Cup cakes for birthday

the traditional mould one looks much nicer than the cartoon mould for the baked mooncake!
my boy is 6 mth+ old. cute stage to play with. haha...

nice MMF cake again! No la, is my brother back to jakarta to work. U forget he is working in Jakarta n staying near yr friend? Not going Jakarta but plan to go Bali this Oct. Anyone have been there can give me so advice where to stay? Still can't decide....
any1 here knows of any contact of mummies who bake to sell? i'm looking for some1 to bake about 60-80 muffins for next sunday 21/9. if u've any contact, pls send me a PM, thanks
me also cant copy. kekeke can onli use those designs with cutters. hahaha

Thanks so much for the advice in the method for the rainbow snowskin. So here comes the second attempt using yr method:

Looks so much better n not so mo peng.
N the dough much easier to handle I find with ice cream soda. hee :)
Thanks alot.
Oh I still have kao fen left but no more lotus paste, wat can I do kao fen with? What snow skin w/o lotus paste filling? How about custard snow skin?? Easy to make? Anything that is easy hor. Thanks.

wow yr packaging so nice lei. Can sell n earn $$$. hee

thanks. U noe all yr bakes so professional in looks n decor, looks so yummy n delicious. The photos so well taken too.

aiyo next yr also cant reach yr standard lah. kekeke
Gosh, yr fondant skill is realli great. Envy lei.
U so cute to put the pink ribbon there. hahahaha The cake for a guy or gal??? kekeke
This noon went Jen's place to help her make moonies! she provide ingredient i provide labour hahaha....but the bake one i put too much egg glaze looks very ugly now and feel very hard, dunno edible or not hahaha...


Sally...maybe u can try making some yam paste to make yam snowskin, simple n fast, recipe can get from AY blog, to be innovative can try pumpkin also, I got a Corn Custard Recipe :

2 egg yolks
80gm sugar
120ml fresh milk
30gm plain flour
40gm corn flour
25gm custard powder
20gm butter
50gm corn kernels

Combine filling in a big bowl. Mix well and steam until cooked through abt 15mins. Sieve it through into another big bowl(for smoother texture), mix in corn kernels and keep chilled.

TL...not sure how it taste without the horlicks! but i like this rich n tasty cookie, my boy also loves them, one is not enough for him :p my ah lao say taste very rich also like Danish Cookies...
Hi all shifu here, wan to ask hor, the snowskin mooncake i make last wed, so when yesterday i take out pray pray liao, cut & eat, hw come the skin turn dry & hard huh? What is the problem anyone knw? Izzit put too many day liao or wat? anyone can advise?
Me SAHM with tons of works, everyday I MUST see yr posting to de stress. Don't stop hor... or I very stress.

I am BIG, Tall and round! Oki, oki... I try to stay soft. The Hello Kitty so sweet. The finish is perfect de.

The photos can consolidate to be PRINTS liao... maybe post card, calendar or something!

TO all the ladies here... me cannot remember so many NAMES leh. So... Happy baking. Xmas coming soon. Think will see log cakes, fruit cakes, turkey! Look forward to see all the cook n bakes!
Hee hee no moonies from me but I got my "oh lu lu" chocolate chiffon cake to share. And working on a 50 cupcakes for my boss 50th birtday tomorrow. First batch of "naked" oreo cookies cupcake. Today will work on another batch then will do the dress up with colleagues in office during lunch tomorrw

Hi, pink
My mmf turned lumpy...seems like cannot dissolve i need to put alot of water or just 2 tbsp for 1 bag of marshmellow(300g) you add shortening in the marshmellow before put into the microwave..Thanks
Hope that you will answer my questions. Thanks

All so hard wrking... made me feel so bad.. been lazy for sometimes... saw 1-0's bread... and decided to make some.... waiting for it to be proof now. *cross my fingers* it be ok...
Hey Peng,

were u watching the "Ah Hong's cooking show" on channel 8 just now? That was the chicken he prepare (but with ginseng). I was going to try it and saw yours!

Everytime see your cooking scares me.. cos like what i mentioned the last time we like have the same taste bud. I also made similar noodle, but mine vietnam style.

Green Muffin...i din watch his show leh...i also prepare the chicken in the morning..just take out n eat :D very yummy....hahaha indeed very coincidence! yesterday nite cook the minced pork and cut the cucumber, so when bb sleep i just cook the noodle and then have it for lunch, fast n simple :D urs looks very light n healthy! what is that yellow 'thing' egg is it?
Can someone advise me if I can use spelt wholemeal flour for pizza dough?
This am tried to use instead of plain flour. Apparently it doesnt rise.
thanks so much
pink, i've forwarded the email.
pls reply asap.

oh! i want a milo oreo hello kitty moonie leh. =P

peng, thanks for coming over! we will try again next year. haha.
hi maya,

i didnt wait till fri for appointment. went for appointment on tues.. i was feeling very bad and got spotting.. was immediately put on leave for 1 week.. just back to work.. feeling real bad!! worse than my 1st.. gosh!!!

hi mummies,

see the yummy food around but i feel so pukish..
I also make bread today, hehe! Today make full recipe so get total 21pcs of bread. Have tuna, hotdog, curry and Yam fillings.
1-0, here are mine... look so ugly.. no shape de... but is soft lo

forget to egg wash, end up like that... the tuna one look like hum zhi peng lo

<font color="ff0000">pink</font> ... i dunno what keng used as baked's recipe leh... can share your recipe with me... email? thanks...
<font size="+1">THANKS! S@L for the video of MMF.finally success..sooooo happy</font>

Just to share my first flower MMF


Here is my mini sausage bun and cheese bun


All the breads look so yummy!! Well done ladies!!
Can throw some my way??

To make bread need the bread machine?? I only have a hand held..
Wondering if i shd invest in one.. Anyone can advise??
hello all experienced mommies
i am really a newbie in baking. i have nv baked anything before would like to pick up this skill. first and foremost, can i have the list of what are the things and equipments i shld go and buy ?

thanks so much.
Wow nice buns...

need a breadmachine? or can do with handheld and knead with hand?

thinking if i should get that blueskye or kenwood breadmachine...

Hubby against me from getting on cos he says for tat money can buy many many buns liao..

Nice to see you here. By the way, I still pending for your update on the chinese books you have ordered.

I started with the purchase of a oven. Bought a mixer then pass to my sil, now inherit a Kenwood Major mixer from my mil.

Then I have sifter, spatula, yet to get a mixing bowl as I just use my mixer bowl or my salad bowl ha ha.

Bought rolling pin when I want to do cookies and oso for the fondant.

If you want to bake doughnut then got doughnut tray or you want to do chiffon cake got chiffon tin lor. I oso dun have much things because i bake bake this and that oso not using a lot of things ha ha
