Dr Douglas Ong from Bukit Panjang Plaza

Doctor Douglas Ong got 2 clinic , I usually got to the Mount E since I stayed in the east and that's is the nearest clinic . Both my sister in laws also see him . So far total 5 childrens at our home all delivered by him .

harlow all
anyone knows which is the dr dr ong work with for epidual in MT A? Is he good ? *scared*
Just like dajie...Dr Ong has been my gynae for the last 12 yrs...
He operated on me for fibroid and cysts...
And now I am already 34wks preggie after my long-awaited baby...He has been very supportive,helpful and truly happy even guiding hubby and me throughout the entire pregnancy...
No doubt his charges are not relatively low but honestly I think its really money well spent. Wouldn't hesitate in going back to him for my 2nd pregnancy

Just wanna share my experience with all of you. I was with another gynae for 1 year and couldnt conceive. So thru a church friend recommendation, I went to see Dr Douglas. On my 1st visit in Aug 07, I was diagnosed with a uterus polyp 2cm long. Dr advises me to remove it as it could be the reason why I couldnt conceive. So I went ahead to remove it in Sept 07. I rested for 1 month and now I am proud to announce that I am 7 weeks pregnant under the care of Dr Ong.
yvonne.. how come the other gynea never told you abt the uterus polyp ? he didnt scan you when you are trying to conceive ?
Hi Jgal, the other gynae did scan but he didnt detect. He never mentioned anyting to me. My mensus is irregular, so he only dispense clomid to regulate my mensus, but never tell me exactly when I am going to ovulate. Because of the clomid intake, I develop more cysts in my both breasts.
Hi everyone,

I'm oso with Dr Douglas and I'm a bit confused over the DS test. Wat is the difference btw NT scan and triple test? And if NT test is normal, do I still nid to go for the triple test? How is the NT scan like? Is there any risk involved?

Hope someone can advise me...thanks
I ask him abt Down Syndrome test. Here's some info. that may be useful fo you.
At my age,30, the chances of having a DS kid is 1:800.

To evaluate the risk, I can take 1) NT test-scan 2) triple test-blood test
NT test has to be taken in the 11-14 wks and the accuracy is 70%
Triple test has to be taken in the 15-20 wk and the accuracy is 60%.
Result of 1+2 = 90% accurate...However, these 2 result only give Low/high risk..low risk does not = no risk.

If over 35, he advise to go straight to ammiv test, after 16 wk.. which is invasvise test and has a chance of miscarriage 0.5%(1:200) ~1% (1:100)... this test will give a confirmation( yes /no) result..

Anyway, ocscar means 1+2 ... because frm uk , where the term is taken, the 2 test are done together as the english only visit the gp/gynea twice throughout the preggy.
Hi Jgal,

Thanks for the info. I'm oso at 30 and I'm still thinking whether I should do the test. From wat I noe, the NT test can get instant result and triple test would have to wait for 1 week.

So it is better to do both NT and triple test to get 90% accuracy?

Have you decided whether to do the test?
I have taken the tests already.
i am into my 7th mth now. Dr will do NT scan using his scan machine, so you will know instantly.As for the blood test, nurse will call you once they get the test result for me it after 3rd day.
Hi Jgal,

Good to hear that everything is ok for you. Think I will go for the NT scan to have a peace of mind. As for triple test, I wld decide later after getting the result of the NT scan. Praying hard that everything will turn out fine.

Thanks for the info and advices
Hi Yvonne,
I went to c Dr Ong yesterday & he found out tat I've uterine polyp,15mm. To counter confirm,he asked me to see him again after my AF.

The reason why i switched to Dr Ong bcoz of my miscarriage last Dec.I did a D&C last Dec & went bk for check-up b4 CNY but my previous gynae didn't discover the polyp.

Luckily,I went to c Dr Ong b4 I start TTC.Coz polyp could be one of the causes of my miscarriage.

Can I chk u:
1) how much did u pay for the hysteroscopy?
2) how long was the surgery?
3) did u do the surgery at Mt Eliz?
4) how long was ur bleeding after surgery?
If you're doing the key-hole hysteroscopy, the op is about 30min - 45min. Bleeding, not much after surgery, but you'll be bed-ridden for at least 1-2 days. Hospitalisation will be about 3-4 days. After you're discharged, your movement will be slightly inconvenienced for about 1-2weeks. For total recovery, about 3-4 weeks, depending on how strong you are.

I was recently diagnosed by Dr Ong of PCOS. Anyone with PCOS manage to conceive after treatment by Dr Ong? How much is his range of charges?

Hi Avocado,

1) I cannot remember the breakdown. But I know Doc charges me $4000 for operation fees. This is his professional fee. Another $1000 goes to anethesis. The balance about another $2000 goes to the hospital charges, operating theatre, nurse fee, etc.

2) Doc mentioned surgery was abt 1hr, but I was out in abt 45mins

3)My surgery was at Mount A, 4 bedded. It was meant to be a day surgery, but I was scare of the bleeding, so I opt to stay over for 1 night

4) It took me about a week for the bleeding to stop. However 1 week before my next mensus, I started to bleed again. But doc says it is ok.

Dont worry, Doc is very professional.

Does anyone noe is it necessary to go for triple test if the NT scan's result is low risk? Dr Douglas Ong said its optional but I'm in a dilemma whether I should just go ahead with it to get a 90% result.

Did anyone go thru the 1st NT scan with low risk and did not take the triple test?
Hi all, any one facing constipation during preg? I ate alot of veg and fruits, but dont understand why I am having this constipation problem. I dont want to go to Doc to get pills, cos I hope to resolve it the most natural way.

Someone told me to take prune juice, but the other day when I did the urine test, the urine test shows sugar level slightly higher than normal.

Any advise?
Yvonne..hmm.. i am not sure if it works for you. I found this quite useful from the Korean health programme that was shown every sat.

For ppl with digestive problem, it advisable to have eat breakfast before 9am to wake up "intestines". Preferably, non-oily or meat stuff, things like soya milk and bread etc. maybe you can try for a few days. and see it it works.

So far , i am in my 34wks now.. I dun really have any constipation problem. Only for like 2-3 days in the 2nd trimester.
For those who has normal delivery by Dr Ong, how long does his stitches take to heal? Do you need pain killers? What is his current charges now?
i've just delivered by baby last monday by dr ong. mine was an assisted delivery without epi. the wound now dun really hurt le, can move around quite freely now, however cannot walk too much. i took pain killers to soothe the pain i experiencing during the first few days. Guess my piles are the cause of the pain too.
hi jgal, if i'm not wrong, u r previously from the redhill thread in singapore bride is it? i'm also a redhiller.
Hi all, I also seeing doc ong, 7 weeks preggy now. My 2nd appt supposed to be 2 weeks time, but saw some bleeding yest so went all the way to 10 mile to see him immediately.

So now supposed to rest at home. But blur me, forgot to ask him, how many days of rest do I need? He is quite vague as he only said "try to rest more this few days". Do u think 3 days is enough coz I was planning to work on fri and sat?
jetudes: Did Dr Ong give u MC to rest at home? U need to observe yourself.. the spotting shldn't increase and it shld not be fresh blood colour.
Nope, he din give me MC, coz I am doing freelance work. That's why I dunno how many days shd I rest.

The worrying part is that its fresh blood =( but so far there's no more bleeding after the jab and med so now I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Eh my job ok la,does involve moving from place to place. Yest noticed abit of a stain again..

Anyway thanks for ur advice littleger!
hi littleger, yes i did both NT scan and triple blood test. Both show low risk. I m turning 16 wks on monday.

Btw to all mummies, do you know where i can get baby stuffs such as baby cot/ stroller/ etc? i m 1st time mummy so quite sotong leh.

thanks all
hi all,
I suddenly saw my ob's name while searching for another topic. I highly recommend him, i am one of his high maintainance patient ;) bec i WAS stubborn and had a difficult pregnancy but after giving birth last year, I felt that I made the right decision in choosing him. He is really very professional. He looks after the mothers welfare carefully. I had cs, my wound healed quickly and stitches are nicely done. Not obvious now...

jetudes - he might mean 3 to 5 days. I had that incident before but i waited for 3 days and called him. You shld also call Shirley his assistant, shirley is a registered nurse so she can help you ask dr ong. Saves you a trip to see him.

Yvonne, you can get a list of what you need from takashimaya and they sell it there too. Once you get hte list, you can canvass with different store. If you can wait during hte great singapore sale, i think prices will go down. remember to buy cotton clothes foryour baby. Dun risk quality of products. good luck.

hope it helps.
Hi disneytokyo:
Thanks for your advice. Yup in the end I rested abt 4 days. Oh now I know his nurse's name is Shirley.
Jetudes, yup the curly hair one! not the straight
befriend shirley and you can have a lot of easy access. I had difficult pregnancy and was confined 2x.. so whenver i had contraction, i call shirly to complain and asked her to ask dr ong if i shld proceed to the hosp or not. Really saved me a lot of trips/hospital bills.

I hope she is not reading this hahaha ;)

good luck and take it easy!
Yesterday, I have my 37th wk checkup.I am glad that I chose Dr Ong as my gynea. He is very patience and yesterday he went through with me on breastfeeding. He went though with me the 5 points that prevents mothers frm BF and the benefit of BF. He is very encouraging and really see into his patient welfare. Personally, going thru the benefit of bf and the hindrance of bf is beyond his job as gynea and i really appreciate it.
anyone been to the taka baby fair? is the prices really cheap? i mean i saw the medela mini electric plus selling at $279, compared to outside at $305.

will GSS price be cheaper?
dr ong is a very good gyne though his charges is kind of high... but he take great care of me! Miss 'visiting' him and his staff haha
i am keen to have dr ong as my gynae.
i wonder how much is the consultation fees?
ultrasound scan fees?

can someone help?
thanks so much!
Hi, I'm with Douglas Ong too when I delivered my first baby last year.
Would recommend him. Patient guy but perhaps a little naggy...haha
i'm turning 34 weeks next monday. now came all the backache, leg cramps all of sudden in the night. the worst thing is i am always feeling very sleepy, no matter how long i slept thru the day.

did u lift up ur leg when u sleep? and sleep more if u can... when bb out u won't have enuff sleep kekeke
hahahahahaa, i tried lifting my legs but mayb bcos i m not used to it, so by the next morning, the pillow is always on the floor.

so now i took my calcium pills only before i go to bed as per doc advise.
yvonne, can u tell me what is douglas ong's anenatal package pricing like? does it include delivery charges?

thanks in advance


Can anyone advise me if Dr Douglas Ong will give MC for us to rest at home while waiting for delivery? I'm now in my 37th week and is thinking of resting at home in my 38th week cos feeling extremely tired nowadays and backache also. Will Dr Ong give me MC or shld I take my maternity leave instead?
