Cup cakes for birthday

shio bak? *faint*

hehe ytd holiday for kids mah..... so let them play together lo... @ least the mummies can take some off when they have company.

ling, maciam u sound like "network-police"..... hahahahahah... can hear Announcement Announcement, Please take Note... *DING DONG DING DONG* ... hahahahahha
meow... hehehe if not, someone go and click again hor..... all of us will get it again and 1 bad news for u.... I JUST recieved one from u!
hmm.... just decided to 'clear stock' and clear out my fridge of blueberries, strawberries, two tablespoons of blueberry pie filling and 2 blocks of cream cheese and a cup of yoghurt!

So end result are Fruity Cheesecake... hahaha... dunno if itz going to work... got pure strawberry de... pure blueberry de... and a mixed fruit one...

The Base

The Batter

The Fruits Gala

The Ready tins to be sent into oven ... and In Oven!!!


Now still baking....
Its muffin day again.... baked muffins for hb & his colleagues for tml...

Oero, nutella, strawberry, choco chips & blueberries

wah lau... scarly people will think we siow... Zou Huo Ru Muo... everyday bake... the Westerners too 'eng'... hahahahah...

jia luk...
cat: hahahaha ya lo....too eng hor... but once we baked... we kept baking... once we dun bake.. can mths dun bake one leh... so now got the mood ar... muz bake....
Baking in ove juz now ...


Out from oven after an hour plus ...


cooling down now... smells very nice... tonight cut liow then know texture... *fingers cross*
dear all,
as always, many "fruits" here!

1-0 & CL,
congrats on your puff ya? where got ugly? nice lah!

nip (nip),
u new with us? welcome onboard ! have u ever consider to own a mixer? or hand whisk will do? kitchen scale oso an essential item. i prefer weight measurement rather than volume measurement, it's more accurate.
Pls do not hesitate to share with us ya? takecare!

oily (oily),
welcome to tis baking thread, will post the oven toaster recipe when i find it. i do have it, but dunno saved it to where liao.
PENG, thanks!

how i wish can have your salmon teriyaki. i'm salmon lover leh........
your hubby muz be very sayang u hor? always take good care of his tummy
Had extra chilli from a nasi padang owner, so stir fry abit and add on the pork chop... extremly sedaps.... yummy...

And cook a soup with many ingredients inside...

Pink...pampered him too much liao..everyday ask today cooking wat nice food? wahahaha..

Ling..ur the chilli on the pork chop really makes me lao chui nuah liao!
good leh.... rather than he go and eat outside?
hahaha! is he as skinny as u oso?
u all eat then the food run where huh? never put on weight hor? pei fu pei fu!
wow... so much goodies!

Pink... you outdoo yourself man. Your cake looks so good and those cuppies.... I want for my birthday... hehehe

Way to go on the puffs. Looks good!

Can throw some of those salmon over to me? Looks delish!

The chilli pork chop looks yummy.... salivating!

So many cakes... need volunteers to try? hehehe

I made some mini donuts for the 1st time... and stole Pink's recipe but modified a little to make it more healthy... ;)
I added wheatgerm and flaxseed. Since I didn't have lemon... I used orange juice... lol. Texture was nice and soft and kids liked it!

very nice looking donut. share your modified donut with wheatgerm leh.

that chilli pork sure looks good and complement well with this "cheng cheng" soup.

you are so creative and lovely cakes and cupcakes

yours very nice lah.

What you baking huh ? and so many pans.
Hi Chicken little,
My 2nd son is such a picky eater and eat sooo little, so I try to make every mouthful count ;)
All I did was to add 1 big tablespoon wheatgerm and 1 big teaspoon flaxseed (grounded) to pink's receipe. So, total flour and added ingredients equals to 1 cup
CL: hehehe ya lo... very nice.. the texture of the chilli is good... didn't soak the pork chop till soaky type.

Meow did cheesecake.... mini cheesecakes
Hi mummies, thanks for sharing your recipe with me. I will try to bake the puff one of this day. Thank you.

I love baking too.
jane, u new with us? You can drop by cold storage/carrefour
/phoon huat or sunlik / lee bee. Most of us are using PRIDE from sunlik/lee bee.
Today try to bake pandan chiffon cake. Tried once a few yr back n fail. Today consider ok but the cake rise very high n the top crack. I making 1 recipe but don't know why the batter so much for me to bake 1 big tin & 3 mini chiffon pan.
the texture looks VERY VERY VERY good... u know why... even your chiffon cake knows that they 'got to be divided' ... muahahahah...
Thanks hor! My big chiffon cake already crack till like that n my ZL still use a long stick pop a hole on the side, worst still!
Hi hi, I'm new here, and I love baking too. Don't get to bake very often though.

I started about 2 years back when I started making baby muffins, trying out a recipe from an internet website - these
are my mini blueberry muffins:

Started baking after years coz want to give my boy something healthy to munch on.

And recently tried the cupcake recipe that Sally told me about, with oreo cookies. Yum!
And of course, reason of making this is for myself - I have sweet tooth. Hee.

As I read along, feeling very inspired to try out the chiffon cake. My 3YO boy loves chiffon cake.
I am new here and is amazed with all of you. Well done !
When I learn to make doughnut, I asked for the baked recipe but was told there is no baked doughnut in the first place. Was so disappointed as I don't like fried food.
Few days ago, I came across the post and found the recipe from Aunty Yochana & Pink, I was overjoyed...... Thanks for sharing, Aunty Yochana & Pink.
Now, can someone tell me if it is better to use the maker or tray to bake the doughnut ? Where to buy the maker ? How much ? And, if anyone wanted to let go the preloved maker as the kids have eaten enough of them ? hahaha.........
Also, my kids love waffle. However, can't seem to get the correct recipe. Can anyone advise, pls. Thanks in advance.
Hi Peng,

I also discovered this site not too long ago
Here's my Princess Dana's photo being exhibited in the National Museum Gallery - when she was 2months' old
Have Fun!

