Cup cakes for birthday

js, thankew thankew... think its the fresh chicken thighs that help with the 'presentation' ... my cooking skill no good one...

no talent in baking and cooking... <-- sounds familiar hor...

hahahahahha... maybe i must go find in the Washing Machine liow... *hint hint*

i m holding a small birthday party for my 2yr old boy. any kids food recipe to share?

was it u who made little doggies with koko crunch? care to share the recipe? n pictures?

i wanted to order thomas cupcakes from u.. pm u but no reply...

ya, we will make all westerners drool...hahaha


Have sent you the recipe liao. Did you receive my sms? Waiting for your reply.
jo: its up to u. i used cake.

yany: sorry.... the base recipe is given to me by my gf who is doing biz.. can't share but the cream is using ay's recipe. You can check on her website.
jsmum, i want! hahaha...

1-0, ling, cat, u all har... make us drool only... naughty naughty!

cat, i HAVE to dig out the skewer thingy for my oven. no idea where i throw it leow.

ep, i made the cookies and some more yesterday too. cos i need to get rid of horlicks lah. u got the recipe oredi? Jen who makes the cookie recently :D but i got the recipe....

Doggie Cookie
Set A:
180g butter, soften at room temperature
80g Horlicks (original flavour)

Set B
200g top flour or cake flour
25g corn flour
25g milk powder

Deco &amp; filling
50g chocolate chips
some chocolate rice
some Koko Krunch


1) Pre-heat oven to 140deg C. Lightly grease tray
2) Sieve B.
3) Cream Set A for about three minutes at low speed. Do not overbeat.
4) Put in Set B and beat for about one minute to form dough.
5) Divide dough into about 10g each. Put 2 chocolate chips into each piece of dough and roll into balls.
Placed 2 pieces of Koko Krunch to make the ear, chocolate rice for the eyes &amp; and a chocolate chip for the nose.
6) Bake at 140 deg C for about 25 minutes.
7) Leave to cool on wire rack
8) Stored in an airtight container

Bottle...Western Jie Meises very on one when they free they will meet up! Eastern Jie Meises lazy lah hahaha....

Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 9 Aug or 16 Aug?
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
Faint lah, u see me so up! ME not that good. Think practise also cant achieve Pink's standard. heehee Can onli show my boi, cant show out, will laugh till peng san.

U r such a good wife. Yr fruits never fail to make me drool. hee

Thanks. U din sms yr account to me? I tt to u first lei. Oh I will be in downtown east on 24 july with my frens, around noon should reach there. Bringing my boi to explorer kid to play. U wan to meet me there n pass to me?

yr muffins so yummy. yum yum yum.

Western Gathering always makes me so envy lei.
JTS: Doggie cookies notes
1. I used plain flour as I do not have top flour.
2. I used Horlicks vanilla and my gal's FM milk powder.
3. I increased baking time to 30-35 mins.
4. Embedded 3 choco chips plus 1 more for nose.
5. The recipe is not sweet so added 30g castor sugar but still find the cookie not sweet (to me), even with 4 choco chips in total.
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 9 Aug or 16 Aug?
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep

doggie cookie
- i m such a lazy baker.. i m ashame to tell u that i use a instant cookie mix, add butter n separate the dough into 2 parts. 1 part i add choc powder.. then start adding the ears n eyes n nose. the choc rice so tedious to add!!! my maid ask if its a pig or bear.. sigh! i said dog.
i hv no doubts that the horlick will taste very gd!! i didnt hv time to go get the ingredients.. i jus made do with wat i can find at home...
thanks! Hope it taste nice, haven't tried yet. We took the japanese food at IMM, very nice. Then rush to JW buy durian n mango, a very enjoyable gathering.
errmm.. sori.. popby n happen to c tis thread. can c tat is very happening here leh..

btw..i stay @ punggol field too... kekeke....
1-0... the muffin hor... VERY VERY nice wor... even hb said its nice.... hehe the Durians smell really POWERFUL la... Hb ask me, how come i smell of durian... can't imagine lim's car...

too bus eating and yakking till forget to take pix... but managed to take 2...
Our lunch &amp; 1-0's mango cake..... BOTH Thumbs up!!!

the lunch looks delicious. I'm sooo envious!!! Is that at someone's house or IMM Jap restaurant?

Looks like your muffin a huge hit!!
1-0,Ling &amp; Meow,
Pai Seah , i the one always take but never gv hor, haha.Thank u for the yummy goodies, all are Tumb Up.
Next time i will try to bake something but if not nice dun scold me ya, i still learning step, hehe.

My girl hop in the car ask me liao, mummy u dare buy durian meh.

Then If u see news paper got pple faint in the car then is ME lor, wahhahahahaha.
it is at IMM jap restaurant.

U got cooK green bean sweet potato soup for us la, forget? Pls bring what u baked let us tried when we next meet up, hehe! We support u!
Sorry to make yr car all the durian smell, hehe! Pei say la!
yumm... love jap food. Saw the soda and drool... lol.

I haven't been baking much as I have an exam tomorrow... so, won't be logging in as well.

Wishing you all a happy weekend!
1-0, Tks for the muffins - first time trying crumbles - nice.

0, the swirl on the cheesecake is not bad at all and it is delicious too especially the cake base. The rumballs were bonus.

Cat, so full after eating the cakes and durians, will have to eat the mee sua kuey tmr.

lim, i lagi paiseh, only eat, ta pau and tompan your transport....hahaha.
me finally back... guess what... i bought 2x the durians... hoping to do puffs / cake... in the end, i took home only a rectangular box... parents and bro/sil - detained some of it... hahahahaha... we are durian family lah... hahahah

so fun to durian shopping together... team spirit... those scare of durians, hop to lee bee to do remote shopping while we are in teh queue to tar-bao the durians... hahahaha...

sorry didn't said bye to all of u... rushing to get gal then to get boy - to avoid the jam at AYE starting 5:30pm!!! mad mad mad rush!

it was an enjoyable gathering... always love the jap food there... next time, we MUST book the room hor... then can watch ZL and Jeorg tango in the room... *winks*... hahahahahaha...

LIM... now then i remember i forgot to eat the green bean... my favourite... *sigh*... but i'm too full liow lah... blame LING lor... the cheesecake and rum balls are damn nice... 1-0... ur mango cake still very soft despite being kept for 2 days! well done!!!
Eastern Gathering
Date: Sat 9 Aug or 16 Aug?
Time: 2pm onwards
Place: Punggol Field (Peng's Hse)

1) kendy
2) Js'Mum
3) Pink (if jsmum go, then i go, coz tumpang her mah, i sure lost if come alone).
4) Kl148 (Can only make it on 16 Aug)
5) Chicken Little (9 Aug ok, swing by before going for high school musical at 4pm)
6) Joanne (will confirm again when date fix)
7) dearie_e
8) ep
meow: hahaha 2x... nvm la.. near near ur mum's pl.. can always go n buy again... if u r in lim's car ytd... u sure will get super high lo..

ytd saw ur car drove pass us while we r waiting for the traffic light to go green.. but u zoom off too fast la....
wow, never login 3 days then i gotta spend 1 hr to read the posting

green muffin,
welcome to tis addicted thread.
thanks for your recipe! thks for sharing!
you are gud baker leh!
MMF, can eat togather with the cake. taste very nice!

western gathering me oso never attend, not sure wether they open only for westerner or they hv selected mommies

you come and join our gathering at PENG's hse then.

steamed corn layer cake looks good. 3 days before your hse gathering, i'll empty my stomache.. haha! "tham ciak"

Von (baobei3721),
welcome to tis baking thread. pls do not hesitate to visit us ya?
u stay at punggol? wanna join our gathering? look forward to c u leh!

You sure can tahan emptied stomach for tat 3 days not? You so 'tham ciak" leh...see any food also can take it but stomach cannot tahan leh...wahahahaha.

Btw, just replaced your old tupperware today. Wan come over collect tonite? Later got to bring ah girl out for swimming class liao.


Your layer cake looks yummy.

Von, Bottle,

come and join us at our Easterners gathering ya!
mascarpone cheese, we can make it our self, i mean mixed it our self, u dun have to buy the expensive mascarpone.
it's a mixture of sour cream, lightly whipped cream, or ricotta cheese with single cream.

care to share the rum ball recipe?
last nite bake hotdog bun, i brushed it with evaporated milk instead of egg yolk.

u know me very well leh! now i v stress leh, my young bro going to married nov'08 leh! me wanted to diet wor.... my flesh is willing, but my mouth not willing.... how????? HAIZ!
okie.... tonite will come to your pl.
Pink...wah then i have i cannot sleep liao ...have to cook n cook many many food to fill up ur empty stomach! hahaha

btw...oh din know can mix mascarpone cheese ourself leh! Pink u know wats the proportion like? outside selling 500g for $12.50...
WAHHHH!!! Your hotdog buns are yummy leh.

Dun bother on diet lah...shun qi zi ruan.
Okie, sure arh...see you tonite hor. Gtg now...bye...
So excited today. bake my cupcake today. pong pong but I just cut it flat for deco. Used the leftover fondant from Pink's class.

Before make up

After make over

My gal posing as "Mom's little cup-cake"

Please pardon me only able to show cupcake for the next few weeks as I have to work very hard for her birthday.

Hope I never shame my shifu ha ha
<font color="ff6000">n2inPink</font>
I tried to do the pizza and it taste nothing remotely like what you made.

Can let me know what you put in there?
What brand of tomato paste?
Any other additional ingredients? I tried the AY's recipe for the pizza.

Thanks thanks.
CL...i luv ur cut out fondant! so lovely...ur gal looks pretty mother like daughter?? hahaha

Pink...hahaha yah u better bring containers to tah bao...end of day gathering always left lotsa of foods one cos either busy yaking away forgot abt the food or the food not nice...hahaha..:p
western gathering not exclusive one lah... anyone can join but we arranged normally one day before or last minute... and our timing sama sama... send kids/hushand to work etc. ... then housework on off ... then gotto rush home by xx:xx to cook dinner / fetch kids / fetch hubby etc. ... we know each other's timing... so can arrange more impromptuly...

east side gathering very far leh... if on the day can make it, can gatecrash? hope there won't be bouncers at the door... hahahaha...

pink, can share how to do the mascarpone cheese? ... thanks in advance.
raye's mum, welcome... erm... what did i say and what did u do huh? ... hahahahha...*blur*... can call me cat or meow or jac lah... see jacquetlc appear... tot i owe who $ ... muahahahaha...
pink: my rum ball... no nid recipe one la... just mix rum n cake den coat with choco

i am a lazy person... so recipe to me is like a stone hiting myself... unless i really nid one..

CL: nice cupcakes wor... ur gal must be very happy tat mummy be baking for her coming bday.
Thanks Peng, Ling.
Feel more motivated to bake for her birthday liao. Have to keep trying. Next is marble cupcake but i find so many steps. Ha ha. Any simpler cupcake ? pardon me will be posting more cupcakes as i practice ha ha.

Dinner - Chicken Rice

Breakfast today - Cheese Sauce in Prata
WOW CL.. the chicken rice look very good. I can never managed a whole chicken. No worries... pls show us all your designs for the lil' princess cupcakes...
your fondant cupcake very nice! Your breakfast n chicken rice also so delicious! Now very on hor?

I also baked AY's oreo n rasin cupcake to bring to sil's house. Lasy to take picture, hehe! Hubby said this is not the 1st time I baked why still need to refer to the recipe. My memory very poor one n I think I still need to read the recipe even I baked 100 times. Not like our missyling so good, hehe!

Hee hee I oso never do whole chicken because I know I dunno how to chop. So buy big drumstick and thigh. This is call "tao kai"

Ya man. Now got helper and got request from daughter. Plus attend class liao cannot lazy. And have to justify the purchase of the oven.
This is Fruit Tart. Dunno how to put dough nicely into the alumnium cup so ha ha quite ugly.

