Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

bluegal, you have PCOS? Cos normally PCOS patient will have long cycle problem. It also lower our chances of conceiving. Cos imagine we only have 6 cycle a year but for normal 28 days women, they have 12 cycle a year. our chances is cut by half! Plus we won't know when we will ovulate...
I didn't know clinic is shifting.. nobody mention abt it.. I'm not sure if he give mc for check up cos i nv take from him before. you can email him and ask. Or maybe call angeline and ask her. just go and bother her nvm one.. hee hee.. I call them until reception also know my cellphone number!
go and buy those pregnancy test strip from internet. only S$1 per strip can test all day long and won't feel so heartpain.. if you wan i can give you the website i buy from. I bought from them twice already so far very safe. I can buy a few hundred strip and use for the rest of my life with the money i already spend from those expensive pregnancy kit in singapore!
thks wanbb for yr info!

Seems like no one here remove polyp b4... Nw even more worried.. Its nt so common afterall... Scare scare...
babe79, i think it's quite common cos i heard of it often. don't worry abt it. everything will be fine. just get it done and over with soon then don't have to spend sleepless nights thinking abt it.
Who knows you might even conceive the first month after removing it! then remember spread some baby dust to us. Of cos, more to my side.. hee hee..
hi wan,

busy with work n son's exam and housework. maid has gone back a couple of weeks ago...

u moved to new house already?
Hi Wan,
I'll be going Gleneargles tomorrow, will ask them about the shifting again.
I found one website selling both pregnancy and ovulation test strip which cost less than a dollar each, order from them once, gonna order from them again, pm me if you wanna know their website.
i got mine removed in feb this yr.... like wat wan said better get it removed.. cos it can hinder implantation and also if it's near the cervix can get inflamed... it's a small procedure.. will only feel some discomfort in the lower abdomen but after a few days it's fine... there's no cuts or wounds.
happy, so fast your maid go back already. The other time we were just talking abt it.. so how's life without a maid? Not getting a new one?
I'm moving after i come back from shanghai. so should be early next month.

Bluegal, i just bought 25 HPT strip so don't think i need them so soon and i certainly hope i won't need more.. haaa! just hoping lah..

babe79, so it's quite common to have polyp after all... don't be worried anymore and go get it done. We are all behind you.. don't have to be scared..
Halo all friend,I back!

I thought u already shiftd 2 yr new house already?
Me vy vy buz since startd work not long ago,think will stop my ivf program 4 a period of time.
Jac, i'm shifting the things but i haven't shift in yet. Cos my girl not going china with me mah. so if i move her things to the new place then very mafun. SO wait until i come back from china then i move everything over.
going sleep already. talk tomorrow! good night!
hi ladies,

i heard that they are moving to the 3rd floor, besides the lab that we go for blood test. but dun know when.

i have some spare ovulation & pregnancy strips to give away. also have 2 boxes of brand new exsativa, unopened for sale at net of S$35 each including postage, expiry Jan 2010. did not expect to succeed on 1st ivf attempt so i have asked my fren working in TTSH to get for me in May. most likely will close shop after giving birth, so not keeping these. anyone interested, can pm me .
Hi Puppet,
I actually saw one of the gynae already change his name card to the new address, thus not sure he's shifting alone or the whole of the clinic will shift to 3rd level.
But I heard the shifting is in dec. Luckily they are not shifting out of that area.
Hi Babe79
I have had a hysteroscopy done but not polyp removal. The hysteroscopy was done by putting saline into the womb and then putting a camera in. No anesthesia even. I was able to also see the inside of my womb in the tv camera in the theater. It was not painful at all. Only a little discomfort when they insert all the stuff and put the saline in. But your procedure must be different if they are going to remove polyps they must be doing it differently. But anyway dont'worry about it since they don't cut or do anything. I went home the same day. I was only there in the hospital for around two hours I think in total. And jsut around 20 to 30 minutes for the procedure.
Wan I start treatment end of this month. Pls let me know if they shift office. I'll also need your help in locating the office also
I also had a very long cycle 44 days and sometimes over 50 because of the endo. After lap it went down to 33 days.
Ladies, i'll ask angeline this tues since i'm going in.
so watch out for my update...

Little flower, the clinic is in gleneagles hospital. as for getting there, i'm not too sure cos my hubby always drive me. There's a bus stop just outside the clinic. Have to check out the bus numbers.. Maybe you can try the hospital website. Or can anyone help out..??
Thanks gals for the info and support... it definitely helps to ease my tension... so i guess its pretty common afterall...

I read from the web that it is best done a week after af... but dr says can be done anytime before next af... but if doing it just before the next af due... it will not mess up the next cycle? cos i hope to do iui asap after the procedure... hmm...
babe79, i guess it's best done a week after next af cos there might be a chance that you conceive this cycle. It's clearly up to you. If you are sure you have not ovulate then shouldn't be a problem to do now. But if you have ovulated then there is a chance that you might get pregnant.
hi wan,

now got to spend alot of time doing housework. i'm used to having a clean house so i wanna keep up with the standard.

i kind of enjoy doing the housework and i sweat alot. hope can shed some weight..hee..

it's nice not having a maid around at home. but, will eventually get one. taking our time....


you've found a job! where r u working now?


yah. think it's better u do 1 week after af..in case u managed to conceive...
happy, you might as well engage those cleaning services for the time being. At least they do it once a week and you don't have do the dirty job.
My hubby also love to do housework. he says he enjoy the process where the dirty house turn into a clean place after all his hard work.. For me, I rather sleep in all those rubbish then clean up. hee hee.. So can imagine how messy i am. I feel very uncomfortable in the new house cos it's too clean! I prefer my rubbish infested old place..
Little flower,

Where will you be staying in SG? Usually i take mrt to Orchard mrt, then exit the MRT station to bus stop at Orchard Boulevard road and then take a bus if we are not driving. it's just a few stops away. Let me know if you need directions :p

But after the ER and ET, it's best if you take a cab home to rest if you are not driving

haa... i won't engage cleaning services for the time being. enjoying the sweating...

u very funny. it's easy to mess up the house lar. just don't pack and dont clean...hee.. but not good for your girl lor.
Did not know u so dirty n enjoy it so much.hahaha....Me opposite than u I like extremely clean,clean until cannot see any dust.
U know my boss askd me in 2day n askd me when do I plan 2 conceive cos 1 of t gal workg in tat company for 4yrs after give birth dont intend 2 work anymore,wan 2 look after her 3 children herslf.OK cut short,I told her ya planning not so fast n also vy hard 2 predict wat,so she said she needs 2 consider me again,I immediately reply her is all right 4 me if u feel I not suitable 4 tis post.
Women once join a new company sure will ganna askd by boss such question.Women already so pityful needs 2 go thrg IVF in order 2 conceive & in t workforce still have 2 answer such question,while men will nver occur such thing in tat life,vy unfair.

Ya starts not long ago abt a wk only.
better to do after AF.. cos that's when lining is thin and it'll be easier for doc to see inside and remove and scan for any other polyps.. that's wat dr f told me... even tho it can be done any time..

actually if do all the housework is very good exercise and sure can lose weight but i'm really lazy esp after work... so until now still dun dare to let go of my part time maid.. kekeke :p
happy, therefore i have no excuse to dirty the new house anymore.

Jac, i type alot of things then suddenly close the window! now got to cut short my words.
your house like new one lor. So well maintained. If people don't know one will think that you just move in..
ask your boss to hire a guy in the first place lor. Then don't have to worry already. Stupid right.. ask people don't give birth.. ask her don't sleep can or not. It's personal thing mah. Give birth then cannot work there.. she think she is operating nightclub. Office job leh.. Where got link..
guys got higher starting pay and most of the time, bosses all like guys one leh.. Alot of places also Zhong Nan Qing Nu. the lady boss will like to flirt with the guys, then the male boss will prefer to engage in mens talk cos of their ego.. haiz.. poor women..
I wont conceive this cycle cos since my last scan I did not BD with my HB...

eskimobaby, dr f never tell me that its best done one week aft af wor... he say can do it anytime before next af... hmm.. my procedure is scheduled on 24th this fri... which is abt one week before my next af... i wonder by then my lining is so thick dr f will not be able to see clearly...scarli he will miss any other polyps hidden in the thick lining....

gals who have done this procedure before...can advise me whether will there be bleeding after the procedure? if yes, will it be alot and how long will the bleed last? is it like af? need to wear pad after the procedure?
Dear all,
the clinic will be moving to 3rd floor next to the lab. But it's not that jap clinic. It's the 'wall' on the right. So they will open a door from that wall and the clinic will move there in Dec.
yes specimens of ur polyp will be sent for testing to make sure there's no cancerous cells... dr f even took pics of my polyps to see before he removed them to show me when i went back for review...

polyp removal can be done anytime... but just that i asked when was the best time.. this is my 2nd time of removal so i wanted to make sure it'll be 'clean' after this round and didn't leave any 'root' for future growth... by the time u r out of the operating theatre u'll be strapped with a pad.. bleeding is not much.. much less than af.... will go off within 2 or 3 days.. can just use panty liner
HI Wan & Puppet,
Thanks for the info about how to get to the hospital
I'll check the maps on the internet and try to find out the directions you mentioned.

Dear all,
Do you know the payment schedule at the clinic?? When do we have to make the payments when we do an ivf? on which days etc?
I have to transfer funds over there. Thanks.
thks eskimobaby... I still feel kind of scare abt the procedure.. Thou i knw its a small procedure only.. But still afraid.. Do u feel pain aft u wake up? Btw can claim insurance? Hmm.. Nw im abit skeptical in doing this so near to my next af.. Scarli dr will miss other polyps in my thick lining..
no pain.. just slight discomfort in the lower abdomen... my health insurance did cover me, i managed to claim everything...

i'm going to check with dr f today if i can start on IUI soon... how much did ur IUI procedure cost?
Little Flower, you will pay what medication you take with the scan and consultation each visit. So if you take more medication, then you pay more on that visit. During your ER, you have to pay the full package amount then on day of ET you don't have to make any payment cos it's included in the package when you pay during ER.
Hope it helps!
I'm going in next thuesday for my ET. so hopefully u see me coming back for review during mid nov when you're here. Just my estimation that you will be here by mid nov. Good luck to both of us!!!

eskimobaby, you remind me of the pictures of my 'inside' dr take during my lap.. It's quite scary for me.. I only take one look and i cluck it somewhere my bag and throw one corner when i reach the house. I nv look at it since.. My hair still stand when i think abt it now.
Little flower
I started suppression last week and will start stimulation on 31Oct.
Was given a breakdown on estimation of Dr Foong charges during my last visit;
OR Surgeon fees: $1145 payable 2-3 days before OR
ER surgeon fees: $460 payable on day of ER before ER begins
Hospital & lab charges: $7703
On my previous cycle, I paid around $13,000 including the above fees, charges, medication & scan with consultation. by the way you can charge all expenses to credit card.
Hi, so long didn;t comes here, got so many new faces..

<font color="aa00aa">Wan</font>, good luck to you !!! hope you can get a birdy tis round. Times flies.. My boy is 1 year old next months, but I still failed to pregnant naturally... think still need to go through another round of IVF.

How is your gal?
Think back the whole IVF process, really not easy... but what have to be done means got to be done. I suppose to see Tan Seow Bouy yesterday, but can't wake up cos my boy ngiau ngaiu at 5 a.m. so after millking him i go back to sleep. then can't wake up until 7 :30 a.m. !!!
Koala, so long nv hear from you. Knew you must be busy with your boy. Since it's the most difficult time now when he's learning to crawl and walk.. Xiong!
My girl very naughty now.. started to run around when we go shopping. So cutting down on shopping trips... Since she's the one shopping and we're the one running.
you intend to do another round of IVF?
Wow tat fast yr boy going 2 turn 1yr old already.I c Tan Seow Bouy halfway n quit already.heehee.....cos now time cannot make it.When I c her tat time I were told 2 c her every wk.How u can make it 2 c her every wk????????

How yr SH trip tis round?fun??????? Me planng 2 go over Perth end of Dec,hope hb wont last min say cannot.
Then is good 4 u wat,can slim faster cos u need 2 run &amp; caught after yr gal.hahahaha......
Jac, i'm going tomorrow morning then come back next monday. Sianz lah. go china. You know how i dislike going to china. I rather stay in sg to see my mum's face then to watch those china's ass.. hee hee.. just kidding lah. you know those women use toilet nv close door one.. then i saw their ass while they are shitting lor! even saw those pile of shit. damn gross..
The more i run, the fatter i get cos after running, i tend to eat even more to recover.. hee hee.
thanks for the assurance that the procedure is fairly painless... tml morning will be my procedure.. I done my first IUI in march this yr...cant really rem how much exactly but its abt near to 1k including dr visit and the scans... too bad i did not mgt to conceive on my first attempt... hope to succeed in my next IUI for my next cycle.... btw after doing the procedure..yr next af reports on schedule? flow the same?

when do u intend to do iui? u did so-iui before?
eskimobaby, just to check how much is the whole procedure? u mentioned u manage to claim all thru insurance... which insurer? mine is AIA pink of health... I hv checked with AIA...they say must have at least 6 hrs ward stay to claim... did u stay 6 hrs?
ya mine also pink of health... u will need to rest in the hospital for 1/2 day to let ur anaesthetic wear off.. so u'll be able to claim..

my total came up to 3K+.. so the bulk of it can be claimed by healthshield while the rest can claim under pink of health.. i got an additional 200 on top of the all the medical bills.. cos POH give additional 100 for tonics and 100 for each day of hospitalization.. keke

i dunno if i'll be IUI or SO-IUI... it may be a mixture... half pills and half injection.. depending on how i respond to the clomid... i wanna do it next month but my hubby wants me to start in dec after my hk trip... so still deciding now...

urs is IUI or SO-IUI?
hi ladies!
i'm also wif Dr Foong. done two failed IUIs with him so far.
am considering ivf next but need to go for keyhole surgery first - i have fibroids, and the largest has grown close to 4cm.

angeline just called to confirm my surgery for next month. has any lady here done keyhole for the removal of fibroids wif Dr Foong? how's the experience?

I have done laproscopy with Dr Foong before in Feb 2007.Removed 2 fibroids one 5cm and another 1 cm. did ivf in june and conceive..I am now coming to 5 mths pregnant with twins.

Regarding the laproscopy, if the laproscopy is in morning, you can go off in the evening if you are well..But usually get to stay a nite as i understand that some insurance co requires an overnite stay before insurance can be claimed. you might want to check on yours. i reacted to the GA and vomitted the whole day till almost midnite and could not take any food. So i was discharged only on 2nd day evening after i could eat my lunch and dinner and after Dr Foong's checkup. Dr Foong popped by around 7pm on day of laproscopy, another around 7am+ next day and the 3rd around 8pm on 2nd day evening. After that i was discharged. It was very painful 1st 3 days but after that i stopped taking painkillers as i found the pain bearable and it sort of subsided by 5th day. Urinating was also very painful on 1st 2 days, after that it was ok.

Yup today is dr f on lve but he squeeze me in for the procedure cos i waited for a week liao for him to b avail.. He hopes to use my tis cycle to remove the polyp then next cycle can do iui..

Dr f drops by to see me before he lve for his flight.. He gng to langawai.. Thk he is bk on tues..

my total bill is abt 2.8k.. I got a shock cos dr f says its abt 800plus.. Even dr f dr fee is over 1k.. So duno y he say 800plus.. I tot 800 for everytin.. Mine is ntuc healthsheild gold and aia pink of health.. The nurse let me stay for 6 hrs cos aia says need at least 6 hrs ward stay.. Glad to hear fm u tat can claim all. Mine was iui.. Since i can ovulate on my own so i dun thk i wan to try soiui yet

Aft e procedure.. I pee also got abit pain.. Dr f says will bleed for 5 to 7 days.. Bt nw the bleed seems lighter compared to tis morning right aft the procedure.. U mention u only bleed for 3 days rite? Nw u need to do tis procedure again?
