Ectopic Pregnancy

Mei Ling,

In the meanwhile, eat well, sleep well and follow your gynae's instructions and dont worry about the unknown.

All the best. Keep us posted.

Hi there,

had some brown spotting yesterday evening, just went to visit the gynae and did blood test again, and through the v scan, the fetus grow very little only. He ask me to consider aborting it.

Hi Mei Ling,

What is the level of your HCG shown in your blood test? Did the level doubled every 2 days? Spotting is not uncommon. Some gynae will give a jab or medication to stop the spotting. Why did he ask you to abort when the fetus has grown, although only a little. Sad to hear of this. U must keep a clear mind at this point first, Y not u seek a second opinion?
last week is 3900, today is at 4400+, not progressing very smoothly. He did give me Utrogestan now, but just now, i saw a little clot. So i think this pregancy cannot make it.
hi twin star

i have the same issue with you now.
i had my abortion last monday as doctor scanned that the sac is not growing. so yesterday i went for a blood test to confirm my hcg will drop. But to doctor's surprise, it went up from 10000 to 18000! The funny thing, i don't feel any pain and i'm having my menses now.
Doctor gave me two option, one is Methotrexate jab and one is go for scop.
he says Methotrexate will only work very well for hcg levels that falls below 10000. So either i try for the Methotrexate and see whether it works, if it doesnt, then go for the scop.
Or, just go for the scop and get it done once and for all, of coz the scop will reduce the chances of preg again in future.
so im just praying that the Methotrexate jab will help
Hi frostt,

Hope you are coping well. How many weeks or months did you notice that the sac is not growing? When I had my ectopic, my hcg level was close to 800. But my gynae didnt give a choice of Methotrexate jab or scop. He asked me to admit immediately for the scop. The gynae managed to preserve my right fallopian tube. Through the scop, he noticed I had endometriosis. I juz had my first jab this month for my endo. Need to complete 3 in total.

Take care n keep us update of your progress k.
hi twin star,

when i was 4 weeks, we realised it was not growing well, but my hcg kept going up gynae waited to see if there is any pregnancy showing but after 6 weeks, we decide to abort it as it has stopping growing.

today's report showed that my hcg drop from 18000 to 16000 which means my ectopic preg is "dying off"
i had my 1st methotrexate jab just now. and i will need to monitor my hcg every alternate day by having a blood test.i may need another meth. jab if hcg drops slowly.

Gynae says this is tedious process which will last for 3-4weeks to get everything cleared but its the least way of hurting fallapion tube.
So i hope for now is the jab is working on it by killing the cells. FYI Methotrexate acts like a mini chemo injection to cure ectopic and children's lukemia.
Hi frostt,

Good to hear that the level has decreased. I wish i had the choice of taking the jab during my ectopic, then i dont have to go through the scope. Now Im worried I can never have a child. I have lost the confidence of conceiving. Having ectopic previously increases the chance of ectopic again. I had yet to find out the cause of my ectopic cos I didnt want to go through HSG test.

By the way, care to share which gynae are you seeing?
hi twin star,

why didnt you go for the HSG test? isit because it is painful? because i'm suppose to go for HSG test when i want to try for the next pregnacy.

Ya gynae mentioned to me if i go for the scope, there will be a chance that my next pregnancy will be ectopic too! unless we monitor where the egg is coming out from,left or right and if its coming out from the scarred tube, we will not try for that month. so its very troublesome.

i'm see Dr Lee Wei Hong at MD Specialist at Paragon.
What about you?
HI gals,
Like to share with you my ectopic experience in Dec 2007. foetus was stuck at my right tube, and I was abt 8weeks already when I went for my 2nd opinion. Immediately had to be pushed to surgey and he opened up both my tubes as they are badly infected, and removed the foetus as well

Dr advise was the next one could be ectopic too. really sad as we tried for soemtime. and he suggested IVF being safest as the fertilised egg will be placed onto the right spot for growth
It took me 3mths b4 dr gave go ahead to try again.We have been trying since March last yr but no success yet. Today is the 4th day I missing my mense, if by end of today still do not come, will test for pregnancy.

Right now I am also in a dilemma. If test postive, I cant sleep for the nite as I know I will dread what is going to come next... another ectopic. If I am not preg, there will be disappointment too

Is really a dilemma... I have not much confidence as I see you gals who have experience it also felt same way.
Anyone considering IVF?

Also I have been to HSG. my dr jus asked me to take 2 painkillers b4 gg into the ops room. is a procedure that is soooo uncomfy as the dr will be placing alota tubes right deep into your vaginal.. and then pour a liquid to see if it passes through your tube. My result is my right tube stil blocked, and left ok. Still, it is not something I will go back to do again to c if I have blockage again...
Mine was in 05, did not even realised I was expecting since we just TTC that month. But the few scans that followed showed up nothing, finally doc sent me for a 3D scan which showed the ectopic in my left tube. Initially they were concerned that it was an ovarian ectopic. Went in straight for op that day, removed the left tube. My doc did tell me my chance of another EP is high, but he saw no need for any follow up tests or checks as to why it happened.

Changed doc in 06 to a fertility specialist because we wanted to go to someone who specializes in IVF in case I may need in the near future. We started trying on and off, since my hubbie is always out stationed. Finally we conceived in 07. My baby girl was born Jan 08 last year and we are expecting our second in July this year.

Guess we will always be concerned and worried. I remember I was a mess during to TTC after the ectopic. Even after testing positive, you never feel safe and assured until you know baby is in the right place. However, no matter what happens have faith and try to relax

After an ectopic, you need to heal both emotionally and physically. I remember throughout the first year after my ectopic, i still felt pulls and tucks at my left side.
Hi frostt,

I am scared of pain so I didnt wan to do the HSG test. I've also read from those who went through this test saying it's uncomfortable n maybe painful. My gynae kept asking me to do the test but I m so scared of pain and it's due when u r conscious... Keep me posted after you have gone for the HSG.

Did your gynae mention how to determine which side the egg is coming out from for each month?

I am seeing Peter Chew from Gleneagles.
Angelsky, you are lucky, with one tube and expecting 2nd bb coming!
haha, my menses jus arrived. dashed hopes again. is coming to almost a yr since i started trying.. stil no results.
You taking any special medications etc b4 conceiving again? any advice?
Hi earthling,

I had ectopic on my right side too. Realised it when i was in my 5th week. My right tube is preserved but gynae said it doesnt looks too good. He suggested that I do the HSG to see if the tubes r blocked but im scared of pain so didnt want to do.

I can understand what you go through n worried if the same thing were to happen again. Worse still, I have endo. I guess endo could be one reason why i got ectopic. Im taking the jab to control my endo, will try again after 4 months.

After u have gone through the HSG, knowing your right tube is still blocked, what did your gynae do? U did the HSG after how long from the surgery?

Is IVF painful? I think it's quite stressful for the couple to undergo this process.

In the meanwhile, dont worry too much. Keep us posted.
Hi angelsky,

It's so comforting to read of success story after an ectopic. Hopefully we all can conceived in time to come.

Did you go through any test or medications after the ectopic surgery?

Do u mind to share which fertility specialist u r seeing after the ectopic? Thanks.
HI Twinstar, no idea abt IVF but trust me, I have low threshold for pain too! but that HSG I went cos I wanted to know my condition after the ops, if really both tubes stil blocked or not, as dr told me he opened up both and cleared for me the infection. He suspected I had a miscarriage/abortion that caused this infection, which I did not.

I did the HSG abt 3months after the ops, trust me whole process I was trembling, as they put me on the cold steely table, and you had to spread your legs on e edge of table and barely can balance yourself as after sometime your legs will feel tired. it costs 100+ I think, at Mt E.

After the HSG, I decided not to go bac to the dr anymore as his next suggestion is IVF. We wanted to cut a stop to visitng him as he is costly as well as his operating hours are 9-5pm kind, which is often troublesome to make appt with him as we are working. So we decided to try ourselves as he did say we can start trying, but to know if I am stil blocked, that's why I wen for the HSG. There is no way to know, unless this procedure or unless they open us up again

Any idea why your tubes was blocked? Isit one side or both? I couldnt find a reason.
hi twin star
doctor says i have to do ultrasound and see which side of the egg is ready to come out and from there we will decide whether to try for that month or not. This is troublesome lah.

It seems that none of you have take the Methotrexate jab but went for scope. Now i wonder did i choose the correct method??
Sad thing is doctor says there is no cure for fallapion tube.

Seems like the HSG is painful, its scarring me off too!
Hi twin star, believed it or not, but I really grieve for ages. I was a mess after my ep. I had it really bad in the hospital coz I was so sick after the op with all the pain killers and stuff. Then when I went back, I was crying all the time. I can even cry when I was driving and I just have to listen to any song or anything about children I just break down. It really took me a while to get over it.

My doc that diagnosed my ep, did not give me any medication, he was actually down right frank about things. After he scanned and he could not find the sac, he actually mentioned casually that I should start hoping that it was a miscarriage and not an ep. Then the next scan, he thought he saw the ep at the ovary, so he mentioned maybe its ovarian ep which is like super duper rare and if it was really an ovarian one, I could lose my ovary etc. Everything he said made me feel so depressed lo. I ask him if it was necessary to remove the tube, but he did say if I had an ep once there, chances of another is really high since its faulty ma. So he removed it during the operation. Guess everything went too fast that we got no chance to think.

After my op, I switched doctor already. Went to my current gyne who was more reassuring. He says sometimes it could be just a fluke lo. That my left tube was faulty to begin with. But at least I have another remaining one. He says sometimes healthy women with both tubes also take some time to conceive or dont even conceive so the most important thing is to have a happy outlook to life and just relax and take things naturally. He also never advice me to go to IVF or any assistive measures, he told me to go try naturally for a few months and then come back again if I am concerned. But he did discuss with me the process and details of IVF. Then after that I just basically relax and took things as they went and concentrate on building my health back.

My gyne is LC Cheng at TMC. I saw him for my first and now seeing him still for my second.
HI Frostt, yes my dr oso told me same thing after i did the HSG, that I can come again to see which side of the eggs will be every mth, if is on the left, I can try as it will be less risky. We didnt want to continue visiting him as we wanted to try on our own and stopped going.

for my case, I cannot take the jab u are talking about as my HCG is way too high at that time and the foetus spotted already has blinking heartbeat. veri sad... and i refused to look at the ultrasound when he located the foetus ~8weeks

even after I went for the ops and removed the foetus, 2weeks after I am stil +ve for pregnancy. And I am not sure if laproscopy is the same (I think it means keyhole), as though I got stuck in the right tube, he basically opened me up (11cm scar) and open up both tubes to clear my bad infections, as what he suspected, I had infections at both tubes. So the pain was reali excruciating. I stayed for 2nights and had spasms throughout the nites as the insides of me is giving me the pain.
hi earthling,

i didnt want to go for the scope as doctor says it will reduce my chance of pregnancy next time.
i already miscarriage once and this is my 2nd time.
actually i'm quite scared of getting pregnant again as i seem to have a high chance of miscarriage again.

have you ever thought of trying IVF? i think that is the only option for us who have history of ectopic and have a safe pregnancy in future.
hi all,
I juz had a ectopic pregnancy abt 3 weeks ago. It was quite sudden as i only found out i was pregnant a day before everything happened. I was only less than 4 weeks pregnant.

It started with mild cramps on the 1st day and on the second day, i had bad stomach pains. Went to see a GP and fainted at the clinic, which was due to low BP (blood pressure), and later i found out was due to the blood loss. Was rushed to A&E where they diagnosed to be ectopic and so i had to go for emergency op. It was supposed to be a key-hole surgery but my BP dropped to precarious levels during the op that they had to do a cut like a c-section to 'save' me and clear the blood.

My right fallopian tube was removed but i wonder why the gynae said i have 60+% chance of conceiving again.

I would like to ask if anyone went thru a laparotomy (like a c-section cut)? And how long before i can TTC again?
Hi earthling,

Thanks for the info. As the ectopic was on my right side, the gynae cleared my right tube but he also cannot gurarantee that the right or left is clear. He saw that I had moderate endo so I suspect endo could be 1 reason for ectopic. I rem 10 yrs ago, i did suffer from urinary tract infection, wondered if tat could be a cause of infection leading to ectopic?

Hi frostt,

What type of scan can scan if the ovulation is from the left or right side? Transvirginal scan?
Hi angelsky,

I can totally understand how u feel. Sometimes i think abt my own ectopic, i will still feel upset and weep. I can also feel some pulling pain on my right at times.
skye skye, i had a laparotomy. The recovery is supposedly longer than the laporoscropy because our wound is bigger, avoid lifting heavy stuff and get as much rest as you could. I had 1 month's hospital leave and MC from that operation. My doc advice me to rest 3 months before TTC.

twin stars, it did take me a long time to recover, but now when i look at my baby, i treasure and cherish my time with her more than anything because at one time I never did think it was possible for me to have a baby anymore
. So in a way its still a blessing.
Hi angelsky,

How long after the op then u start to conceive your first? Did u take any chinese medicine to help in conceiving?

Actually i m very worried abt my left tube as well. I dont want to go through HSG, now that my right tube also undergo surgery. Basically, I dont think i will ever have kids... I have endo problems n my right tube not good n i've got virginismus. It was really not easy to be pregnant, then when pregnant, it become ectopic... I really do not know what to do. All my sisters are currently pregnant or at having kids, which makes me feel kind of depressed.
hi twin stars,

it's just those ultrasound scan that you have a "stick" that goes through your vagina.

Oh after my jab, i started to bleed. i duno whether is it normal. but i don't feel any pain at all. do not know whether the chemo is working or not.
how long did you take to recover after your surgery?
Hi frostt,

I guess u r refering to the probe that goes inside the vagina.

Did your gynae advise what will happen after your jab? If u r worried, better to check with your gynae. After my surgery, i took around 3 weeks for the external wound to heal. As for the inner wound, it's more than a month. I couldnt walk fast or squat down for 3 wks to a month. When i try to squat down, i seems to feel a knot at my wound area, that's y i cannot squat.

Now is close to 3 months after my surgery, i can still feel some 'pulling' on my right side. Basically, I m still very worried if i can have kids someday.
twin stars, my circumstances are quite different, after my EP in dec 05, my hubbie got posted outstation for whole of 06, I joined him only in 07 feb and we conceived after 2 months of trying.

But I did see a chinese sinsei, who advice me to stop eating chicken, beans, red dates and peanuts, why he didnt say, so I just followed.

I can understand your concern, sometimes its really difficult, for me, i just could not face children at all for the initial part and I teach. But after darkness, light will come
hi twinstar,

today the gynae called me and said my hcg drop from 16000 to 10000. it seems that the jab is working. wil need to go for another blood test on friday to see whether it drops further
Gynae says bleeding and cramps are common as the jab is trying to dissolve the egg.And he is prescribing me antibotics in order to avoid infection.
Hi angelsky,

i feel that you r quite lucky to conceive after 2 months of trying perhaps chinese medicine also helps in some way. EP can recur so i really have no confidence in trying.

So, u saw the sinseh after your surgery till you conceive?
Hi frostt,

wow, good to hear that the hcg level has dropped. Remember to take the antibiotics regularly. That time my hcg level for ectopic is only ard 800, my gynae asked me to go for laproscopy to remove. How i wish i dont have to go through scope during then. I was so scared tat I cried in the clinic when i heard abt surgery. But it's also through this scope that i learnt abt my endo condition. Dont know if it's a blessing in disguise?

Tmr i will be taking my 2nd jab for endo. Dont know how effective is it? I went to see a chinese sinseh last week, but he refused to prescribe me with chinese medicine after learning tat I took the jab. He asked me to go back after taken all the jabs as he did not want to disrupt my cycle.
ya. im so glad that the gynae called me up to tell me the hcg is dropping. i was so worried for the past few days.

initially both gynae and i thought it was my fever that caused my sac to stop growing therefore i need to go for abortion.
But later when we found out it was ectopic, gynae says its a blessing in disguise that i had my fever which stops the egg from growing in my tube!
Hi frostt,

I can imagine the level of anxiety that u have for the past few days. Im happy for you that the jab is working. EP is quite an ordeal. Hopefully our next pregnancy will be a smooth one.
twins star, now looking back its a big yes, but the wait to see a positive sign can be quite un-nerving. I went to see for about half a year then I stopped becoz it was getting tiring and I just wanted to let it be. We gave ourselves 1 year to TTC if no success we will look at IVF. So in a way after that I also forgot about the whole TTC thingy in my first few months trying to settle down overseas. But upon seeing positive pregnancy, my gyne saw me as soon as I can come in case it was another EP.
Hi angelsky,

Thanks for sharing so much with me. Do you still see your gynae during the time when u take chinese med? Do u mind to share which gynae are you seeing? Thanks.
twin stars
, no worries, we are all here to offer each other strength and a listening ear ma. I used to go to to read about what others are going true and those with success after an ep.

I stop seeing the gyne who operated on me after the ep after my review with them. Then I switched to my current gyne for a second opinion just in case I needed any treatment etc, but he said to continue to TTC naturally first, it will prob take longer as well, since I may end up ovulating on the side that ep occur etc. So every month the chances is like 50%?

I have been seeing LC Cheng at TMC, after my EP and both my pregnancies.
can i know is there any food to avoid during and after ectopic pregnancy?

gynae just told me to avoid beans and stop all vitamins and folic acid for now.
Hi frostt,

As my ectopic is removed by laparoscopy, i avoided seafood n eggs. Not sure about your case, but most importantly is the vitamins since u want to terminate the ectopic.
Hi angelsky,

Again I must thank you for sharing such valuable weblink abt EP :p I had just read through most of it and I think the information is really helpful to me. I will continue tmr to finish the site.

Hi frostt,

Perhaps you can take a look at the link below:

This is found under the link that angelsky has provided which i thought it's quite relevant to you about methotrexate.
thank you for the link
it is so useful!!

i'll update you on my hcg level after my appointment with my gynae on saturday.
Glad that the site is useful, when I was in need of some help or to search for information, it has been rather useful. It was also good to read about what others had went through and the success that they had subsequently. It seems that not many friends around me know much about EP, so it was hard to get a listening ear
Hi frostt,

Hopefully your hcg level will decrease as much as possible. Waiting for your good news.

Hi angelsky,

i totally agree with what u had mentioned. All my friends or relatives around me all have a smoonth pregnancy. They cannot give any advice, to make things worse, my parents said that could it be I kept pets so clash with me. Sounds superstitious...
very true! not many people around us know much about EP. I've got a hard time explaining to my mom.
They don't understand the pain we are going through be it physically or emotionally.To them, its just a miscarriage, you are still young, you can try again .... i believe out of 10 people, 10 will say the same things.
Hi Twinstar,
Today's blood test result shows my HCG dropped to 6000. way to go!
I need to repeat the all the blood test again next week till it drop to 1000 then i can relax abit.
Complained to doctor that i was having cramps sometimes on my right side and left says its normal since my cells is swelling now. And i should stop bleeding after one week once my HCG drops to 0.
Ive been bleeding since 3 weeks ago.
Hi frostt,

Glad to hear that the level has reduced tremendously. Do you need to take another jab? That time, I had been bleeding ard for 3 weeks too until my laproscopy. After my lap, I do not have any bleeding anymore. My last blood test for hcg shows a level of 7.
Hi Ladies,

Just want to share my painful experience with my 1st baby, which turned out to be ectopic.

My hubby & I got marrried in November 2007 and had been trying for baby since then. However, due to work stress, I had got Shingles around end January 2008. On the 1st day of CNY this year, I saw stains on my panty, so I thought my menses had started, which meant our baby making failed again.

However, the bleeding went on for 2 weeks, which slight pain is accompanied. I got worried & went to see my prevous gynae, who cleared my endometriosis in Dec 2005.

She spotted a cyst inside & only gave me some medications to shrink the cyst. I asked her about the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, because I experienced the same signs as another colleague who had ectopic too. This gynae didn't do any check on me and just answered me it was impossible. Actually, I did a check in December 2007 with this gynae and I was perfectly allright. I couldn't believe a cyst could grow to a size of 4 to 5cm in 2 months time. I started to suspect whether she did a good job when checking on me in December 2007.

My colleague insisted that I seeked another opinion & recommended me to her gynae, Dr Peter Chew. He's a very careful man. He said any treatment could only be decided after I'm confirmed to be not pregnant. Therefore, he did multiple tests on me, such as Beta HCG & urine test.

To my surprise, Beta HCG showed that I'm pregnant. But ultrasound scan couldn't see anything. Dr Chew said he's worried that it may be ectopic, but asked me to rest & be bed-ridden for 3 days.

The 2nd Beta HCG gave us the bad news that it's more likely to be ectopic.

Dr Chew insisted that I admit into the hospital immediately for the operation. I was so disappointed when I heard the news of I couldn't keep my baby. I broke down in my hubby's arms.

27th February 2008, a date that I will never forget. It was one of the longest day that I went through. After the operation, Dr Chew confirmed it was an ectopic pregnancy & it was in my right tube and a 5cm emdometroic cyst. I was already having internal bleeding, which means I was lucky that I went to Dr Chew for 2nd opinion. If not, I might have died or have other complications, due to the overlook of my previous gynae.

It took me a long time to come to terms that my baby is gone, especially when I know endometrosis is one of the cause for ectopic pregnancy. I kept feeling like I'm the one who killed my own baby. I felt guilty & lousy.

Luckily, I have my hubby by my side to support me through the toughest period. Now we are TTC, for the past 6 months. I realized it is quite difficult to conceive, especially after what had happened.

Lastly, I want to share my experience with HSG, the test after removing the baby, to check whether the tubes are ok. For me, it's not painful at all. Yes, there is some discomfort initially, but it's not painful. So ladies who are worrying that HSG hurts, here I am a good example of not experiencing any pain.
Twin Star,

You mean you only went for laproscopy 3 weeks later after you found out it was ectopic?
how come take so long to go? shouldn't this be urgent case?
I remember when i need to abort my baby, it was a next day issue.

Hi Nic,
I fully understand the agony. I took 1 1/2 years to try for another baby since my first miscarriage and after trying for so long, my recent one was an ectopic. Worse thing is, gynae suspects its twins! One in my womb and one in my tube. And i'm still on jab trying to dissolve the one in my tube.
And i believed everyone in this thread felt the same way as we do.

Let's all try harder! :0
