Cup cakes for birthday

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?


Cityhall lah. nearer for me leh.

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

Mira...i dun understand ur qn? Emborg is the brand of the whipping cream...just pour and cook with cheese, eggs, seasoning..u can try out my basic Cabonara recipe ,i nvr use instant cream mixture b4 so dunno wat the ingredient inside...

oh yah...for chinese cooking dish..chinese wine & sesame oil is a basic ingredient..omit it is not a good idea...some amendments on the chicken recipe forgot to write in the sesame oil :p
Pink, need to hand the stuff to u. Oso, wld u mind to bring over my pans? thks =p

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
hammie, i know.. same as ice lim and dearie.. u driving right? i didnt put my name coz that morning i have check up.. so got to see pink's timing and whether i can make it not
Hi Peng,
Thanks for the recipe! Will be doing marketing this weekend and get ingredients le.

Hi Pink,
Can't be fondant! I am still right here waiting for your class to START...
The cake is Mango and Passionfruit. Sheng Siong selling lots of Passionfruit now. The roses are mango!

The red thingy is strawberry. u so creative use mango to create the roses! mango n passionfruit sounds so sourish together hehehe...i also bought a couple of nice mangoes going to make mango mousse cake :p
i usually start do macs after kids asleep, i need a good mood to bake macs, sound so amateur rite? i'm amateur for macs

REAL chef no need to see mood, anytime any mood, can bake wor.
Me? if i'm not in a very good mood, i can't concentrate to catch macs texture..... now sound not only amateur, sound very silly oso rite? but tats me lor...
but really leh... to me, macs diff with other cookies, macs dun have grey area, either fail or success.
if i'm in the good mood, i'll sms u, anytime ok hor? after 10Pm still can sms rite?

for fondant, no need to view oso can do one, very easy, see how PENG's success with her fondant?
my maid oso can show u how to do.
my course is more on technic and doing cake deco.

hurray, i tot u no want fren me liao.... haha! juz kidding lah! long time nvr chat with u

didn't receive your sms leh... number correct bor? later i skype u

i oso hvn't got chance to mail out your barang barang wor... pass to u on 21 Oct ya?

kak zainab,
thks for your kind words
u oso can do it... practice makes perfect mah

no worries lah.... see next time if i've class, will let u know ya?
harbourfront gathering, i'll try my best, most of the time i eat lunch infront of my laptop... like now... hahaha!
unless i got important appt, then die die go out lor.
join us at citihall lah.

mira_tan (mira_tan),
thks! u new with us? welcome to tis addicted thread. be prepared to spend more $$$$ buy ingredients etc... hahaha!
yes, here got many things to learn, we all really loves baking and cooking...

sure, will bring your barang barang.

i was abt to ask u anything u wanna eat? IF i can make, or bake, will do it for u.....
u preggy so got privileges.

any preggy mommy/ies, if u going citihall at 21 Oct, and wanted any cake from my kitchen, let me know, i'll try my best to fulfill your craving

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)

roses from MANGO ??? wah, u excellent leh!!!!!
c u tis sat.... be prepared to spend more than 3 hrs.
cannot lah...later i lost my way..dunno how to come back to office then boss sack me. :p I want to do fondant too, can you help me make some for me? ie white and some colors? and i pick it up from ur office?
Pink, like that i must die die go and meet u liao.. whahhaa... actually i want yr masc most!

maybe by then, see what u bake, everything i take abit? whahhaa..

i dont have much craving but love soup stuff..

hammie, maybe i can guide u from AYE??
Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)

Pink...u bringing mac... u doing mac lor... can go see how to do??? hehehehehe... really want to see expert at work... sunday itself or monday nite??? :p Dun scold me hor... like so naggy... hahahahaha... because Macs with feet are BUGGING me... see liow gain more confidence to do!

I tried the instant cream for pasta before. It's not nice and tasted a bit sourish. You've have to fry it with some garlic or onions to enhanced the taste.Prepare yr own cream is the best. I like cooking Alfredo cream sauce (without the eggs)but you will need to add lots of Parmesan cheese.As for Carbonara, you need to add raw eggs.

Pink, the pigs are so cute.... so sweet that lady who ordered the cupcakes. Ya, I agreed that Peng is a great cook!
keng, u work around hong lim market? very near to me also.. whahah..

the actual prawn noodle stall is not as nice anymore.. the lady selling very black face and if u sit at other row (not the same row as their stall, she will ask u to get $4 one or u wait and self-service)

i prefer the stall few stall next to it. i feel that the soup is thicker and $3 is more..
Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers (will rush down after check up)
princess cuppies & Marshmallow fondant cake:


for those who know how to make carnation flowers, can use the method to make this skirt.


NON edible princess figurine:

me itchy hand, do tis one, oso dunno wat to do with tis MM fondant doll leh.... haha
2 days ago, do till 3Am:

Trust me, very difficult to put make up on her. very tiny face. the head as big as our thumb only.
my hand is shaking when i put make up on her...

thks for viewing !
wah... if i do for u then dun do for others then not fair wor.....
outside hv plenty of ready-use one... u can try wilton etc.
u shd try to do the MM fondant, very easy one.
my method is the same with the u-tube video, but i dun do it on table, i do it on plastic bowl (BIG), less messy.

so anytime i can sms u hor? when my good mood come and i feel like baking the macs, will sms u, and you'll arrive within 30mnts
wait for my sms okie?

u talking about hokkian prawn noodle at hong lim market?
the few stalls next to it is where leh? never see... is it in the middle? got store name not? u remember the store name?
pink, not the middle row of stalls.. the stall is facing those stationary shops.. along the curry mee stall.. cant rem the stall name le..
Shers, so touch u ask peng to give one slice of cake to me as well. Ask me along if u going to attend Pink workshop.. (Hope is a sat. class)

U like almond biscuit? I can bake tt for you.
dearie, dont say that la.. because we stay near near..

ya.. wait till pink holds class! PINK, i PM u my email address already.. u still have my hp no right?

no need to bake purposely for me la.. if we ever meet up again and happen that u bake, just pass me alittle.. thanks wor!
Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers (bring pandan chiffon cake)
Pink..Ya, I'm new..sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm a FTWM. have 5 kids. is a chinese muslim...when I saw come in this thread...I like it cos can learn cooking from mamas here....

Dear Sharon..
Ya lor. that why want to ask how to cook the pasta.

Dear Pangs,
cos I'm muslim that why cannot put wine...any thing else can put instead of wine???
WOW! 5 kids, how you manage? i have 3 kids already "faint"! you got helper to help out? me struggling alone at home (sometimes) with mum help.....

WOW WOW WOW, i like the piglets, i like the princess.... you are making me SCARE attending this sat class liao! how to mould all these? Think I can leave my bb with my mum this sat! She good mood recently, haa haaa....

Cos I dont have the patience to slice so nicely like those cake shop and layer them all around! So make roses...

Look forward to see your mango cake!
Mira...paiseh u din mention u are muslim :p let me think wat can replace......ok try use chicken stock..add 3 tbsp chicken stock under sauce (B) to replace the wine & water, this will help to retain the flavour :D

Sharon...hehehe u also luv cooking pasta yah....
No need to mail out. Just meet and pass me on 21 Oct. Ha ha dun fly me kite again hor. If we dun meet on 21 Oct, I flying off on 23 Oct liao. Then see you only in Nov. ha ha. You sms me can ? I think I keep the sala number. ha ha

The princess cake very nice. I got project for you , so you die die must call me hor. ha ha
Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers (bring pandan chiffon cake)
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
Waaa...Pink, I'm dying to taste yr mac! Really leh, if you ever open mac class must let me knw. Btw, I drop you an email regardg mac, can you pls let me knw whether you can take it. Thks.

Mummies, where exactly is the plc to meet huh?

Lunch Gathering at Citihall (21 Oct)
Whoever attended will have Pink's Macs!!
Time: 12 noon?

2) mdl
3) PINK ( bring macs & pandan kaya swiss roll)
4) Cat (someone meet me at (which???) mrt can? ...)
5) Shers (bring pandan chiffon cake)
6) Peng (bring chocolate chip walnut loaf)
7) Kathy (Might be late coz nd to drop gal in sch)
kak zainab,
25 Oct can not breath liao... haha! too full.
we comunicate via e-mail ya? or later i sms u. here no want talk abt it lah... later kana tikam.

u'll kill me lah... die lah.... i sent u e-mail liao...

u so "guai", no craving? with tis atitute, love u deep deep leh.... see what i can bring for u

hope u r doing well

if u can't join us at 21 Oct, u stay nearby shers rite? will tumpang her something for u.

5 kids? wow.... u super mommy leh !
i got 2 only, feel too much liao, dun dare to proceed with the 3rd....

no SCARE at all, u muz hv NIKE spirit! JUST DO IT!
and... u can do it
.. i'm sure! if u fail, my nick change to black, no longer PINK.

xiau ling,
glad to see you here! congrats ya? u gotta take care hor.....
sure.... u'll have lapis surabaya, not only 1 slice, will have half a loaf

u prefer with normal raisin or rum raisin?

me no fly kite lah.... i usually fly aeroplane... hahaha!
u see the attandance list so long? i where got dare dun come? will kana parang knife, or my tampines hse will have RED PAINT wor.. hahaha!

if you wanna bake, i want the tart leh... looks very yummy wor! too trouble not?
paiseh, no preggy dare to open mouth and request hor?
2moro morning call u, now very late liao

my "kungfu" still not there, i dun dare to take order for macs, bake for fun only, wait till i achieved 100% success, then i consider.
right now my chocolate and greentea still have 20% failure rate wor.
i'm going to bake the chocolate macs for u all as refreshment.
last week chocolate macs turn out quite nice.
cross my finger, this week shd be ok. if not ok, you all will still have botak chocolate macs.
vanilla and strawberry sure have, tis 2 flavour achieved 100% success liao...
beside having it as refreshment, they usually managed to "da bao" oso.

me wanna bath and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

nite nite!

I am still waiting for your quotation for the macs. Can i order from you if u are making mac on friday and i meet u at tampines mrt stn?

I must thank u for the cake too. I received so many wows.....So u start using the human mould ya!! Must be having fun with ur new toys!

Congrats! Congrats!

Enjoy the meetup.

Btw am going KL with dept this Nov & staying at Federal Hotel. Any recommendation for bakeware shop tat is nearby and of reasonable price? Hoep can lug some stuff back!
With my MIL helps and my frist 3 girls also help me. They help me to take care of the BB when I'n not at home...Lucky, My hubby do help me with the house work.

Dear Peng,
No problem. By the way thanks.

Good nite!
haha, won't kill u la Pink.... good things can wait...hee!

Peng, ya lor, pasta is the fastest and easiest thing to prepare. I like one dish kind of food cos only my hb and i plus my 2 year old who is an extremely fussy eater!

I just luv seeing the pics on this!

re: gathering, still deciding what to bake leh... can update later?

also, i need help to find my way to 'where you gals are meeting' from cityhall mrt (correct one???) ... anyone taking mrt too? :p
For cupcakes with buttercream icing, can the cupcakes be store at room temperature? or do I need to store the cupcakes in fridge? N what is the different between buttercream icing and royal icing? Thanks
hammie, cat knows the way?? maybe u can pick her up at one of the MRT and cat guides u the way?

my check up at gleneagles so very hard to meet up and guide u le.. come la.. very long time never see u liao.. i like the way u laugh 'ha ha ha' so happy~~


like that for the gathering, i must bring BIG BIG tupperware already??

Xiau ling,
Congrats! This is your #2 or #3?

Yes, I stay near Shers. So happy
, cannot meet still can tabao your fruit. I remember the first time I meet you, u give us your first macs as well. And my girl ate the whole pink macs.

This sunday you bringing your gal for a swim?
