Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

very sad to waste time again.. Next cycle I have to take 4 pills a day to increase the lining. Anyway, will go in for another scan next week to see if my lining is thick enough or else really have to forgo this cycle.

Dont worried by t time u c Dr.yr lining will be just nice,anyway not 2 worried by t time u do yr ET they will askd u 2 take pills 2 control yr ovulatn.
Me having flu so nver askd u 2 go out recently.

n having vy bad mood recently 2.
hi all,
was so sad, last menses was 21st Aug, but still tested negative. Have all the symtoms (breast full, stomach bloated and experience the menses cramp, higher body temperature) but why won't the pregnancy kit show me the result i want? Anyway had made an appiontment with dr foong, hopefully i'll know what's wrong with my body soon.
sometimes when we read too much into the symptoms we will add on stress to ourselves and ended up the cycle also go haywire.. i totally understand how u feel.. happened to me in june also... cycle suddenly over 45 days but yet didn't have any BFP.
Hi wan and eskimo,
I have very sore boobs and dark areola since conceiving. My boobs have grown very big!!

Little flower and wan,
Good luck for your coming treatment!!
fyi, little flower i drank chicken soup twice a week during the suppression and stimulation stage till i got sick of the smell.

I'm coming to week 17 this Wed. MS just starting to get lighter these few days. Hope it'll taper off :p But still can't keep the vits and calcium pills down so long though.

I am so ironical. tried so hard to conceive and now i'm lamenting to hubby on loss of freedom, cannot travel to far far away places and come and go as we like, no more Er Ren Si Jie and have to move to parents'house and "see" their faces. Worry whether can cope with the babies, getting 1 or 2 maids etc I suppose this shows that i am feeling better to have time and mood to think of all these :p
Jac, i also having flu. i kanna this virus for 3 times already. My hubby spread to me, then to baby then i spread back to him then to baby then he spread to me again and now my girl having fever.. wonder when this will stop..
i'm not worried abt my ovulation.. since i don't really ovulate at all. hee hee. Dr say if too long then lining become thick, he will forgo the cycle too. cos the lining is old already. he rather start with a fresh new cycle..
why you bad mood?? still pondering if you should sell the house?

bluegal, high temp is a good sign. maybe it's late implantation. better to go for blood test to comfirm. Maybe you can ask angeline to arrange a blood test then don't have to see dr mah.. hee hee. got the result already then see lor.

puppet, i thought it's no good to eat chicken during IVF. chicken has been jab with hormone jab in order to make them grow big and quick.and the hormones can disrupt our hormones balance during IVF. Mayeb organic chicken or kampong chicken will be okay..

Enjoy your freedom now.. very soon, you will have 'company' and they will stick with you for a long long time.. One fine day, you will start to wonder why you embark on the IVF journey and get yourself into this mess.. hee hee..

but at the end of the day, it's all worth it.
sore boobs can be a sign of conceiving but also can be a sign of the menses coming :p
u will need those big boobs to generate all the milk since u r having 2! hehe
Maybe tis time round u really strike,dont give out hope as long as yr menses still not here yet.

Pls lah whole family take vit C,is good 4 u all,if u need I can help u 2 get fm GNC tis coming nov cos is my bro birthday month got vu good discount.
So when u will shift 2 yr new place,do u need any help pls let me know OK,I sure help anyway I damn damn free.
U know recently went 4 interview,all askd t same question,since u tender in apr y rest so long then look 4 job is it yr health got problems etc.xianz.......
Me never thought of sellg t house in t meantime since both me n hb cannot compromise on it so jus let t matter ting ding 4 a while.Me n hb now hardly communicate 2 each other at all,can talk less than 10 words in a day,can u imagine.Me also sick n tired already,so jus let it been.
Jac, i think really need to take vit c. see when we go out together then we go buy lor.
i'm moving this weekend. my hubby friends will be over to help out. so far still okay lah since most of the things are new and delivered there. only move the clothing and stuff here. thanks for the offer. when my house is ready then you drop by lah.
you can say you have been working for years and wanted a short break to travel. maybe lie that you travel to a few places during this 'short' break.
aiyo.. why like that.. not healthy to your relationship leh. must communicate mah. don't dou qi anymore.
today i went to the guan yin temple and draw a lot for advice of my FET. I ask if i should delay or what since my lining is very thin. Guan yin say things will be better later. I was thinking later means next week my lining will be better or next cycle do my transfer better???? Sometimes very strange cos really ans what you wanna ask lor. funny hor..
I thought u did say dont askd tis time round n let t nature take it course.heehee...
Cos u yrslf nver ask properly mah so u get confused lor,it all depends on which u askd 1st,if u askg abt yr lining 1st then is hope 2 continue,if u askd is delay yr cycle then is better do on yr next cycle.
Hey u dont have any sincere lah 2 invite me 2 yr place,askd me 2 drop by myslf once yr house is ready.heehee....
Jac, i struggle for very long then go ask.. hee hee.
I forgot which i ask first leh.. i guess i ask if to delay or not.. so guan ying ask me to delay until next cycle lor. Anyway i see how is my lining next week lor. if cannot proceed then must cancel also no choice.
aiyo.. i also nv do house warming. i going china on the 24th then come back 27th so next month then i invite you over lah.
Wow so shiok travel again.
U better more careful when u in China becos of all t poison foods.
Some of the thing u mus follow 4 new house regulation on yr tat actual day.
1. mus boil water w kettle(those kettle when ready got sound 1 lah)2 show wang yr house.
2. mus buy full rice in yr rice container 2 show got thing 2 eat 4ever.
heeheee.......vy aunt hor.
Jac, not shiok at all. it's business trip and i don't like china. very dirty and people there is not civilise.. I also worry abt what to eat there. the last time i had a week of food posioning.. sob!!
this sat will be the actual day and tomorrow most of the furniture will come in.

I'm having brown discharge leh.. I think guan yin is hinting me.. hee hee..
which part of china r u going?
if its shanghai or beijing, the food still ok lah.. make sure u eat in nice hotels or big restaurants
Hi Wan, I'm sorry to hear that your lining is too thin. Next time you will be able to take more medicine and get it just right. If you are starting treatment around the same time we might meet at the clinic. I'll keep you posted on when I arrive in Singapore. My doc said he can't give a definite date as he has to see my response for the first two weeks treatment first.

Hi Puppet
I read about the twins. I'm so happy for you. When will you know the gender? I love chicken soup.

hi Eskimobaby & blugirl,
I understand what you are going through. I had my period delayed till over 50 days once and I thought I was pregnant.....it was horrible to discover that I was not and it was the endometriosis returning that caused it...But I haven't given up hope..I underwent another laperoscopy and here I am hoping to undergo IVF now.. Let's hope for good news....
jadefeet, i'm going shanghai. The previous time i'm very careful with what i eat then only eat at hotel or restaurant but also food posioning. therefore i'm really angry with china..

Little flower, i guess i might be starting my treatment abt your time cos now i'm having brown discharge again and maybe i'll wait for a natural menses to come. Meaning i won't induce my menses this time round. So it will take abt one month plus cos my normal cycle is abt 51 days!
I email dr already and ask for his advice. Waiting for his reply now..
do let me know when you're dropping by. Maybe we'll have the same 2ww! Can encourage each other during that difficult time.
i go to the guan yin temple at si ma lu and the guan yin niang niang there has been answering our prayers in terms of my hubby's career, but i'm still waiting for my blessings hehe... i'm not really a religious person but it would always come to mind that i would want to go to the si ma lu temple.. so i would only go there... so i guess that's fate ba...

Little flower,
all the best for ur IVF and hopefully this trip to sg will be a fruitful (pun intended) one for you
Shanghai is a nice place 2 go not 2 worried 2 much abt t food poisong.U go mus buy bk t green tea biscults,is really vy nice.
U really vy lucky women among us,no need 2 work n yet can most of t time travelling.
eskimobaby, ya lor.. i also don't always go temple except for si ma lu and the four faced buddha at bangkok. I always draw lot at si ma lu and it's always very accurate.

Jac, who dare to eat china food now. if you wan i can buy for you. but provided i see it lah.. any brand in particular?
i just call the clinic waiting for dr to call back. I'm bleeding now again! guess it's really fated that i have to cancel my cycle. i think i allergy to the drug leh.. you also take progynova during your FET?? I wonder if there is other drugs to take.
Shanghai is still consider ok.
You must try the restaurant Xiao Nan Guo (chinese words: small south country).. i used to eat that almost everyday i am there.. safe safe
street food forget it... if u r in PuXi, then you go Jiu Guang (jap department store) - nice shopping n clean restuarant at basement..all jap stuff at teh supermarket.. i go crazy there
other than that i dont know liao...
but given a choice, i wont want to go china unless absolutely necessary.. everything there also dare not eat..
dont take ice hor... drink straight fr the bottled water.. even the soft drinks can also must wipe with wet wipes..

is this the 1st time u bleed in betw cycle? M sure Dr F has an explanation for it and a solution... pray hard ok
No thank.
But in yr last FET u also taken progynova rite n no problems during last cycle so I think is not due 2 tat progynova lah,guan yin liang liang already hint u in yr lot,not mah?heehee.....
So yr next cycle let t menses come naturally but take indue pills,all t long I feel tat taken 2 much induce pills is no good 4 our system.
Jac, guan yin liang liang really very chun! i talk to dr and he say maybe i take flu medication and the progynova is not absorb into my body therefore i'm having my menses now!!! So i have to stop medication, let the blood flow and start my progynova on day 2 again. this time round, i'm taking 4 pills instead of 3... If my menses nv come full blown tomorrow then i have to wait until the next one then i can start my treatment... sianz lor!
the funny thing is if tomorrow my menses full blown then i will do my transfer abt the same time as last time. Hopefully this time successful then my EDD will be abt the same as my girl's birthday!!!
Last time round i also bleed but towards the end of the 2ww then i bleed lah.
Wan, I'm sorry to hear about the bleeding. Hope things work out the next cycle. Keep faith. I'm also a Buddhist.

Girls, Can you recommend a temple that I can go to in Singapore? I'd like to also pray while doing the ivf.
Little flower, come to think abt it, i know of a monk from sri lanka years back. We donated to him for building a new temple in sri lanka. My dad has been so busy with his volunteering work that he lost contact with this monk. it's such a pity...
check this out, Singapore’s oldest Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist temple, Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist Temple at St Michael’s Road..
Or you can check the website of another temple http://www.mangalavihara.org.sg/history/
The address is at 30 Jalan Eunos. I'm not sure of these places cos i nv been there before.
if you don't mind praying to chinese buddhism temple you can drop by at one on waterloo street, near bugis MRT. You let me know where you will stay then i check out the nearest temple for you. how?
I had those kampong chicken, same skin as usual chicken but black feet. hubby had to especially go Tekka to buy. So hopefully no hormone jabs.

Maybe i am like those crabs that weigh very heavy but when you buy home and cook, no much flesh and water comes out..hahhaha..Big boobs does not equate to more milk.. I am already very busty when not pregnant, now i just think my boobs really very big!!

Little flower,
Dun know gender yet but i got a feeling i am carrying 2 gals.
Hi Wan,
I don't mind praying in a chinese buddhist temple. I'll be near the Sesame underground according to what I know.

Dear all,
I'm getting really really nervous and excited as the dates for the ivf is getting nearer... I feel scared. Really really scared.... we are investing almost all our savings on this ivf. We won't be able to do another cycle if this fails. Now I'm feeling a lot of pressure and I find it very difficult to think positive. I've been so disappointed so many times now I'm scared to keep hopes. I'm scared of keeping hopes because I'm scared of how I'll cope if it fails how. And I know that if I think negatively it will affect the treatment..how am I going to get positive thoughts in my head? I tried looking at baby cloths today (I usually avoid going to the baby section in shops because it makes me sad. But I'm still thinking negatively Pls help how did you'll cope?
cool... talking abt feeling... i was having weird feeling recently... so i thot it might be my time already but then it happens that it's in my family... my SIL just found out she's pregnant... i'm really happy for her... she's been trying for some time too.. and my mum has been looking forward to a grandchild from either my bro or me..... but i'm feeling sad at the same time cos my mense just reported today! but the good news is my cycle this time round is 30 days so hopefully means that the sinseh's medication is working and my regular cycle is back.

Little flower,
i guess it's normal to feel wat u feel rite now... u might be adding more stress on urself by forcing urself to think positively and when u dun u are also frustrated... u've already come so far and have also gone thru disappointments but yet u r still willing to continue trying.. that in itself is strength... so give urself some time to adjust and hope for the best...
Hi all
I would be starting suppression for my 2nd IVF cycle with Dr Foong next week, was wondering if anyone have heard of whey protein being beneficial during IVF cycle. If yes, any idea when to start talking it. thanks...
little flower,
when will u be starting your cycle? I am a singaporean living oversea and is flying back to SIN for the cycle, if we doing IVF around the same time, we can meet up to support each other...
Puppet, kampong chicken should be safe.
did you paste any baby poster at home. the ones i have turn into baby girls after a while. Initially i bought only poster of baby boys. And end up i'm really having a girl!

little flower, i'm not sure where that is. do you have the street name?

eskimobaby, can understand how you feel. the other time my sis and cousin is pregnant when i miscarry. happy for them, sad for myself...

tassa, i only started srinking protein drinks after my transfer as i develop OHSS. some of the girls in IVF thread started drink before they start their stimulation! they say it's to prevent OHSS. I'm not sure if it helps.
Protein helps in producing good quality eggs. You can also start taking folic acid if you are not already doing so right now.

little flower,
Thinking positively helps. Dun think of failures. You are doing the best you can right now and one day you will succeed. I believe in fate and at that time, i just tell myself that i'll do what i can and dun worry whether the ivf is successful or not. i din tell my office that i was going for ivf, only some close frens and relatives. I also print out my 3 month old nephew's photos and put in bedside my bed and look at the photos often and tell my embroyos to stay tight and implant. Now i still look at the photos and tell my babies to grow healthily, cute and smart like their little cousin :p
Hi puppet,
Thank you for sharing your special experience with me. I've also heard that it's good to keep children's photos with you. There is a little boy living in the flat next door to mine. I go there every day. His mother gave me a photo of him. I'll try keeping it near me. I remember my mother had a pciture of a baby too when she was carrying my sister. I'll try to find that pic before coming to singapore so that i can keep it near me. I have also not told many people at all only my very close friends and relatives.

Hi Wan I think I got the spelling wrong. The underground station nearest is 'Simei'

Tassa, I start my down regulation end of October and only come to singapore begining of Nov. Let me know when you will be doing the treatment.
Hi Eskimobaby
I understand what you must be feeling. My sister in law also got pregnant and I'm still trying to get pregnant. Everyone kept asking why aren't you having kids? See your SIL is also pregnant and she already has children. Don't you like kids? kind of questions when I was trying so hard. When I try to explain it's difficult and not working they look at me as if I'm some kind of an outcast. It hurts so very much. The funny thing is they ask you today for example and then when they see you two or three days after they ask you again!!! and again and again. After a while I just stopped trying to explain and started actually avoiding going to parties and even sitting next to these people who keep bugging me. It can get so very hurtful.
Little flower,
maybe in this sense i'm still quite lucky... so far relatives and frens have not been making insensitive comments.... and my mum was quite sensitive to my feelings too when she broke the news of my SIL's pregnancy to me... frankly i am trying to grapple with my own feelings these 2 days.. but i also realise something today.. that my failure to conceive should not overshadow how i live my life... i shouldn't dwell on it and count my blessings since except for this everything else is going well.. having said this.. i may just feel crappy again tomorrow morning :p

actually, i've avoided discussing about the difficulty of conceiving with anyone except here in the forum.. not even with my mum.. cos i dun wan the pressure of having to answer their questions about wat kind of treatments i'm having or get their hopes high.. so usually my answer is 'to let nature takes its course'.
Little Flower, oh Simei! Eunos is not very far from there. Maybe you can try the website i gave you.
i guess everyone having difficulties to conceive has the same problem with relatives and friends. I just tell them we wanted some time alone without the kids first. then when i conceive, i say it's accident! Haaaa! Actually i'm trying so hard.. now when they ask, i say i'm not ready cos my girl is still young. And once again behind the scene, i'm working extra hard to get myself pregnant by all means! So sometimes i wonder if those relatives and friends also have problem conceiving but just nv show it out.
Dear all,
Thank you all for your support. It's really great to actually talk about this. It let's me share my emotions instead of having to bottle it up all the time. I try not to talk about these things so that I don't hurt my hubby by all the emotions I'm having inside of me. But it can be very stressful. I really needed to put it out. It's been four years since our marriage and all this has been happening right throughout the four years! My mom is not alive so I don't have anyone to talk about all my feelings with. I have close friends and some close relatives. But I don't think anyone of them really understand all of this like you do. Thank you so much for being there. It means a lot to me....
Hi Wan
I checked out the address given in the website with teh MRT map. It's actually two stations away from the station I'm near to. So I think I can make it there.
little flower, those with fertility problem can nv understand how we feel cos they always think it's easy to have babies and why can't we conceive. sometimes i really feel like an alien when people ard me get pregnant easily. my sis only try 3 months and she got it! my cousin got married when she's pregnant and the second one is only one try. I lost the count of the number of 2wws i went through..
little flower,

if you read my previous postings, i am married for coming to 6 years..And parents-in-law started talking about grandchildren very frequently right after our marriage till these 2 years start to show me face. Now my mil treats me very well, but i just can't forget the faces i used to get from her...

And now i am pregnant with twins!! Never expect this to happen!!
Hi Eskimobaby, I know it's a lot of pressure when you have to try to explain the treatments. And they don't understand half of it since it's all medical stuff. Only people who really undergo it know about it.

Wan, I know, one of my best friends got pregnant on her honeymoon itself!. And they weren't even trying they were actually tryng to wait for one year before babies by doing it on safe days !

Puppet, I can understand what you must have gone through six years is a long time...and to have to face them all the time and having to hear about grand children.... must have been so hurtful for you specially when you were actually trying to get pregnant and it was your dearest wish too..
Little Flower, therefore if you were to tell those people you are doing IVF, they will start to look at you as an alien cos they think that it's so easy to conceive.. nv tell anyone during the treatment. Until I conceive then i tell my parents and sis. But I realise they go ard telling everyone... so m a little sad.. how i wish i nv tell a single soul in the first place.
hi Wan, I'm glad that I haven't told everyone I'm going for the treatment only my best friends and my closest relatives. They understand so no pressure there. I'm glad of that now. Everyone is very supportive. I'm not going to tell anyone else.
Little flower, so you started on your injections already? will you be using suprefact then puregon? I wonder if the drugs are cheaper at your side..
Hi WanBB,
I just had my appiontment with Dr Foong, sad to said i am really not pregnant. He did an ultrasound for me, all seems well but the only thing is i am not ovulating thus i have such a long cycle. btw what's '2wws' and 'OHSS' means?
hi gals i saw dr foong today.. He say my polyp has grow fm 5mm to 9mm.. Say it might b the reason y im cant conceive so ask me to remove it by hysteroscopy and d&c... Im scare... Anyone here did this before can advise me? Dr say aft tis procdure i shd hv bk my normal period next cycle... Is it true? I scare the d&c will mess up my cycle...

Is the procedure painful? Wat do i expect? Pls advise... Many thks in advance!!
Bluegal, 2wws means 2 weeks wait which is the 2 weeks while we wait for result after ovulation. OHSS is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
I also have ovulation problem. my cycle is up to 51 days so can imagine how many pregnant kit i wasted. Clomid will help you to ovulate better but i hate the side effects.

babe79, Although I nv done it before, but from my research on the net, it seems like a simple process. No need to 'cut' open. Just insert something inside then remove the polyp. Don't have to worry too much. My friend has polyp when she's pregnant and she has to constantly worry abt the polyp growing and affecting the pregnancy. Therefore I guess it's better to remove them.

Little flower, so you still have alot of time to plan for your trip. I'm doing my scan next tues then dr will be away for next weekend. so most pro I will do my transfer end of this month! That is if everything goes smoothly.

Hi Wan,
Thanks for your clear explanation. I can't understand the amount of pregnancy kit you wasted, same here. My cycle was 50+ days too.
Oh ya, is Dr Foong's clinic shifting to a new location? And does he gives mc for check up? Am suppose to go back a few times for blood test and check up which is during weekdays, not much leaves left
