Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

I mean for supplements only folic acid.. Other supplements only started on 2nd tri onwards. Prenatal, iron, calcium and fish oil.
For support, i think i continue on inserts.. And duphaston if im not wrong.

Since u still trust dr f the most... Why not continue with him?

yes. i pray for a healthy baby too. that's the most important.
like baby said, since u still trust dr f the most, why not continue with him? me and my hubby really comfortable with him.
Haha.. Its ok lah.. No need to explain to us.. Do what u are most comfortable with..

Rest well and enjoy yr pregnancy!
I am so envious of u gals! I dunno if i will ever have a chance to know how it feels to be pregnant.. but i am feeling more positive after reading your posts..
I just started on gonal f..
little V,

yup, let's jia you and encourage each other bah... will be starting my cycle end jul...trying not to be stressed but its so hard..
yes. i conceived through ivf. i did my ivf with dr foong last october after 3 failed iui. he transferred 2 embryo. but i failed the fresh cycle. so i went for frozen embryo transfer last january. transferred 3 embryo. i conceived one baby.
Sorry. I haven't logged on for so long! Congrats on your little princesses. They must keep you so busy. it is nice of you to stay in the thread to encourage the newbees.

What a great surprise! I am really happy for you. Congrats on your pregnancy.

In case you are still reading the thread, how are you?
Hi hi!!! Feels so familiar... Hee...
Hows tins with u?
Ya my hands are so full with the girls... But thats motherhood right... Haha...

Yeah mann... Heaing the ladies talking abt ivf and pregnancies... It brings bk memories...
mine, roughly about $16,000 for ivf + fresh embryo transfer. there is no subsidy. can use $6000 from cpf. i failed the fresh cycle. so i paid another $3000 for frozen embryo transfer.
clinic number 64797267 / 64798732. there are three doctors. they open on monday to friday 8am-5:30pm, saturday 8am-1pm. close on sunday and ph. i think dr foong will be on leave in two weeks time.
no side effect. i had brownish spotting at 7 weeks. but not due to cardiprin. dr foong said could be cervix changing for the first pregnancy.
Hi all,
I am 24 weeks and since this is #2, most likely a c-section. My current gynae can't make it for my selected date so no choice but to chance to another gynae. can advise charges for each consultation? Is there any package for dr Fong? also, how is his c-section stitches? Please advise. Thanks so much.
i'm already 29 weeks.
how about u? so far so good?

i noticed brownish spotting on my panty liner when i went to the toilet at 7 weeks. i was so scared and panic when i saw it. after that i went to the toilet every 15-20 mins to check. but no more after that. i called dr foong the next morning and he asked me to bed rest.
i'm now into 29 weeks. i'm not sure about dr Ann Tan.
Wow time really flies! U are alrdy in yr 29wks! Still rem the times when u are still battling morning sickness.. And now u are near to the big day... U expecting a boy or girl?
Done with yr baby shopping? Now taka having baby fair.

Hello! Hows tins? How many weeks are u now?
yes!!!! time really flies. my morning sickness got better after 16 weeks. now enjoying pregnancy life. i'm expecting a princess. yeay... double happiness. i've done with window shopping. will do the real shopping next week.
Congrats!! Its lovely to have a girl.. I totally no regrets having two girls!! U gonna have fun dolling her up!
Hi baby, I m into 11 weeks already. It seems fast coz time files but these two weeks nausea is at it's perk n so sick abt it. It happens during evening time n dinner I cant eat much n not gaining any weight yet. Did ultrasound last wk, so far so gd. Gg for Oscar test on the 18 of august.

Hi Angeline, I hope my nausea will be over very soon.... Do u remember ur morning sickness stopped at which week?
my morning sickness stopped at 16 weeks. mine was not only evening n dinner time. it was 24 hours. even vomited in the middle of the night. about 9-10 weeks was the worst. i lost 3 kg during first trimester.
even though no more morning sickness now, i'm still very particular about the food. i used to like fried egg. now can't eat fried egg, will vomit out. and can't drink normal water since i'm pregnant. can only drink very cold water or ice water.
congrat! next week, u r going to enter into second tri.
Wow time really flies... Before u know it.. Yr precious is out!

Hang in there.. Morning sickness will be over soon.. And u will enjoy yr pregnancy more... And u can start to shop for bb items.. V fun!

So u still seeing dr f?
Hi Angeline, me too crave for cold drinks like soft drink or fruit juices. It's ok to take cold drinks right?

Hi baby, hvnt been seeing dr foong already. I hvnt shop for bb stuff yet coz dun knw gender yet
I drink cold drinks like crazy when im pregnant.. I feel so hot all the time! But i only started after i past first tri just to play safe...
Hi baby n Angeline, my hb tried to restrict me frm drinking cold drinks coz he said he read somewhere stating tat there r studies to prove that if mummy drink too much cold drinks during pregnancy, next time bb will hv excessive phglem during birth. U gals heard abt this before?
never heard about bb will have excessive phglem. but if u want to play safe, don't drink too much. take only when u r craving for it. should be ok.
I also didnt hear abt this... But if u are not comfortable then dont drink too much... Drink when u have strong crave.. Dont over worry... Just eat and do in moderation... Enjoy yr pregnancy!! U will miss this process stage when yr bb is out..
Angeline, check wif u. If I m not wrong dr Foong advice u to take cardiprin till 34 weeks right? Did dr Foong say thinning of blood which cardiprin does hv an increase in chances of miscarriage? Coz a frd told me so n nw I m hesitating whether to continue or not. Thks
no. he never mention about increase in chances of miscarriage from taking cardiprin. if cardiprin can increase the chance of miscarriage, i'm sure dr foong will not advise us to take it, right.
i heard a lot of miscarriages are due to not enough nutrients to the baby. so for me, i follow dr foong advice and take cardiprin everyday. now my baby is growing well inside my womb.
How come need to take cardiprin? Is it cos bb is small so need to take this med?
My whole pregnancy i never take this med...
Ohhhh... Thats strange... I never take this med le.. Didnt hear dr f mention before also...
Maybe now dr f ivf practice is to take this med...

i spent about S$16000-17000 for ivf + fresh embryo transfer. i failed the fresh cycle. i spent another S$3000 for frozen embryo transfer. and i conceived from it.
