Cup cakes for birthday

SN...heee inside is candy! bought them at those candy stall
may i know wat kind of almond powder u used?

Hi SN, Thanks for the recipe. After my pineapple tarts order, coming up will be kueh bangkit, then if still got time will be ur almond cookies...
My pineapple tarts baking like cant c end one le, keep baking & baking still like nt enough, till date already bake 23 bottles liao still nt enough, still hv 12 more bottles to go...Finish baking my order liao, hubby go take in order lau when then can finish. DUN CARE, told ah lao pineapple tarts will close shop this fri, NO MORE ORDER LIAO....up to date already bake more than 1,000pcs pineapple tarts liao, still hv 540 pcs to nt easy to earn...haiz...
hmm... regarding SALLY's recipe... do you (anyone) think i can use peanut powder? got ready one at home... but no more almond powder...

otherwise, gotto go out get lor...
Can't wait for Sally to reply n saw my fridge got some balance almond powder, so make 1.5 share of the recipe, hehe! Last batch just out from oven.
u so fast! look v nice wor...
U, peng n catz really chong for making all kinds of cookies.... thumb up!!!! n cny is getting closer n closer...
ice lim
today a bit free and saw sally post the recipe likes quite simple and all ingredients I have at home so just take a try lor, haha!
wow u so fast, that recipe can make 80pcs. :)
Nice? N ya simple hor. My first trial so must choose simple one.
U use mixer or hand mix? I din use mixer, just mix myself n knead by hand. heh

the basket veri nice lei.
The almond powder I used is Gold Lion. I guess any brand also can. hee

Wow bian u realli cheong. Money not easy to earn for CNY bakes but good money. kekeke

Think no prob. Should be tasty too. U try n let us noe.
Ya, it is nice n my boy keep asking for it.
I make about 103pcs for 1.5 recipe n I din weight the dough n just estimate lor. I use hand to mix n reduce the sugar to 150g instead of 180g for 1.5recipe. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Sally's recipe is real simple. Think i will oso go n try.... since throw everything in 1 shot n mix den scope den bake... Hmm....
No prob. U are most welcome.
I din cut the sugar, when I ate, I tot abit sweet, but all my frens plus hb who tried said nice, just like outside, no need to cut sugar. hee My boi allergic to nuts so cant take, hence I make the butter cookies for him. kekeke

Pai sei lei, not my recipe lah. Its Alan Ooi. hee Go Go try, veri easy.
Thermal Magic Cooker
How many mummies using?
Since I have been introduced to it, I have been addicted in using cos so fuss free and no need to worry about checking on the stove fire. N best u can prepare n put in the pot n enjoy baking at peace. heehee Thumbs up! Onli last yr then I noe about it. So slow ya?
Me oso supporter that. I finally bought it late last year too. Bought Thermo Shuffle Chef. Then another one is Tiger Food Jar. These few days sick hor, it save my life but dumping the porridge to cook by itself while I sleep

Tempted to bake leh but no energy. But Sally your recipe sure is tempting
Aiyo sick ah, CNY coming. Must take care n get well soon. The recipe easy, can try out. Bake n wash n clean up I use about 55mins for a recipe.
Ya i onli noe about it last yr, n bought during the tiger promo at Taka, so got one big n one small. N both can use same time cos big can use for soup or stew, n small one can use for dessert. Realli glad to buy it. Falling in love with it so much. Basically can cook everything n no need to wori about getting burnt, forget to add water, etc. To tempt all, here are some I use the pot to cook for this week:




Of cos the chapati not using the pot, hee. I knead the dough n make the chapati myself. :)
sally, CL
my mum has bought 1 of the pot but I can't remember what name. She used it boil soup only n said no good. Not so tasty n not so hot. She only used twice n said want to pass it to me, hehe! Can share how to use the pot? Maybe she used it wrongly?
done... did these using Sally's recipe - total of 65 cookies. Substitute almond powder by peanut powder... but think too coarse, therefore more cracks...

Time spent = 1/2 hour preparation to washing, excluding baking time. This kind of recipe GOOD arh! hahahaha...

Sorry can I just come in this thread to ask if anyone keen on a brand new Tiger Thermal cooker 4.5 litres. Selling at $200.
It's so useful I already own 3 different sizes lah, save so much gas...
mummies - your cny bakes all sooooo yummy!

Catika - if substitute with peanut powder did u adjust the baking time? cos u say got crack

i remembered my mil will beat the egg whites into foam like, and then coat her prawns with it & deep fried them, yam yam, try it!
wow all the nice bakes...

hong, the prawns coated with egg white need to be coated with a coat of breadcrumbs as well. Very yummy but alots of work as well.

if don't intend to bake or too much... can use to marinate meats as well..
jekartik, how? ... can share recipe here? think CNY/ post CNY, lots of mummies will be left with lotsa egg whites... and more with much more beautiful complexion liow... every nite can do facial mask! hahahaha
me curious too so googled egg whites recipe and found this site. quite recipes for using up egg whites can be found. otherwise can make chiffon cakes too

I'd PMed you on my collection for the pan. please let me know when's a suitable time for you. Thks! btw, i found the low rack to use in my microwave oven

Kueh Bangkit
also tried the sago flour recipe today. Peng, i think we have the same Y3K book!

nice butter cookies!
WOW..haven login for a long while.was drooling while reading all the posting...
...This year I didnt hv time to bake at all cos my boy go P1 & Gal K2, was terribly busi just attending to them. *sob*..*sob*...

Cat & Peng,
can sell me yrs nice goodies or not? hee hee...
ixorrarred, where did you get your so so so nice moulds for KB?

hamster, me do every year for own consumption and fun and to be immersed in the bing-bing-bang-bang mood... hahahaha... no sale no sale!
oh ya, i wanted to say that u r really 'leg hand very fast'. it took me 4 hours to do the KB but u can do so many things in such short time. my KB were made from traditional moulds. see pic. mine were from penang but i saw phoon huat selling last CNY.

recently did up a blog and posted e method to use these moulds on it. pls see
Hi mummies, how's everyone? Sighz, no time to log in these days. Everyone must be busy gearing up for CNY cos it's less than a week! Anyone heading to M'sia like me?

ixorarred, just visited your blog and absolutely loved it! The photos are so professionally taken and your step by step illustration of baking kp is so helpful! Great job! Are you a SAHM? Would love to bake together with you someday!
Mine both pots (Tiger n Endo) come with recipe books when purchased. My Tiger is the same as wat Erica want to sell. That time promo in Taka, think S$245, with Endo 1.5L free. Then I follow the techniques the recipe guides and uses the pot to play around with other dishes I wan. Can make alot of items with the pot, eg I made also those ang mo beef stew with red wine, dessert like green bean soup. 2 days ago, I chance upon this thread, U can check it out.

The chapati's recipe is from this video:
Veri easy. N i like cos veri healthy as the recipe dun use ghee.
Chapati Flour (atta flour, wholewheat flour) can get from PH. Must use the flour strictly for chapati, if not, taste terrible n wont be the same.
Chapati is more healthy than prata. Not so oily too. :)

sori for late reply, out whole day on Friday. N busy. I dun think u can use that almond drink powder. U wan u can try. But I dun think so.

Wow yr kueh bangkit so so nice n pro. N yr blog so cool. Notti gal, din tell me u have a blog. All yr pics also taken so pro. U r great.
I just got a Y3K book at the newstand today ...

Also setup a blog but no time now to update anything. Hope to update it soon.

Now have to make more pineapple tarts to replenish those my hubby gobble up even before CNY.
ixo, wow... nice blog... very detailed...

eliz, wow! i still not in the mood and no time to bake PT yet... love open tops!!! *salivating*
meow.. now already countdown 1 week.. still no mood to bake? haiz.. i bake till faint.. so change of pace to bake green pea cookie.. hopefully kueh bangkit tomolo..
about the recipe will post it after i come back. now busy packing, will leaving in 2 days.

so just wait until after CNY.

Bluey, where did you buy the Y3K bk? I'm interested to get one too.

Haiz...just send back my maid. Wrong timing. Now got no helper, dun say bake CNY goodies, even 3 meals got prob. So only can drool over all yr bakes.
