Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

When u see yr bb for the first time.. U will know its really a dream comes true... So true for people like us who tried so hard to conceive...

Haha sounds like u really like to have twins... There is adv of having only one bb.. Easier pregnancy... May not need additional help to take care bb... Able to bring bb out alone.. With twins.. Its totally a diferrent story... Most of the time im stuck at home with the bbs.. Cant go out alone with the two bbs... Sleep is deprieved... Hands are so full sometimes that u dont even have time to eat...

Yup go see bb tins is a great pleasure esp for first time mtb!!
Enjoy yr shopping!

U have v bad morning sickness? Think of the bright side.. Morning sickness is another way to tell yr bb is progressing v well... Thou im the lucky ones who do not have serious morning sickness.. Only have mild nausea sometimes.. Can even travel overseas during my 3rd mth...

The binder was given to me by dr f.. But i thk u can get it from any pharmacy... There are sizes...

hi babe 79,
it's true that can't go out alone with two bbs and i can feel that u must be very busy taking care of them. i think if i have twins, i don't know whether i'll be able to cope with my morning sickness. now my morning sickness is quite bad. i vomit everyday. nausea 24 hours. and cannot eat and drink well. sometimes my lunch or dinner is just one or two pieces of biscuit. but like u said, i encourage myself that morning sickness is a way to tell me that my bb is progressing well.
i have a appointment with dr foong on 25th. after appt, me and my hubby will go to taka baby fair. tks for the info.
Hmm... Seems yr morning sickness is quite bad.. Probably due to yr high hcg..
Endure another one more mth and things will get better when u hit 2nd tri..
Take more biscuits.. It will help with the nausea..
Dont eat those foods that has very strong smell or taste..
Enjoy yr pregnancy!
babe 79,
tks for your encouragement. i can't wait to give birth.
babe 79,
i only told him that i'm having very bad morning sickness. i'm now 9 wks plus. i have appt with him next wk. i'll mention about my vomiting then. actually, i'm afraid to take anymore medicine as seeing medicines make me want to vomit more.
i'm worried about my baby only. hope my vomiting wont effect the fetus.
by the way, gleneagles provided any take away for baby after u delivered? i heard thomson provide baby bathtub.
Im sure vomitting wont affect yr baby.. Dont worry too much.. U are aldy in yr 9weeks... Hitting 2nd tri soon.. It will be the period where pregnancy is the most enjoyable.. Go shopping for bb items during this stage.. Cos when u hit 3rd tri u will et tired more easily.. And u will be more heavy by then..

Glen e dont give away bath tub.. They give a delivery bag where there are free small items like baby wash, clothes etc..
U can get nice cheap bathtub frm ikea for $12 i think.. U can also go shop for changing table, drawers frm ikea.. I find the changing table very useful... But of cos when bb grow bigger the table cant use liao..
babe 79,
i heard some experience morning sickness through out pregnancy. i hope i'm not one of them. i think i'm thinking too much. sometimes i have to remind myself that i shouldn't worry too much. not good for baby.
i'm just counting my days to go into 2nd tri.
yah, i forgot about ikea. will go there for shopping when i'm about 5-6 months. $12 for bathtub is quite cheap. u can use changing table for your 3rd one when your babies grow bigger. ha ha. i still have to try hard for 2nd one again after this. but for u, u already had two girls. u can relax.
Actually I didn't buy changing table, drawers for my 1st child. I changed baby on the bed (much more space) and drawers just used what I had at home. Like tat saved space and money.

Angeline: I think some ppl experience morning sickness only in 1st trimester and then it goes away after that. Seldom hear people have it thru the pregancy, it have, then must be tough.
this wk, my appetite came back a bit. but still have nausea and vomiting.
i'll see dr foong this friday and he will give me anti-nausea medicine.
Change on the bed not too good for our back.. Use changing table better cos it will not strain our back.. Its impt to protect our back after delivery..

Dont worry abt morning sickness.. At least its a happy problem.. Alot out there wish to have yr problem!
UPdate us on yr appt with dr f ya..
angeline: Yah it will slowly fade off and you will soon regain appetite in no time. I regained mine after 1st tri.
i'm now into 12 wks. next wk, i'm officially into 2nd tri. so happy.

my morning sickness is slightly better. i told dr foong that i'm vomiting 2-3 times a day. but dr foong didn't mention about anti-nausea medicine. so i also didn't ask for it as he said i should get better next few wks.
me and my hubby saw baby hands moving and legs kicking. suprised. didn't expect to see it too early. i was so happy and almost cry. that feeling cannot change with anything. baby is 4.4cm. i'll see dr foong again in one month time.
we didn't go to taka fair as i felt giddy. looking forward for another baby fair.
hmmmm, yesterday i quarrelled with my sister. i was so angry. my husband asked me to calm down as it's not good for baby. after i calm down, i felt sorry for baby.
Hi all, I'm searching for a gd ivf doctor. How is dr lc foong? Is he mainly gd for 'after u get pregnant' care or also good at fertility issues. Have already done 3 times so iui under another dr but sad that still no success.

Thinking of switching... Also is dr foong ok with transfer patients? Hv heard of horror cases of dr who demand that patients redo all the tests before they accept them and I don't think I take it if got to go thru all again.
hi white tiger, dr f is a great doctor and i would highly recommend him for fertility issues and general obgyn care. He's also very easy to transfer to, he won't make you repeat tests (unless they are outdated, like more than 6 months ago type).

I've done my fair-share of doc shopping and have no regrets doing ivf with him (even tho i haven't succeeded...yet!)
for me, dr foong is a very caring and good dr. i failed 3 iui and 1 ivf fresh cycle. but i told my husband that i would stick to dr foong no matter what. and finally i'm 12 wks pregnant from frozen embryo.
i'll say that he is good at fertility issues and also good for 'after pregnant'. i'm very comfortable with him.
but i'm not sure he will ask u to redo all the tests or not. i think it should be ok if your tests were done recently. make sure u get all the test results from current dr before u change.
for me, i brought pap smear result from previous dr. so dr foong asked me to skip it.
Hi ladies,

If you dun mind me barging into the thread after such a long time, would like to encourage you ladies to hang on and stay positive!

My twins, gal and boy are now 25 mths old!! Conceived through ivf treatments with Dr Foong. They are our blessings
Usual practise is bt on d14... Thats all..
But some request for another bt to feel more assured.. To see whether hcg increase/double...
Or when hcg is low on d14, dr f may request for another bt.
babe 79,
this wk, i feel better. so i think i won't have to suffer MS through out my pregnancy. i did oscar test last wk and the result was ok. i'm so happy that i already went through the 1st tri. feel more relax and less worry now.
Good for u! Start to enjoy yr 2nd tri now! Its the most enjoyable stage... Can slowly window shop bb items.. Then buy when its nearer to 3rd tri..

Ya i too feel relieved when i pass the 1st tri.. Everything is more stable.. Esp when pass the oscar test.. Now u will anticipate yr baby gender... After knowing gender u will anticipate his/her arrival!
u r doing ivf with dr foong? i don't know any food that increase follicles. for me, dr foong did a few scans before egg collection and adjusted the dose of injections. good luck for your ivf next month.
Thanks Angeline. Is the whole process from injection to egg collection relatively painless? Initially wanted to take 1 mth off for ivf,but now looks like not possible.
inject your own tummy sounds scary. but actually, is not painful. egg collection is done under sedation and about 20 mins only. so i will say the whole process of ivf was physically ok for me. except i was mentally stress for the result.
Angeline is right.. When u embark on ivf journey.. The physical pain is nothing compared to the mental stress in awaiting for the results during the 2ww...

U can try to eat more egg whites for protein to increase yr follicles.. I also had chicken essence to boast my egg quality.. Thou not sure whether these helps but no harm trying...

Luck plays a very impt role in ivf... If it fails.. Dont blame yrself.. Cos i believe u will need lOts of luck to succeed ivf..
how'r u doing? your daughters will be about 5 months old now? i'm into 16 weeks. my MS getting better except no appetite. last saturday, saw dr foong and we asked about the gender. most likely is a boy. but cannot confirm yet. dr foong said my placenta is a bit low and asked me to rest more. i'm a bit worried. hopefully it will go up.
Hi ladies, I am wondering if you guys know if Dr F treats patients with recurrent miscarriages? I have lost 2 preg (both chemical) in 6 mths and am very down now. I already have a son who will be turning 3 soon. I have no problems conceiving him. for my first and 2nd preg (which ended in chemical preg) i strike on the first try. However, from my 2nd preg to the 3rd one (which just ended today) took me 6 mths. Had to resort to IUI to get the 3rd. We found out that hb has gd counts but very poor morphology and motility.

Any of u had recurrent miscarriages? what did Dr F do? can share with me? I am gg to see him on 9th May.
babies AF,
i saw him last week saturday, 15 weeks. we asked him about the gender. he said there is something between the baby's legs. so most likely a boy. but not comfirm yet. is still early. i'll see him again on 19 weeks. and detail scan on 21 weeks. how about u? have u known the gender?
Yup.. My girls are abt 5mths old now..
Hands are so full with them.. But its a joy too!

One of my girl also have very low placenta.. Mine is total previa.. Means the placenta blocks the cervix opening.. So i cant do natural birth.. And also it wont have a chance to shift up cos its total blockage..
If yrs is only partial previa, it may shift up in the later stage of pregnancy..
My last visit was on 17 weeks but we were not able to see anything as the position that we could capture was from the side only. My next visit with him will be on 21 weeks and detailed scan on 20 weeks.

Are you eating the calcium pills that he provided? I always get very heaty eating the calcium pills and ended up not eating them.
mine is partial previa. hope it'll shift up. anyway, i may have c-sect due to my narrow cervix.

babies AF,
yes. i'm taking calcium pills. i want to vomit every time i take calcium and aspirin. but i try to take it. may be u can drink milk to get calcium. for me, i can't drink milk. will vomit out. r u sure calcium pills that make u heaty? i heard eating too much mango, durian and gingers will get heaty.
Calcium pills are not heaty.. Are u taking iron pills also? Cos usually iron pills are heaty and may make u constipated.. Got to drink lots of water..
Its impt to take calcium.. Yr bb needs in to grow their bones and u will too lose calcium when u deliver bbs...

I didnt take package with dr f cos i have twins.. Multiples cant have package...
Sometimes its not advisable to have package also.. Cos u may deliver earlier and having package means u paid for the visits when u didnt use...
It doesnt matter whether there is package or not as long as u like the gynea and he/she deliver safely for u..
hi baby,
i thought having package may be much cheaper. yah, u r right. it will be wasted if we deliver earlier. my husband also said that as long as i like the gynae, it doesn't matter.
I delivered much earlier than my edd.. One and a half mths earlier.. I delivered in my 34weeks plus.. Due to the fact i having twins and also some complications so i went for emergency c sect...
babies AF,
how many weeks r u in now? i'm 17 weeks exactly today. i don't feel any baby movement yet. i heard it will feel like butterfly or drum at first. do u feel it already?
Yes. I sign up for the lesson at thomson medical instead of gleneagles.. Cos its more popular among mtbs...
Angeline, I am about 3weeks plus earlier than you. I'm 20 weeks exactly today.

Yes, i felt it at 17weeks. It is like butterfly feeling, kinda hard to describe. I think it is more obvious when you are lying on your back. As time goes by, it will be more obvious and frequent.

Btw, are you working? if yes, do you face any employer problem?

babies AF,
no, i'm not working at the moment. me and my hubby tried for a few yrs for baby and i was very depresse when i couldn't conceive. so i quit my job a yr ago and only concentrated on trying for baby.
i heard a lot of pregnant ladies face problems with their boss and colleagues at work. r u one of them?
