Cup cakes for birthday

Eliz, Sunsweet

don't need to use a breadmachine to make the bread. You can use hand or mixer if yr mixer is power enough to make bread.

having a bread machine is a bonus. But if have a good mixer, it works alots. If not, just treat it as a arm exercise or vent your pissed off on anythings on it...
i saw recipe b4 abt kneading breaddough by hand.. it takes at least 30 mins..

handheld mixer i think its too much for it to mix bread dough..

those Kitchenaid kind then can .. cos those are more powerful..
I use my handheld to mix the bread dough. Granted it takes a whole lot more efford and I usually work up a sweat trying to "move" the handheld.. lol. So far, so good

Very, very nice rose. So pro looking
I bet you are quite "crafty" hehehe (meaning good in craft work and not sneaky!) ;)

I too went to buy marshmallows and all other stuff to try out after watching the video link. Thanks! I will post once I start!
Yany, those handheld mixer, the beater must change to those twister type rite instead of those we normal use to beat egg i rite?
Ok this is the naked marble cake. Which I did the buttercream coating and chocolate coating. The rest of the decor are done by my colleagues (6 ladies)

Peng is correct to say that I use the kneading hook ;)

how do you manage to bake the cake so flat? Mine always dome up... hard to decorate!
Good cuppies!!!! I tried b4 but cupcakes shrink & sink...hahaha..cannot get it flat and firm. End up eating just like that without deco.
Keng, Yany, Ling
Ya my practices for my gal's birthday in Aug all sink too. Thanks to my good neighbour Hwee who corrected my folding in method. Now my cupcake mostly half filled also can rise to flat flat. Some will still sink a bit lah
<font color="ff6000">Chicken Little</font>
Wow! Nice cuppies! Your boss must be so touched - great idea to have everyone help decorate.
ya the ladies had fun going to sun lik choosing what they want to use. And ha ha 6 women 2 markets full of nonsense and idea.

so 50 years old 50 cupcakes. and ha ha because Da Shou our auntie colleague ordered a special Shou Tao tower. Anyone knows what is the recipe ? Thinking of practising and do for my papa's 70th birthday in Nov
Peng... congrats! The MMF looks good nice!

Remember the mini cooper cake. Well, finally did something to the balance... made rum ball! As you can see from the pictures, some are dressed up, some are naked! hahaha. Used Aunt Yo's recipe and I must say... its delish! Yum.... kids agree too

CL, next yr can bake for my b'day? haha

Last week i hv bake chocolate chip cheesecake for pre celebrate my boy b'day.Thanks very much to Eileen, she teach &amp; helping me bake the cake.Cake taste is nice but deco is very ugly, haha.

After see my ugly cake, now wan to show u r nice cake. This cake is bake by Keng for my boy tomorr celebrate his b'day at school.

Keng, thank so much for ur cake. My boy saw the cake &amp; say "WOW, nice puppy, haha.
keng, i wan to COMPLAIN la.. where got ugly like u claim it... *cough* *cough* my bday coming in 4+ mth time.... can practise more hor... hehehe
Wow... the dog is very, very nice! Well done!

the cheesecake looks good enough to be enjoyed all around! I won't mind having it for my b'day
happy.gif the recipe link? hehehe didnt know bday cake can be 'recycled'...and aft 1 week still safe to eat? Cos i usually end up eating all the leftover cakes...makes me fat fat...

Lim, where did u get the alphabets for the cake? i wish to get some for my coming DD birthday too.TIA
you are so pro in the cake. Ha ha my nephew so lucky. Must be thrilled to see this lovely cake.

I kpo help my sil answer. If you are referring to the CHARLES, it is gummy sweet from Sun Lik. If it is the Happy Birthday you are talking about. It is from Phoon Huat.
keng.... it's VERY VERY VERY VERY SUI SUI... hmm... must start practice drawing barney liow... *winks*

didn't log in so long... see all the bread... now in thing arh? ... hehehehe...

i haven't baked for a week liow... see when my hand itchy again... :p
1-0, CL, thank you for help me to answer S@L.
S@L, i heard from my fren say the alphabert candy Sin Siong supermarket oso got sell. If ur place hv sin siong supermarket, maybe u can check.
My cake can bluff kids only la...but cake for you will be special!!!

Yany, CL,
The baking mums are great bakers themselves and I must "wrestle" with them for chance to bake their kids birthday cakes. P/S: I love rumballs too...especially with lots of rum..

Would love to bake ZL's birthday cake..barney (cannot draw-may turn out scary looking...laf laf), doggy??

Mould from long ago when 101 Dalmatians in fashion.

Your boy's handwritten b/day note is pinned very prominently on my calender...hahaha..dare not forget..cake - 3D or 1D-dinosaurs?? whale??? hehehe - skills limited !!!

Baking this cake was most joyous for me..reminded me of my kids' eager faces....and when any cake is nice to eat, even "chow ta" ones..hahaha..
keng... today he woke up, first thing he say... today's charle's b'day!!! hahahahah...

then he couting the days to your b'day and his b'day...

kids will be kids! hahahha...

me arh... may need MTs help, together with 'my power' to do a flatter than flat 2 layer or 3 layer cake... rect. BIG cake for him to celebrate in school.
Ok Ok..I look forward to doing a fun cake for him with the mummy's particpation !!!! I like one of a kind cake....
WOW meow, where u MIA to? Becoming coke bottle is it?

Disappearing for few hrs to do my hair...So many posts today... keng, see ur cake really make a "kallang waves" liao
Hi, anyone can advise me. DO i need to put any cream or jam between the cake and the MMF..Have tried yesterday without any cream/jam ...the MMF does not stick to the cake...Need expert mummies advise please. Thanks!!
rave...i think must put a thin layer of buttercream or piping jelly? over it..kekeke i bake the cupcake already not yet deco n experiment of my mmf yet :p
Hi, just wanna know if anyone is a memeber at Shermay's? Cos they are having 30% disc for memebers on Varlhona products. Very good leh.
ling... yarrow... have been VERY busy starting last weekend and such... and you'll see BIG changes when we meet up next week... *suspense* :p BUT our coke dream is still FAR FAR FAR FAR away... somemore, now moonies fest... wah lau... it's a 'killer' lor...
