Cup cakes for birthday

Hi all,

I have been reading your posts and find them very interesting.

FYI I am grandma to a 19-month old beautiful baby girl but I am still working.

Hope I am welcome here.
hi zainab,
ofcourse you are welcome in this baking thread.
pls visit us and share wif us ya? and if we hv gathering, do not hesitate to join us.
i've many malay frens, they all good cooker, trust u oso lah.....
oh mine, u r granny to 19th mth old princess and still working...... not easy at all leh! thumbs up!
good to keep your self occupied, but i'm sure u not tat old, at most is 40+ ? kekeke!

haha! cute hor? your comment really brighten up my day leh..... thks!
MMF is marshmellow fondant.
instead of using ready-use-fondant (be it wilton brand or other brand), i make my own fondant using marshmellow.
outside ready-use-fondant taste and smell yucky. tats why i make my own.

so happy to hear from u ! are u ok? long time never see u login leh...
got put on weight not? or preggy liao? when is EDD?
my girl said the butt not big enuf.... i told my girl tats not mummy butt mah...... hahaha!
my girl helped me with the yellow long pan, blue sock, she didn't use mould, juz hand cut. she loves to play fondant as well, can eat in the same time...haha!
Love the laundry theme. Like mamato5Js.... I LOL when I saw the "old fashioned" undergarments! Very creative!!!
She's also so messy leh... have socks and underwear everywhere... hahaha

When are you going to conduct classes on fondant/MMF? I would love to learn!

sweet potato chiffon? Sounds good leh! Actually... mine a little chao ta on the top... and maid took it out before the timer chimes. Good thing too... otherwise, cannot eat! hahaha

Hi Zainab,
Welcome. I am a SAHM = slave at home mom... hahaha. With 3 kids, there is never a dull moment! ;)
<font color="ff6000">Pink</font>
okie, no problem, take your time - do when you are free.

Your creation is SO CUTE! Hahaha. Don't think anyone would bear to eat the "butt". Kekekeke.

<font color="ff6000">Angel</font>
MMF is mashmellow fondant.
Hi pink
yr fondant cake so cute! How I wish I can be so creative as you. But I have a very stupid hand n no art talent at all, hehe!
yah i been silent reader all the while cos been so busy leh! after shift house then unpack then settle down then school reopen oredy! plus my boys only P1 but wanna join so many activities in school! aiyah my schedule haywire liao lah!

me not preg yet lah but all the shifting n packing unpacking made me lose some weight haha! better dun see u hor!

where did u get the idea from? oh yes, when wanna conduct class for MMF??
Hi pink and yany,

Thanks for accepting. I am in my early 50s and my granddaughter is being looked after by my mum and a maid in the daytime when we are all at work.

I don't usually cook bcos we all eat at my mum's place every evening. Saturdays we eat out and I only cook for lunch on Sunday. Dinner time also eat out.

But I have quite a big collection of recipes and cook books which I love collecting. My daughter and I love making cupcakes now and then. Will post some photos when time permits.

Glad to know all the mummies here and hope to be able to meet one day.
Hi blessedmommy

My mum is in her early 70's and thank God she is blessed with good health.

FYI - both my girls (now elder one is 27+ and married and the younger one is 25 and engaged) were looked after by my mum since birth, they only stay with me on weekends. The younger one is still staying with my mum until now even though she is already working.

Nice to know you all~
1-0, wow! nice cakes! yah, MEN! everytime i ask hb nice or not, same response "ok lah". pengz. give up asking leow.

Pink! OMG, ur washing machine look so real!!! those butts are nicely shaped, yah? urs? Hehehe... anyway, how does MMF taste? is it very sweet?
Hi Pink,
What a wonderful pc of work! You know what, besides the coffee, i am in love with the cream puffs, doughnuts &amp; pizzas too..thanks.

You are not alone. Me same same creativity wave length as you lor! The best I can do with fondant is roll and cut with cutters haiz....

Welcome to the thread.
zainab: welcome to the thread. Young grandma.. hehe can be my mama alrdy.

Pink: I was looking @ the cake n wondering why got a butt there with leg.... so is the mama bending down.... early morning.. hb tot i went crazy again... laffin @ pc...
Lucky my washing machie is opening on top one, don't need to bend n show my big butt, haha!

Thanks! Ya lor, always ask him opinion, sure say "ok la" or "so so la".
the thomas train is figurine not I make one. I bought them in jakarta. Think I can't make that for my whole life, hehe!

Wow, yr lunch got so many nice dishes. I just fry bee hoon, hot dog n egg for lunch.
Hi all here,

After seeing all your lovely creations, I am sooo impressed cos they all look soooo nice!! I'm sure they taste yummy too!

Can I check with u mummies whether there's any baking class that u can recommend or if any mummies here conduct any baking class?
Hi mummies,

I have the following vouchers to be given away and I would give you ladies the preference. If nobody is keen then I'll place it in the forum for everybody else:-

1) Wellness Village – Spa Treats
Valid till 30th Sep 08

2) Amore Fitness and Boutique Spa – 1 complimentary fitness session on any class/program
Valid till 31st Dec 08

3) 211 Roof Terrace Café – 1 for 1 pasta or pizza
Valid till 30th Sep 08

4) One Salon &amp; Reds Hairdressing - $8 off cut &amp; blow dry or $25 off min. spending of $100
Valid till 31st Dec 08

5) O’Briens Irish Sandwich Bar – 50% off 2nd Hot Wrappo sandwich
Valid till 31st Dec 08

6) Mintmark &amp; Co. – 15% off storewide
Valid till 30th Sep 08

Pls let me know if you are keen.
would you mind shifting to Bt. Batok? hahaha
With petrol so expensive, thinking twice about cheonging your place now since you are sooo far!
1-0, then they are edible figures? quite sayang to use for simple home meal.

peng, pro leh! i also want to come ur house for meals.
Yany, Jen...kekeke hinting hur...gathering at my place? but my house messy hor...then no much toys for kids one we organise a potluck gathering at my place? see the respond how..anyday except SUNDAY....

Eastern Gathering
Date: TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

PINK... wah ... another level of MMF... it's superbly real and nice and cute and ... somehow... pretty kinky to expose those granny's knickers! hahahahha...

I'm hopeless with plasticine even... let alone MMF... only people with creative hands and ideas can do it... i can only paint and draw... hahahahaha... even squeezing cream onto cupcakes i'm stuck with Flowers flowers flowers... hahahahaha...

1-0... hmm... yummy... got pack and sealed to retain moisture and keep in fridge or not? *winks* *winks*
hihi all.. soo long no log in liao.. made doughnuts again over the weekend.. my boys bday on mon.. took sooo long to complete.. lucky i never do cupcake.. else die.. realli peifu pink.. can still make to sell..

pink ur cake so pro! so cute the butt! u conducting class soon?? don dare to try fondant yet..

peng.. ur chicken like wear corset.. nice n slim.. :p when is the gathering? if sats den can make it.. but i bring 2 boys scared wait ur house all messy.. both very scary wan..

Eastern Gathering
Date: TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
10) hse is already messy lah kekeke

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
both hubby &amp; myself getting old liao.... so better fast, fast do the deed ;). Since they are all year end kids, their birthday would be coming and then they would be, 6, 3 and 1!

I got help so, no need to do housework and cook meals. Just some baking to relax, otherwise, get old even faster as my boys are very active type!

I like your washing day theme...your butt looks so nice and cute with tat undergarments n are really creative.


You organising a gathering? Saturday arh...hmm..not sure if I can attend or not..provided ah lao allows lah. Nvm, just put in my name first, I let you know at later date when this is cnfm.

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
After sick for almost a week, I really miss coming to this thread..though I hv been silently reading the postings. And of cos baking lah. I just baked these y'day...

<font color="0000ff">Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake</font>

<font color="0000ff">Lemon &amp; Poppy Seed Muffins</font>
thks for the kind words, i'm stil amateur lah, got the idea from debbie brown, compared to her's, mine not even 5% leh.....

tats like mama stuck inside the washing machine, kekeke! perhaps she is looking for her wedding ring??? :p

u hnt try lah, fondant is like play dough only. juz anyhow shape it will do
or u can use cookie cutter.

so glad to see you here! confirmed u recover liao lah! like got party, so many yummy food!
remember to send to my pl huh? if not, then no wan to fren u liao! kekeke!
a waiting for your Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake leh! i'm chocoholic mah!

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
lastnite, my girl said long time never bake with me liao, she wanted to do something, then she choose bread pudding from her own recipe book



I am new here. Can I join ?

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat TBC
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148

Pink, you remind me of my mum. My mum was self taught in baking. Since young, I follow her in baking. Remember she never seems to be able to get Pandan Chiffon cake done but all her children love the "failure" cake texture which run her crazy. :) Eventhough I am not good at it, I love baking. Not sure if your daughter like me, influence by mum......
kak zainab,
Can i hv obrien voucher pls? Near My office got obrien. Thks!

welcome to tis baking thread. Be prepared to be facinated ya? Ha ha!
Glad tat u can join eastern potluck.
I'm sure u r a great baker. Practice makes perfect. We are seasoned by keep practicing mah.
My mom always said: fail nvr mind, dun throw, kids wl eat.
Its v true hor?
I helped my mom since i was primary, frm weighing sugar, flour till she allow me to play wif her batter.
My nephew, 18yrs only oredi a chef in one of surabaya hotel. Since 7yrs old he "help" my sis in the kitchen. Now he is at korea, got schollarship to get his master degree as chef. Haha!
I'm too old to persue my passion liao
its ok lah.
So i'm sure u r a great baker. Everyone is special.

Pls tell us more abt ur self and share wif us in your comfort level ya?
Hv a blessed day!
<font color="ff6000">Pink</font>
Wow, the joint effort of pudding looks nice!

Oh, your family has a line of cooks! And it is so nice to have a profession doing something you love.

My mum doesn't bake or cook much, only when necessary, but I picked up that hobby from Home Econs class in Sec school. Hahaha.
Just started to bake again because my boy loves cake - like me!

Ya, baking makes me feel good...siao liao..hahaha.
Wah, you win liao not to give you wor, later you really dun wan fren me how. Kekeke...
Your girl sure hv your genes in baking...she will be just like you. Bread pudding looks good the hint bo?


Welcome to this crazy addicting thread. Sure you will fall in love with it. Do post your fruits here to share with us. Hope can meet you at the potluck east gathering.


You also new here? Welcome, hope to see your fruits too.
