Dr Douglas Ong from Bukit Panjang Plaza

yvonne, dreamy

anxious anot hah... bb coming out soon. hehe


think u discuss with dr ong... see what he says..


her package cost 1.8k (i dunno if the price increase anot) and only include normal delivery charges. if c-section, gotta top up. and this package start abt wks 12 or 14... hehe forget ler..

hi wishababy, his package is now between 1.8k to 2.2k, inclusive normal delivery and one 3D detailed scan, exclusing all medications and other tests which you might need to take during the whole course of preg. i start my package when i was at week 10, cos i dun feel nauseous, and doc says my preg very stable.

hi crystalz, hehehheeheh, cant wait to hold my baby boy for the 1st time. have been counting down since day 1, kekekekekek.

dreamy, why dun u discuss with your superior? my edd 18 aug, but i will start working from home from 1 aug. dun waster your maternity leave. 12 weeks is actually not enough.

really miss the time when dr ong help to deliver my baby ger. He still can joke while stitching the tear.
really? but doc can b quite stern sometimes....my hubby always say only this doc can control me....

next mon i turn 37wks....time really flies
wow... u prepare already? i gave birth to my ger @ 37weeks haha

he only will be serious for important things... haha he really can joke... very nice gyne. I just went to see him for scanning last wed. hehe he ask me when i'm planning for 2nd bb. haha
Hi confused by some of the terms here, what is PCOS, D&C & TTC? Has anyone been treated by Dr Ong for endotrimesis? Is he good? Recently another gynae found an ovarian cyst in me and advised me to remove it, wish to get a second opinion..
I also went to see Dr Ong yesterday as my GP referred me to him after having a positive preggy test and I was bleeding quite alot. Dr ong wasn't the smiley doctor u all were talking about probably because mine wasn't very optimistic news. After giving me the jab and medication, my bleeding seems to have stopped and I have to go back to his clinic tomorrow for the 2nd blood test to see if the baby is still growing or didn't survive. Keeping fingers crossed. The fact that the bleeding stopped is good news I suppose.

Only thing was I find his charges abit on the high side. The bill came up to $400+ at his clinic yesterday for a blood test, scan, consultation, 1 jab and 1 box of progesterone medication (1 week). I was with another gynae with my first child and I felt he was more reasonably charged but that was almost 3 years ago so pricing might have been different already.

overall, I felt Dr Ong is ok even after 1 visit. Will need to go for more visits before I can comment further.

TTC = trying to conceive
D&C = an op that involves opening of the cervix to "clean up" the uterus via vacuum suction (usually for abortions, removal of polyps, cysts, fibriods, etc). If u want to know more, u can do a search for D&C on google and you'll get tonnes of info on it :p

PCOS = not sure
thanks crystal and Yvonne Lai for yr replies.
i signed up package with doctor ong already. i find his pricing expensive but not tat sky high expensive. bearable for me.

he is friendly doctor.

ya.. his pricing is quite high. THat time my bb oso unstable.. gotta take injection till bb is 12 weeks old. very siong ah... but he is a good doctor, so i just bear with it.


planning next yr... but my menses still MIA haha cos still breastfeeding. so dr ong ask me to cut down on my pumping if i want my menses to come.

I just tested positive and I just want to go to a gynae to make sure everything is ok. I am staying in Bukit Panjang too so I think I should go to Dr Douglas Ong since I am hearing so many good things about him here.

Can I know what is the best time to call the clinic? I've been calling since 10am and theres no reply...
Thank you, greengrape!

I managed to reach the clinic at about 1pm+ and got an appointment tomorrow at 3.15pm.
hi crystal, just manage to find time to log in man. oh i finish my confinement. had an bad experience during the 1 mth with MIL. she is doing confinement for me. anyway it is over, dun wanna talk abt it.
hi all, did anyone install cameras at home to spy on maids when u go back to work? if yes pls provide more info such as cost, vendor. thanks
Hi I've called up Dr Douglas Ong's clinic at Mt E to enquire abt the packages but the receptionist who picked up the phone told me to drop by and she will brief me the packages (she mentioned she will hand out the paper)..easier to understand. wonder if anyone existingly has the package info? Cos find it a little hassle to go down all the way now that I'm preggie..but would love to know their packages (like start from which month and their rates). Any info would be much appreciated. Can email me at [email protected]? Many thanks.
Hi rainyheart

I think you can call up to enquire, they are quite friendly and I dun think they will tell u things that are untrue.
Rain.. not sure abt vbac.
His current pkg is $2k from 16 wks onwards incl delivery.

Aniway, whether you going to be his patient or not, its good to get the pricing paper frm the clinic. They have estimate for all the possible costs e.g. EPI doc, PD visits etc.
I am quite surpised that he charges extra for after office hours delivery.. Does anyone's gynae also charge similar fee? My 1st gynae does not charge me extra $ for after office hours delivery..
I find that Dr Ong's prices are very transparent and I have confident in him

Some gynae may just have one lump sum fee that includes this and that.. but beware that there are hidden charges that we are not aware of.. so ask for more.
Just to share, Dr Ong is a very careful gynae. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes in my 3rd trimester (very mild according to the MtE dietician) and Dr Ong put me on blood glucose monitoring and had follow-ups with me every 2 weeks to ensure my pregnancy is going on well. My friend who was diagnosed with GD higher than mine under another gynae was only given notes on what diet to eat/avoid.

I had good vibes with Dr Ong and will definitely go back to him when I have #2.
Dr Ong is not only careful but oso daring! hehe
for my 2nd pregnancy @ 32 weeks, i was diagnosed with preeclampsia. Usually, when other gyane get to diagnosed this, need to deliver immediately. but for him, i undergo blood test every week, see him weekly and manage to drag till i'm 35weeks! So happy!
crystalz , can see that he is a gynea that take very pregnancy as a miracle. He does his best for the baby and never take the easy way out.. I was surprise that he took the time to give advise on h1n1 and compile it to give to us in paper.

yeah... he really nice! but he abit ex lah.. haha lucky for the weekly check up he din charge me extra... if not my pocket really burn a big big hole keke.
I have complication since week 20.. and my appt with him is every 2 weeks after that.. and he didnt charge me extra too
just come back from my gynea visit.. 29 wks now.
I am surprise to know that other gynea are still scheduling their patient on a 5 wk visitation at 27 wk, i.e. next visit is 32 wk.

Dr Ong, schedule me for 31 wk visit, i.e. 2wks later. I think for the extra we paid for the pkg, we are actually getting more freq visits which is "safer".

Also , i heard some Dr like to induce their patient before EDD. Personally, think that by doing inducing.. there are are higher chances of unnecessary complication esp if it before EDD.

Actually, all these result in cheaper cost to us cos' higher freq and less complication means smoother delivery. Chances of E C-sect or sudden labour/preemies is lower.

Frankly, it's worth the extra for a good and responsible gynea.
I am with my #3 whom is due 4 jan and have been with dr douglas ong since my #1. Have to say that he is a very encouraging and caring Gynae and his staffs are good also. Heard fr midwives at MtA mentions that dr ong is a doctor who would opt for child birth to be as natural as possible ..... Not even bursting the water bag.... I always recommend friends to him....
Yes, I had my 1st via c-sect and I just had a VBAC with Dr Ong in Dec'09. After that, he insist that I could do a natural .. When he was stitching me up, he was also joking .. a very good gynae who will put you at ease ..
Rain, I guess you got your vbac answer from Tongtong.

I'm considering Dr Douglas Ong now as I'm looking for vbac gynae. After reading the posts here, I feel a little more assured of him.

Just a few questions to mummies here:
1. Is Dr Ong a Christian?
2. I heard Dr Ong delivers at Mt E. Which other hospitals does he deliver at?
3. Tongtong, is it ok for you to share the birth weight of your 1st & 2nd baby, and why you had t undergo a c-section the 1st time? I underwent c-section too for 1st baby and didn't want to go thru it again, will be changing gynae.

btw I think Dr Douglas Ong is catholic, not christian. He's the VP for Natural Family Planning Singapore.

Anyone has gone for the follow-up check-up of pap smear and breast check-up after delivery by Dr Ong? What will be done for the breast check-up ah? wondering if should go for it anot....feel awkward leh.
Hi mousy pig,

I've gone for follow-up check-up after delivery by Dr Ong & he's very professional. His female assistant will be beside him during the examination so nothing to feel awkward about.
Anyone received any new whether Dr Ong's clinic at Ten mile junction will be relocated at end of the year?

if so, can share? =)
just saw this thread.. I am wif Dr Ong too .. EDD 7th Oct

Jazz2 (jazz2) :

the emergency number is 65358833 (it's an answering machine service, but Dr. Ong reassured me before that he will call back even after midnight =) hope the info still useful =)

My friend works in one of the tution centre @10 mile, seemes that have everyone's moving end of the year cos the place have been tendered off. I'm going down to the clinic tomorrow.. will try ask Qing Hsia/ Jenny and update again =)
