Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


how was your first F1 experience?

hi hi...
blue monday!!! but at least wed is a public hloliday. dont need to come back to work!!! hahahahah...
I didnt go any shopping over the weekend... ai yo.. really more busy than working...
think shall not shop until i go HK end of Oct...
save $$ now before i cheong cheong cheong hehhehe...

Wan, how was the F1? shiok?

wat were you busy with?

wah. another holiday. bringing son along? but, oct wrong time to shop for clothes, isn't it?
brought son for his studio photo shots..
then birthday parties.. so fast weekend over liao..
nowadays holidays sure bring son... DH will never leave him behind in Sin..
HK Oct shld be fine, maybe got sale for summer clothes..i will also try to get chanel or LV bag for myself there.. at least save 7% GST!!
got the chance to try out the tanyu pot over the weekend... cooked porridge with it and it cooked very fast.

i'm also going to hk but in dec and for work... hopefully my hubby can join me after that

how was shooting? did your darling co-operate? did you have to do monkey actions to make him laugh/smile? hee..

how was the parties?


u r so lucky. i hardly hear abt teachers need to travel for work. it's at most once a year kind but u got to go twice

so how do you find the porridge? which size did you buy?
oh yah... did u manage to get the agar gar for ur parties?

nowadays schools are going "globalised" too lor... many exchange programmes with school from other countries.

i bought the 4 litre one and i think it's just nice for the 2 of us. luckily, i didn't buy for my mum... i think for her would need at least the 5 litre one. the porridge 'nua' very fast and becomes like baby's porridge which we like.. usually if use metal pot will take very much longer. i think becos it takes half the time to cook so when it is cooked longer more flavourful
Me vy fun pls help help me.......Long ago I already discussed w hb sold off our current unit n shifted bk near my mum place n always got agurment on tat.N recently I discussed w him again,tis round he suggusted we sold off our current flat n temporary shifted 2 his mum place for 1-2yrs then decided which area 2 buy.Of course I totally disagree y dont have win-win situtation n y we mus always obey.

yah. good for both teachers and students. my son will need to wait till he is in p5 to have a chance to go on such exchange prog.

wah. u used the 4l to cook porridge and it's just nice for the 2 of you? u only cook half pot har? else, i can't imagine u eating so much..hee..

yes. food gets cooked very fast. but if cook too long, some ingredient might go missing..hee.. my mum was busy and left the pork ribs soup to cook longer at low heat. when she went back to check, the pork ribs shrank and the dried scallop disappeared..haa.. but, that's how the soup can be yummy..

your hubby should know that if you stay w his mum, the relationship will become more sour. he will be like the 9pm show...always stuck in between u n mum.

why he wants to sell now, stay at mum's then decide where to buy in 1 to 2 yrs?
never never fall into the "trick"... once u go in, never get out..
if cannot decide which area to move then better dont move. cos if you cannot decide now then you will never decide.. come on.. singapore is so small. how long does it take for u to decide?
the best way is to go houseviewing in entire sing for a few months, then decide which area u like best...
if dont bother to then dont move..
obviously he is buying time, then u buy time too loh.. sorry lah i am bad.. but i really dont want you 2 to keep quarrelling over his mother..

i managed to get Mrs chan, will order 2 agar agar from her end of Oct.. thanks for the recommendaton, the agar agar looks very good.. does it taste as good?

ah boy quite good... didnt get cranky until the end... managed to get very nice shots.. though it cost me $500!!! this boy really very expensive.. having 1 already spend so much, how to have 2?

aiyah. important is you are able to provide the kids with the basic and the education/enrichment classes necessary. i'm sure you can afford this even if you have 3.

certain things can chose to do when there's alot of spare $$
Of course I know where I wan 2 stay,buy near my parents place bukit batok but t problems is my hb dont wan tat area,always give me all diff kind of crap........I always discussn tis topic 2 him n now I not workg n my cpf can last abt a yr more if I still dont wan 2 look 4 job so I suggusted 2 him again 2 sell off tis unit so tat not workg n at t same time wont feel stress abt $$ tis n tat,then i can more focus on treatment etc.

frankly, for the location wise, i can understand why your hubby dun wan to move to that area.

he has been staying in such a convenient location and it's so near to town. take me for example, i'll never consider moving to a place so far away. so, u 2 will have to compromise and get somewhere both can agree to.

is it possible to get him to contribute the cpf also?
never mind lah...dont need to stay near your parents loh... y must stay so near them?
singapore so small, y must fight over this issue for so long.. maybe u find staying near his mum is a pain, he also find staying near your parents is a pain also leh or he doesnt like to stay so far in the west.. mus think from his point of view mah..
in life there are alot more difficult issues than this... give and take lah...
husband and wife meant to support each other for the rest of our lives.. fillial is all in the heart, not how close we stay with our parents mah..your parents also would not want you to everyday quarrel with your DH just to move closer to them right?

agree with wat jadefeet said. dun fight aredi lar.

yr mum is blessed to have a few children. but, yr hubby is the only child. he might not want a place too far away in case he needs to attend to his mum who is staying alone. u can always consider somewhere in between
no lah.. when all the ingredients are in is about half a pot..hehe.. still got leftovers for my hubby's supper..

for my school, P4 will have the chance... i just brought a bunch of them to nanjing during the sep 1 week holiday.. it was really an experience and at the end of it can see the pupils knowing how to take care of themselves... some of them were so lost the first few days.. dun even know how to take care of themselves.

i understand why ur hubby wanna sell now and buy in 1-2 yrs time... cos now u sell high also buy high... that's wat some ppl are doing... sell now, move in with parents and wait for 1-2 yrs later then buy... but since u know u can't get along with MIL then better not to move in... like wat they say in chinese... meet each other ok but live together difficult..

btw, i dun think it's good to quarrel over the house... if buy a house u and ur hubby end up quarrelling then the house also dun have good fengshui for u... can ur hubby use his cpf solely first then after u r ready and go back to the workforce then contribute? now u sell and buy u may end up having to use cash then still have reno to consider... so might as well hang on first and use the money for ur ivf.
ya... i like it.. not too sweet or jelat... i can slurp a few pieces at one go... and she made it with many thin layers of agar agar... like kueh lapis.. very pretty after u cut.
hey girls,
F1 is very tiring! also of people and the loud noise is unbearable. It's a good experience but i doubt i will go again. Maybe i'm used to watching tv at the comfort of my house.

jac, how's the discussion? treat your hubby very very nice until he move house then you can show him face. haa!
Eskimobaby is right n I also understand my hb wanted 2 decide asap cos market starts 2 drop soon so hope can sell at good price abt $600k plus-$700k.
Of course sell now at higher prices n buy at lower price then in t mean time I can shake longer times at home without any worried for $$ n can concentrate on treatment.Since I resign I already at home 4 7mths,times really flies,if I preggie now wait 2 more mths baby will come out.hahaha....daydreamg.......hahahaha....

How's 2 talk abt tis topic,once he opens his mouth jus askd how is yr discussion mus decide fast.die die he already make up his mind if sellg our unit then will shift 2 his mum place.I jus feel he vy vy selfish always think of his mum tis n tat n will nver think 4 my side at all.
Jac, my advice is nv move in with in-law! imagine you already not gam with her now. moving in will make the problem even worst. then have to face her everyday since you not working. How to live like that??
Ask your hubby to buy a smaller flat farther away lor. or rent one first. staying together is not a good solution or maybe it's the worst decision.
Tat y I feel vy fun now tat no win-win situation.VY VY FUN.........cannot control my emotion.U know I even have depression thinkg when shifted in always lock myslf in tat small 4 sided wall,n t worst is mus c her colour 2 survice in her flat.hahaha.....
jac, go your mum's house in the day lor.. but if you doing treatment, how to jab in her house and put your medication in her fridge???
sure ask alot of question one.. boring leh..
I watch fm TV,FI race really got alot of ppl going there n watch.So u buy t seat is stand or sitted seat,can watch vy clearing is it?
Pls lah yr gal tat photo naked 1 taken in Osaka.heehee....remember? vy boy boy lah dont put on blog lah,later yr gal will blame u 4 showing all of them.heehee....
Thank I nver think of tat question yet,I can guarantee u sure will askd tis n tat.Imgaine now dont stay 2gether,she will dig info fm his son tis n tat,if shifted in sure will know our things even more by then she can control bk his son again maybe including me.XIANZ........
1 thing I really buay tahan until now I feel tat she still feel tat I cannot take care of his son,if tis is t case,y dont askd his son 2 divorce me then she can totally control bk his only son,eat until so old still got tis thinkg,mus well askd her in t 1st place askd t son dont involve w any gals better.

where were you watching the race from?

it's nice to get the feel of it but i feel it's better to watch the tv as it covers the whole circuit. when there's any accident, they will replay it. i came back to the office for a while that night. wow. very loud man! can't imagine how noisy it was for you.


talk to your hubby. he must understand there will sure be lots of quarrels and complaint if he insists that you move to stay with his mum. he can be 100% sure. will he wan such thing from happening?

forgotten to reply yr posting..hee..

sounds interesting. yah. good exposure and training for the kids. did they have to wash their own clothes?

is it true that the destination is usually a place less advance/equiped than here? i heard this from somebody sometime back. one of the intention is to let the students here feel how blessed they are and to treasure it.
yeah... i think most of them learn to appreciate what they have now.. but how it'll last i dunno lah...keke... nope, there were china aunties there to take care of the washings... but kids at that age, u'll be surprised when to change their clothes they also not aware.. like jeans if not sweaty can wear 2 days but some 4 or 5 days still haven't change.. can really faint..
Jac, i'm seated near suntec city there. got allocated seats. the cars are too fast already. by the time i see the first one corner away, i cannot see the second one..
that picture look just like my hubby leh! very funny right? haa! i can't help laughing out loud when i saw that picture.
now you already cannot stand her, how to stay together.. I also cannot imagine myself with my in-laws, either they die, or i die.. hee hee!

happy, there is a very big projector screen infront of us but it's very confusing. since have to concentrate on the cars coming plus look at the screen.
when the cars pass by together for their first lap,my tummy hurt so much from the sound vibration! but after 2nd lap then slowly my tummy not so painful already. my hubby yesterday still ear pain. it's so freaking loud, no wonder they won't let children below 7 in. I saw one preggie women there with at least a 7 month tummy! i wonder how the baby can take it. i won't go if i'm preggie. it's too dangerous.

oh...really can faint from the smell..hee.. i suppose my son should know when to change his clothes.....i think..hee..


har...how come tummy can ache one? i thot at most headache or ears ache...tummy ache? not connected lei...haahaaa..

yah. cannot bring children.. i believe if kate was there, she'll be so scared and u two will have to leave after the 1st lap.

the pregnant woman? dun worry. the foetus must have covered his or her ears..hee..
happy, i think cos the cars all come by at the same time therefore my tummy pain lor. after the 2nd lap, the gap become bigger so it's more bearable.
the baby must be very scared inside the tummy. poor little cute cute..
thanks for the recommendation.. look forward to try it...

when are you moving?
choose an auspicious date?
jadefeet, should be next week. but just doing traditional ritual. actual moving date still don't know yet. slowly move everything then people also move in.
good good... faster move... at least u wont be so stressed up with your mum..
get it over and done with.. try to target within 2 weeks must move and unpacked... dont delay if not things will never get done, boxes will never open
once settle in liao, then you can start your program liao.. X'mas n CNY very close.. 1 month apart only...
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm flying over to Singapore for ivf treatment next month under Dr. Foong's care. I've been reading your posts and think it's really great the way you support each other through this difficult period. Any advice you can give me on how to prepare for ivf will be great. it will be my fist attempt and my last I think since we won't be able to afford it again.
hi little flower,

welcome to this thread

where are you flying in from? how did you find out abt dr foong?

for advices, if will be good if you can go thru the archives from around mid jun 07 onwards. i think 2 gals went thru ivf during that time. one of them (Curl) started in mid july. some sharing and tips were pretty good....abt what to eat etc to reduce OHSS. do check it up
jadefeet, i've already started the program! ha ha ha! it's my day9 today and will be going in to see dr on monday.

little flower, avoid beans, they are said to be bad for the quality of our eggs. Eat more protein food like eggs to avoid OHSS. Some says they eat an egg a day before stimulation then 2 eggs everyday after! I nv try that before since nobody advice that during my time. After transfer, avoid cold drinks and drink more warm water. Might help in the implantation.
That's all i can remember... hope it helps.
Really ah! power gal.. then when it the procedure? sorry ah.. i duno what it the term and dateline...so meaning by end of this month, u will know if you are preggie or not?
hope this time everything goes smoothly for you...
dont be too stress over moving house then.
take thing easy
can recruit movers to pack and move for you, dont even need to lift finger, use mouth can liao..
Hi Happy,
Thanks for the information. I'm from Sri Lanka. My doctor there recommended treatment with Dr. Foong. I'll read through the archives. I read some information posted in August. But not June. I'll check from June.
Hi Wan,
Thanks for the advice. We eat beans at least twice a week. My husband likes it. Ate it even today!!

I'll stop eating beans for these days. I'll also eat more eggs.
anyone knows why the breasts feels sore/swollen after ovulation? it's 8DPO for me i think... i didn't really monitor when's my O this time round.. didn't take temp or test with strip... we just wack when i see mucus...
Little flower, india has IVF too and i think it's much cheaper there. Plus they can chose gender!!! I'll be happier if i can chose a little boy here.
So you will be here for your injections all the way until your ER and ET?? how abt 2 weeks wait?
It will be like 2 months for the whole treatment to finish.

eskimobaby, it's normal to have sore boobs. I have them every cycle after my ovulation. It's also a sign of pregnancy but won't be so soon cos if it's 8DPO, then the embryo just implanted only. Wish you luck!
i hope so too...usually my sore boobs happen a few days before menses report... so now wondering how it's so early way before my period reports...
Wan, I will be getting the first part of the injections in Sri Lanka and then flying to Singapore for the stimulation stage with Dr. Foong. My doctor in Sri Lanka is coordinating with him
I dont'know whether I'll be able to stay for the 2 ww but I plan to stay about one month over there. How long does it normally take from the start of teh down regulation injections to reach the ER stage?? I have to plan when my husband should fly in. I just read through the archieves and I got to know that you recently suffered from implantation in the tube. I'm so sorry. It must have been heart breaking for you. Thanks again for answering my questions.
eskimobaby, i also forgot when my boobs begin to hurt when i conceive. You can start testing in a few days time.
I bought my HPT from the internet. it only cost $1 per strip. maybe you can try getting yours there then at least not too costly to test everyday. But the delivery takes one week plus so it might be too late for you to buy now. hopefully you won't need them. Then can pass me some baby dust! I need them badly..

Little flower, you don't have to stay for 2ww. I read up from the net and it's okay to fly after ET.
from the stimulation stage to ER and ET will be at most 18 days. So you don't have to stay for a month. stimulation might take abt 10~12 days then 2 days before ER(hubby have to be here) you have the HCG injection so after ER you will wait another 2 to 4 days for ET. So at most 18 days then maybe you rest for another day before you fly back. Maybe plan for 3 weeks stay. when will you be starting the suppression?
Im fine now so don't have to feel sad for me. Getting onto my next cycle and will be having my ET again soon! wish me luck!
Don't have to thank thank thank.. Just talking abt my experiences and thoughts. They might not apply to your case. So better to speak to your dr. BTW, you can email dr foong if you need clearer answers.
Wan, I'm starting treatment on the 28th of October. And then flying to Singapore after the supression stage. I've written to Dr. Foong already and he has replied that he will be able to have me as a patient during that time. My doc also has been in touch with him. It must be really exciting for you to have the ET soon. I've never really experienced the excitment yet since I've never been able to conceive yet. Wish you all the very best for the ET. You sound like a really wonderful person to take time out to write to a total stranger about your experience and help out. You really deserve the very best.
my hubby was saying always test and test dun have... this time dun want to test liao... i also think so.. always test and end up in disappointment.. so just leave it this time round... it may just be poor water retention... i bought some over the internet.. but i was dem blur... that day i was testing for ovulation and ended up using the HPT strip... tsk tsk... waste 1 strip.. if i have baby dust i'll sure share them around... heee
Little flower, everyone here deserve the best. We are all total strangers yet become friends here.
so i assume your first injection will be on 28th oct which is your day 21? so you will be coming in during november. Your edd will be late aug.
Dr foong is a nice person so you're in good hands!

eskimobaby, can understand.. I have many many disappointment too. The first time i hold a positive HPT, i thought i'm dreaming. Hope we can both have this very sweet 'dream' come true soon!
Jac, where are you?

little flower, i might be starting my treatment around your time. my womb lining is not thick enough so might have to cancel this cycle.. what a bad start for me today...

at least now find out then next cycle can take something to make the lining thicker and then ur embryo will be able to plant itself comfortably in...
