you. It's not easy for men to understand what we went through... I also followed what my friends said by trying to stay happy.

Now I'm safely through the first trimester with this one. I just want to say that it's really not impossible. We just need people to understand the emotional and physical pains we had to endure going thru' EP.
Hi greeny,
Don't worry & stay positive. Chances of getting pregnant is still there.

Last year September i also went thru an EP & my left fallopian tube was removed, left only the right tube. Just like u, i was very sad initially as why i was so unlucky to have EP though the doctor told me the chance of getting EP is very slim.(~1% among pregnant woman) And i'm in my mid 30's already, how long can i wait to get pregnant again? Was so envious of few of my colleagues who's also pregnant at that time, always talking about their pre-natal checkup & foetus development.

So after the operation & rested for a month, the doctor told me i can continue to try conceive after 3 months but who knows, last year December found out i was pregnant again, was so happy. And i just delivered my baby in August.

With my case for your reference, think on the bright side & don't worry so much. And also take this chance to eat more tonics to 'bu' your body.
Hi Ladies,

I'm one of them with EP during last November, can refer back to this: I'm also a PCOS patient and hubby's S quality not good.

I'm now 18 weeks pregnant after trying for 4 months with resting for about 3 mths. Just keep trying and think postive. All the best to all who are still TTC.

And I would like to thanks the girls here, this is a great thread! Without them I don't think I will go for 2nd opinion.
thanks ping,

i'm so happy for u.. congrad...

ya its so encouring hearing your success...

As i manage to keep my tube...going to do laproscop in Jan to see if the tube is block before i can try for preganacy again..

Pray hard that everything is okie so that i can get pregnant naturally..
i don eat pig liver etc...but force myself to eat a bit... but think not enough & my bro say my face 'colour' still don look good

i also heard that EP is like giving birth..but seldom heard people mention what they eat to build up their body after EP
Hi greeny,
For my EP, after the operation, my mum did a mini confinement for me, like those tonic chicken soup, pig liver/kidney, red date drink, chicken essence...

Stay positive & don't give up hope on trying. Hope to hear good news from you soon.
Hi Cacao,

It was so encouraging to read your posts. Btw, does ur hubby took any medication to improve his S quality before you managed to conceive?
Hi Twin_stars,

Yes, he did, took folic, vitamin E & Andriol(spelling?).

For all who are trying to conceive, maybe you would like to switch your current gynea to the Profs in Nuh. I'm seeing Prof. Biswas from Nuh, only 4 mth of trying and some help of vitamins. My gf used to seek treatment from KK, but with no result, then switch to Nuh, to see Prof. P.C Wong for a mth, she is now pregnant. All the best.
Hi Cacao,

Thanks for the advice. Do you mean the folic that we women take? I read that men can take zinc to help in reproduction. Went to GNC and saw there are several types. Any idea is zinc effective?

Im am currently taking tcm cos im worried if my tubes are ok after the ectopic. I didnt go for the hsg scan. I read from the forum that Eu Yang Sang at paragon is good.

Merry Christmas
Hi twin stars,

Yes, folic 5mg, those we take bofore and during 1st trimester. Can ask your hubby to take 1 folic in the morning and vit E, 1 capsule twice a day. This is prescribed to us by my gynea. Folic and vit E are just normal vitamins and do no harm to the body. You can get folic and E from fruits and food we take, but the amount is not enough. Not sure about zinc, sorry.

Is best to do a hcg scan before trying, just to make sure the tube is not block. After some personal encounter, I don't really believe in Chinese physician. So no comment on that, sorry. Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!

Twin Stars,

How are you?
Just to update you..i'm 11 weeks pregnant now. Baby's doing fine and very active inside.
I'm still seeing the TCM and also gynae.

Therefore, don't give up hope! Continue will succeed.
