Cup cakes for birthday


can the yogurt cake bake in toaster oven? btw, i tried to find wat the temp for the toaster but cant find.
u mean those small toaster oven? Er....i don't know leh...think may take sometime to bake.

Pink or others can help???
Help help, my madeira cake is baking now. Anyone who attended Pink's class knws how long we must bake it? I cant find in the notes leh...and Pink is not contactable. Anyone.....
You passed me one ah? I was paying for my rice and didn't see any leh... hehehe. No worries lah.... Next time meet up, I make sure I have more for you and vice versa lor... ;)

If clever, my macs would be successful already. Now still a failure.... sigh. I did let it rest for 20 mins.... still the same. Going to try again.... I die, die must suceed. Pink's class in Dec... have to wait sooooo long......

2 times only ah..... try somemore lah. Mix less and see how it turns out. I have been doing so much research, read until blur. Same with Meow..... both of us in the same boat, confused... hehehehe

I used the recipe in Pink's/Aunty Yo's link.
Go give a try and let us know the results!

Can keep butter for a long time. Leave it in the freezer and thaw whenever you want to use them. Perhaps can bake apple pie foldover with the puff pastry. You can also use to make curry puff and use the puff pastry for skin for baking. My mom used to make her own and layer dough with a kind of margerine. Have to roll out and fold a few times... so much work!
Kathy...not yet try baking a whole madiera cake but the book suggested 11/4 hours..u try 1 hour see can cook or not...if not extended accordingly..
Kathy...ageing means leaving the whites in rm temp for 24hrs...i read somewhere say by doing this will dehydrate the whites so that the macarons will not be flat after trying to experiment this method see how it works... you guys really hardworking, doing research. Mmm...i must go surf surf 1st b4 i try baking my 1st macarons. bb crying again...
wow Peng.. you are truly an expert!

Glad you cake turn out well kathy. My oven so unpredictable nowadays, everything I bake comes out a little wonky!
you are so funny...hahahaaa =)

Anyone can advise -

May i know that is the chiffon cake texture should be 'song song de' (loose loose) one just like outside that kind of pandan chiffon or should be more 'compact'.......mine is not song song de it correct..
just steamed AY's steam milk cake... i got no double acting baking powder... subst with baking powder... all become huat kuey style... all luffing at me!!!

taste wise... still nice... luan luan one... and got a tinge of milk taste. (I'm using Magnolia fresh milk and i reduced sugar by 20g) ...

yarrow... i did 8 pieces... and all luffing 'huat huat' one... my mum see liow sure happy... like her pray pray cake... only thing... i shud put red dots! hahahaha...

i did 8 pieces... just cooled... Josh whacked 2 liow! *faint* ... now left 6 pieces... tomorrow's b'fast!
Thanks catika
means my texture is not right..=( though it taste nice.
i also steam this milk cake yesterday..the cake top also open mouth and smile at me...=)
i'm glad tat you all like the macarons, i was quite worries cos i bake it while i'm very tired.
somemore for chocolate macarons, i increased another 2gr of the cocoa powder... dare to take the risk in the wee hours... haha!
my tiredness and sleepless nite paid off

i think the beigh macs slighly over bake for 1mnts.
for the chocolate slighly under bake for 1 mnts.

using the same temperature and same timing, but hor result will diff, gotta sit infront of oven and catch the texture.

your macs texture looks good to me, looks the same with mine leh.
i think you gotta play ard with your oven temperature.
flaten in the middle of baking sounds like temperature change too drastic? did you adjust it? somemore you said: the back ones turn brown faster than the front ones.
time to buy oven thermo?

snowbelle (snowbelle) ,
u new with us? welcome to tis baking thread

marzipan, is usually to cover the cake only, "ang moh" likes to cover big cake with marzipan, then follow by fondant.

for figurine, you can use fondant.
plenty of ready-made fondant sell at outside.
wilton brand is the most expensive, as what i know, i might be wrong...
color marker and fondant usually available at bakery mart like: phoon huat, sunlik, BIY - bukit timah etc.
not available at NTUC or cold storage.

my chiffon recipe yield 9" .
wash the mini very tired hor? haha!

so sorry just now missed your call.
i'm glad your cake turn out nicely.

thks for your helping hand...
for silicon mat, use the FLAT side.
see the pic i post... happy trying !

didn't see your mail leh?
btw, i tot tuesday u going sunlik and will say hi to us during lunch time? i got bring 2 macarons for u to try, but didn't see u leh?
or i remember wrongly? old liao....
and your muffins looks good, see it in tis hour, really hungry leh !

CL, PENG, Lynzi,
thks for sharing the recipes.....
btw, i prefer you all bake and i eat... hahaha!
cos the moment i bake, i lost my appetite to eat.

now i never enjoy eating macs liao.... only try half or a bite to test the texture... jia lat !

yes yes, the macs less sweet compared to last time

your Q abt egg white.
chao sng = overnite egg white issit? i assume lah hor?
as i told u during lunch meeting, i dun use the overnite egg whites, cos i feel not hygiene leh.... scared got any "no good" thingy.
simply crack the egg and use the white. room temperature egg ya?

i usually bake lapis surabaya from the left over egg yolk. haha!

anymore Q?
my eyes half close le..... if i missed out your Q, pls pop again.
pink... how much sugar did u reduce? ... can reduce sugar meh? ... how to achieve the 'less sweet' effect ... *stupid question*... hahahahah....

hmm... if using AY Chocolate Mac recipe... can u disclose the amoutn of sugar u used or what u Upscale and Downscale?
like the texture and sweeetness of this time one... *thumbs up*
macs pic:
pipe into circle, let it rest, atleast 20 - 30mnts, totally depent on texture.
how to know when is the time to pop into oven?
use your finger, gently touch the macs side, if no longer stick to your finger, then is ready to "throw" into oven. VERY GENTLE HOR !!! DUN POKE IT ARRR

macs, rest too little, no feet, rest too long oso no feet....

but dun give up, we hand in hand "war" with macarons !

don't panic if you see the feet raise till very high, cost within 5mnts, the feet will sink down abit.
usually, the feet will come out within 3-6 mnts, if more than 7mnts no feet, then sure no feet le.
juz continue to bake it lor..... still nice to eat.

come out from oven:

see the macs "butt" using silpat mat.....

chocolate macarons using silicon mat, the feet equally beautiful as using silpat mat:

but hor, the "but" will not as smooth as silpat mat:

this is the surface tat i use , the flat one:

hope all the above pic helped !
happy trying !
wah seh... very clear!!! thanks... but are u using AY's recipe WHOLESALE or how do u scale the ingredients to achieve this less-sweet n crunchy effect?

i'm going to try on Monday... got 'Man'power... then got handsfree to try... hehehehe
the icing sugar, i reduced it to: 200gr.

AY original is:
140 gm. finely ground almond
250 gm. icing sugar
25 gm. cocoa powder
100 gm. egg white - at room temperature

mai tu liao ! happy trying
you can half the recipe.

if use whole recipe, then yield 2 mat. my silpat & silicon mat.

i'm now play cheat, wanted 2 flavour, so i prepare one recipe, when after fold the almound ground, i devided to two bowl, and the other bowl i put 10 gr cocoa powder.

BUT IS NOT GOOD for u all as a start.... don't follow the above method.
i scared u will spoiled the texture when later on u add the cocoa powder.
keep stiring oso no good, the batter will become too dilute / deflat le...
morning all,
today, our baking thread is one year old.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKING THREAD !!</font></font>

Pls welcome this young lady who is juz learn baking, see how messy is she, flour fly to every where, the pandan muffin batter oso every where


Good morning pink,

Love your "messy girl" - she is so cute. Really admire your great skills.

Keep posting more for us to see ok
hahaha..... love the gal trying to make pandan chiffon. She is like me.... get flour all over the place! hahahha

Thanks so much for the macs picture and instructions. Looks like have to try again today.

Oh... I made my 1st batch of MMF yesterday. I was wondering, do you sift the icing sugar? My MMF got lumps of sugar not melted in the end. No mater how much I knead (an hour), still cannot get rid of lumps but got a very good workwout tho...
yeah, I'm new to this thread
Saw your messy girl, really love it! Actually thinking of going for the wilton courses to learn cake decorating...

I didn't see the food marker in phoon huat, maybe it's hiding somewhere coz I never ask :p

Check with you... how early we can prepare the fondant figurine? A week before? How long it can last? If I want to cover a sponge cake, can I just cover using fondant? Thanks!
Happy anniversary to this thread!!

Great work there! I can see your trademark in there too, the PINK mixing bowl.
How I wish I have those nimble fingers of yours! And your works are like those 'masak masak', so cute and fun.

May I know, for the cabinet, is there any cake in it?
I'm back.. after eating all the wonderful goodies, got a fever.. haha..

but u ladies are reallie powerful.. all bake so well.. tink i must go n work on my skills liao..

pink after eating ur macarons, i decided i must try it out.. can share the receipe?
Thanks catika and missyling for your advises..shall try it out again..=)

Hi, pink
Wanted so much to try doing mac again..the previous macs no feed n looks like cookies =(
yours so yummy... =)
pink, thanks!

just to check again... the silicon mat... we put the doughs on the shiny side or matte side? last time u told me it's the shiny side to put doughs/bakes !??!?!?! now the pic looks like matte side leh... i've been using it the wrong side all the while??? hahahahahaha... or for macs... it's suppose to be on the matte side???

