Cup cakes for birthday

Mrs Teng,

Same here, I also wish that I could go, but nobody look after my 2 kids
Mummies I just bought a bulk of strawberry cuppies and the holders... Any mummy want to share... Price for half quantity for holder is at 20cents each
Can't believe I'm so blur or should I say the stupid recipe book misled me. Dun they prove read their recipe?

Was trying out a recipe and half way thru, I just figured out the recipe wasn't rite.. And I was so blind enuf to follow it without questioning the accuracy of the ingredients... Wasted time, wasted efforts and wasted ingredients.

Shall email the publisher and complain about the wrong recipe they published.. Some more from a renown malaysian chef.. How can this happen?
i got the bottle of lemon juice (concentrated) from baking needs section then thot it can be used in baking... who knows it made my cake taste so weird... waste my $$ nia...
btw i used packet coconut milk to bake cake also, so far no problem in the taste...

saw ur BP on bento making stuff, so tempted to buy but i must control... control... control

Batam Trip
wanted to go but hubby not allowed... sigh!
mrs teng.. u email they oso cant do anything now..

juz came back frm penang.. 1 of their recipe is for gula melaka sponge.. but the ingredient no gula melaka at all..

meow.. i wan butter!! :p
hehe. haha MRs Teng why something bothering u izzit...

Jess the bottle of lemon juice can only use the most is a tablespoon for baking if u dump the whole thing the cake taste funny-weird right... izzit the green bottle... I use it on buttercream(to neutralize the sweetness)
Jess I know wic lemon juice u added. Got once I sent my hubby to Ntuc to buy this end up he cun find. Used to add abit into tom yum soup.

To me the pandan chiffon cake with pkt coconut milk tastes ok but my fren insisted she feels it weird.
u went penang for holiday? or u penang-lang?

ya tat green bottle one, i used 10-20g only laa, of coz wont dump the whole bottle in else will die from sourish... lol

but i thot since it's placed at baking needs section then should be meant for baking use rite? anyway my hb saw the bottle last nite & he asked if he can drink it then i said drink lo, but after a bit only he 'pui' out everything & asked how come it tastes so weird... kakaka!
jess.. went penang for holiday with family n kids. Kinda regret cos VERY VERY HOT.. but some stuff there quite cheap.. bought those 6" cake boxes.. plain white ones n red color ones..
Kendy, u r back so fast come into forum liao huh? Hehehe...

Jess, yeah I believe the lemon juice is reconstructured if u read the packaging.

Peng, I bot yoghurt today...cannot wait to try out making ur bread wic does not need proofing. Bread kneading is good for relieving stress....Ask u hor, how soft is this bread compared to say Hokkaido breaf loaf? That is one of my fave but have not made for a long time.

I saw Tiong Bahru NTUC selling SCS butter 3 pkts of $8.50.
Mrs Teng, I see ur choc cream I oso wan try soon. Looks so yummy!

When u mean heavy cream, you are referring to dairy cream those that contain 35% fat content or higher right?
but my hb tat juz came back from penang last nite said the weather quite ok ler coz it was raining, but my mum in penang told me tat it was so hot last week until almost hit 40 degree liao... hehe!

ya think next time better guai guai go n buy fresh one instead of bottle one... -___-

btw, anyone got recipe tat only use egg yolk (other than kueh lapis) coz i need egg white to make macaron....
Jess : I see your post about your hubby drinking the lemon juice and I laughed at the thought.
I can imagine the expression - Priceless right? But why not buy 1 lemon, grate the lemon for
zest and squeeze the juice out? I feel it's more natural that way.

Maggie: what does your strawberry cuppies look like?

Batam - I cannot go. Have other commitments on
hahaha... serve him rite, who ask him so 贪吃!

hmm... y dun buy fresh lemon ar? coz i juz feel like buying one & keep, in case there is any use then it will come in handy, and if i buy fresh one then cannot keep for long... but who knows this bottle one taste so weird...
actually the lemon concentrate... i bot from Daiso... pokka brand... like a yellow little granade packaging with green cap... it taste natural and good... been using it to replace lemon juice IF i dun have 'stock' at home... hahahaha...

ok... who need <font color="0000ff">salted / UNsalted</font> <font color="ff0000">BUTTER</font> please PM me... i will pass list to friend and see when she can collate the orders...

collection same: Friday Evening at Jurong Point / Friday late evening at Redhill mrt.
jandew...cannot compare with hokkaido bread loaf lah, is different texture. Bear in mind without yeast added the bread will not be as fluffy, so the non proofed bread is slightly dense than normal bread
Mrs Teng,
**laughing** I have a healthy cake recipe using olive oil &amp; wheatgerm flour as "main star" but the method did not include the olive oil. I also realized it half-way.

How/what is the use of lemon juice in pineapple tart huh?

PMed you liao.
keng.... hahahahaa.... the poor guy still trying to SQUEEZE oil from olive when recipe was written/printed.... hahahahahahaha....

juz did mango ice cream... now freezing it... smells and taste (lick off from whip) great! :p
Mrs Teng - lucky you discovered, else don't know what it will turn out to be like. The choc ganche looks yummy, can eat it on its own type and gain loads of calories.

The trip is so tempting, but i think my passport expired and i have yet to renew. Hubs has been bugging me about it .

Kendy - i used in when i was in Australia. I agree, its tastes weird. Very synthetic taste. Better to buy real lemons.

the cuppy made a mistake is 25 cents each ok..


this blueberry cake.. very moist... too moist in fact using 3 eggs and 3/4 water.. how?? reduce water...
Maggie u wan hop over to my thread or email me at [email protected]? I got readystock for that.

Peng fr ur blog pics tinkn the bread looks abit short coz din rise so much. Was queuing at Barcook the other day, they have a warmer to proof the bread n its so fast, took maybe 15min or so. Do u know wat is the filling inside the raisin bread?
thanks for offering to help get DAISO mini chiffon tin. but i stay @ YT, so far to get from u @ SK.

thinking of handmixer, too, but worried some recipe needs to stir n add ingredients at same time then not enuff hand so going for stand mixer. but seems many mummies using handheld, too.

aiya.. saw ur spree too late. just bought alphabet cutters from NTUC yesterday!!!

the Hello Kitty &amp; Kathy vegetable cutters can use for cookies or not? also interested in the Mickey &amp; Minnie Mouse cookie cutter with stencil.

erm.. think i post queries over at the spree thread more appropriate..

ur "evening" / "late evening" is what time approx?

<font color="ff0000">*sob* *sob* so i'm the only 1 who failed to successfully bake Mrs Teng's traditional butter cake?! 不甘心, must try again!!</font>
YewTee....u will succeed one! to try out the texture &amp; taste i adjust the recipe to 4 eggs, going to bake again using 8 eggs cos is so tasty! ^-^
i follow recipe strictly de...
u mean u reduce all ingredients or only the eggs?
i halved the recipe, but think 6 eggs is too much, taste more like 鸡蛋糕 than butter cake.. lol.
yewtee mum
some people will cover the cake with marzipan 1st then cover with fondant. It can also use to mould but I never try using marzipan b4.

Mrs Teng
I kpo again and post ur recipe here for kendy

Kendy heres the recipe from Mrs Teng.

360 g Butter (room temp)
270 g caster sugar
12 medium eggs, separated
330 g self raising flour, sifted **
60 ml milk***
1/2 tsp Cream of tartar
2 tsp Vanilla essense (optional if you want pure butter taste)

** If using plain flour, add 1 1/2 teaspoon double action baking powder

***use orange juice instead of milk for a citrus flavored cake

1) Pre-heat oven at 160 to 170 C.

2) Whisk egg whites with 90 g sugar and 1/2 tsp cream of tartar until soft peaks or stiff peaks if you like a softer cake. (I'm using two bowls, so I whisked the egg whites after I have creamed and mixed the butter mixture in step 4.)

3) In another bowl, beat butter and remaining sugar by machine until light and fluffy, do scraped down the sides for butter that are not creamed. Make sure that the sugar has dissolved before moving to the next step.

4) Add the yolks one by one (or whole eggs if a heavier
cake is preferred, den you dun have to whisk the egg whites seperatly), beating well after each addition and then add the milk and vanilla essense.

5) Fold in the flour in 2 or 3 batches

6) Fold the stiff egg whites into the butter mixture until well-blended but don't over-do it or the whites will deflate. (Skip this step if you are using the whole egg method)

7) Pour batter into a lightly grease or lined bottom of a 10"/25 cm square or round cake tin and bake 1 hr 10-15 minutes until wooden skewer plunged into middle of cake comes out clean. (I lined the tin cause it's easier to remove the cake.

Tips : Try to use aluminum tin, cos dark tin will give a darken the base and sides of the cake. In fact, most cake that I made I'll use light color tins

YewTee Mum
Jia you! Am sure u can do it de!

Marzipan is with almond added. If not wrong can be moulded too. Jst that the orginal colour is more to the yellowish side.

Tmr lesson with my instructor will be using marzipan to make a 寿桃蛋糕
