Cup cakes for birthday

My xx attempt at Swiss Roll... finally it is with skin... I cooled down first before rolling... works!

Baking... and Ready...


Sliced ... and Taste when it's still warm (believe me... the next day not so moist liow... but YummIER...)

hey keng & Cat,

so glad to see more baked moonies. And cat, loves your desciption on the moonies, they have feet like macs too!! haha.. totally agree, cos that happened to some of mine too.

Can share your baking time? Cos mine is like "sun tan snow white", top tan and the sides are white. i baked at 200 degree for 10min, rest and baked at 180 for further 10min.

it's interesting to know that longer resting time results in "feetless" moonies. COs i have done a few batches of baked moonies, but never pay attention to the resting time. But all at least rested for minimum 1 hr but some were much longer because i was very slow at wrapping.

Cat and Peng, can upload your moonies sideview? thanks.

Coconut Tarts ... to be given together with Pandan Kaya Cake to two of my boy's favourite Childcare Teacher...

Pandan Kaya Cake Dolled up...


Coconut Tarts to be filled and bake...


Baked... and Packed... ready to GO!!

baked chocolate walnut cake... it looks yucky when mixed and baking... but the result is heavenly... thanks to KENG for the recipe.

wow, show us all yr fruit for the past whole month huh, hehe! All very nice fruit, well done! But why we didn't have a chance to try any of it?
muffin... the mooncake today (done yesterday) was more 'waxy' and more 'oily LOOKING'... taste great...

Mooncake Top and Side ... The Lotus Paste with Melon Seeds ...


Mooncake in Tummy...

1-0... told u all liow... i got lots of backdated pics in my HP... laste nite want to upload... then the pics HANGED my hp... this morning then i 'repair'... sigh...

the price for laziness... hahahaha... now must upload once every 1 / 2 / 3 days... (therez always tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow...) hahahahaha

thanks for uploading the pics. your moonies looks great! i like the colour. Did u add soy sauce to your dough? cos i saw some recipe have that ingredient. and how about your baking time?

your design for the Pandan Kaya Cake Dolled up is nice
muffin, soy sauce?!?!?!?!?? ... no lah... *burp*... hahahahah... weird taste or not? hahahah...

i only bake liow then egg wash TOP only... and then bake again lor... nothing else (funny ingred) added... :p

one of the p.k. cake... the side was done using fork to scrap the uneven whipped cream... because i dunno how to do whipped cream... somemore on slippery surface!! hahaha... second one... give up fork... use piping tips...
mwah thanks so much. Will try out.
Faint lah, all yr fruits one shot. N u so expert, yr mooncake baked n packed so nicely. Me onli will attempt snowskin, cos I onli like snowskin, dun like the baked ones. kekeke Heng ah, cos snowskin so much easier.
Oh the bowl, maybe u can try skp.

Yr lunch so shiok. Yum Yum.
So sad i dun live near yr place lei.
hmmm i dun noe how to explain to u.
MMF tastes excellent. But the fondant from wilton (ready ones) tastes yucky.
Pink, can explain. hee
wow Cat... those are really nice fruits! Must update more frequently for us to oogle at

Do you eat all the bakes yourself? lol
Anyone into Bento Making???

I think i'm addicted to the bento sites and would like to try on making lunch bentos for myself and
I can the taste the lemon & crunchy poppy seeds....yum yum....wish we had the chance to try it !!!!

Green Muffin,
Don't worry about looks, good to eat can already!!! Very sorry, although my moonies look awful, all jiak liao or given away already. I baked mine for between 180 to 200 Deg. for 10-15 mins +/- but at 200 Deg. a bit "chow ta".
hammie!!! shud have leh... i haven't really 'counted' yet... lemme check...

yany ... nope... i dun eat them myself... i shared them with family, neighbours and hubby's colleagues and friends.
... i will only eat ... one or two slices... like to do better than eat. hahahaha

hammie... dunno niko pop liow or not leh... no news... hmm...
maybe shes in labour!!! ... hahahahah... she answer ur call... will hear screams! hahahaha...

dun tease lah... i have extras leh... u want tomorrow come take... before 12pm!
anytime!!! *SERIOUS*
just joking with you...I flying off on Sat either i finish all by tomorrow (which will make me grow..)or keep till I'm back one week later... hee hee...

We must meet when I'm back, i want to go ur pl for baking *wink*
ya lor, miss u lei. hee
when lunch again? Must buzz me n see I can cheong down or not. kekeke Wow flying off sat morning, so when back?
Ya Cat, can I go too? To yr place to learn from u. :)

U into bento? U can take a look at this mommy's blog:
Excellent work from her.

Hi 5 lei. heehee Ya snowskin so fuss free to make lor. kekeke N i like it cold cold, shiok.
When can try yr fruits? Envy TL can try lei. She making me gian when she told me u passed to her. hee
wah.... only 2day never login then got many posting?

thks for your encouraging words.... yes yes, i really inlove with marshmellow fondant now... haha! super yummy!

hahaha ! glad u like the house cake.... yes, maidera chocolate cake goes very well with fondant.. especially when u eat it together... yummy !
your two princess, can be my model not? your young princess very fotogenic leh.... i loves her eyes expression !

cat, at first i tot u got party...... hahaha!
nice "fruits" there...

wah... i didn't know baked moonies have to rest super long? i dun have that luxury time leh... rest 7hours? wa piang!

my baked moonies dough, rest for the most 2 hrs, then mould it, then within 1/2hour go oven liao leh...
imagine if after work, reach home at 7pm, then have to rest 7hrs? wow.....

usually, i reach home, make the dough, then go bath, dinner, then mould it, then bake liao leh.

tried to use my dh camera, below is the result, perhaps 65/100 ? kekeke!.... my photo skill really jia lat lah.
cross my fingers, tis is my last batch of baked moonies.... if hubby ask me to bake again, will puke liao!
here i declare tat i retired from baking moonies


below is my favourite print.... i still like the original one rather than cartoon one, for baked moonies:

your baked moonies, you use the "knock knock" mould? is it like my pink mould? tat one print not very good for baking.
i prefer "push push" type.
and your monnies skin looks bit dry (hope u dun mind), is it becouse u slice it immedietly after it come out from oven?
baked moonies need to rest atleast 24 hours before u slice and consume it.

for my baked moonies, it's 180C for about 20mnts.
200C is too hot for my mini moonies leh.

care to share your lemon poppy seed cake?
i've lots of poppy seed leh... no chance to use it.

pigletz (poohie),
marshmellow fondant is much more nicer than the outside ready-use fondant....
the wilton fondant taste and smell very plastic, my dd said like cardboard smell.
if u near by tampines, let me know, i pass some for u to try, u can PM me your contact.
i did tried PH fondant before, but melted very fast and not suitable for me, infact, i'm quite trauma with fondant.
started to play with marshmellow fondant only fews month ago, april 2008.

for oreo moonies, i just mixed crushed oreo into lotus paste, and put some melted chocolate, no water added.

SUNSWEET (sunsweet),
bento??? yummy yummy ! i hungry leh now....
can can, u sms me when date confirm. But dun forget hor, me will have my boi with me. hee

Ya lor, TL tried to pass me but cant cos must be in fridge. U pass her sth that can tahan lah, then I can try cos I see her every sat. heehee

so what flavour of cake underneath those goegeous MMF? That day I made some sugarpaste from this recipe:
Din wan to waste $ for my boi to play with using MMF. Hence use sugar paste, kekeke, for him to play as playdoh, then not afraid even if he eats. My boi veri naughty, must keep watching if not, up to mischief veri fast. Today after his lunch, washing up the kitchen, he took magic pens n started to colour his hands, armpits n palms. Can u imagine the cleaning off part???? Some stains still left, cant go off. Faint man. How to go school tomolo? Sigh.
Joannelim (heavenlymade),
the roof, i'm using flower cutter, those small flower oso using cutter. but for the little girl, is hand mould, my daughter said the hand very ugly.... too big, hahaha! i told my dd tat my hands is too fat, very difficult to mould the skinny hand :p

very well done! your MMF looks good! practice makes perfect
wow.... your son acts remind me to my son leh... 3 yrs ago, my son oso like tat...
hahaha! i'm laughing when i read your posting.... yes yes... how to go to school? hahaha! the face have not? hahhaahaa!

ah yes, fondant = sugar paste
if i'm not wrong, the UK angmoh call it sugar paste, then the US angmoh call it fondant... or the other way round... can't remember.
but for sure, sugat paste = fondant.
modelling paste = gum paste.
still so many terms, hahaha ! me oso sometime blur....
S@L (blueangel30),
so sorry havnt got chance to reply your mail.
will check my yahoo mail tonite....
thks for your kind words

your moonies also looks good, skin looks soft. color bit bright...
Thanks for your feedback. I use the *bang bang bang* wooden mould inherited from my aunty. *Knock* until paiseh when neighbour pop-in to ask what I doing huh? So have to give her some moonies.

Probably also the temp. of 200Deg at 10mins + another 10mins is too much for minis. Will take note of time & temp. next year if still "enthu".
thanks for clearing that up! I am also confused with sugar paste/gum paste and all the hulla balu! lol
your baked moonies look really good!

so funny reading your post... bang bang knock knock... lol. heehee.... reminds me of my mom when she used to make moonies too!

can I be your neighbour too? lol
Wanna taste some of the goodies too!

my boys 6 + 3 are terrors. They take turns to colour one another! pengsan!
They just took a bubble bath together... bathroom looks like a hurricane just past by... sigh.
Oh oh... nice brownies!
wow meow... u marathon in posting ar... the mooncake look good...
i am waitin for the skin to do the bake one too... so tired... clear up my cupboards... full of elephants...

Between, i just borrow the moulds from my colleague.. her hb got it for her in china... and guess wat.... its only $5 per set including 4 templates.. the same one as 1-0 when converted back to SGD. -_-"
