DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi Faithnhope,

I wanted to do blood test cos i want to see if i have high blood sugar or am insulin resistant. apparantly this causes PCOS.

cos my case its not due to obesity or bad diet mah, so just want to see if i m insulin resistant. ok i ask abt the jab next time...by the way, is that a jab for endo or PCOS? cos i think he say i no endo..

yup, hope Dr fong can help us realise our dreams of being parents...!!!

hey gals,

i am also a patient of Dr Fong.

Currently i am on clomid 2nd cycle with increased dosage (3 tablets). Does anyone of you have any side effects with clomid? Cause on my CD8, i have spottings and cramps for about 2 days. IS this normal?

last mth, on my CD12, Dr Fong did a scan for me to determine my ovulation period and advise me to try for the next 2-3 days. Do you think it's neccessary? or i can just test myself with those urine ovulation test strips? is it reliable to depend on those test strips?

thanks. i ttc since age 29 but didnt conceive. so saw Dr Fong when I was 30. Did laparoscopy op as advise by Dr Fong to remove the blood cyst (this is endo or PCOs), so as to incr the chances of IVF success. Then after that did IVF for 1st attempt and was pregnant at age 30. The rest of the embroys was frozen, and at age 32, i transfer the frozen embroys and got pregnant with 2nd one. And now the 3rd one came naturally, as a surprise to me and hubby
hi labbit

wow, i dont knw we can freeze the eggs. you are so lucky to be blessed with 3 princesses. good to hear all these success stories and nice to know that even with endo and PCOS, one can conceive naturally too!

yes you can ! just pay a fee to the fertility centre and they freeze for u. but there is a life span of the frozen eggs I think.
hi labbit

is it expensive to freeze them? sounds like very high tech leh....

mind me asking, why did u need to do IVF? is it related to PCOS or stuff like that? just wanted to see if i need to set aside a budget. I have PCOS lor, menses come once only every 33-40 something days, very irregular since young...so maybe need this form of treatment.

sigh ....so expensive to have a kid. i better start saving up...
hi jj

I remember I paid abt $500 to freeze them for 2 years. not ex.

I do IVF becos I think I have PCO or endo, and hubby's soldiers are a bit lazy too. i do not have regular mensus, and they are always NOT ON TIME. and I think I am not ovulating at all.
<font color="0077aa">hi missixty,

I'm also seeing Dr Fong and with his encouragement and help, i'm currently 7 weeks pregnant.

Last time, i oso thgt of the same qn that u are asking. Cos it is not cheap having to visit him every cycle to determine the ovulation dates. According to him, using v-scan is definitely more accurate than using opk strip. He can see the size of the egg(s) and he can "control" the rupture timing. Think this will be more accruate than opk strips as opk strips have different sensitivity level. Hence, if u use one where the sensitivity level is not suitable for u, ur results may not be accruate.

Basically, wat i'm trying to say is that what beats being able to see the egg itslef.. using opk is jus a gauge..</font>
hey shinchan,

WOWWW... so happy for u. agree wif u that "seeing the eggs itself" is certainly more accurate than those opk. well, i guess if this way can be more certain, then i will just proceed to see him and to determine my fertile period.

BTW, u conceived naturally or with any aids?

also, can i check with u gals.
i went to see dr Fong on the 14th, he told me that i will be most likely ovulating on the next day 15th, thus ask me to try on 15th, 16th and 17th. I was also given a HSG jab before i leave his clinic. Back home, i tested again using the OPK and indeed it shown +ve on 15th, 16th and 17th. But, yesterday 18th, I tested the OPK again, and again it shown +ve!!! does it means that i am still ovulating on the 4th day in a row???? this can't be right? from what i know, once the egg is fully matured, we will most likely be fertile for the next 12-24 hrs only right?

can someone advise me on this? thanks!!
Hi ladies, I've been a silent reader for a while now. I'm also with Dr Fong since last year but DH and I haven't been lucky yet ...

missixty, if you have PCOS I think you may get false +ve on your OPK.
<font color="0077aa">missixty,

bcos u took the jab, u will get +ve on opk. Based on wat i read on the web, u may even get false +ve on pregnancy test kit now. i cant rem the exact terms but then it has gotta do with the jab.</font>
Hi I am see Dr Fong too.. anyone know what is his delivery charges? how much do we have to pay in general. Need to find out the amount roughly...
Hi Jane,
I just delivered in Dec 09. His delivery charge is $1000 (for normal delivery). not sure for C-. You can claim quite a fair bit from Medisave, so cash outlay shouldn't be alot.
Thanks Minnie, Which hospital did you deliver from?? May i chcek with you what is the total cost all in all? How is the overall experience?
Thanx Ricola..

1.5 box of utrogestan 100mg. what is this for?
i was given clomid of 50mg to be taken for 5 days only.
yup. in fact my very first iui. expect my menses to start in feb. however if the process falls during CNY week it'll have to be aborted cos they are closed for 1 week.

scared and dunno wat to expect.

dr also never say much leave me in suspense and dunno wat to ask...
Yes they will be closed during the CNY week. The iui doesn't take that long, it can be done within 10 min. You have to go in with full bladder. If it's not full enough, the nurse will tell you to wait a while. They will explain to you when you consult Dr during those days prior to your iui. Maybe it's too early now
We are trying naturally this cycle but I'm not sure if I am going to ovulate on my own ... I've previously done 2 iui. I may do iui again next cycle or following ...
I didn't really ask him why. I think even though timing was all perfect, it's hard to tell what actually went wrong inside. Maybe my egg wasn't of good quality ...
Hi Jamie/Ricola

I've done IUI once with Dr Fong too. That attempt didn't work for me. As for reasons, there are too many variations; maybe the sperm didn't reach the egg, or maybe the quality of either or both sperm and egg not good etc..

Thereafter, I tried naturally and surprisingly I did succeed (timing for IUI happened to fall on a Sunday so can't do IUI). But, for unknown reasons, I lost it 2 weeks after.

I've been put on clomid again this cycle cos it seemed to work for me the last time. Will be going to see Dr Fong this Fri to check follicle size before taking any HsG jab. Technically, if things are good, and if they give me HsG jab this Fri, IUI should be on Sunday again hah! So maybe we'll just try natural again this time loh..
Hi Faithnhope

so does it means once he jab the HSG, the iui will be carried out on the next 2nd day?

Also, jab HSG is to let the egg come out? He did mention abt one jab.
Hi Jamie, yes, IUI is on the next 2nd day after the HsG jab cos one will ovulate within 12-48hours after the jab. But of course you can still try on your own right after the jab (park the soldiers first hahah!). Application of the jab is dependent on the size of your follicle. There was once mine was only 12mm then I jab 2 days later. For the cycle which worked for me, my egg size was really good - 20mm and I was given the jab immediately.

As for claiming medisave for IUI.. I didn't cos the IUI amount was still manageable. But I did IUI once only so far.
Hi ladies,

I've been ttc for 1 year and no news yet. Would like to visit Dr fong to check if i'm ovulating. May i know whether he will be doing the abdomen scan or vaginal scan? Also, which day of my cycle should i do the scan? Thanks
Hi Ladies, I succeeded on my second IUI attempt even though the sperm analysis was worse than the first attempt. It was a period of several months in between the 2 attempts and I think the greatest difference is that I did TCM and womb care massages to improve the quality of the egg. I also switched to the jabs instead of clomid. With clomid, I only had one egg ready but with the jabs, I had two. Best of luck, don't give up!
Faithnhope- Been a long time since i last come online to this forum. So sorry to hear abt your loss. But dun worry, it will come soon again.
I am also v stress now, d43, period still not here. On clomid this cycle, d7 scan show that the egg too small, Dr fong abandon this cycle instead of increasing the dosage/injection.
Now that i know CNY week they are close, i m more stess.

Marisa- Congrat. Can i check what is womb care massage and how much it cost? THKS
Jaime, just to add regarding using Medisave for IUI. One can only do that if the doctor practise in the govt/structured hospitals such as SGH, KK and others. You can check the MOH website. So, if you do IUI with Dr Fong, you can't claim Medisave.

Hi missyoms, yes, long time didn't hear from you.. no worries, I've gotten over it though I still think of it at times but I'm alright. So with the abandoning, you need to wait till the next cycle? Regarding CNY, yes, I dread the visitings too but what to do...
Faithnhope - My period supposed to report, but late. D43 liao. If still dun come, gg to see Dr Fong to induce it this friday. Hopefully in time to start clomoid and do IUI before the CNY close.

Ricola - If i m not wrong, u can claim. But likely to pay more cash upfront.
Missyoms, the massages + cream are freaking expensive esp as u need to buy in a package. I did it intensively, every week for 1.5 months and then got to good news. So, I have no regrets cos the massage and the jab was the only thing different from the other months of trying. If you want more details, pls PM me.
Faithnhope- AF just reported this mrn. GG to collect the injection tom. How are u feeling right now? I hope this cycle will be the last cycle for all of us here.
hey all, not visiting this forum for awhile... glad to hear some good news... congrats, labbit!

I did massage to push the uterus to the original position before I strike too. Of course, I think TCM help me alot and I'm now counting down, in 3rd tri at the moment =)

For those who are tcc-ing. Do not give up! Relax and eat healthily! I strongly believe that work stress play a part in tcc; I strike within 1 year after changing to a less stressful work place... heheheeee... so the key is, stressfree =)

missyoms - I'll be seeing Dr Fong tomorrow to scan the follicles.. hope they will be of good size.. will update after the appointment tomorrow. Don't be too hard on yourself..

mrsong - wah... 3rd tri already.. jia you..!

I agree on the stress free part. Just like what happened to me - I striked unexpected! (though it didn't last haha!) But I've been really busy with work... sigh.. cham..... so I keep reminding myself not to work too hard! Ha!
