Cup cakes for birthday


any mummies can share if u have any recipe for marinating wings for BBQ? i have an upcoming familiy gath next mth.. so would like to try a few..
thks for your compliment word.
I'm glad the kids loves the donuts...

fresh from oven, banana muffins, so soft, kids loves it, using watie's recipe.

Well done on yr attempt for Chiffon Cake. Me still no chance to try out. hee

Thanks alot for yr concern. Feeling much better. Will definitely recover in time for the BIG day. Looking forward. WINK WINK WINK.
Oh still waiting the measurement of yr smallest size lapis. Email or sms me lei. I wan this:
Taken from yr blog. The flavour is with Pandan, right? My boi will love it. He has tried his first taste of pandan lapis in Batam last yr. hee

I am so happy. I made my first attempt on cream puffs n veri glad that it is SUCCESSFUL. Not veri sweet too. Hb also said nice. kekeke
Presenting my FIRST attempt of Custard puffs:

Shape not veri nice, cos I dun have the nozzle to pipe properly. But tastes good. kekeke
hie n2inpink (n2inpink)

thnks for the link.. appreciate it!! im doing fine... and im glad that every1 loves the banana muffin's recipe..

one question tho..

wats <font color="ff0000">balsamic vinegar &amp; Worcestershire sauce</font> ?
Sally Ng

u use the whipped cream for the filling rite? can yield alot?

for my filling i use the custard powder.. mine is the custard cream puff.. not bad leh.. can yield a big pan of filling for 1 batch.. if i got the time, i will give u d recipe..
Hi Mummies,
Would like to order cupcakes for my sons coming birthday this Saturday, anyone can recommend ?? as i know some of the mummies here are selling birthday cupcakes.
I'm back!

Just bought red bean paste from Daiso after my dinner... and with the 'green' elephant at home (bought green tea powder but dunno what/how to use) ... decided to do Green Tea Pound Cake with Red Bean Paste!

Just did a 'study' on the posted pics and wanted something not so 'kuey' styled as seen ... found a recipe, OLD GRANDMA's COUNTRY POUND CAKE but I add in green tea powder... and the result is SEDAP! :p~~~ very fluffy and moist...

However, the green tea powder (from SunLik is no good, used LOTSA but still no smell/taste) ... and I'm lazy to clean up after boy eat... so decided to use 'slippery cups' to do.
Saved on the greasing and flouring of pans too!

Green Tea Pound Cake with Red Bean Paste just <font color="ff0000">out from oven</font> and <font color="ff0000">after cooling</font>


The <font color="ff0000">interior</font> of the cake and after <font color="ff0000">half eaten</font>

hahaha... CL... what u doing up so late also? ...

no smell no taste leh... THAT sunlik green tea powder lor... u got any recommendation for any Jap brand of green tea baking pwoder?
No I din use whipped cream. My custard recipe is from mummy here, using custard powder, fresh milk. Dun yield much (comparing to the puffs I can get) or maybe I put too much in each puff. kekeke Puff recipe also from here.

yr cake looks delicious lei. I was at sunlik two weeks ago n saw their green tea powder, but din get after looking at the price. heehee
So any good brand to get as my fren from Japan is coming in 2 weeks' time.

Digital Weighing Scale
Anyone has any good recommendation? Prefer the one with a bowl. Not too ex as well. kekeke
Wah... so much yummy "fruits"! slurp!

I didn't do much except made durian and custard puffs just like pink! First time pipping it out instead of spooning ;) Not very good at piping but can also lah! lol

wah... yany.... ur puffs size very standard and it looks very upright and perky and ... solid.... nice!!!!

which recipe did u use?

by the way, anyone knows if i can just put green tea powder (Sunlik) into whipped cream to get green tea whipped cream? ... hmm... when add in to the whipped cream? before whipping? when whipping (soft peak) or when after whipped? thanks!
thinking of doing green tea puff...
Chicken Little/Catika,
Thanks. Its a very simple recipe and only has 4 ingredients. I've posted this recipe before. So simple and sooo easy. I can keep the puffs for a day or two... and it won't get soggy (before piping in the cream).

Haha... I like your description ;) Upright and perky hahaha. Wish it was describing something else besides the puff... but after 3 kids, that description no longer fits... HAHAHAHAHA.

Very good idea on green tea powder. Since I'm no expert, I won't even try to tell you what to do! However, why bot make small batches using both methods and see which turns out better? Then tell us about it ;)

I will type of the recipe later... coz have to get son ready for school
Agree with you that the sunlik green tea powder has no fragrant at all. I used it to make chiffon cake and my mum commented that there's no fragrant at all and yet the colour is so dark green!
Hi anyone hv the recipe for durian fudge cake? sort like pandan kaya layer cake type? My mum live durian so thinking of making 1 for her. Yesterday bake 1 but turn out yucky..actually wan to mix into fresh cream type but end up durian too watery liao so become like paste, the whole cake so wet &amp; sticky...waste my durian...
this morning so many yummy fruits!

Pink...of course u can add my blog..thanks :p ur oreo cheesecake looks exactly like AY one so yummy!! shio mah again kekeke...ur green tea cup cake looks tasty..u using sunlik gt powder..nice or not? i got a packet haven use supppose to make my gt mousse cake :D but cookiepie say no fragrance??...

Yany..kekeke ur piping skill not bad wor...the puff looks solid
peng, what is 'shio mah'? ...

yeah... as posted... sunlik no taste one... i used think more than 10g liow... not even bitter, let alone fragrance! *fumes*
alamak! peng ... *PENG* ... hahahha...

not shio mah lah... it's shio-baak! ...

i like dumplings in cai-xin soup... they complement each other... the 'kgee' - yellow substance in the dumpling skin really 'treat' the cai xin very well... become soft and sweet and still 'fresh'
congrats on your first try!! can leave some for me!

maybe can try phoon huat's green tea? my auntie uses it for her green tea w red bean swiss roll, green tea taste is very strong.
Peng, is the white dumpling skin sam like those bian mian stall one? the skin thick thick type?
If yes, where u bot it huh? i like those skin but dunno hw to make it
Joanne..supermarket sell one all thin type one...for thicker skin must do ownself..i can do the dough but hor cannot roll into round round shape so buy easier hahaha
Hi Peng,
I tried to make your pandan chiffon cake. Put a whole lot of pandan hoping it would be green... but pandan "scent" now too strong. Texture is good... even if I do not have a chiffon cake pan. Since the pan cannot accomodate all the batter, made cuppies too!

This is what it looks like! Before and after baking.



This is the recipe I use for the cream puffs. Its a combination of different recipe as I use the custard cream from a recipe I got from this forum earlier.

Custard Cream Puffs

35g butter
¼ cup water
¼ cup plain flour
1 egg, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to hot 220o deg C. Line oven tray with baking paper.
1. Combine the butter and water in a small pan. Stir over low heat until butter is melted and mixture just boils. Add flour all at once and stir with wooden spoon until mixture is smooth. Once the mixture comes away from side, remove from heat and transfer into small bowl.
2. Using electric beater, add egg gradually until mixture is thick and glossy
3. Drop teaspoonfuls of mixture about 4 cm apart. (You can also pipe)
4. Bake for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 180o deg C and bake another 5-10 mins or until golden and well puffed. Pierce side of each puff to release steam. Turn off oven, return puff to oven to dry, cool.
While puffs are getting cool, I make the custard cream.

Custard Cream

Ingredients A:
milk : 75g
egg yolk : 1pcs
corn flour : 25g

Ingredients B:
milk : 180g
butter : 30g
sugar : 60g

Ingredients C:
Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

1) Mix Ingredients A evenly and strained
2) Bring Ingredients B to a boil till sugar dissolve
3) Add strained Ingredients A gradually, stirring constantly
till mixture is cooked, turn off fire
4) Mixed vanilla oil evenly into slightly cooled cooked mixture
first time bought the snake skin melon ... needa ask mummies here... how to choose this kind of melon huh? fat or thin or long or short or round? *blur*

stir fried it with heh-bee-hiamg... nice nice... sweet sweet spicy spicy one...


balsamic vinegar is vinegar that has been infused with the balsamaic leaves.
worcesterhire sauce looks like soya sauce from the outside.
its good for seasoning meat.
u can get them at any supermarkets, even ntuc have.
they are near the sauces area.
1-0... later doing puff ... pray pray i'll succeed ... first time doing custard.
Using your Uncle Richard's ... >:eek: ...

tomorrow... still got a few slices of shio-bak ... ah lau and son 'fighting' over it... hahahaha... i still find it salty lor...

the green tea pound with red bean paste... also have.
we dun mit up every week. Juz happen that we r free tml and juz a msg... we decide to arrange for the kids to play while we have our mit up.
missy liing... okie... let's hope i won't forget ur eggs too... *luff luff* ...

always like that one... pack sui sui.. left at table beside door... then scream at boy to get ready and hurry up to go school... bundled up and scoop up gal in hand... then out of house... all things cleanly forgotten!

wait a few years... u'll know EXACTLY what i mean... muahahahha...
As usual, so many fanscinating fruits!!! Yummy!!!

Westerners, so nice to meet up almost every week? Envy leh.


I hv a qns...I believe some of you hv tried out hwee's gula melaka chiffon cakes. May I know how many mini chiffon pans can u yield from her recipe? Pls advise. Thks!

pink or mummies... refer to pink's recipe on puff pastry above... where is the sugar? ... why step (1) got boil water+butter+sugar(???) ...

