Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles


yap. just give me another one! i dun mind being a penguin again and i can work hard to shed the kilos thereafter.


oh..thot we same same again..hee.. mine was a female gynae..dr chan...

mine is male.
think i'm the shortest here leh.. 154 only. hha can imagine how fat i was when pg.
I still remember my friend say i look like mashimaro when i wear white color.
Who will mind of being a penguin,as long as can conceive & carry t bb until full term,become penguin also nver mind.
breastfeeding really will help. I lost about 27 kg since I delivered. I think I'm actually skinnier now than when I delivered. I used to sleep sitting up too! With the air con on at full blast and my husband shivering under the covers.

Chloe, how long did you breastfeed for? My husband wants me to slow down. Also, how'd you juggle going back to work. I'm thinking of starting work in Jan but heart says do part time, head says do full time.


Good luck those that are going to deliver! Enjoy the last few days of quiet before your world gets turned topsy turvy.

Oh yah, my blog address, finally got it working... I'll PM whoever wants it. Lemme know

me too!!!

wow. u put on 27kg and shed all? i swear i'm going to go on full bf should i ever have a chance to give birth again!


Haha Happy.
I'm terrified that if I have another one, I won't be so lucky with the weight loss! My husband wants me to slow down the breastfeeding cos I'm very tired and have lost quite a bit of weight. But I feel guilty for my babies if I stop. And then, I can't eat rubbish and not worry about putting on weight anymore. Must exercise and with 2 babies, it's hard to find time to exercise!

Jac, hopefully you'll cheer up once you get the PM. Hee...
So far how's everythg must adapt 2 yr 2 new comer n stayg w IL.

Faster,faster,reach me 2 cheer me up.
Now whenever I moody will log in Wan's bb & c her pic & it really can put all unhappiness behide 4 a while.

i believe curl will want to see yr babies too. do pm to her...she need not have to wait the next time she logs in

Please pm me for your blog's website. Thanks.

Thanks for your re-assurance on the bf. If you are not workign, why don't you bf your twins up to at least 1 year old? Bf is the best present to your bbs...

me, me. Can i take a look at ur twins? My email address is [email protected]

i am breastfeeding coming to 11 months liao, 1 more month plus to go and will be 1 year!! Quite tough actually cos got to be fast during office hours in order not to affect work. But i am lucky that my bosses are quite alright with it.

Not easy to juggle with babies and work lor. Aren't u migrating to australia? u are going to work there?

Don't want lah, Face fat fat, where got nice? give you a BIG shock... You just imagine every part of my body is round shape, I even feel I am more giant than my HB (he is 65 kg)

yar, wan's blog for kate is so wonderfully done. So detailed and so many photos to see. i dun have one for my twins, simply no time. i prefer hard copy photos, so i actually compile the photos in a photo album, doing one for their 1st year. Doing a final touch up for the album now for their birthday in dec.
Yap I totally agree w u our Wan mei mei already done a vy good job especially now her ger 3mths but dont look 3mths bb.

So after u compile must rember 2 send us 2 see also.

Nver mind lah I promise I dont share w any1 else,happy also cannot,how abt it.Wahahahahaha......
aiyoh jac, how to send u all to see? It is a hardcopy album, those conventional type...

wat i can do is i will try to take a good digital photo on their birthday, then send to auntie jac via email??

sooooooo cuuuutttteeee!!!! especially j. she is sooo lovely.

will go thru those stories when have time. just see the pictures and came out coz ppl kept walking past my back.

it's so nice to be carrying both together...it's so cute seeing them touching one another, right?
Hey y I still dont rec'd yet
n our Happy rec'd rec'd.

I still havn't rec'd but fm t way u speak my saliva going 2 drop dwn already.
ur daughter looks very alert, and i like her HAIR, so THICK!! For those who have seen my kids, u know how scarce their hair is! well, since u have started such a wonderful blog, should invest more time to keep up ur good work!
i am your inspiration for toilet ah? heehee...
dr F happy to see the bb anytime liao.. i have 10 days to pop before he goes to shanghai or i have to wait till he comes back on 11th night..anyway i chose to continue with the ventolin till he comes back, baby is abt 3kg now
i am 170cm, curl is 166cm...think you are too tired from lack of sleep liao...today checked, put on 1kg in 2 weeks think only 500g goes to bb..
Dr F pro natural, dont even think of induction... i also scared of difficult recovery.. so give up the idea of c section
Hi Ondine

Just checked my mail. Got you link already.

Aiyo, cant tahan your girl. She is really vv cute! So sweet and pretty and so much hair. I really wish I was able to carry 2 in my tummy like you!

Read your blog... v kind of you to donate breastmilk, but was 'shocked' by the questions and responses you get. Wow, pple can be real rude ya?

Aiya, if you are already staying at home, u may as well wait till they are abt 1 yrs old before you return to full time. Part Time is quite hard to work out unless you are in 'call centre' environment where you finish and go. There was a part time IT Prject Mgr in my company and she realised she was worse off part time. More stressed and less pay.
Problem is I'm not going to be staying at home from the new year onwards. I'll definitely be working, either full or part time.

My girl is very impish looking but I just came from a half hour session of a screaming with her. She's very girl, will scream at everything!

I'm hoping donating my breast milk won't cause me to not have enough! I'm really going by faith!

haa..next, we will be seeing jadefeet's, koala's then yours next year...around march, right?

wow! so nice... jac & glad, let's join the queue fast to show ours to them...
Hi Ondine
I see. Are you going back to old company? If yes, the maybe start part time first and if you think you can do more, then go full time.

Yes, I def wish I can contribute here by next year!

Ya, I mixed up with you and Curl, anyway, both of you are taller than me.. hmm, your baby is 3kg already. Good weight.

I heard from my friend, hers bb weight was really shot up at end of the few weeks, from 2.4kg to 3.2kg just within 3 weeks, and she has difficulty in "pushing" so now I a bit scared also.

Ya, natural always better then c-section, speedy recovery, but as the 1st time mummy, of course we don't know how is the process.
