Cup cakes for birthday

peng, thanks for yr chocolate cake!! so yummy!! tonite going to buy ice-cream and top with it!

dearie, this sunday no swimming because going to kusu island. next week cant also because i'm going korea. anybody wants anything from korea? Kimchi? Faceshop things? Ginseng?

morning all,

OK will meet u at tampines MRT 6:30Pm wednesday.
u dun want free one coz only 2 or 3 pcs rite? hahahaha!
ok, since u asked me thousands time :p....
will bake ONE batch for u, i'll juz take back my ingredients cost, no profit taking.
but dun regret if no nice wor....

i'm the one hv to say thank u for your help to "clear" my garden cake lah....
ah yes, tis morning, i tried your yougurt cake.. no use mixer, turn out nice nice oso.
you didn't stated when to put the sugar wor, so i add in the sugar AFTER egg and yogurt, i use my baked donut method

thks for your understanding

catika is rite, buttercream icing gotta put inside the fridge, taste better and more yummy.

royal icing not very popular in singapore, i think, i might be wrong.
ang moh like to use royal icing.
the texure is totally diff with buttercream icing.

royal icing made with meringue powder dries hard enuf for flowers and intricate decorations to last indefinietly.
once hardened, if properly stored, the deco never soften or crumble.

if u go PH or those bakery shop which sell those hard hard flowers for cake deco, tats made from royal icing with STIFF consistency.

there are 3 type of consistency for royal icing.

to tell u the truth, i don't like royal icing deco, taste yuck and when u wanna dry it out in open air, will attack by ANTS..... i HATE ants !!!
cos royal icing made from icing sugar and couple tablespoons of water only... apart of meringue powder.
hope the above info ans your Q

no worries, will meet u next time
Thanks. I prefer lapis surabaya raisin wan. Jadi ngiler nih. Ntar deh klo gua mau kermh u gua sms u & suruh u buatin yah. Hehehe

Fatmum, catika, shers
Thanks hor....

Thanks. 2nd Baby.
you most welcome !
wait till you "meet" my new macs ! standard diff le... hahaha! achieved 80% AY style liao!

where is my share leh? i loves anything to do with chocolate wor...

can tumpang u for dearie hor?

tis morning, wake up at 5Am, can't sleep.
now tried to save the earth (read: stingy), off the aircon at 4Am....
then can't sleep.... so wake up at 5Am, do macs, yogurt cake and tea eggs (use EU yan sang herbal tea egg.
the macs, using same temperature and same timing to bake, dunno why the result bit hard, is like slightly over bake kind texture...... still edible... and.. yummy.
perhaps cos i bake it early in the morning? dunno....

5am oso can sms u for macs?

when u gimmi the cake, my maid can't stop eating, she said v addictive.... u put wat leh? drug? wahahaha!
lucky i still have chance to eat one big slice wor.

here is the yogurt cake.
gotta thanks to fatmum who posted this recipe in the forum.
I DON'T use mixer at all, i use my baked mini donuts method to stir and fold.
and i put the sugar in after the egg and yogurt.

here is the photo:
fold in the melted butter

fold in the raisin

hot from oven:

ready to eat
... ah yes, i soaked the raisin with RUM...... yummy !
pink, can tumpang! dearie got to make sure that she collects from me can liao.. else, everything will be in my stomach!

we havent confirm the place to gather..
xiau ling,
sure ! tar kalo mau datang, sms ajah... gampang bikin nya, cepat lagi.

ice goh,
you are more than welcome to join our lunch on 21Oct.

hurray !!!! thks so much ! but i want more than one slice leh... hahaha! tham ciak !

u rite, we havnt confirm the place to makan.

got suggestion bor? u citihall queen mah...
me at jungle dun really familiar with citihall wor.
i only know brash basah complex, sunlik.... hahaha!
can pls help on tis? so... deligate tis task to u ar?

tis is my herbal tea egg,
i think is not "black" enuf hor?
i asked my maid to cook with low fire again, simmer it for another one hour?
Xiauling, congrats! After having 2nd one, it doesnt matter if hve 3rd or 4th one liao. My hubby said its auto pilot alr.

Pink, like tat you make me blush. Yr kungfu so gd still got failure rate. Think if i try sure fail one. Was thinking of trying out, but remb got to invest in a exp baking mat 1st. What's that called? Where to buy huh?

Cat, i shd be leaving frm my hse on wed, if you want, can pick u up n go tog. Only that will be a bit late, coz my gal can only go sch at 12.30pm. Dun intend to drive initially, but thot can dropby sunlik to look look see see. Scare end up with big bags small bags. Btw, any mummies knw if the toppin pride is safe to consume alr?

Wa..the yogurt cake looks gd. Am going to try later.
Read how delicious ur yogurt cake is as described by Pink, i wanna try out 2 ^^
Can't seem to find the recipe in the thread (pardon me for hving cockeyes at times). Mind direct me to the link pls?
Shers....yes my boy also have this with us for lunch...nowadays he can eat more adult food liao..

Pink..oh yah ur herbal tea egg looks ok lah...try not to overcook or else the egg becomes too tough not nice..after cooking dun eat immediately wait for 1 day for the flavour to develop ...hehehe i long time din cook this dish liao :p
Ya, actually 2 kids is a nightmare! My bb going 6 mths still waking every 2 hrly for milk. Long tm never sleep thro the night.

Now baking butter cake, for the class tmr. Wanted try the yogurt cake but phoon huat dun sell yogurt

I high 5 you. Actually if my second son is same as my gal, ha ha i may consider. But now see my son climb up and down. I give up man.

Yogurt not buy from NTUC meh.

Pink, Fatmum
I "lost blood" for past few days so very pek chek and no mood. So now "dry" up liao. Tonight I tempted to do the cake liao. MUST do.

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

1)CL (mini lemon cheese cake as per Pink's request)
2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers (bring pandan chiffon cake)
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)

My suggestion to do 1 pm so people who may come late wont miss it alot.

Pink like that chicken rice at Seah Street leh, want to go there ?

Food court at raffles city under renovation. Citylink - my favourite is Obrien Sandwich
Maybe we just share share roti since got so many "fruits"
CL, ya lor v tiring. But no choice. Hope she will pass the phase soon.
I went PH mah, so better if can buy everything tog, no nd run here, run there.

My hs no NTUC, got to drive to tiong bahru plaza.
I see ur post on ur maid I can;t stop laughing leh!!!! Next time she tot I really add extra stuff inside wor! Ha..ha... Glad that u like this recipe too.

Oh ya for sugar I did what u did too. The book actually states to sieve together with flour. But my sugar so coarse how to go through the sieve leh????

I jst soaked some raisin with rum and am going to do one tonight again.

same here esp 1st - 3rd days very the pek chek.

How abt giving more milk per feed to ur bb then if she's full she will not wake 2 hrly.

Mdl, recipe is appended. Happy trying.

Yogurt Cake
200gm Cake flour (If don't have cake flour use plain flour + corn flour, I agar agar 190gm + 10gm)
1 tsp Baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda (I used 1 tsp only)
150gm sugar ( I reduced to 85gm to suit my taste)
200gm plain yogurt
1 egg
30 gm raisin (Pre soak in water for abt 20mins. As i reduce the sugar amt, I increase raisin to 40gm)
100g melted butter

1) Sieved the cake flour, BP, BS
2) Melt the butter and kept temp @ 40-45c / luke warm
3) mix egg & yougurt
4) Add sieve flour, mixed slightly
5) add raisin & melted butter
6) used a mixer and mix all. Remember not to over mix.
7) half filled the container with batter
7) Oven temp 180c abt 25mins or the toothpick test when the cake is golden brown
CL...paiseh but can dun change the time or not :p...bringing my boy along also too late will 'crash' with his nap time...dun one a cranky toddler misbehaving outside..
pink, wah!!! u bake mac at 5 am to 'avoid' me arh? hahahahaha... i dun mind arrange one sat / weekday nite... i bring-own-ingredients... WANNA learn from master.
fail or success... nvmd lah!
at least see how u move ur hand/wrist.

kathy, wah!!! thanks lots!!! but 21 oct is tuesday leh...
if u dun mind longbang'ing me... thanks! we arrange via SMS on Mon nite... when the tue gathering is more firmed up?

<font color="ff0000">PPP... CONGRATULATIONS... finally popped!</font> ... by the way, ur disney cookie cutters still here... :p

ling arh... mai tu liow... ROM liow... govt acknowledge wedded couple liow... go POP!!!

peng... 1230 and 1pm only half hour diff... hmm... not much diff?
u go 1230 and help us chop seat? :p ... then we can arrive at 1pm to join u! hahahahahah...
meow, lol... cannot la... metally not prepared yet... don't want to rush... scarly not prepared.. wait get chan qian you yu zheng plus chan hou then jia lat lo...
wah lau... u go out thousand times with us liow... see lim, 1-0 and me... lugging all diff. age group kids... no prob lah... somemore u CC teacher... can one lah!!!

what chang qian chang hou.. with us kai xin guos... u want to You Yu also no chance hor! hahahahahha
meowmeow, hahaha you all can relax liao la... mine by then juz ong ga on ga... -_-" cham lo...

fatmum, take care of people one and own one hor.. differ lo... somemore the ones i taking care are toddlers to kids alrdy
meowmeow, next time u made the red ruby hor.. tompang me a bowl of it la... my hb dun fancy should things de... i wan with lots of lime juice... WOW...
Cat, blur me...din realise its Tues. Ok, we sms each other.

Fatmum, my gal appetite very small leh. Force her to drink bao bao, she will puke like a merlion. End up i lagi no sleep. Got to clean and change bedsheet.

Shers, when you go korea can help me chk if they have the mochi bread premix? Heard only HK and Taiwan sells. If not too heavy, can help me buy 1 pack to try? If its too much trouble, then its ok. Dun want to stress a preggy mummy
I love Sun Moulin's mochi bread, but cant seems to find the receipe.
kathy, there is this korea stall @ parkway parade selling the premix. it had 2 pack in a box. I bought but forgotten about it and it expired

Maybe you can try there 1st.
<font color="aa00aa">HARLOW LADIES!!!
wow, i so long time never log in this thread got so many to catch up with.
envy u mummies still got time to bake.
nowadays even though i'm a SAHM i still find it hard to find time to bake again.
worse still, the other day i was so eager to bake so i went down to the phoon huat at sembawang and guess what, it has closed!
is there any other shop near woodlands that sells baking stuffs?

btw, any of u ladies has the recipe for bread pudding?
if yes, please pass it to me.

wow your pasta looks scrumplicious!
can share with me the recipe???</font>
Cake looks ok to me leh!!!! Where got no look! yesterday I tried using raisin soak with rum and baked this cuppies.


peng... i absolutely no idea what cityhall looks like... hahahahaha... i red mountain tortoise - BUKIT merah lah... hahahahahh...

fatmum, the yoghurt cake can add alcohol raisins... i've got some soaked in vsop for almost a month lor... dunno still can use or not... hahahahaha...

maybe later tonite i will try... now outside...
