Cup cakes for birthday

lets just set on chicken rice stall along seah street. The stall is after sun lik call swee kee.

I need to go Cityhall MRT at 12.10 to run errand whoever wants to meet can meet there then I bring you over oso can.

Mummies, anyone knows where i can get letters cookie cutters like this particular font?

I saw one at Phoon huat but i dun really like the font cos the letters look kinda weird like this...nt as nice as the above one.
<font color="aa00aa">pink,
u have got mail.

btw ladies, this is an arab dessert i tried the other day.

today my first maiden attempt at making samosas.
did not turn out nicely lei.
some of them burst while frying in the pan.</font>
Hi all, been reading this thread, but didn't dare to really speak up coz all so pro here.. enjoying the sights of all the fruits of everyone.. re-ignited my engine to really bake...

Would like to find out where I can get the cups for the cupcakes like the one n2inpink used. The one I normally see are those mostly used for muffins leh... Thanks..
Phoon Huat and Sunlik has alot le.

Hammie, I kaypo abit here. when i first started trying MMF, i used the 'melting chocolate method' to melt MM. place the bowl of MM (mix with few drops of water) over a pot of boiling water at the stove. it will do the trick. not sure if oven can or nt.
The white cupcakes cups can be found at sunlik, or PH. sunlik sell cheaper.

I hope i cld ans, but I'm not pro in this leh..any other can help? hehe ^^
Peng, oh u mean i could have overheated the oven? Oh ya, can u advise, how long should we heat the over whenever the recipe says PREHEAT OVEN at xxx temp? I usually heat it the moment i start preparing the ingredients..could it be becos of that?

Oops,MDL/Hammie, the proper term should be 'double boiling'
Hi bakers,
Want to ask if the paper chiffon pans sold in Daiso can be used as it is? or are they used to line the metal ones? If can be used, anyone tried? Do the batter stay in the paper or will it go out of shape when we pour the batter in?
haha ! paiseh, i oso wanna diet.... dun dare take too much carbo...
especially when i remembered how you looks so slim
any secret not? or any special diet program? dun ask me gym... it's out... :p

oh no, u abused the oven too much? later i'll give u my measurement etc.

mdl &amp; lynzi (lynzi1606),
will check mail 2nite.

welcome to tis baking thread !
i usually get it from sunlik, its at 33 seah street. next to raffless hotel.

hm... i saw it before, but i prefer to use chiffon pan. i never try to use the disposable paper pan for chiffon.
but i believe it's to replace those metal or aluminium tin, the paper not mean to line the tin.

mommies who is meeting 2moro for lunch.
I can't bake tonight, so 2moro no macs &amp; kaya swiss roll.
but i still go citihall as i've appoitnment.

i die die muz meet u, cos your "thingy" with me too long liao... paiseh!

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Time: 12 noon?

1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
S@L (blueangel30),
if for 200C , i think you have to on the oven atleast 15mnts before u throw in your batter.
some one teach me before, 15mnts is the most accurate one.

can soak the raisin in DOM? both of u soak in rum but i dun have only DOM. Dunno will taste funny anot since DOM is make of herbs. hmm.... how abt soak cherries w DOM? sound weird hor....
wow pink, ur "fruits" really beautiful. was checking the forums during lecture and friends sitting around me also "drooling" haha.
Hi Ladies,
Sorry, dont know if I can join you all for te gathering?? Btw, where to meet?? Is it at he seah sreet chicken rice store?? We can bing our own dessert there while gathering there, the store dont mind??

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Time: 12 noon?

1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
8) dior (rainbow kueh)
aww... Pink... no macs? So sad

Was looking forward to sampling some since I've been drooling at all your pictures! hehehehe

I will join you ladies tomorrow but I could be a little late. I will bring chocolate chip cookies.... easier and will bake tonight.

Lunch Gathering at Citihall
Exact Location: ???
Time: 12 noon
1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
8) dior (rainbow kueh)
9) Yany (double choc chip cookies)
<font color="aa00aa">PENG,
can i know the recipe for blueberry and raisin muffin can make how many muffins if i use the 12 hole tin?

wow...making mini lemon cheesecake.
makes me drool.
got the recipe for that?</font>
lynzi...i din use muffin tin leh so not really sure...i guess can fill up about 10?

this is the loaf cake i make for tomorrow...but bottom a bit cha tar :p but still edible...hope u all give me face finish up hehehe..

<font color="aa00aa">PENG,

when the recipe calls for me to cream the butter and sugar...does it mean i can cream with just using a spatula, etc...
or do i need to use a beater?
need to use electrical one or not?</font>
lynzi, u need mixer... cream butter and sugar must make sure it incorporates till light color and fluffy... if u use hand... u need lotsa arm strength!
I would like to join but will need to leave by 1pm.. n can i come emplty handed? also how do I recognise u guys?

Lunch Gathering at Citihall
Exact Location: ???
Time: 12 noon
1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
8) dior (rainbow kueh)
9) Yany (double choc chip cookies)
10) Ice Goh
CL, Lim told me that she pass the HK items to you. Can pick up frm you during lunch? Coz need to send my bb for vaccine after that. Let me knw ok? I'll pm you my hp. Thks.

Cat, still haven hear frm you. Can you contact me coz I will not be able to surf tmr morning. Thks.
oh my god! i realised i didn't save ur number the other time!!!

I've PM-ed u my number... can call anytime... i sleep VERY late one...
CL, thanks for offering being my guide... but kathy will pack me in her car and go from here to there ... hehehehe... i super road idiot lor!

thanks kathy! see ya tomorrow!
I going to cityhall to run errand first before joining the makan session so maybe after lunch swing by my office to pick up the stuff.

Ha ha I forgot morning I got errand and need to lug the whole bag from Tanjong Pagar to office.

My lemon cheesecake baking now. Ha ha Aiyo look so pong so i think wont have looks later so dun expect too much hor
Hi all, am new here though have been reading n drooling over your fruits for few wks! Finally decided to join in the fun n is looking for standalone oven. Can share with me which is gd n not too ex pls, tia!
<font color="aa00aa">catika,
thanks for the info.
didnt know i have to use mixer...hehehe...
oh, the dessert is milk based.
made it for my hari raya open house last week.
its soooooooooooooooo easy to make.
u want the recipe?</font>
Hi ladies,
Baked the cookies last night for today's meet-up.... turned out a bit sweet. I forgot how much sugar I used to reduce and this time didn't reduce enough. Hope you ladies don't mind it too much... hehehe.

Also, I think with more usage, my oven temp. harder to control. Don't know why...... seem to be hotter!
we meet outside the stall or go into the restaurant hur?

Lunch Gathering at Citihall
Exact Location: Swee Kee Chicken Rice after Sunlik
Time: 12 noon
1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
8) dior (rainbow kueh)
9) Yany (double choc chip cookies)
10) Ice Goh
<font color="aa00aa">hehe...just realised all of u going to the chicken rice stall near sunlik.
i'm also going to sunlik later in a while.
wanna try making PENG's blueberry and raisin muffin...
Better to go in chop seat first. 10 pple no joke. Lots of pple during lunch one.

Ha ha I din realised so many pple only baked 6 mini lemon cheese cake for this gathering. Pai sei have to share hor.

Ha ha if not nice hor , at least not whole piece a ha

Me can be "night cat" or " early bird", flexible one. While waiting for baking , I was ironing too.

Ya lor use DOM to soak sound weird hor. not meant for baking 1...

Hope u all enjoy the lunch later on.... gg to be a noisy market with 10 mummies chatting away...
lynzi... yes... recipe ... please...
it looks kinda interesting...

nope the milo Agar Agar not from AY's blog... from ejoies'
the one with kitty face one...
but i modify a bit here and there.. because not enuff condense milk and cut down on sugar.
mummies, thanks..

for cupcakes decoration, do I have to level the top part off if I want to decorate it with fondant or icing? buttercream icing can be used for decoration?
U will hv to trim off the puff up cake to level it so it will be easier to apply the icing or to place e fondant (if u want a flat surface).

Butter cream can be used to decorate? u mean after applying fondant? i want to know that too...any expert here to ans? ^^
thanks. i guess i know why my cakes always end up exploded! hahaha...cos heat my oven like 30min! whahahaha..ok will try out again tomorrow. hope mycuppies will be a success...

MDL, i guess its possible to put buttercream on fondant, as per what i learnt in my previous fondant class. But i think the buttercream can only be used to the minimum otherwise it prob will slide off the fondant

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Ohh...nobody can help me with the alphabet cookie cutters i posted yesterday?
Hi Mummies...nice meeting all of u today!...

hehehe...this is wat we tabao back today :p

Shers, Icegoh...hehehe if not my boy being cranky i will stay on to accompany u both :p he doze off immediately on the train
