Cup cakes for birthday

nice chiffon! looks very succeed leh....
the texture looks soft and fluffy.

WOW !! the point ang ku kueh or ??

congrats ya?
hv pm u..

i hv extra 3 set of digital kitchen scales.. pls pm me for picture.. i dunno how to post it up.
for those mini donuts tray... where can i buy them? i borrowed from Js mum.. but donut like very easy to bake leh..
i juz ate one big bowl of poridge !! ALL YOUR FAULT !!!
me cycle to PH and comeback feel very hungry, then i "hantam" poridge leh......
gimmi chance to get excuse lah.... so it's your fault, not mine rite? siaw!
CL , if tonite got driver then i send to ur place with ur mixer. Or maybe u can call my driver to request delivery, ha ha

i find very difficult to apply le, the pride like very hard then hor the cake soft soft. ha ha..

very nice cake, how come ur cake top not like mt one huh? my cake top like chao tar.
wow starlight, ur chiffon cake very nice eh...

muffin: i check with my mum le.. she said she bo eng eh... paiseh... got to ask who got the lobang liao

tis is my lapis surabaya recipe, the method is quite similar with AY's, but ingredients diff.

Yellow Cake:
8 egg yolks
3 egg whites
80 gm. sugar
1/4 tsp. Vanillin Powder
100 gm. melted Butter
original rum, 3 tbsp

60 gm. cake flour - sieved
1/4 tsp. baking powder

Chocolate cake:
4 egg yolks
2 egg whites
40 gm. sugar
1/8 tsp. vanillin powder
50 gm. melted butter

10 gm. cocoa powder
20 gm. cake flour

Any Jam for sandwich : Raspberry / Strawberry / Pineapple / Butter cream
Some raisins soaked in the rum (optional)


(1) Whisk egg whites till frothy, add sugar, continue to beat for 3mnts, drop egg yolks at a time, add vanillin and RUM , beat till thick and creamy.
(2) Fold in fold mixture and melted butter with a spatula.
(3) For yellow cake, pour into a 9" square tin and for chocolate cake, pour into a
9" x 5" tin.
(4) Bake for 20 mins. at 175C.
(5) Leave to cool completely before sandwiching them together. Cut the yellow cake into half, making 2 pieces of yellow cake.
(6) Spread some jam or butter cream on the yellow cake. Sprinkle some raisins then top with the chocolate layer. Spread jam or butter cream again, sprinkle raisins and top up with the 2nd yellow cake.
(7) Slice and serve.

Note: This cake has very little flour. Fold in the flour lightly.
Hi Ling
Thanks for helping me ask.

Thanks for all the well wishes. My AKK is pointed. Was hoping for another gal to play with my gal but turn out to be boy. hahaha. But good also, can close shop liao.
Eileen, Keng, Lim, Ling
thanks thanks for compliment..
finally, hubby wont laugh at me anymore
he always mock me leh..

this time succeed coz using Shers recipe..
must thank Shers for sharing.
oh i also love lapis surabaya leh..
my old recipes always call for 15 eggs per layer.. so for all 3 layers will need 45 eggs..
imagine the cholesterol, so never tried..
but urs using lesser eggs.. will defenitely try it

Oh, one more thing.. i want ur kolak recipe pls pls pls

u gotta control the heat.. may be its too high so ur top is burnt.

u love lapis surabaya too?
its sinful hor.. how to diet eh ?
donut tray only at sun lik? very far for me leh.. anyone going there?
btw, the coating choc 1kg from PH.. wah then must store long long.. how u all keep? in fridge? tie plastic bag? all my silly qns.. then i also melted too much coating choc.. now dunno wat to do with it!!

congrats!! 1 gal 1 boy. can close shop!
starlight: hehehe i find it nice... but only pinch here n there... now waiting for hb to come bk n finish the chiffon b4 i can bake new ones...

Anyone got coffee chiffon cake recipe? That day HB's mum ask me ar... i diam diam... she muz be complaining to hb that i seldom bake for her.. nw she ask... i diam diam... -_-" nw hb ask me to do one for her...
i more question on donut
how to make the donut a bit more fluffy?? mine is a little chewy?
hmmm reduce flour?
I also wish to have another fridge but my hubby sure scold me la!

I bought the donut tray at Jurong west & not sure still have stock.
Elieen: Hehehe Hb said if i guai guai de, he will get me one fridge as my x'mas gift. But i told him.. listen jiu hao... i only trust his word if he bring back the fridge...
kendy !!!!
wa piang, now u appeared! u go IBM first, then got lobang u let me know okie? hahaha!

can get the full addy for the bakery mart at HAIG road? thks!
oh yah.. they realli giving cream cheese.. bought the choc at 10.20 after disc.. den foc cream cheese.. yeah! might wana go down buy more things.. too bad the discount card onli 5%
pink: dunno full addy wor.. they told me is near to the hawker centre one... wanna to go but so far eh.... if i am not wrong, its called Gim Hin Lee
donuts !! perhaps you pay attention to the folding method when u add the flour into yoghurt batter? muz gentle and dun keep stir and stir.
reduce the flour will not really help leh...

tis is kopi chiffon, from my recipe book, hvn't try it, i personally feel this recipe will be abit too dry and the yolk batter will too starchy.
kopi need more liquid, trust me, i did kopi chiffon before, use my normal chiffon recipes and increase the milk amount.

<font color="0000ff">for the below recipe, you can increase the milk to 50ml...</font> if u feel like the yolk batter still too starchy, add more milk, this can be done before you fold it into egg white...
have fun!


not true wor.....
me go PH simei, no FOC cream cheese, i spent $19+
i got asked the lady, then they gimmi tat kind of look, ????? then they asked me which PH, then i can't ans, cos i forgot mah... so malu leh.....

i think u can try to use my pandan cake receipe but replace pandan to coffee powder? i think need to replace coconut milk with others as well.. u try la.. then let us know ya.. hehhee

starlight!!! CONGRATS!!! its looks fluffy... simple to do hor.. very good for pple like us who dont know folding method.. hehhee

i want a share of it!!
the puff doesnt rise, so i turn it into 'macs'

looks like it hor??


once i finished doing, i threw all into dustbin...
sher: oh what happened to ur puff???

pink &amp; sher: hehehe thanks for the recipe... i tink i will try it when i got more mood to play in the kitchen... stress ar..later not nice ar... the face will be as dark as the wok ar
which ph u went? i was at the hougang one..

hiag rd bakery is at blk 14 Haig Rd Ghim Hin Lee. the blk tat is directly opp the hawker center

donut still hv folding method ah?? i thought jus mix in.. if stir too much will become chewy? or shld i whisk the batter?
so must fold how long? i wan to try again tmrw.
quiet nite...

ep.... not folding... just lightly lift-up-stir... too much will become flat and holey and very chewy dounuts....

baked donuts are chewy, milk version lesser chewy. fried one is the best lah... but baked one cannot be compared to fried one lah...
kekeke yday my dear sil Lim personally delivered her chiffon cake to me. Ha ha yummy Thumbs up

Your puff set me craving for durian. Yummy

I tried baking paper cupcake (my all time favourite fm traditional bakery shop!) yesterday using recipe from this HK blog. The cake turned out very soft &amp; moist but everyone who tried it think the butter smell is too strong. I used SCS butter. Any idea if I replace it totally with canola oil? Kam Siah.

I tried translating the recipe into English for your easy reference:

cake flour -60g
corn flour -15g
sugar- 90g
eggs- 5 (separate egg yolk &amp; egg white)
butter -50g (melted)
salt - little bit
oooh! i love the heart-shaped cake on this blog, any clue whether she has the recipe posted.

the paper cupcake looks yummy, how was yrs?
Think the recipe for the hear-shaped cake is in a book she just published, not on her blog.

The paper cupcake turns out very yummy, surprising soft for a recipe that has no baking powder or ovalette. It's just the butter smell that bothering me ....
thks for the addy!

hm...from the ingredients, from the methods, can tell that the cake is a very soft type...... kinda like sponge cake...

yes u can subtitute the butter with canola oil, however, the texture might be slightly difference.
still soft and smooth, but not as fragrant as butter type.
perhaps you can try lurpark butter? little bit costly but the result will be nice.

I found SCS butter got funny smell, last time, perhaps 2 years ago, the quality still ok, but now, i dun use it anymore, it's effect my "fruits" quality wor.
i dun know, perhaps i'm too sensitive?
but i discussed tis with AY before, she oso agreed SCS smell change liao... too strong.

another brand that you can try is: embrog, very creamy as well, no strong smell.
you found a good recipe, no baking powder also can rise cos of the egg whites and the folding method.
dun try to use the big tin for this recipe, will be too heavy for the batter to raise, 'cos nothing help the batter mah, like u said, no baking powder &amp; no ovalette.
the paper cup helped the batter raise very well.

this cake also one of the cake need "to hang on the wall" so tat can raise well.
dun use the non stick or waxed paper cup.
hi pink
waxed paper cup can use for what type of cake? That day I checked the other type of papercup I bought at JW still waxed. How about alumiuium cup?
puff turn to macs look?

not so bad lah....

tasted like egg roll?
Hm.... i suspect not bake long enuf.....
convinience to let me have alook at the recipe?
i'm very fussy with puff, 'coz I LOVES custard puff.
i'm quite ok with puff, but my custard still not reach the standard i want.

my durian puff is a hot sale in the office, ofcourse lah... it's free mah... hahaha!

Cream Puff

Ingredients A:
butter : 85g
water : 200g
sugar : 1tbsp
salt : ¼ tsp.

Ingredients B:
plain flour : 120g
baking powder(double acting) : ½ tsp

Ingredients C:
egg : 3pcs (180g)
vanilla oil : ¼ tsp.

1) Mix well Ingredients A, bring to a boil, turn off fire
2) Add Ingredient B and mixed into a smooth dough
3) Leave dough to cool, transfer to mixing bowl and add eggs
gradually, blend well
4) Spoon a spoon full of dough mixture, push it onto a baking tray by using another spoon
5) Bake at a pre-heated oven at 200ºC for 20 mins till golden brown
6) When puff cool down, slit an opening at the side by using a pair of scissors, fill it with fillings

Custard Cream
Ingredients A:
milk : 75g
egg yolk : 1pcs
corn flour : 25g

Ingredients B:
milk : 180g
butter : 30g
sugar : 60g

Ingredients C:
Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

1) Mix Ingredients A evenly and strained
2) Bring Ingredients B to a boil till sugar dissolve
3) Add strained Ingredients A gradually, stirring constantly
till mixture is cooked, turn off fire
4) Mixed vanilla oil evenly into slightly cooled cooked mixture
Durian Fillings:
Ingredients D:
150g whipping cream
¼ tsp durian essence

Ingredients E: (Blend to paste)
300g Durian flesh

Durian fillings method:
1. Whisk Ingredients D in mixing bowl using low speed till well
combined, switch to high speed and beat till creamy
2. Add durian flesh (Ingredient E), mixed well at low speed
3. Chill in the fridge

This is the receipe i used.. i didnt do custard cream..

i still have alot of durian at home.. so wanted to try out 1 more time.. or u have another receipe i can use that is confirmed ok
