Cup cakes for birthday

Yew Yen

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Replace the 60ml milk with water.
Add 250g melted Dark Chocolate


That wasn't curry vegetable at the back, it's Kimchi Soup.

I recommend Prima Singapore Curry Mix if you want local taste curry.

The chocolate butter cake recipe is similar to the butter cake recipe that fatmum posted on top of this page. All you need to do is replace the milk with water and add 250g melted dark chocolate to the batter.

I think it's the reflection from the flash that causes the cake to look shiny.

Mrs Teng,
Thanks for your sponge cake recipe. Will go home try. Though your recipe seems to be more difficult. I rem last time when I just started, I try this kind of recipe of separating eggs. It turn out to be a flop. I will try your recipe and c if sucessful... hahaha... mayb my skills have improve after these while.
OH Mrs Teng- no I mean all my cakes that I bake all shiny looking after they cool and following day it is even more shiny looking...

my curry I dont know fry the paste how long... It doesnt have the curry taste only smell everytime.. sei bei sian over it...

the tin I got is 25.5cm x25.5cm... I dont know what inch is that... I measure my whole oven.. thats how I bought the wrong size. Forgot to minus the inside....
kendy, thank u so much....will try out and let u know the result..use salted butter right?

mrs teng, can i hv ur sponge cake recipe too?

meow, i wanna the butter too.


Ask hubby to buy on the way home lor. Where you're staying?

Actually, curry quite easy. You marinate with the following

2 tbsp of the Prima Singapore Curry Mix or any other mix you have.
a little salt and pepper
Turmeric powder
a liitle curry powder
Coriander powder (optional)

Make these in a paste and marinate the chicken for about 1 hour. (their recipe dun ask you to do this step) but if you do, you curry will taste wonderful.

In a wok, pour a little oil (about 2 tbsp), throw in a star anise and brown the chicken for about 10 mins. Dun have to worry if the chicken is cooked or not. Just get the skin browned.

In a pot, pour in the mix.. stir fry a bit to bring out the aroma of the spices, add the coconut milk and bring it to boil. Den you put in the browned chicken and simmer for about 30 mins.. Den add in the cut potato and cooked for another 15 mins. I use claypot cos it will retain the liquid. If you use pot, got to make sure the gravy dun become too thick. And if it does, just add a little water. And always remember to stir the curry occasionally to prevent the skin from sticking to the pot.

This method, the taste is close to the Nonya type of curry.. And if you like to use it for bee hoon, den you got to make the gravy more watery and add curry leaves to give it the distinctive curry leave smell.
Mrs Teng my hubby wont buy ANYTHING I ask him to get... Typical Big ego male... I am staying at BT BAtok.. think must be very far from u izzit...

never bake cake end up making cookies using condense milk... haha.. lots of Hershey and M&M
Mrs Teng Thanks for ur recipe... me now storing all recipe found on this site in words format...

very scared miss any one...hehe
YewTewMum, Mrs Teng: I'm using Panasonic Microwave cum Convection Oven but different model from the one YewTewMum posted.

As you can see that there are different brands of ovens besides the type of ovens on the market but the thing is,the temperature will vary as well. Eg; say if you set the oven at 180 degrees as follows on the recipe but the oven thermometer says otherwise right? In fact I tested it out with the oven thermometer before to see my assumption was correct because some of my previous bakes were a bit chao tar last time.

The temperature varies with the ovens, not all ovens are the same as in manufactured the same way to maintain the same standard of temperature/heat.
it looks so red redder then red eggs for full month bb... that's why look scary.. no offense.. might be lighting

ehh ur cake should be Hershey choco chip on top right??
Mone u are correct... less 20 the next time u bake.. if not those char tar goes to waste...

want to ask who is buying fresh durian flesh huh. can tompang buy 1 pkt...
huh, PORK CURRY...I only cook japanese curry using chicken middle part ... my whole family can eat whole day from it(lunch and dinner) ... very nice and good especially when kids are sick..

chips from PH good huh... never try them yet...

I prefer those a bit water type curry.. dont really like thick thick type... so whole family can eat(2 kids mainly)
a bit here and there lor.. training in progress( 3 and 5 yrs old)... chinese must at least learn if not how to go NS when they grow up... mostly is spicy one hoh...
this thread moves so fast. Logged in but didn't hv time to post and some stuff archived already.

Cheddar Cheese + butter cake - I can imagine how yummy. Can you please post the recipe?

Aiyo, the peach cake so nice! Must shape the cake to get "PEACH" or not huh?

Mrs Teng,
All your bakes are so well-done..even...those "failures" hahaha.

Hope to chomp chomp into some agar2 when we next meet.

Finally, embarked on my fondant covered cupcakes..but just put toppers(taste good) on top..don't want too much work..hahaha..

I look curry potato too.. yummy yummy... hehe

Mone when free maybe next month want booking with u go Malaysia this time without my kid in tow.
Keng u mean the toppers u buy huh... u got ask they use what ingredients a not.. NOte: told by a staff in Harbourfront selling this type toppers but from Wilton and others some cant be ate lei only put for nice looking..

Mone July should be fine.. let me know the date again.. at least I know got 1 day is chop with u... hehe

haha hehe.. FM very good.. very good.. u can make a good run for money with those marriage agencies over this hahaha... me having a good laugh.. till I cant anymore.. by the way u use mould right... or free hands... like the u know what...
using free hand to mould. Must be natural else look like go jab haha....i cant help when doing this also want to laugh.....hub ask me better not let the children see this so can only do at night
my colleague going to bring this over to bali to celebrate her girlfriend bd.

Oh! the cuppies are soooo cute! CAn't bear to eat it also..


Wah! you very daring! Very well done! Dun think I'll ever do such moulds... the lips maybe but not the rest..


Reply your email already.
Daiso mini chiffon pan
saw some stk 2 days ago in Sengkang outlet, in case anyone is looking for this...

use egg yolk to make ice cream? hmm... not very keen somemore making ice cream a lot of work... got to keep stirring... lazy, hehee!

ur shou tao so pretty!! how u actually 'paint' the colour on it? how to hav tat kind of colour effect?
and ur 'naughty' figurines very nicely done... hahaa! u very good ler...

Mrs teng,
ur butter cake looks so nicely done!! *drool*
wish to try out ur butter cake recipe too but using a lot of eggs hor... and i saw from the recipe tat can use egg-separated method or mix whole egg together rite? u tried both method? which is easier & nicer in taste?

i really luv ur cake top tat is so perfect... my cake always turn out CRACK, dunno why ler, at 1st thot is oven too hot but the temperature shown on oven themometer is same as the setting ler... any idea why?

i'm using panasonic convection oven too, quite regret to get this with fan, somemore cannot turn it off one... i should hav got the other w/o fan, cheaper also... sigh! so how u find ur oven? ok?

ur frog cuppies so cute!!

ok, here's my bakes these few days, actually got few more but not nice /failed so dun wan to post here...

choc marble chiffon

cream cheese brownie, actually wanna add in chopped walnut but only realized tat after it was in oven... argh!!
keke.. fatmum.. u never 'checkered' up the fondant pix.. skali got kids looking over mommies shoulders..:p

keng..will post up soon.. taste is more salty den sweet.. ur cuppies look so uniformed..
Fatmum, ur fondant figurines are so suggestive wor! Later duno whose children see till eyesballs roll....lolx.

Mother of 3 Princess, din see u for so long.

Anybody made mont blanc before- the Jap chestnut puree cake? I bot a can of chestnut puree fr Sun Lik some time back finally made a cake fr it over the weekend. But as it was my 1st time cun handle the puree well. Din know the puree is so hard, put into piping bag yet cun pipe coz mixture is too stiff.

Gd ting was for my mum's bdae, if made for a fren sure perspire like siao lor.
Mrs Teng,
Tks, these were easy lah, cut & paste.

Tks, the swirls so art deco. Any special technique required? So far, I only bake pandan & green tea chiffon..yet to try combi chiffon..shd taste even greater.

these can eat one...

getting skilful...AND naughty.

Mrs Teng,
Nice swiss rolls. It may looks too creamy but my kids simply love the cream and usually use her finger to dig into cream.

Nice cuppy. I javen't had time to start on my fondant.

Naughty naughty mummy but it's cute
