Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi Pris,
Coincidentally, I was just looking at the bottles of dried bonito flakes at NTUC today. Didn't know you can make soup stock out of it. I thought it's only used for garnishing rice. This is great! I'll prob buy a bottle tomorrow so I can use it for soup stock when I want to cook noodles or udon for my lunch

Hi Lyn,
Yeah, we live quite near to each other, and to Choc too. In fact, I often go to Khatib MRT as my mum stays around there. I go home at least once a week for some good old Teochew porridge for lunch
I especially like the steamed fish dipped in Teochew-style taucheo which my mum mixes with some cut chilli and lime.
Oxtail Soup

4-6 pieces of Oxtail
1 carrot, cut into wedges
1 tomato, cut into wedges
2 potatoes, cut into wedges
2 onions, cut into wedges
1 cube of beef stock
2-4 tbsp of peppercorn, depending on how spicy you like the soup

1. Wash and trim fat off the oxtail.
2. Boil a pot of water.
3. Add oxtail and bring to boil. Remove any scum you see.
4. Add peppercorns, carrots, onions and potatoes into the pot and keep boiling on medium fire.
5. Add a cube of beef stock.
6. Let the oxtail and vegetables boil for 1 hour then add in the tomatoes.
7. Keep the soup boiling for at least 2 hours or until the meat falls off the bones easily.
8. Add some salt for taste when ready to serve.

You can add more carrots and tomatoes if you prefer a sweeter taste.
Hi all, just updated the table and sorted name by alphabetical order. Let me know if i missed out anything

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD> Location</TD><TD> Profession</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD> Dialect</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annelise</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>2 girls (5 yrs &amp; 2.5 yrs)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD>Love baking </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choc06</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 2 girls(5+yrs &amp; 4yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Loves cockles cheesecake &amp; malay food (5 mths pg) </TD></TR><TR><TD>clover</TD><TD> bendemeer</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> 1 boy(2yrs)</TD><TD> </TD><TD>love food;seldom cook. </TD></TR><TR><TD>home</TD><TD> cck</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> boy(2yr)</TD><TD></TD><TD> edd 16/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilipit</TD><TD> Sengkang</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> 1 boy (9.5mths)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD> likes good food and likes to cook if there's time </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_cat</TD><TD>Jurong East</TD><TD>fulltime working mom</TD><TD> 1 boy (4 yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Luv cockles &amp; other seafood currently PG must watch my diet. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn Happysunflower</TD><TD>YCK</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>Newborn in Jun06</TD><TD>Hokkein</TD><TD> Exploring Vegetarian food. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sophie</TD><TD> Bishan</TD><TD> SAH-Mum-Wannabe</TD><TD> TTC</TD><TD> Hakka</TD><TD> Experimenting with new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sp</TD><TD>KL</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 boy (9 mths)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>learning to cook </TD></TR><TR><TD>Priscilla</TD><TD> Toh Guan Road</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>1 boy (31 months)</TD><TD></TD><TD> currently outstation in Vancouver </TD></TR><TR><TD>Van</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> 1 girl (5yrs+)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>Love baking trying out new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Sophie,
Wah... Teochew porridge... I like too
I even go for teochew porridge buffet... kekeke... cos I dunno how to cook the dishes...

Hi Priscilla,
Wow.. You have a lot of recipes... must be a very good cook...
Prawn dumpling with jiu-chai

Minced meat
Dumpling skin

Marinate minced meat with conrn flour, soya sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper, little bit of salt &amp; sugar.
Prawns cut into half, marinated with little bit of corn flour and sesame oil.
Cut jiu-chai into about 0.5cm length, mushroom into stripes.
Start a pan/wok, fry the garlic in oil, then put in the mushroom and jiu-chai, fy about 2 minutes till it is soft.
Put aside and let it cool down.
After that mix the cold jiu-chai &amp;mushroom with the minced meat.
Take one dumpling skin, scope some minced meat that already mixed with jiu-chai &amp; mushroom, put 1 pcs of prawn. Wrap it like the normal dumpling (sui-jiao).

Boil water in a pot and cook the dumpling till 70% cook. Then put the dumpling in the final pot with stock. You can put some green vege in your stock too. You can eat it with rice or with some wanton noodle.
You can dip with the chicken rice chilli, yummy.
hi gals

Shall we start a list to capture which brand of the sauce is good for what cooking/dipping?

eg. i find the Singlong Chicken rice chilli sauce is good for dipping wanton and BBQ chicken.
&amp; Van, ithe duo-su u recommedated for steaming the fish

cos sometime we go supermarket so many diff brand and not sure which one to choose...
Anyone likes watching channel 16 Discovery Travel and Living?I find Kylie Kwong, Keith Floyd and Nigella cooking shows very good.


I received ur invite, thanks!


Yes, I am also not sure what the benefits of double boiling or steaming soups are.If it's less heaty or more nutritional, I will probably take the extra step.

You going for a c-sect soon?Think there's a high chance i will opt for c-sect when my turn is here but for a very different reason..I am the scared-pain type!:p :p


I believe everything has been planned by the big one up there so we don't have to worry that much

I feel like making that moist choc cake this weekend too that is if i don't get distracted by cable tv hehe!


I like Singlong for their chilli and sambal sauces,Tiger is suppose to be great for their soy sauces,Won Hup for their vegetarian mushroom sauce,Kimbal for garlic chilli sauce to dip fries and Kewpie for their mayonnnaise.

I am hokkien and I like my food "strong" tasting..
Hi all,
wahh.. this is real fast.. me missing a week only so many things happening. sorry if i missed out some parts. just to check with all of you about the gingko dessert, is it too cooling for preggie (cos of barley) and heard about some sayings that too much gingko is not good for body. is it true?

yes.. good idea littlecat, i like your idea about the sauce list. me like to experiment food so i saw something interesting here i will be curious to try it out. i have been looking around for the duo-su you recommended for steaming fish. not sure which one leh.. should i suggest a column for 'where can get' also?
I used to make diner kind of food very often...


Get cuts of pork chops from the supermart and marinate it with salt, mrs dash spicy herb rub, onion powder and garlic powder.I didn't bother to trim off the fat because I felt the meat would be tough and dry if I did so.French fries is seasoned with salt, black pepper and garlic powder.Bake pork chops and fries in a preheated oven at 400F for 30 minutes.Serve with steamed cauliflower.

I've got a pic!
CLAYPOT CHICKEN RICE using rice-cooker method

I marinated the chicken (chopped to smaller pieces) with white pepper, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce, chinese cooking wine and 5 spice powder.Leave aside for a good half hour or more then mix the chicken with washed rice.Stir well.Add sliced ginger and mixed vegetables.Stir.I guess the tricky part would be the amount of liquid.Add just enough chicken broth to cover the chicken &amp; rice.Plug in the cooker and within minutes you'll have your claypot chicken rice

Wow, so early and already so many postings! This thread really makes me hungry with all the delicious pictures

Can I check if anyone has used a Food Dehydrator before? I was thinking of getting one to dry veges like pumpkin, beans, asparagus etc, plus apples. The ones sold in packets/bottles mostly contain salt, so I don't really like to eat them. Also, my dog is vegetarian with one blind eye, so the dried pumpkin &amp; carrots would be good for her as snacks. I think I saw it at Tangs, but it's very steep at $200, so will just like to find out if you guys have used it before, or if I should just use low oven heat and dry out the items for 2 hrs (which I have done with sliced apples before).

OK, gonna go out and buy stuff for dinner tonight... Will be attempting to make Pris' sambal belachan for grilling a slice of fish
Thanks for the steps. I've heard of the dripping method too. Intend to try it out this weekend! Btw, need to add water or not? Or the drips from the black chicken will do just fine? For dang shen, lao pao sheng and cordyceps, put either one of them will do, right? What is strainer by the way? Sorry ah... so many questions to post.

Hmm.. my gynae only mentioned cannot take too much dang gui during breastfeeding or confinement. I'm not sure during pregnancy can take or not leh.

I'm in my 29 weeks now. Am getting more excited as the days pass by. Cant wait to see my little one. =)
Holly farm's tom yum paste is good for frying tang hoon, prawns, sotong, shredded crabstick.
Holly farm's almond jelly is easy to prepare and nice too.

Amelia, what's mrs dash spicy herb rub? Your prok chop looks very good. Which part of the pork did u use ? Didn't know baking can make the pork chop look so crispy.. Thanks for the pics !

Making claypot chicken rice and bak kut teh tonight !! The A1 bak kut teh spices is quite nice..

Thanks for all the recipes, ladies !!
Thanks for the tips on dang gui !! I did take a little dang gui with black chicken during first tri.
Must tell the conf aunty not to cook so much dang gui soup during the first few weeks of confinement.

Some dialect gp says during first 12days aft giving birth, must purge out the stale blood, therefore take more black fungus, can't take dang gui, but some say take to bu blood .. hee.. think everything in moderation.. Eat hum to bu blood better ;)!
i agreed with Clover will put the column "where to get" hehe important leh!
Shall start the table soon!

Choc, how's the sago dessert last nite?

annelise,how's the pork ribs with bitter gout?
haha.. you know huh cat !

The sago was ok, but found that my sago a bit hard leh.. the whole thing clumped into one in the jelly mould !why huh ? The coconut buay pang , cos I use the kara one, think must use fresh one nicer.. The sago I ate from Ivins is soft and pang ..

Gebbera your edd quite near to mine, mine is end aug

Sophie, I saw the dehydrator before.. thought its for drying flowers.. hehe..
Got 2nd hand one?
<table border=1><tr><td>Type of sauce</TD><TD> Brand</TD><TD> Where to get</TD><TD> Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sambal chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken rice Chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD> Dipping BBQ chicken; Dumpling etc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Soya sauce</TD><TD> Tiger</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vegetarian mushroom sauce</TD><TD> Woh Hup</TD><TD> available at most supermarket </TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oyster sauce</TD><TD> Lee Kum Kee</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garlic chilli sauce</TD><TD> Kimball</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mayonnaise</TD><TD>Kewpie</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dou-su (crispy beans)</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">brand name?</font></TD><TD>Prima</TD><TD> Best for steaming fish </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tom Yum Paste</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">where to get?</font></TD><TD> for frying tang hoon, prawns, sotong, shredded crabstick </TD></TR><TR><TD>Almond Jelly</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">where to get?</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bak Kut Teh spices</TD><TD> A1</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Yo cat, thanks for compiling the table , know you are working! Xie xie

Annelise, thanks for the pics of cake..
This thread is getting more and more interesting with everybody's contribution

The tom yum paste can be found in ntuc

Somebody asked for the apple pork chop recipe :
From lyn :
The baked apple pork chop is very simple and nice... Spread the apple sauce on the pork chop, then put into the grill till you like the level of "brown-ness". Maybe 45minutes... :)
Apple sauce:
Apple - mince (I used any apples. In angmo's recipe, Bramley apples is usually recommended for baking or cooking. But it's very expensive.)
Add some sugar, salt and lemon for taste. To prevent oxidation of the apples, slightly heat ("stir fry) the mixture in the pan first... :)
For the easiest alternative, go to Cold Storage and buy a bottle of Bramley apple sauce... :)
Hi LittleCat

Thanks for the table! Btw, which brand of XO sauce do you use? I bought the lee kum kee brand but find it a bit too oily - eat too much feel too "you ni"!

So did you manage to get your hb to scrub off the chao da?! The pork ribs were great
My kids &amp; hb liked it very much! But I think I left the salt on the bitter gourd for too long (too kiasu already - worried that if bitter my kids don't eat!) and my hb said it's like eating kiam chye! haha! I'll try again next week - this time, I'll relax on the salt!

Hi Choc06

I can't find the website for the cupcake - I copied and saved the pic some months back when I had the idea and started doing some research. Apparently it is very popular in US.

Ya, the cupcakes must be iced. The cakes can be baked up to 2 weeks in advance and frozen until ready to use. Icing, unfortunately should do on day itself. Usually it is simple butter cream icing, topped with gumpaste flowers, wafer roses or sprinkled with heart shaped decor, or pearl or silver dragees. But I noticed should decor the cake stand and the table that the cake stand is resting on for a more dramatic and professional effect.

The photo gallery at the b-i-y website (page 7) showcased one of their customer's cupcake creations - so it is definitely do-able! When is your bro's wedding? My bil's is in Dec.

I'm going to buy 3 sugar art books from Amazon - library has them but they are too popular, wait very long for reservation and the books a bit old and overused already. It's definitely cheaper to make our own fondant, gumpaste, icing etc. Buying those ready-made ones are more convenient, but expensive too.

Okay, gotta prep lunch. Catch up with all of you later - looks like I've got lots of new yummy recipes to add to the database
Hi Amelia,
It would be better if you could give a detail on the amount of sauces you use. Heehe.. I dun noe how to agar agar leh.

The sauce table is very useful.
Hi Gebbera,
I'm not sure about dang shen, lao pao sheng and cordyceps, whether to put in one of each or all, as I've never tried that yet, and I think I got those tips earlier from lyn. Maybe lyn can advise?

As for whether to add water - I used the dripping-steaming method and I do not add water as 1 black chicken actually can yield 1 rice bowl of essence without adding water. If you are using the double-boiler method with the traditional "du zhong", then I believe you may have to add water.

Here is what lazy me did - using the stainless steel metal rack where chicken is on the rack and herbs in the bowl, with no water added. As you steam this whole thing, essence from the chicken will drip into the bowl and get steamed with your herbs.

And this is what it is supposed to be, with an overturned bowl, but as you can see, my one and only rice bowl is too small for my noodle bowl, so even if I put the chicken on top of the small overturned bowl, the chicken would have "touched" the essence being dripped down and reabsorbed back the essence, which was something I didn't want. So taking the girls' advice that porcelain is better, I'll go shopping this weekend to buy some Correlle ware as I think those have a smooth bottom and will be good for this "overturned bowl dripping method".... hehe, maybe just an excuse to go shopping, but actually I don't own that many bowls... in fact, this rice bowl was taken from my mum's place for me to measure water for my TCM herbs ;)

<table border=1><tr><td>Type of sauce</TD><TD> Brand</TD><TD> Where to get</TD><TD> Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sambal chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken rice Chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD> Dipping BBQ chicken; Dumpling etc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Soya sauce</TD><TD> Tiger</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vegetarian mushroom sauce</TD><TD> Woh Hup</TD><TD> available at most supermarket </TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oyster sauce</TD><TD> Lee Kum Kee</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garlic chilli sauce</TD><TD> Kimball</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mayonnaise</TD><TD>Kewpie</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dou-su (crispy beans)</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">brand name?</font></TD><TD>Prima</TD><TD> Best for steaming fish </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tom Yum Paste</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> NTUC</TD><TD> for frying tang hoon, prawns, sotong, shredded crabstick </TD></TR><TR><TD>Almond Jelly</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> NTUC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bak Kut Teh spices</TD><TD> A1</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>XO sauce</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">any recommendation?</font></TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi gals, no problem at all, i like to compile the table too

annelise, pai seh have not really explore on the XO sauce yet, so i post a question and see if anyone got any recommendation.
haha your ang also very 'frank' one hor, my ang will say 'very gou wei' (very tasty) then u know what he means liao..
he last time say the soups i cooked is 'tasteless' i got so mad. how can it be 'tasteless' ? wanted to tell him even plain water got taste...
what he really want me to do is add a little bit more of salt lah.
the chao da thing still there..
i thot i got baking soda guess throw liao... will try something again tonite, last nite reach home quite late.

Another thought on the table, we can add in other useful thing like, what type of cooking utensil is good for what purpose? or even some good detergent or some good tips on how to get rid of eg the chao da thing haha... just some thought.

hi Sophie, thanks for the pic! this is good!
i think i must try to do this during weekend liao.. my auntie pass me some dongui yesterday nite, then i ask her the same question can PG take? she said as long as u dun feel very heaty then u can. If u already feeling heaty tat better dun.
You very cute... dehydrator for drying flowers?! I checked out second-hand ones from Yahoo Auction &amp; ebay auction, but seems like they don't have... probably not popular... haha, or maybe pple think it's for drying flowers, not food
so sales of these dehydrators not high
Just one morning already so many postings. Will read later.

LittleCat,Thanks for updating the table,here's my contribution:

Dou Su-
*Brand: Master/Zhuang4 Yuan2
*Where to get: Prime Supermarket
*Good For: Steam fish,fried rice.

XO Sauce-
*Brand: Woh Hup
*Where to Get: Supermarkets
*Good For: stiry fry baby kailan with chopped garlic. (or stiry fry Snow Peas/Honey Peas)
*Fried Rice

Spice Bean Sauce (La4 Dou4 ban4 Jiang4)
Where to get: Supermarket or provision shop
Good For: 1) saute sauce and chopped garlic 1st then add minced meat n tofu for Mo Po Dou Fu.
2) Saute sauce and chopped garlic then add oyster mushroom cut into strips.
3) mixed with oyster sauce,sesame oil,wine and pepper to make gravy/sauce for braised fish.

Curry Paste:
Brand :A1
Where to Get: Market/Giant
Good For: Chicken Curry
Haha... annelise and cat, your angs are very funny..
anne, your kids eat bittergourd ? My kids don't , even when it's not ku .. they like the kiam chye version !
Ha! my bro's wedding also in Dec! If you are experimenting or need help, my hands and mouth are available.. will help you look out for these liaos!

Have seen some nice decors in the wedding cake books, yah.. the final touch also the decor on the table itself. you tried kinokuniya ? Saw a couple in the library also. Think the rosettes must do way before hand and maybe can use the fondant to shape it, else plastacine?? hee.

Realise that I put mashed red dates, the soup is sweeter.. Red dates can bu blood very well. The last time I did my blood test aft conf, the rbcs were very high..

Hey Soph,
thanks for the double boil tips ! My mum will use the second method too.. tho, the first method seems easier..
Hyak.. hyak.. last time I was crazy about drying flowers, so i saw the one at Tangs, thought it's multi-purpose

Eh cat, you went for blood test liao boh ? I think your rbcs will be high also, since hum can bu blood..
Btw, the hum cha tow gei and ku chye , must the hum be de-shelled completely ? Or leave hum in the half shell ? I don't want the hum to be too cooked .
Hi Sophie,

Thanks for the pic. A picture explains a thousand words. I'm very tempted to try out this method during this long weekend. But i dont think i've got such big noodle bowl like yours. Gotta go sourcing for it liao.... =)

Again, thanks for teaching this method! =)
envy leh we have such 'cute' ang...

eh they said remove the red date seed, cos with the seed is more heaty. anyway sometime just lazy dump everything in..

I guess next week visit have to do blood test liao, hehe then i have more excuse to eat hum hor?haha

u should de-shelled completely, it not you can't eat the hum with gu chye and tow gei together. If u dun it to be too cooked, put at last and just a fry awhile then quickly remove from heat.

u cooking hum tonite? i want to take taxi there for dinner liao hehe...
Today hb not coming back for dinner, so only fish and soup for dd and myself.

dd has hip and leg pain, so we can't go out and jalan jalan, also no time to go market today.Just brought her to see PD and Orthopaedic.

Can't remember which brand I use for La Dou Ban Jiang, but any popular brand should be okay.when I have chance to go out then confirm again.
ok van, what happen to your dd ? take care!

anyone try the 'shen yu' from market? heard it is good for after ops. Is it good t use those to fried bittegourd? or other dish?
<table border=1><tr><td>Type of sauce</TD><TD> Brand</TD><TD> Where to get</TD><TD> Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sambal chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chicken rice Chilli</TD><TD> Singlong</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD> Dipping BBQ chicken; Dumpling etc </TD></TR><TR><TD>Soya sauce</TD><TD> Tiger</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vegetarian mushroom sauce</TD><TD> Woh Hup</TD><TD> available at most supermarket </TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oyster sauce</TD><TD> Lee Kum Kee</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garlic chilli sauce</TD><TD> Kimball</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mayonnaise</TD><TD>Kewpie</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>dou-su (crispy beans)</TD><TD> Master/Zhuang Yuan</TD><TD>Prima Supermarket</TD><TD> Best for steaming fish, fried rice </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tom Yum Paste</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> NTUC</TD><TD> for frying tang hoon, prawns, sotong, shredded crabstick </TD></TR><TR><TD>Almond Jelly</TD><TD> Holly Farm</TD><TD> NTUC</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bak Kut Teh spices</TD><TD> A1</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>XO sauce</TD><TD>Woh Hup</TD><TD> available at most supermarket</TD><TD> Good for stir fry with baby kalian/Snow Peas/Honey Peas) &amp; fried rice </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spice Bean Sauce (La Dou ban Jiang)</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">brand?</font></TD><TD> Supermarket or provision shop</TD><TD> good for Mo Po Dou Fu, gravy/sauce for braised fish </TD></TR><TR><TD>Curry Paste</TD><TD>A1</TD><TD>available at most supermarket</TD><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Baba curry powder....they also have baba curry paste...I am not sure where to get...must ask my mum or aunt....they are the one always buying for me

I bought Shen Yu regularly for
1) Steaming
2) Make Jiang Cong Yu Pian
3) Sheng Yu Beehoon soup/porridge

There are conflicting views on whether sheng yu is good for after operations. Some people said though it help to heal the wounds faster, but may also cause those Raised Scar (can't remember the term for this).

But my friend said gynae can prescribe a type of cream/ointment to prevent forming of those scars.
Hi anyone try cooking drunken prawn using the live prawn? do you wash/rinse the prawns?
anyone got recipe on this?

do you like mussels ? have u tried cooking them? i like it with sambal, but those selling at malays store one all over cooked.
Thanks Van!
i think get from wet market is more fresh right?
i tried once from sheng song, such a huge pcs, like almost half of the fish.. dun know how to finish..
eh share with us the recepi for the 1-3 u mentioned above

I like fish noodle at the Lucky Plaza 3rd floor but the guy is closing his shop soon.. so can't eat liao lor
btw r u the one who mentioned for PG woman can take hua-tiao wine but not white-wine when cooking?
how's yr dd?

I heard ppl soak live prawns in liquor water, then the prawn meat very tasty one, hehe...
sp, to make the prawns 'mabuk' is it ? hehe...

i rememeber last time once at dinner in KL they have live prawn for the steamboat, wow it is so nice!
Eh u MIA for awhile har? didn't hear much from u leh...
so any plan moving to singapore again ?
Wet Market is definitely fresher, they "kill" the live ones on the same day. 100g is about $2.20 for the de-boned and sliced. I usually buy $5.00 and it's more than enough for my family of three.

Never heard of the hua-tiao vs white-wine talk, defintely not me.

No.1 is just normal steam fish,hong kong style,with ginger,spring onion, soya sauce and fried shallots.

No.3 is just using stock to cook beehoon soup normal way, throw in the Shen Yu Pian last,and boil.

No. 2 Jiang Cong Yu Pian(Fish Fillet with Ginger and Spring Onion)

50g Ginger slices
300g Fish slices/(Shen Yu/Grouper or ThreadFin)
Spring Onion, cut into about 3cm long

1 pc Egg white
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
dash of pepper
sesame oil
1 tsp corn flour

1 tbs oyster sauce
1 tsp light soya sauce
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp Shao Xing Wine
Chicken Stock granule(Optional)
2 tbs corn flour mix with water,for thickening.

1.Mix fish fillet with marinade and season for 30 min.Deep-fry in oil for 1 min.Dish and drain.

2. Leave some oil in wok and saute ginger until
fragrant.Add in fish fillet, spring onion,seasoning and stir-fry at high heat(to give the "wok hei") till well-mixed.Thicken with corn flour water and dish up.
Raised scars.. is it keloids ?

Aiyoh.. what happen to your dd, van ?

Yah.. i make fish soup often too.. I bought the huge pcs one from shop and save before.. It's called toman fish.. when they have discount, it's very cheap but my FIL says these kind not the deep sea kind, it's the farmed ones from Indonesia..
I portioned one big pcs into smaller pcs since jan, still haven't finished, haha.. can use to boil soup with watercress also..

Yah.. cat, your cute ang, and my angmoh yim chim ang likes angmoh dishes and kiam chye !!His canton mum will boil soup without salt and he 'll complain everytime.. I think she must be thinking that I've spoilt his taste buds !

I like mussels too, toa tow. want to learn how to cook drunken prawns also .
Not cooking hum tonight lah.. after you mentioned you ate 1 kg of hum, I also mouth itchy liao.. but must go market to buy, supermarket ones not so fresh and more ex.

baba's curry powder, NTUC and all supermarkets.. not spicy enough can add their chilli powder.

Woh Hup meesiam paste and Prima laksa paste.. good also.. NTUC

Sp,Choc06 and Littlecat,
Thanks.My daughter is limping and woke up from pain at night.Didn't go to school today.

Went to see PD, referred to Orthopaedics, suspect is Transvient Synovitis.

<font color="blue">Transient synovitis of the hip is an inflammation and swelling of the tissues around the hip joint. Usually only one hip is affected. This condition is called "transient" because it lasts only a short time. Transient synovitis of the hip is the most common cause of sudden hip pain in children.

Transient synovitis of the hip usually occurs in children between 3 to 10 years old. Sometimes it occurs in children younger than 3. It is more common in boys than in girls.</font>
