Cup cakes for birthday


Haha! glad that you liked the butter cake.

FAtmum, Kendy

Thanks fatmum for giving kendy the recipe
Save me the trouble. heheh...
wah... then after lesson, u teach me here.. lolz..

ya, will try again AFTER i get my mixer.. lolz. *good excuse to be lazy*
Lost the recipe for chiffon cake which I change all from OZ to CUPS... hai which mummy chiffon cake is that.. I forgot liao.. can post again.. please

it turn out great the last time really must kok kok the tin lor...
Hai, had trial run before the actual birthday of my son. Made some cupcakes and decorate with fondant, my son likes the fondant decoration. I used butter in the recipe, but i found some recipe using vegetable oil? Is it the cooking vegetable oil or marjerine? What is the difference using vegetable oil instead of butter? Thanks.
Hai, Maggie:

Saw your photo of the rainbow cupcake, notice it is the soft type, mind to share the recipe? As i used the butter type cupcake and decorate with fondant, but i found its a bit buttery, which the small kids may be not like it. So looking for the recipe for soft type cupcake, anyone can help? Thanks.
either oil or butter is ok.. mostly is ur preference...

mine rainbow cake random make, Paiseh I threw the draft away... I use sponge banana cake mix(own mixture) though...If too buttery, lessen the butter and add the same quantity of flour and add 1 more tsp water...
siew lai, oil is for cakes u put wana put into fridge, butter will harden n make the cake harder. --> at least thats wat the teacher said when i went for class..
This is my 寿桃蛋糕

The rolling and adding of colour of marzipan is the same as fondant. There is almond taste to it and I find the texture is not as smooth as fondant. Sweetness wise still acceptable. maybe because am using Mrs Teng sponge cake recipe so the sweetness is sort of well blend. My instructor say can put in the fridge so when I ask him abt the sweating part he say won't wor!

Mrs Teng
Bo eng ah.....this week bz with course. A 4 1/2 day course got 4 test paper to take! stress ah....but lucky got today to destress



B4 i gor for the course I told my ger today I will be making peach cake so when she saw the cake she ask me where are the peaches haha....
All the bakes look so yummy. I love coming on to this forum.

FM - nice. how did you create the speckles for the peach? paint?

I've been so busy that i have not baked. Those looking for scarpe-a-bowl. Mayer selling at $34.50. Offer suppose to end 30 April, but its whilst stocks last. Call before you go. My brother bought me one.

YewTeeMummy - Jiayou. Halve the receipe for the butter cake cause its a BIG recipe and if not well mixed, the centre not cooked and if overmix its dense. Its Super yummy.
wow, very nice peach cake!

I didn't know marzipan cake can put in fridge and won't sweat, that good! So we can make sponge cake with fresh cream filling for the marzipan cake? Where to buy the marzipan? Thanks!

Today make a black forecast cake and a jelly agar agar for tomorrow belated mother's day celebration.

Mrs Teng....i sifted the flour, maybe i too rough when folding in the whites, therefore the cake looks holey
but lucky still fluffy. I saw ur butter cake texture very smooth leh, did u fold in the whites in batches. I find very difficult to fold in so much whites into the creamed batter.

Pm you the recipe already!


I dun know what really went wrong with your steps. Keep trying and I'm sure you can make it. Dun be afraid the fold in the batter with the white eggs. Even it deflates, you'll only get a denser can rather den a soft cake.

Now that you disappointed about the butter cake, it makes me want to try out again and see wat went wrong for you.. I also feel bad about it leh.
Use a toothbrush + metal spatula. Brush up & back wards at a distance. While doing it feel like am back to school art & craft lesson.

Thanks for the info on the scrape a bowl.

Marzipan also 'Sweat'.....wet when left at room temp after the fridge. best use with buttercream also. But for this I used fresh cream. Should be able to get from PH too,.

Mrs Teng
The marzipan are store bought. Instructor bought and share among the class. A small block cost $7. Guess more x then fondant. I find the texture more rough and since instructor say must use icing sugar I dare not put too much on the working desk afraid that it will make it more sweet. Colour adding can use those PH brand no problem leh!

I guess instructor got it from PH... just marzipan is quite costly.. PH sell a huge block for $30 ++. Only thing I like about marzipan is it's proportion of almond powder is more den icing sugar. Fondant is more sugar den corn starch.

And marzipan is definitely more easier to handle den fondant. Can roll until very thin and still can cover the cake with problem. And sure won't crack or have pockmarks. usually like my rich fruit cakes with a layer of marmalade and thin layer of marzipan.
美的咯.. so nice.

nvm abt taste of marzipan, lol. cos most prob use to try to make figurine & won't eat it. but gd to know it won't sweat.

i alr halve the recipe le. will try again, hopefully soon.

Mrs Teng,
it's my 功夫不到家, no need to feel bad. see, so many people succeed with ur recipe

i'm starting to wonder if it's my oven temp... cos the cakes i bake usu "burst" in the oven, then shrink tremendously after cooled.. maybe i should drop temp by 10-20 degress to try.

oh, if i half ur recipe, how long should i bake?
HB juz back from KL and bought a 21cm chiffon & an 8" round cake tin for me. maybe will try the butter cake again next wk :p

Cut by 15 mins of the baking time.

How big is your oven? Sometimes, if the height is insufficient, meaning the top and bottom heating is very close to the cake, it will tend to quicken the baking process of the batter nearest to them, den the middle part will be uncooked while the outside is drying out and burnt.

In this case, you have to reduce the heat after sometime for the inside to be cooked.
Last call for Batam trip anymore.......

Mrs Teng
after u mentioned abt the rolling part I agree that marzipan is more 'elastic' then fondant. Roll thinly also ok! But comes to kneading it is more hard. I find the taste is better then fondant.

It is becos of the almond that makes it more tasty. Yes, it is more difficult to soften it. I normally put it in the microwave for 10 secs (low), depending on amount. It's easier to knead after that.
Hi mummies,
Just wondering where do you learn all the baking from? I am bery interested in baking. However, not all the cakes I bake is good to eat. I am not sure where to go for lessons. Any advise?

I tried using aunty Yo's traditional sponge cake recipe for my gal bday and it turn out great! Positive feedback from my guests on the texture of the cake.


Any other recommedations for other cake base for fresh cream? Normally I prefer using fresh cream as I aint yet found one buttercream icing which taste nice. Any mummies got good buttercream recipe?

Mrs Teng,
What is your blog addy? Hope to see your recipe and learn.

I just sign up for wilton decoration class 1 to learn more abt decorating. However, wondering where I can pick up more abt baking from....

thanks you very much!
Here's my bakes for the week... I must say this week wasn't fruitful, cos lots of hiccups... Hopefully, some one can give me some good tips and no-fail recipe..

Made Blackforrest Swiss Roll and still got to admit I can't do it well.. I'm always not a swiss roll person.. this time, too greedy , put too much cream and the tray I used was too short.. End up, can't even complete one round of the roll. The cream just gathered right in the middle.


Den, die die also dun want to give up, tried sugar roll and became so stingy with my buttercream. Poor swiss roll... no cream at all. And the texture is not as soft as I expected it to be...
What a failure again.


Next, was the stupid recipe book that I followed blindly... The egg tart.. How can I be following so blindly? Wasted one batch of the dough and presumedly believed what I corrected should be fine but still end up a failure too! Crust too flaky and the egg custard a bit too soft. (Cos the recipe doesn't required custard powder, which I find it funny)


And finally, today's product ~ Chocolate Butter Cake.. Poor Yewteemum was sobbing over failed attempts on the butter cake, so I want to see if I've given the wrong recipe.. Add melt chocolate to the batter before folding into the egg whites.
Baked a 10" at noon and by evening time, half is already gone.. Hubby, the gals and the maids were happily eating away while I'm trying to capture some shots on the cake.. Very Moist, I must say.. So Yewteemum, keeping trying and you'll make it too!


Aside from bakes, did cooked some food that I really missed..

Jabchae and Kimbabs

hi mummies,
been sometimes since i cm in... all the pics make me drool again...

mrs teng,
should start a blog and share share recipe... keke... your cakes and food are very well done...

mummies, anyone can share how to make sushi? might want to try making this weekend...
mrs teng,
noted on the timing.

am using Panasonic NN-J993 convection oven, 30L. tried to find a pix of it online & came across this lady who did a write-up on the oven, lol.

*cry again* how come ur cake always turn out so nice

(speaking of which, i've yet to upload pix of the butter cake i did hor? :p will try to do so tmr. need to go sleep aft this post, headache liao)

u used a lot of corning ware hor?

nice cake.

Oppss! I dun really know how to read mandarin. I've never used a convection oven before so I dun know how to tell. Maybe mummies with convection oven can tell you how. I'm wondering if it's the Watts that you have to set or maybe you got to cut short the cooking time... microwave works a different way like traditional oven does. As far as I know, convection is just an added browning element to the traditional microwave oven.

I'm using the Ariston 90.3 Maxi Oven (older version). 68 litres.

Haha! I bought lots of corning ware when I was in US.. den when I had my customary wedding, I've lots of malay friends buying that as gifts for me.. Personally like them, cos very durable and oil stain on them are very easy to wash off.
Mrs Teng,
Your butter cake looks so nice! Can let me have the recipe plus the sponge cake? Is the sponge cake recipe used as a birthday cake base? Coz got another birthday coming up. tot use different recipe.

Mrs Teng,

Is it? Opps, how do I activate it? If it's not too troublesome, can u pls send it through FB? All my webmail addresses are listed there. In the meantime, I'll see where I can edit my account here. Thanks a lot, Mrs Teng & so sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Hi Mrs Teng

Your choco butter cake looks fantastic. I am planning to bake the cake for my girl's party this Sun. Thinking of it gives me heart palpitations...

I am very ambitious as I wanted to use fondant on the cake. BTW do you need to use a special fondant equipment to smooth out the fondant? Very kan cheong liao...
Mrs Teng

One last question,if I wanted to make a chocolate butter, what should I add/ remove?

Do you use cocoa powder or melted chocolate?
fatmum, VERY Nice marzipan peach cake!!

mrs teng... love the sugar roll shape ... and i JUST TRIED ur butter cake... now cooling... hahahahaha... i accidentally put in MORE than required milk... but luckily i'm using BIG eggs... so hopefully it 'evens' out the texture since egg is 'harden' and milk is 'soften'
Mrs Teng can teach curry... I use A1 but it doesnt take good.. in fact cannot face ppl lei... Is that curry veg behind.. I love those but I dont know how to make that too... so sad..

can I have ur choco butter cake recipe...

also want to ask How come my cakes all turn out the surface very shiny huh...

any mummy here selling away their square tin.. Me by mistake bought a wrong size now oven cant close door.. hai.. I rather buy second hand... thanks..
