Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

Kylie & Soho:
A few things that I would like to seek for your advice. I do see insurance thingy coming up in this forum a few times, but still am not sure its cost and how it works.
I have the rates BABIES AF:

If you put in 1 embryo: $64.20
put in 2 embryos: $176.55
put in 3 embroys: $889.44
put in 4 embryos: $2,494.44


Once you done ET, you must pay them within 7 days else not valid, in any case you won't know whether you're preggie yet or not. It's a gamble.

The rates from 3 and 4 embryos would differ a lot from 2 and 1.

I read papers yesterday govt letting them tender to raise prices bcos most insurance like not making much from it. Therefore, looking into raising the rates, maybe quite a fair bit.

But I think the change of rates will take some time to take place.

Thr clinic staff will give you the form after you've done ET.
BabiesAF: Hi, I'm ok thanks...been a silent reader! I've been waiting for my AF to normalise and my polyp to clear naturally before moving onto FET. Finally started my FET meds this cycle, will see Dr F on CD14 to check lining and polyp, hopefully if all clear then I'll proceed to ET soon and enter the long-awaited 2ww! When do you expect to move onto your stimulation phase?

shashan: are you are asking about natural IVF where there are no meds, and just wait till ovulation to harvest the egg that we produce naturally every month? if so, i'm not sure about the cost, but I'm guessing it will be cost of ER + ET + consultations/ultrasound (basically just minus the medications) - think should be around $10k?
Thanks Soho, it has been very informative.

BB: I also don't know, supposed to meet Dr F on 20th Dec for follow up. Think it will be stimulation then. How about yourself? When will be your next appt?

Dr F put in 3 embryos for me. I do not need the jab after tested positive for my pregnancy. Understand you need the jab, have you finished the whole jabs? Did Dr F say why you need the jab?
kylieteo: I am getting quite bad side effects from the jabs especially one called proluton depot which is administered by the GP. I am getting lumps on the buttocks which are terribly pain and itchy, and the lumps don't seem to go away.

I am persistent not to continue with jabs since I understand many patients need not go thru it. I also had 3 embryos put in.

Very disturbed by the side effects. I can't stop scratching and touching the lumps, it's so annoying, then sometimes I get numb on the thigh.

Mine is Dr Ng. Understand only Dr Ng patients had jabs after, and not Dr F patients.

Kylie & Soho: I heard that the trigger shot is painful as it is to be injected at the muscles of the butt. Is it true? Also, do you require to do injections during the 2ww? I am only at 4th day of suprefact and still quite terrified of injections.

Soho: I heard these jabs are required for the 1st trimester right? Why don't you suggest to Dr Ng?
BabiesAF: Actually suprefact is quite easy to jab small syringe, the one that would pose more difficulty is the pen type, which is like PUREGON jab. It moves in a clock-wise position sometimes it just doesn't move fast enuff!

But matter of getting used to.

I have had so many jabs the worst is the puluton depot, painful, leaves lumps on the buttocks, itchy and causes numbness. It is gel like and not liquid so harder to dissipate.

I have highlighted to Dr ng he said is common side effect but I won't want to continue to jab.

For Suprefact, I believe is jab till 2nd round of menses then you will continue with suprefact + Puregon (some ppl is GONAL F?) So more jabs when your 2nd menses come.

Yours is long protocol rite?

Actually when you try not to think of the duration of the jab, it ends faster than you realise it.
Soho: Thanks. Yeah, mine is the long protocol an I am still adapting to it. Then during the 2ww still have to jab as well?

But I heard that even if don't jab will still require to do inserts. Will it affect your pregnancy if you stop the injections just like that?
BabiesAF: If I recall correctly, 2ww I think had 3-4 self-jabs?. Correct me other mummies if I am wrong, because jab so much until quite forgotten.

Yes, also have to insert Crinone (lubricant with stick) for 1st trimester. Like using tampon but need not put inside, just squeeze liquid in.

Will be consulting my Doc to see if ok to stop the jabs. Honestly, not comfortable with the pain and itch, very agonizing.
BabiesAF: Next appt is on Thurs...if all clear then I should be doing ET next Sat or Mon

For the trigger shot, Dr F uses Ovidrel which is not painful, just inject into the tummy like Suprefact/Puregon. I think during 2ww may still may have to inject pregnyl to support, but I don't think that one is painful either.
Soho, your insert and mine is different too. Mine is Utrogestan (small tablet). Dr Ng's medicine and Dr. F's is different. Well... could be also due to every individual condition. Have you checked with Dr. Ng whether you can discontinue the jab since it caused the lump at your buttock?
Visiting him soon for checkup. Will be consulting him about it. Oh yours is tablet form. Looks like very different medicine.
Babies AF, during the two weeks after transfer, I have to do Pregnyl injection for three times- every 3 days. As why my suppression is longer, am not sure. Dr. F ever mentioned everyone's IVF cycle may be different. Some may need more medication and longer, and some may be shorter. That's why I never asked him why. Just follow his instruction=)
BB: Ok, we may not be doing ET at the same time but will be close. I will cheer for you. Do update us ya! You doing accupunture? I asked Dr Foong if I can eat multi vit but he didn't seem to support the idea, so I dropped it. But instead, supported for accupunture.

Soho & Kylie: thanks for your advice. I think it really have to depend on him. He knows best.
BabiesAF: Thank you! I've been going for acupuncture for a year now, way before I considered IVF...ya Dr F seems to be v supportive of acupuncture. Don't worry about the injections, protocols, etc...you're in good hands with Dr F!
Mine also around July. I dunnot singleton or multiple yet, will be visiting gynae soon.

What was your HCG? Mine was 300+ on day 12.
Hi Ladies, do you experience much bloating and weight gain from suprefact? I am only at Day 9 and am experiencing much discomfort, short tempered and have gainned 4kg. Argh...

I called the clinic and was advised that this is normal but my accupunture lady said that i'm more sensitive to hormones injections and predicted that I may experience OHSS from the initial stage.

If any out there experience similar symptoms, please advise me how to bring the discomfort to a minimal.
BabiesAF: Maybe you can check with Dr F he might have alternatives for you. Mine was with proluton depot which caused a lot of side effects.
Yes!! U have delivered my two princesses on the 4th!!
They are premature... Delivered at 34w3d... Thru emergency c sect... Cos i have eclampsia fists during my hosp stay... And dr f is away... Dr kumar did the op for me... Its really a drama c sect... But luckily everything went well...

Dr f told me if i had the fists at home.. I might lose my life and the bbs... When i hear that.. My whole body turn cold.. Really blessed that my darlings are well...
Eclampsia is a pregnancy complication due to high bp...
The fists is due to the sudden high bp...
Dr says its the top 2 maternal and fetal death reason..

How r u? Its been a long time since i see u post here..
Have u done yr fresh cycle? Hope everything is well for u...
BabiesAF: Hi, did my FET 2 wks ago on 13th, but sadly BT today is negative...I knew since Xmas eve cos my bbt kept dropping n have been having AF cramps. I think that helped to soften the blow when dr f called with the results. Am sad of course but have gotten over it n will see dr f in a month's time to plan next steps. Won't be giving up so easily! How abt you, what stage are u at now?
BB: Sorry to hear that, don't give up ok? How many did you transfer? Which day did you do your BT? You will be going through another cycle?

Everything is going on smoothly since day 1, except I feel bloated and etc... I am at stimulation phase, likely to do ER coming Monday. However, it depends on what is the outcome of follow up visit on this Thursday.
jiayou bb and BabiesAF, pls remember to stay positive and have faith in yourselves.

Meantime, eat brazilian nuts (get from Marks n spencer with chocolate), drink Enfalife, essence of chicken to boost your body.
BabiesAF: Tks, I'm ok really n looking forward to next cycle! Had to thaw 6 frozen embryos to transfer 3, so only hv 2 left. Those may not survive so ya, probably hv to start another fresh cycle. Did my BT yesterday, 14 days post-transfer. Wow, so you are almost coming to ER! Remember to load up on proteins to prevent bloating..

Soho: haha...I've been taking all those supplements n more! But will take a break for the next month..
Ladies, does Dr F advise you on the number of embryos to transfer? He is advising me to transfer 1 or 2 but i am thinking of 3 though. what should i do?

Soho: thanks, but really can't help feeling worried of the outcome. How are you coping? Why eat brazilian nuts? I've been drinking 'xue ge' to rid the heatiness in the body, egg white and nothing else.

BB: thanks, it is really good to hear that you are staying positive. Yes, I am gg into ER soon. I've already put on 5kg since supression days. Hopefully I do not put on additional weight.
Babies AF: My doctor (not dr F tho) advised me on 3 embryo transfer if I am keen on twins. After ET, he said may get triplets too
2 embryos also can get twins.

I am coping fine, rest more shop less. Tummy quite big already. LOL

They said eat brazilian nuts can help in the implantation, i think it really did. Although I had a hard time finding just brazilian nuts only got the ones from marks and spencer, they're really delicious too! So after ET, eat like 3-4 a night like a snack. You should try enfalife milk too...I drank it during the ER and ET period. Although I hated formula milk but bo bian.
Soho: thanks for your advice. I think i will go with my gut feeling and transfer 3 embryos.

Yup, I will get the nuts and prepare taking it as snacks. How did you spend the 2ww? Is it true that bed rest is required for the whole day and night?
I rested most of the time by staying home, went out few times like 2-3 times to malls/ meals. Watched a lot of dramas, which was great the time passed really fast and for all you know 2ww over..

Bed rest is not really necessary for day through night, I think you will get bad aches if you stay too long in bed. I rest like 2-3 hrs a day in bed/sofa watching TV programmes.
How are u gal? Its been a long long time since u last came here... Wondering how is yr try with dr f.. Hope everything is well for u... Miss talking to u le.. Hope to see u here again..
Ladies, I am doing ET tomorrow and would like to ask around what is the womb lining at the point of ET?

I asked Dr F but I was not given any numbers, he just mentioned that it is prety good. I understand that womb lining is very important for the implantation. Therefore, am very worried.

Please advise.
Babies AF: Actually you no need to worry so much, if dr f says the lining is good then should be fine, lining shld not be too thick or too thin, sometimes with some drugs like clomid usage can thin out the lining. But dont worry so much, I didn't ask for the measurement either cos too technical. Dr also said mine good, then I relieve.

Just remember to spend the day resting which I think u will stay there for at least 5-6 hrs bedrest.

After ET drink enfalife, it helps.
Hi Soho, how are you? it's only 5 days after ET and seems like 5 weeks.

In fact, I'm pretty much bloated now and having on and off cramps, bust feeling sore and getting insommia. wondering if you had the same experience during the 2ww?
