DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

MT A is reasonable in term of charges, you go to their individual website for the hosptial charges.I quite like MT A, cos away from City, parking no problem and also spacious. TMC & Eastshore are out, find the hosp cramped and small.

Glen is too far and MT E is ex and in orchard area, parking is a headache.

I had my first C-sect, emergency case, cos bb too long in labour and got stuck.

His stitch is ok and I did'nt ve much post opt pain, just that wound area is sore. But will recover in 2 weeks.
ya agree, we are the naughty ones... hahaa
my babies like him too.. hahaa always tell them we going to see Dr Fong, they will kick me
Top 12 Do's and Don'ts:


1. Exercise regularly (if you've been given the okay by your doctor, of course!).
2. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day.
3. Keep a healthy, well-balanced diet (with minimal treats!).
4. Take your prenatal vitamins.
5. Drink 10 glasses of pure water a day.
6. Minimize your stress.
7. Sleep on your left side.
8. Stretch regularly.
9. Wear your sunscreen (prevent the pregnancy MASK!).
10. Elevate your feet.
11. Include essential fatty acids in your diet.
12. Strengthen your core muscles (VERY important!).


1. Diet.
2. Paint your room (the fumes are dangerous!).
3. Color your hair if you can help it (especially in the first trimester).
4. Lift heavy weights over your head.
5. Perform any kind of strenuous work, including advanced exercise.
6. Stand for long periods of time OR cross your legs.
7. Wear tight, restrictive clothing, especially around your legs.
8. Expose yourself to harsh chemicals (including cleaning materials).
9. Participate in activities that involve quick, jerky movements (i.e. basketball).
10. Sit in hot tubs, hot baths or exercise in excessive heat.
11. Eat sushi, cold rice or soft cheeses.
12. Overindulge in herbs like parsley, basil and cinnamon.
Can't finish my 2 hagen Daz ice cream in the freezer le.

We ate 933 golden pillow in office today. I sponsored cold honey lemon, so 5 mothers ate together in the meeting room
wor... 933 golden pillow... what's their min order for delivery? u ate the curry chicken one? their prawns one dont know nice or not.
We had 2 pillows one is chicken and the other is mutton which I can't take.

Side orders salad fritter and seafood roll.

Above $30 delivery is free
think i can give him a shot. Anyone can tell me the clinic address and contact no? I heard he has a clinic at Tiong Bahru Plaza.....or was it the office tower? thank you!
u making me hungry ... hahaa
my kakis not keen in sharing cos it's only 3 of us
cant hit the min $30 order
The Centre for Women & Fertility Pte Ltd
290 Orchard Road
#15-09 The Paragon
Singapore 238859
Tel: 6333 6636

Fong's Clinic for Women & Fertility
Blk 18 Jalan Membina
Singapore 164018
(Next to Tiong Bahru MRT)
Tel: 6276 7727

TB clinic is quite small cos he shared half clinic with dentist.

Paragon one is spacious but in orchard area. I go to Paragon clinic and will deliver in Mt A in Oct/late Sept.


Ya 3 person, can't order so much above $30. One pillow for 3 is enough.
TB Clinic has night time consultation, with subcharge of $10

Paragon is every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (daytime)
Tiong Babru is Monday and Friday (daytime) and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (nighttime)
Actually not very far from your place.I think it is in chinatown right.

Me going for Superman next Tuesday, my boy will stay overnight at bb sitter house. Morning I ve Dr Fong app and afternoon facial then at night movie.

Then 13th July watching the priates of the carribean part II. Advance booking now open through internet.

So many events coming up.After tt National Day, don't know want to take boy stay one night in Westin to see fire works leh. I nvr see a live one shooting into the sky.Boy sure will enjoy watching the fighter jets flying pass.
How about overall charges from the 2nd mth u see Dr Fong until deliver.. did u girls count how much was spend? Gee.. pai sei.. cause $$ issue quite important
Hi Hazel,

Depend on case, if no complication it is quite direct, usually you see him once a mth.Bef package sets in, we pay consultation / scan / medication, slightly above $100. But if blood test is inclusive it will cost more.

If there is some unstability like my case, I saw him every 3 to 4 days for the first 12 weeks, so my bill is a bomb, cost I have alot of blood test and jabs to ensure my hormones level is sufficient to support the pregnancy.

So it is still case to case
it's at East Coast... nvm say it's doggies want to eat one

my company has screening of Superman tmr, but didnt get the ticket

wah Westin
i always go to the open field across the bridge near Indoor Stadium
can pinic there
lots of people there, qi fen very good.
can see the singapore flag fly pass, fighter jets and fireworks.
Told hubby to go alone this year, cos i very bulky, hubby say see how, maybe he not going too.
btw, how long is the waiting time, on average? his schedule like very packed, i got difficulties making an appointment by next week.
Like my first P and second P, I didn't do any triple test. But bcos of my age,he told to go straight for Amnio test.

So that's saved me $$ for the triple test.

I ve compared his package and delivery fees with colleagues delivery in Glen / MT E, I have no complain. That's why still go back to him for my second P
oic.. i just want some clue if sign a package with gynae is how much.
Let's said if the pregnancy not much problem will be how much leh? will it cost more then 5k overall?

By the way, pregnant can drink hot green tea?
For me at paragon, if he has any delivery or hospital procedures, his assistant will ask me to go for makan or walk walk first and they will call once about my turn.

His appt time and waiting time,not tt bad.
hi doggies mummy,
when u say he do not ask us to do unnecessary tests, do u mean he will still give u the option to do the test, but will give u his opinion on whether u need to go for the tests or not?

this is very impt because i dint want to go back to my first gynae because he did not give me any options at all....basically he never tell me what the different tests available.

I still drink green tea cos I am diehard fan of Sushi tei, esp the soft shell crabs. But I stop chinese tea caffeine is high.

I don't think will be that much if there is no complication at birth, normally 3 D 2 N stay can discharge liao.Unless those end up in C sect, you ll ve to pay delivery ward, Opt theatre usage, if bb need to go ICU, all are extra charges.Mine first P hosp bill, end up emergency cost us $7K only claimed $3K ++ medisave end up hard cash $4K ++

U can discuss with Dr Fong, he can advice you thoroughly.

When he told me to go for the Amnio test, I bargained with him cos I afraid of needles, then he told me what the risk level I am facing etc,
oic.. another question is..

his two clinic..
If i sign up the package at tiong bahru but go to Paragon clinic to see him.. any extra charge?
when i 1st went to Dr Fong, i was at my 5th week, he refuse to scan me, cos cant see much and need to pay $50 for the scan. Triple Test, he asked if we want to keep the babies if the results shows risk of DS. If we want to keep the babies, no matter the results, then no need to do the test, cos the results will not affect our decision (money can be saved, no need to waste).

Dr Fong's style is, he will tell us the testes that we need to do, those not so important ones, he will let us choose to do or not.
the nurses told me i need to pay $5 for transferring my records over to the other clinic, but end up they didnt charge me
cos mine was emergency case
we need to do how many timee of detail scan? My friend told me, his wife need to scan 2 times. But Dr Fong promised me that i no need to go TMC anymore
actually, i'm a bit confused. I don't know whether to stick to KKH Dr Han or to go to Dr Fong.

I heard Dr Han is also good, but I have difficulties trying to contact him. Last time it took him a day to return my call.....is it because he is from hospital, so tends to be busier....

i really feel lost leh ....when i'm in discomfort and i want to speak with my gynae....i can't reach him straightaway or within the next hour. Or am i expecting too much?

Will Dr Fong be like that also? I meant, difficult to call and get him whenever I've questions...

anyone can give me some opinions on whether I should stay with Dr Han or move to Dr Fong?

Dr Fong's Assistant Operation's Manager can answer most of our questions. If not, Dr Fong will return call after his clinic hours. In cases of us locating Dr Fong out of his clinic hours, there is a emergency line for us to call and leave message, he will return call within 1/2 hour.

Of course, we want to locate Gynea whenever we are not feeling right
You are not expecting too much.

Think you need to make the decision on your own, make an appointment and see if you feel comfortable with Dr Fong.
Another question. When pregnant can see dentist? My colleague is on her 9th week pregnancy.. and last night , one of the upper back tooth filling drop out.
She called the dentist, they advise is difficult to do the filling as might need injection which is risky. But just 9th week pregnancy, how to endure another 30 weeks ;o
I have called emergency number a few times, he return my call within 10 mins. I was having bleeding so quite panic so called emergency and it was almost midnight
I have been using the tennis ball to help to relieve the pain. Better after resting and lying down with support.

Hubb said wan to help me put oil, end up I fall asleep first after pat boy.

Suddenly quite a few issues cropped up, went upstairs
Dr Fong told hubby to help me massage my hips and tail bone area too ... but hubby only did it the night after consultation, then after that forget liao... sigh
actually antenatal classes thought some exercises, quite effective, one that tilt the hip, good for pelvic pain. Think I will do it again to relieve my pain as P progress there will be more aches to come


I am wearing braces now, in fact thru my first P and now second P, I still see my dentist regularly for adjustment and cleaning. We can't take x rays only. I am not sure about fillings I can ask my dentist on this.

So far for cleaning scaling and polishing no problem.
