Cup cakes for birthday

me oso omit sugar... hahahaha... cos filling got sugar content liow... hopefully it's going to work...

still baking...
hmm... seems like silicon mat cannot bake choux pastry... the puffs were bathed in oil and cannot 'cook' properly... transferred them to normal pan with baking sheet... cooked finally...

but realised two things: the puffs didn't PONG and I had piped too little this time... also, shouldn't have added green tea powder to the pastry... after piping and baking... it really looks like little mountains of S***... hahahahhaa...

after sprinkling with icing sugar and 'packaging' a little bit... with custard filling... still okay lah...


You are soooo funny... hhaha. I laught out loud reading your description of the green puffs.... hahahaha.

Actually, the puff recipe is for mini poppers... meaning can pop into the mouth in one bite
The picture I put with a tray full, I double the receipe to make bigger puffs
Do note that the puffs increase about 3-4x from the batter mix.

Regards to the conversion of cup to gram, good questions. I found this site and perhaps that helps.
This recipe is american... hence the measurements in cup ;)
meow, no worries... ur jiejie meimei will help u to eat ur xin yi away. U la.. kept saying dun wan big big wan... nw become like xiao long bao...
Baked pandan kaya cake for today gathering. The filling not so smooth so the top has a few holes. Try to use the whip cream to deco to cover all the holes, hehe!
Eileen, ur pandan cake so nice leh. Hw come mine so different from ur huh? My kaya like jelly type..cannot use pour one must scope up using knife to spread...really wonder hw is the kaya look when cook..maybe next time when u done can take pic of the kaya b4 spread onto the cake?
hi all,
its been quite awhile i join the thread .. has been very busy at work and many 'eyes' at work, not convinient to post, just browsing and reading everyday

lovely cream puffs, felt like trying this sat.. keke may i know what is vanilla oil.?

catika, your comments are so funny..but it does looks like abit.. :p

i need some advice, i bake chicken pie last week but why my pastry is very crumbly like apple crumbly pie. Is it because i din add yogurt or my butter is not hard enough. heres the pics of my chicken pie before and after baking

1524164.jpg wat i knw if u wan the chicken pie like outside hv many layer type, must roll out the dough, then place butter cube in middle then fold the 2 side cover the butter cube then roll into sheet again, must do this 3 times
report on our mini potluck gathering

The feasts.....


Indo style mee hoon soto


Chicken rendang & water chestnut ( Dessert)

Pandan fudge cake


hi dear mommies, only now got time to login....
after 2nd quarter closing, i tot can shake legs liao, but still need to run here run there.

many "fruits" there......

green tea puff? interesting, i tot is chocolate puff leh.....

pandan kaya cake very well done! get use to whipping cream liao? gud gud !
cat & jsmum,
my puff NO SUGAR one, not i forgot, but i omit it.
the filling, be it durian puree or custard cream, already sweet liao mah.

elaine77 (elaine77),
never see u in this thread, welcome back.
can i kpo abit? from the texture and color, seems underbake.
hm,.... could it be oven temperature not high enuf? can i see the recipe?
wow! few days nvr check, so many fruits!

westerners, ur gathering sounds really yummy leh!
cat, ur puffs look good (until u say the brown ones look like s***) hehe...
1-0, ur cake looks very good leow! definitely better than mine!
hi pink,
yah.. long time no post here.. busy at work lor.
its abit underbake, after i remove from oven, i bake it again for another 15mins but still looks quite pale. Is it because i din put the egg wash?

here the recipe. i got the recipe from one of the blog.
200 gm butter
250 gm plain flour
110 gm plain yoghurt ( i omit the yoghurt)
1 tsp sugar
1 egg yolk
A pinch of salt

Put all the ingredients into the mixing bowl except yoghurt, and mix to a crumble. Add in yoghurt and mix to a dough. Dough will be very soft so need to keep it refrigerated for at least 30 mins.

12 oz diced potatoes
1 big onion diced
50 gm mixed vegetable (or more if you like)
Sliced canned mushrooms (amt up to you)
2 chicken breast diced
1 tbsp corn starch or potato starch mixed with 2 tbsp water
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Heat abt 2 tbsp of oil and fry potatoes with abt 4 fl oz of water and 1/2 tsp salt until soft. Set aside. In a clean wok, heat 2 tbsp oil. Fry the onion until transparent. Add mixed vegetable, mushroom, chicken. Fry for a while to break up chicken. Add in potatoes. Add in abt 4 fl oz of water and cook for abt 5 mins. Add in salt, sugar and pepper. Add in the cornstarch and stir to thicken mixture. Set aside for later use.

The steps for the chicken pie will be as per normal. You can either do big pie or mini pie. Just need to roll out the dough, cut the size required and place in a pie dish. Poke hole on the base using a fork and place ingredients on top. Cut another piece of dough to cover the top. Poke a few more times using fork on the cover of the pie and brush with 1 beaten egg. Baked in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 mins.
Hi all
Last night left some rice so today lunch cook Rice Pancake & Macaroni Pancake for my son. Use the newly bought Daraemon Frying pan but can't see it clearly, hehe!
Hi Eileen,

What is Rice Pancake & Macaroni Pancake? Looked delicious and interesting, can share the receipts? Thank you so much.
Hi Kim
It is very simle.

Rice Pancake
1)1 bowl of cooked rice
2) 2 eggs
3) 1/2 tbsp chopped spring onion
4) 1 tsp light sauce
5) pinch of pepper
6) 1 tbsp ikan billi (deep fried till cripsy)
7) 1 tbsp peanut (deep fried till fragrant)

1. Mix well rice, eggs, spring onion, sauce & pepper. Add ikan billi n peanuts.
2) Heat up some oil in a non-stick frying pan. Pour in the rice mixture n pan fry over low heat till both sides of the pancake turns golden brown.
Macaroni Pancake
Mix a bowl of cooked macaroni with 2 eggs, a tablespoon of shredded ham, 1/2 tbsp each of green peas, carrot dices & corn, 1/4 tsp of salt n a pinch of pepper.

Pan fry the mixture over low heat using non stick pan till both sides of the pancake turn golden brown.
Meow & me were discussing abt our puffs and i did a small experiment using a silicon mat and without. Realised there is a differ bet. the size and texture. Just sharing what i had. Maybe it only happen to mine...

* Recipe from fatmum, thanks


With silicon (left) only on baking tray ( rite)


The differ in size... one is like a bao.. the other is like xiao long bao even though both are pipe with the same amt. And their bottom ( butt) the one with silicon mat actually sink inside.


The inside, The one baked on silicon... the inside had more skin and its not hollow like the one baked on the tray.
0, your puff look so nice.
Today i oso try do puff with custard filling giving by Cat.
Here are my first temp, puff look ugly & not evenly size, ha ha
But i will try again <..>
ling, exactly, after our conversation, i threw away the ones on teh silicon mat... pek chek.. now doing some on normal baking sheet...

think i can confirm liow... the first time pong big big one.. normal baking sheet... the S***one is on silicon mat... FAIL.... then afternoon on silicon again... FAIL.... now i do on baking sheet.. see how...

*crossing fingers*

pink, can 'testify' if it's true that puff cannot be done on silicon mat? need silpat? hahaha.. or just normal baking paper? thanks
0 &amp; Cat , thank u hor.
Cat, i just spray the baking oil in the tray.
actually intend to use silicon mat but to big for my oven so din use.
baked puff this afternoon... wondering if it's silicon mat that FAILED my puffs... really lor... all failed again... not PONG and all bathed in butter... inside got 'custard look and touch and feel' one... never 'cooked' ... sian 1/2

very pek chek... so then do my oven baked - bbq fresh chicken wings... marinated early morning... hmm... it's nice lor... at least something to brightened up myself... *pout*

really very *angry*... never say die... after dinner, do puffs again!!!

this time, switch back to my first attempt method (durian puffs that are SO PONG) - using old method - baking paper on tray! dun like to spread oily oily things... so dusted lotsa flour onto it... it works somehow!!!

puffs are all PONG PONG again... and then go on to make custard (thanks 1-0) and then pipe in...

Swee Swee Buay Lao Zui (nice nice no leak water)!!! Now I'm happy like a little bird chirping in the tree resting on a shady branch!!! *tweet tweet*

Puffs just out from oven:


Puffs filled up with custard and dust with icing sugar and the interior:

0, 1-0 and Catika,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the puffs. Must try it this weekend. Looks so yummy!!!
Last week I brought a pack of custard power from phoon huat &amp; I do not know how to use( I though I need custard power for cream puff...)? Any advice on what is custard power and how to use it?

For puffs filled up with custard, is it necessary to put in the fridge? Will is spoil if I keep at room temp?

Thank you so much.
kim, i would suggest to keep it in the fridge due to the weather in sg and oso it will taste better when its cold.

for what i know, my sec sch teacher said custard powder are actually sort of yolk powder and it gives very nice yellow colour. Some chinese rest shifu, when they want to achieve nice yolk yellow for their deep fried stuffs, they will mix some cuatard powder in their mixture.
Catika..wah really peifu u! so many attempts on ur puffs!

Kim...i try making custard powder to make the puff b4 but i misplace the recipe...can anyone provide the recipe again..i think Pink got the recipe?
peng, no need pei fu lah... i stubborn + a baking idiot... hahahahha... so no choice lor... got to work hard... aka ... try luck lor
wow westerners feast so yummy. drooling here lei.

puff pastry
All having puff pastry craze........ heehee

yr chicken wings so standard! How u marinate? yum yum

yr carrot cake so shiok. So tempting n making me gian gian gian.

Oh, anyone wan the rolling pin that Pink recommends from daiso? I have a spare one, can pass on Sat if u r going to Pink's place. PM me ya.

U coming this sat, right? I will see u hor. Dun forget to say hello.
