Cup cakes for birthday

i saw alphabet cookies cutter from NTUC before.
can't remember selling how much liao.

You are fast man! Back and already posting...

I came home, the boys "chop" the macs already. Luckily, managed to bite a "teeny" piece to taste... and wow... sedap! got scolded by my son for biting his mac... haiz.....

Oh.. and for the brioche snails, here's the link...

So now.... I will try again. Very excited!!! ... hehehe

Nice meeting the rest of the mommies. Looking forward to more gatherings!
Hammie...he first time sleep like this in stroller...just now at lunch he so noisy and cranky,lucky the place noiser than him manage to cover up his cryings...
Thank you for your nice words. Ha ha today one "no looks" very pai sei.

Me just out from a super long meeting that I host. Though near dinner time, I still eat Peng's loaf cake and Cat's milo agar agar. Very nice, yummy

I never take the cookie from Yany leh. But got extra rainbow kueh from Dior.

Reserve the mac and rainbow kueh for the kids.
Wow.. not bad leh, after the gathering every1 got present. hee...

ur boy sleep so sound... poor thing after hearing 10 mummies chatting around must be real wear out...hahaha....
wow so many nice fruits. Wat is the item in the cup?

u finally steal time to make macaroons. hee

Mwah Mwah Thanks to the yoghurt cake recipe! Easy, fuss free n nice. Super soft.

No raisins, so omit that.
N I cut down sugar to 120g, just nice. :)
Thanks for the translation. Didn't know got so many types of ingredients being used. by the way whats these? And where can I buy frm? Thanks

Naigaimo (Is this know as ju3 luo4? )
The Nisshin Flour ( wheat flour) Bacon 30g
Mochi for shabushabu

Er...did u add baking powder and baking soda? I lined my tin with bakig paper and never grease it. I don't think you overmix since u mentioned its still very soft.

Can try the cutter at Blk 10 Haig Rd #01-363 Ghim Hin Lee. Don;t get at spotlight if i'm nt wrong for the same product it cost few times more.

Nice princess cookies & yogurt cake. Glad u like the easy whip cake too. The item in the cup is Cat milo agar agar (",) !
S@L tada.....happy baking

Yogurt Cake
200gm Cake flour (If don't have cake flour use plain flour + corn flour, I agar agar 190gm + 10gm)
1 tsp Baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda (I used 1 tsp only)
150gm sugar ( I reduced to 85gm to suit my taste)
200gm plain yogurt
1 egg
30 gm raisin (Pre soak in water for abt 20mins. As i reduce the sugar amt, I increase raisin to 40gm)
100g melted butter

1) Sieved the cake flour, BP, BS
2) Melt the butter and kept temp @ 40-45c / luke warm
3) mix egg & yougurt
4) Add sieve flour, mixed slightly
5) add raisin & melted butter
6) used a mixer and mix all. Remember not to over mix.
7) half filled the container with batter
7) Oven temp 180c abt 25mins or the toothpick test when the cake is golden brown
die lah... i forgot to pass the macs to shers !
any way, only 2 pcs
cos bake it last minute... pai seh

ya lor, last nite i reach home 2:30Am, got last minute indo fren asked for gathering.
then i checked forum, see yany, peng, dior busy with goodies to bring, then i so touch leh!
then i decided to give up my beauty sleep and bake macs....
i didn't sleep at all.... now brain dead ! haha!

if you don't have silpat, use silicon can oso.
i've photos to show u all the result using silpat and silicon mat.
but now my brain, no longer working... really brain dead... gotta rest liao... nite nite !
2moro then i upload the macs pic.

dior and ice goh,
nice to meet u ! and really enjoy talking to you all.
my gosh why you all like tat?
so skinny and nice figure?
shall i give up my baking passion then can have your standard?
but i think think think hor..... i still prefer plum plum lah.... as long as can bake.

iv'nt got chance to try the cheesecake !
i reached home 9:30Pm.
when i'm meeting my fren, i saw my neighbour, they are going back to tampines, so i tumpang all my barang barang to her. include the goodies.

then when i reach home, all gone !!!!

but my boy said: mummy, the cheese cake so so yummy, why u bot one only? i finished it liao leh....

my girl said the rainbow layered cake so yummy, pls share the recipe?

thks can tumpang your "BIG" car !

the chocolate cookies from yany, the cake tat peng give, the milo agar agar from cat.... all gone !


nite nite!
I am so happy to meet up with you ladies these afternoon, at least I took a breather from my kids for a while...heehee. ladies, thanks for
all the yummy food that you all make effort to make...

I like the maracoon that you make, I use to not to like it but yours have make me change my opinion about I will work extra hard when I have the time....
Your rainbow kuek is lovely. My hb says got very good standard. My girl's favourite

my kids gobble up your macarons ha ha i only get 1 bite. When I come back I bake for you again But I think you better lah
Hi hi,
I'm thinking of making icing figurine using either ready made mazipan or fondant... it's my very 1st time making... can anyone pls advise me? I wanted to make for my mom's birthday... Which one should I use? Mazipan or fondant? How advance can I made beforehand? Where can I buy food colour marker? Thanks a lot!
<font color="aa00aa">catika,
here is the recipe for the arab dessert.

1 litre full cream milk
6tbsp semolina flour
4tbsp fine sugar
2tbsp condensed milk
Some yellow colouring/ saffron
Some raisin and roasted almond flakes for decoration
2 pandan leaves

Arrange the ramekins/ containers first.
Cook the milk with sugar, saffron/ yellow colouring and pandan leaves over medium heat.
Must always stir the mixture so that the bottom will not get burnt.
When the milk starts to boil, add in semolina and keep on stirring until the mixture gets more condensed.
Pour the mixture into ramekins/ containers.
Decorate the top with some raisins and roasted almond flakes.
Will set when cooled.</font>
Pink...i have a silicon mat but not yet used it for baking, may i know which area to place the baking itmes...the shiny side or the matte side?
Good morning ladies,
Anyone knows if I can get chiffon pans from Phoon Huat or any other shops? Tired of washing so many mini chiffon pans. hehehe. If recipe call for good chocolate, usually what brands do you use?

Ur chiffon recipes are for how many inch chiffon pan? 8" or 9"? Thanks
dior, i love yr rainbow kuek!! so nice!! and i love yr figure also.. WOW!!

everybody leaves so early.. i'm the last to reach. but still manage to tabao all the things except the cookies..

peng, yr boy really very tired le.. so cute~ huggies the pooh and ZZZzz. u must have a hard time pat pat him to slp.
muffin, i always buy the baking chocolate at phoon huat. they have a nice fragance.. cant rem the brand liao..

but yest, when i went to sunlik, Pink told me the baking chocolate called 'mar...' is nice.. i bought also.. going to try out cupcake using that soon.. quite easy to find also..

u can buy bigger chiffon pans at sunlik also.. they have quite a far bit of size to choose..

peng, its ok la.. yesterday was the fastest meal i ever eaten.. gosh~~ so rush.. its ok la.. we stay quite near also.. along the same NEL.. can always meet up..

dearie, i also forgot to take yr share from pink.. some other time ok??
Mummies, nice meetg all of you. But so sorry, hve to rush to send my gal to sch, so din manage to tok to everyone.

Dior, yr rainbow kueh is so nice! Bright and taste yummy. I got to ration it like gold bet me, my gal and hubby. End up my gal still accuse us of taking bigger bites
Can you share the receipe?

Pink, yr macarons is gooood! But noticed the choc one is more moist and chewy than the beige one. And it taste oh so good! Hope can achieve yr standard. I pop them into my mouth b4 my gal came back frm sch. So no nd fight with her.

Peng, yr cake is so moist. My hubby like it so much, ask me to make for him. Is the receipe in yr blog? And ystd i keep thinking you look like someone, then after watching the channel u news then i realise you look like the news broadcaster Dong Su Hua.
Not only you, i also running after my gal like mad. Think next tm not bringing her anymore, too stressful.

Shers, you are so young and pretty. Got a very soft look. Yr hubby must sayang you a lot. So sorry, din manage to tok to you much.

CL, thanks very much for all the trouble. Really appreciate. Yr cheesecake is very nice, think at 4am i cannot achieve yr standard. I took 1 bite and the rest my hubby finish it before i protest. And he said its very delicious. Can share receipe? It taste really moist like those japanese cheesecake.

Lim, thanks very much for the HK toys. My gal is soooo happy.

Yany, so sad din get to try yr cookie. Look so yummy. Must be delicious. Nice to meet you.

Cat, my gal loves yr boy. Keep asking me when we going to pick you and Joshua for lunch again. Thks for the jelly. My gal loves it. Brought it for her break ystd.

I saw one mummy but din get to intro myself. Who is it huh?

My bb went for vaccine ystd, nw dwn w fever and super cranky. So sian...
Kathy...hahaha thks for ur compliment! think u miss out Ice Goh? me too din really get to talk much to her cos rushing off...btw the cake a bit char tar still nice hur wahaha...i not yet post the recipe in my blog cos thought of improving it again :p
maybe u can try it out first...

Chocolate Chip Walnut Loaf
100gm brown sugar (can use white sugar if u prefer)
115gm plain flour (i reduce to 110gm and add 5 gm of cocoa powder)
4 tbsp cornflour
1 tsp baking powder
100gm butter,soften
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp raisins
30gm walnuts, chopped finely
1/2 lemon rind,grated (i forgotten to add this!!)
3 tbsp choco chips

1. Grease and line a loaf tin 22x12cm(next round am going to use the disposable kind).
2. Sift the flour, baking powder and corn flour 3 times.(this is to ensure the loaf is really soft)
3. With a electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually and beat well. Beat in vanilla essence.
4. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, in 3 batches, do not overmix.
5. Fold in raisins, walnuts and chocochips until just blended.
6. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 30-35mins at preheated oven 180 deg cel. Cool in the tin for 5 mins before transferring to a rack to cool completely. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

Tips: if surface starts to brown too fast and middle is not cooked yet, cover the surface lightly with a piece of baking paper which i did..
Thanks for the choc n chiffon pan replies. Will try Sunlik. Any idea if they r open on sundays?

NTUC hv ghirella (something) brand n hershey. Wonder if they r good.
Thanks kathy.
It was really fun meeting so many mummies yday.

Recipe for my cheese cake is from my fren.


Philadelphia Cream Cheese (3 packets, 250g each)
Digestives biscuits (about 8-9 pieces) depends on the size of the tray
3 eggs
Sugar (1 cup)
Butter (200g)
Vanilla Essence (1 tea spoon)
1 Lemon (squeeze to about half cup of lemon juice)

Blend the Digestives biscuits till fine
Melt the butter using mircowave for about 30 secs till creamly
Mix the melted butter with biscuits until sticky to form the crust. Add more melted butter if needed.
Lay the crust on the tray and put the tray in the freezer for 20 mins.
Blend the Cream Cheese, Sugar, Vanilla Essence, &amp; eggs together till smooth.
Pour the lemon juice slowly into the mixture and stir, taste if the mixture is ok.
Take out the tray after 20mins, and heat in the mirco-oven or convention mircowave for 5 mins.
Then pour the mixture in the tray and bake at 180 degree for about 30 to 35 mins.
Let the tray cool down and put in the fridge, best to serve the next day.

Of course lazy me use ready crust
Hi CL, Kathy, Shers,
So, you were the ones never take the cookies. I was wondering how come got balance and pass all to Pink when we left! I didn't get a chance to try Catika's Milo agar agar... but I bet its good!

Please share youre rainbow layered cake! So beautiful to look at and delicious to eat!

The top of the line chocolate is from Varhona. They sell this at Sunlik and BIY.. but not sure if they have at Phoon Huat. The brand you mentioned, hersheys, ghirardelli, van houten are all pretty good. I find the later 2 brands darker in colour.

I was so excited over the macs... went home and tried 3x and all 3x failed! Haiz....
I took pictures before and after baking... so you can look look see see. It looks great before baking. During baking, very nice too... pong pong for the 1st few mins although no feet. Then start to flatten. So.. what do you think? I suspect the heating of my oven not even as the back ones turn brown faster than the front ones.

kathy, josh was asking (aka nagging) why mei-mei has to leave so early... why why... hahahaha

dior... *wolf whistle*... good figure, good skin and good rainbow kuey!!! can share recipe? ... but think of the TIME spent layer by layer... abit scary! hahahaha...

yany... no wonder u r labelled 'model mum' as well lah... *sigh*... height good and figure still so good!!!

this thread's mummies are getting more and more SEDAP and younger... think dun dare to post anything much any longer... hahahahah... wait meet up... must sit at far far table and look see look see... hahahahah... loots distribution time... go nearer... grab and go! :p

Pink, the macs are not as sweet as the first few times when u started making them... sedap!
bought the almond powder that you recommended in Sulik... will try out soon!
(fresh egg white, icy cold E.W; or chao sng E.W.??? hahahahaha... the blogs and websites are making me a confused cat!)

icegoh, shers, peng, CL... yesterday didn't talk much due to seating arrangement and time lah... catch up again!
yany, duh? i passed u one wor... hahahaha... where did u leave it??
the recipe is from ejoie's milo agar agar - with Hello Kitty picture one... but i scaled down on the sugar...
it's VERY easy to do one... as i decided only last min the nite before to do it for the gathering!
peifu u can bake at that wee hours.

wow u so clever. Did u rest for the skin to appear before poping inside the oven? I read that must rest for about ten mins first. But i not sure how it looks like with the skin.
thanks all for your answers on the alphabets cookie cutters.

FAtmum, thanks for sharing the receipe.hope to try out one of these days.
Yany,can share the recipe of the Macarons? Need to start making some too..kekeke cos i also hope to check out Pink's demo...

SN, i read that need to sit abt 1hr for 'skin' to seems like really a very difficult to make dessert.

cos nvr tried ur macarons to share what your views are as compared to those sold in Bakerzin? Cos thats the One and ONly macarons i have eaten so far...taste wise is nice to me la (cos i havent tried urs!
) but looks wise, definately urs looks much more presentable than those sold in stores!my hubby was jus telling me the day that the macarons look so ugly but selling $1.50 per pc..when i ate it was like eating a pc of 'precious stone'...LOL

pls post details of ur macarons sharing session soon. i hope to join in too
I usually get all ingredients from isetan. Make things easier just to ISetan and grab a pack of okonomiya flour. Then just need to mix water and egg, then put in what ever ingredient you want.
I did it quite a lot last time with my hotplate. Very fun one. Wait till I am back i will do once and show you.

I need to clear my fridge before my trip tomorrow night in case power trip. Any simple and idiot proof recipe recommend with 3 250 g butter and puff pastry ?
Tried ur yoghurt loaf today, but I have some questions. Is it supposed to be kueh kueh or spongy? My cake taste kueh like and din rise much. Wonder if its because I din mix much? (after reading that I shdnt overmix) I use hand whisk throughout. Oh I also substituted buttermilk for yoghurt as I had bought it to do muffins and still have abt 3/4 left.

Seems like all of you have fun during the gathering. I hope to join the next one, but scare cannot handle 2 at one go.
I used to make crepes cos i love. I even have that stick that u see in those stall where they make to thin the crepe after pouring the batter, I have the flat pan too. Let me go n search the recipe.
so long to sit? Nigella says 15 mins for skin to form lei. hee

can let me noe wat brand u buy for the okomiyaki mix? I love that too. hee

the yoghurt cake not kueh kueh texture, veri soft n light cake the texture.
Hi, sn
May i know where you get the stick and flat pan? i like the crepe with fresh cream and expensive outside..
Really thank you for posted so many link.
Thanks for ur reply. Oh, so spongy type, that means maybe cannot substitute yoghurt with buttermilk liao.

I bought the buttermilk for Nigella's blueberry muffins, also din turn out well. Dunno is it me or her recipes not good. hehehe
the pan looks like this:
I bought Tefal brand as well cos my mil said better quality. I use for prata, chapati, pancakes, crepes n etc. Veri useful. In one of the malls few yrs back, cant remember Taka or robinson. If I come across, I let u noe.
Bought the stick from this shop in chinatown, u noe that is the shop selling all the wholesales stuffs for baking or cooking biz in one of the small lane, those shop house type. I try to find the shop name n let u noe.
No prob. I tried a few of nigella's recipes in her recipe book: How to be a domestic goddess, all turn up NICE n Good. I also tried her muffins, all also said nice. U over mix, is it? I find that muffins using buttermilk taste much better.
Thanks. Will start sourcing for the stuff.

U may want to try this butter cake with ur blocks of butter.

Yap yap it should taste like cake. Maybe its the replacement of yogurt. Yogurt is more dense while buttermilk is more liquid. The batter should not be too runny after mixing. You may want to try again using yogurt. You stopped mixing it when the butter is incorporated into the batter jst like baking the baked donuts.

Chiffon cake looks great!!

I have tried 2 times already both turn out like biscuit and ended up in trash bag. Don;t know what went wrong too. i suspected overmixing it but when ever i see lump of the almond i jst cont'd to stir. I oso allow it to rest for 20mins before popping in the oven. don't know what could have went wrong

so tempting to try, but scare... wat can I do with the yolks? To bake cookies?
Pink, maybe u should guide us by uploading the pics step by step for us to practise. hee
