Cup cakes for birthday

Dinner for today. Supposed to dine out but change my mind. So just take whatever i had in the fridge. Chicken cuttle & Potato ( Bacon & sour cream)

I tried baking cream puff again yesterday after reading all the analysis by Ling, Catika and the rest. This time round, I use normal baking paper instead of the more expensive silicon baking paper and guai guai use a wooden spoon (instead of metal spoon). I was carrying my crying toddler in one hand and busy stirring away using the other hand. I also used electric mixer instead of hand mixer. Also instead of piping nice nice, I just spoon to scoop and drop on the tray. Thought it would sure fail like my other 4 attempts. But guess what? My puff were all pong pong and kosong inside. I was so happy that I even thank my ah gal for her tears (extra ingredient, got power). But the puffs sticked to the paper. Should I brush the paper with oil? But I hate the oily oily feel leh.

After that I was thinking, what really make me succeed this time round? The paper? the wooden spoon? the electri mixer? Or ah gal's tear? Nevermind, I am so happy anyway....
cookiepie, congrats! U using whose recipe? u definately had to brush ur paper with a tiny layer of oil/butter or meow said she used flour.
Cat, the recipe u used the batter nt watery? saw ur batter pipe on the tray all very solid leh, mine was like a pool of watery batter..where went wrong huh? Is it the eggs? or becoz i nv cook the dough? i juz off fire then stir in the flour nv bring to cook again..
Hi all,

Want to check with u all whether u need to grease the baking pan when baking sponge cake.. Think i got all confuse between chiffon n sponge cake n cannot remember whether i shld grease the pan or put in baking paper or not grease at all.

Baking ring
If i intend to make mousse cake, is it nec to have a baking ring??? Or i can just put the cake back into the baking pan n top it with the mousse filling?

my office internet connection bonkers all the time. can hardly log in. but your puffs, shi me de lor!

And to all the other ladies, congrats on your suceess! so good to see so many goodies!!!!
ha ha this week is puff week. See if later I can get custard powder from sunlk and will do it on sunday. Hope to share my first fruit ha ha.

your stuff all very yummy. update with recipe leh.
pink, correct. but for ous, didn't puff as big & we dun like the inside... bit custardy feel, uncooked feel... put on paper one... really air & fibre inside only.

akohle, i succeed 1st try, the next 2 times use silicon mat, fail, pek chek!!! so must confirm it's the silicon's fault lor... and when 5th time use back the paper, SHIOK. Back to PONG PONG like my first try - SUCCESS!

CL, i personally perfer more the whipped cream with durian/blueberry/100% whipped cream with the puffs than the custard...
WOW really puffs puffs week... so many puffs are jumping out from the oven.....

The puffs go marching one by one.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The puffs go marching one by one.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The puffs go marching one by one;
The little one stops to say HELLO,
And they all go marching rite into the oven
To get puffy all the way.
Bake, bake, bake, bake!
Thanks for the reply. I understand that for chiffon but what abt sponge cake. Their method almost the same, so i assume no greasing as well?
I am using the sponge recipe to make mousse cake.
Wow, pink, ur puff all look same size le.
Today i bake puff again, from failed till successful, he he.
Thank you to catika,ling & 1-0, thank you for their support, ha ha
here is my fruits

after bake puff, still got energy then i make cheese cake
wow..there are so many fruits here since my last post...Haven been login in for a long while. Congrats all for the pong pong puff. huh...maybe i shld find sometime to bake some this weekend. keke..
lim... me eyeing ur cheesecake... my kids just zzz now... very tired myself... grrr... can't bake my blueberry cheesecake liow...

0, 1-0... see when i can then bake... hahahaha...
ice... me using those normal size one... think a bit small... those NTUC / Giant selling 30s tray kind... offer can be about 3.30... now NTUC selling 4.05.
meow... nvm la.. take ur time.. but u noe when is the best time rite... *cough* *cough*

The one from Ntuc/giant is usu those 50g inlcuding shells one.
hi, wld like to learn baking. Can anyone share with me which oven is cheap and good and the basic stuff I need to buy to make simple cakes and cookies. Appreiciate all replies
welcome to the thread. I bought Techno 28L but I think some says Morris 42L at $120 plus is not bad.

I finally got something to share. Joined the crowd for puff baking this week. One of my sil came over and we had fun. Using fatmum's recipe and Eileen's custard recipe. My first tray ha ha was mini mini ones. Then second try we make it bigger and stuff with durian.1 pics in baking and 1 pic with durian.Not nice but got pong pong

nice puff!

nice muffin & good steam boat dinner, hehe!

Me super busy these 2 days, bake buttercake with blueberry n cheese yesterday. Today cook curry, veg, soup n prepare the ingredient for popiah for today family gathering. So busy till no time to take any pix. Still no time to try making puff, hehe!
Ling, eileen
Thanks. Ha ha "move door touch axe" in front of all qian bei and shifu. Me and other sil made custard from scratch because ha ha My sil LIM tua me no more custard after her many many puff bake.

But lucky downstairs sell durian, i actually prefer durian. No whip cream so just add caster sugar and ha ha my choosy husband give us a "pass".

Actually I oso made gyoza today but forgot to take pictures.

I love popiah. Was just telling my husband I want to do it but he says i mah fan. Popiah skin from havelock road and the chilli I will get from Magaret drive. Ha ha
Morning All,
wow, last nite got so many yummy fruits.

CL,So sorry le, i really got made the custard for u r la, but after i can get the pong pong puff hor too Happy liao so keep making after tat then realise the custard not enough for u, ha ha.

Next time When i make again then will keep ur share in the safety box so cant use it, ha ha

Steamboat with chili padi, nice hor, he he
cl, addcited to the puffs like lim? hehe its always nice to make own and see the result.

lim, very nice lo... hb even put the padi into the soup.... he is more addicted to it then me nw.
Got addicted by you all woh. posting all your fruits. Then catika still patiently tell me her steps through skype. Then Lim still remind me must wait for bubbling hot for the puff before adding flour.
CL: hehehe good good... we discussed thru msn thru phone.. made all the mistakes...then success for the nice one... good things must share mah.
wah... i want to make puffs also leh... but no piping tips so can't start...
CL, u got the detailed steps? can share here?

peng, tried ur muffin recipe, used plain flour... softer than mine...

ling, shabu shabu... I like!

What is your email ? Will email you for fatmum's recipe with picture. can even cross check on if the steps are correct. ha ha

I still have custard left. What simple things can i do with it leh ?
The western had a last min meet up since its youth day... to let the kids mit up for play time and while we settle for some fun in the kitchen.

Each gathered some ingredients and have our 1st lapis session. Don't look so nice but it taste good. An experience to learn from the shifu since most of us neber had hand-on this chimology friend before.




At 1st look tot is shio bak... lapis not easy to make wor... lots of work.... looks yummy.... u all very onz hor last min oso can chong over to make lapis....
