Cooking Tips & Recipe

Choc, I'm 4mths preg now.

cookiemonster, you're rite... dun need to worry abt the announcement. But some pple are still sepculating cos tummy not very big yet.


I stewed the pork for about 1 and half to 2hrs with sauce covering the pork. Use shoulder butt, cos the last time, i used lean pork or meat of a leaner cut, it was quite tough. Then throw in the tau pok, tau kwa and quail eggs.. 1 dish kao tim!

Anybody helping you now ? i used to struggle alot after my CL left.. almost breathless..

Did you marinate your chicken before steaming ? Sounds very nice to steam together with all the herbs..

Wow gig, past 1st trim liao.. 2nd tri will be a breeze.
Now, I'm into 36 weeks and really hoping to pop very soon! No stamina, can't sleep much and very hot and tired easily

Annlee, how are you doing ?

Husk, where are you ?
Hi everyone! So nice to see this thread active again! I've been super busy cos my girls are in different sessions and with dd1 in P1, I hardly have time to log in!

I quickly browsed through some of the archived threads from the last few months and am so thrilled with all the new babies! Congratulations to all of you!

And choc, you really are my idol! 3 kids and another bb on the way, you're a super duper mum!

Gotta go - need to supervise dd2 with her schoolwork. Now K1 also got lots of homework
Catch up with all of you again soon!

WOW! you finally have time to log on and catch up huh !
Thought about you that day when the Hello kitty shop from chinatown called me regarding the arrival of the Hello kitty ice cube moulds.. It's been almost 2 yrs since i ordered..

Please share with us what good stuff you've been baking and cooking.. I'm sure mummies here would love to hear from you

I'm not a super duper mum yet! Haha.. read about the couple with 6 kids, and another one on the way ?That mum's REAL SUPER DUPER! No help some more!

And today's ST Life has this 60+ lady who fostered 43 kids! WOW! I wished I could do that too.. but when she parted with the kids, she hid in the toilet to cry when she heard them screaming for her
Choc, ya, 2nd tri is a breeze but having headache with #2 cos he's gg thru terrible twos. 36weeks??? Few more weeks to go before you can see bb.
Ya, I admired that lady who fostered 43 kids and on top of that she has 6 kids of her own.
Hi choc! It's amazing that the Kitty shop still remembered your order from almost 2 years back! Yeah, the foster mum featured in ST really has a lot of love and compassion! Are you expecting a didi or meimei? Or have you decided not to know so that you can have a surprise

Hi everyone, I haven't been baking and cooking much - my chauffeuring duties have overtaken my cooking duties. I must come to the forum more often to get inspiration from all of you!
Hello mummies!

It's been rather quiet!
What have you all been cooking ?
I haven't been cooking much lately.. Just making soups only. Today made a chicken soup with fungus and quail eggs with some dang shen.. Need to bu chi for my delivery

wow! you r a chauffeur now ? Is your dd's sch far from where you stay ? My dd2 will be having her pri one orientation this fast!

I'm expecting another mei mei.. Was telling my friend that the "yin" force in my house is very strong.. haha.. My 2 nieces and now my 3 dds..
My didi is extremely energetic these days.. He's wearing me out

Yah...nobody seems to be loggin in nowadays....

I also havent been cooking for e past few days but was busy making kueh...made steam nine layers kueh for pot luck dinner for my boy's sch mid autumn gathering....n kueh salat for family gathering on sun.....

how i envy u having girls....i had 2 boys...pple keep telling me to try for a girl...but decided not to cos 2 boys already quite a handful...what if e 3rd one also turn out to be another boy....

I always buy kueh salat from bengawan solo. Is it very difficult to make ? Can share your recipe when you have time ?

Just toasted otah that i bought from Malaca and fry baked beans with minced pork for lunch..

That day , I saw a lady with 3 older boys(age gap quite close) and the 4th, a girl.. She looked so happy carrying the gal ;) hehe..

Heard about the theory about acidic environment of the cervix attracting x chromosome and alkaline attracting y.. haha.. too late to try it, dunno how true!
Recipe below:
Ingredient for Bottom layer :

300g Glutinous rice (washed, soaked for 4 hours and drained)
180g Coconut milk (½coconut, squeezed 180g coconut milk)
1 tsp Salt:
4 pieces Pandan leaves

Method :

1. Put Glutinous rice into a 22cm steaming tray
2. Add in Coconut milk, Salt, and mix well
3. Place the pandan leaves on top
4. Steam with high heat about 15 mins, discard pandan leaves, fluff up rice and press with table spoon until firm
5. Steam for another 15 mins

Ingredient for Top layer :
400g Thick coconut milk (1coconut, squeezed 400g coconut milk)
220g Sugar
2 Egg
2 tbsp Pandan juice (used 5 pandan leaves)
30g Corn flour
15g Plain flour
½ tsp Salt

Method :

1. Stir thick coconut milk, sugar, egg and pandan juice lightly until sugar dissolved
2. Add in Corn flour, Plain flour, salt, mix well and strain into a saucepan cook with low fire and stir until thick, pour into the bottom layer
3. Steam with medium low heat about 20 mins
4. Remove and leave to cool before cutting into pieces
Jus came back from lunch...had e korean food at united Sq foodcour...yummy....

Its always e case...those who have boys would want to have girls and vs...if can have a mixture of boys n girls would be nice....

ya...abt e xy thingy tt will decide on e sex of the baby....but personally i dun mind to have boy or girl so long as baby is healthy n fine....
hi everyone
i am new to this thread. i skimmed through a few pages here, was wondering, did u all have a site which kept all the posted recipe? I used to be from sgbride long ago, i always copy n paste all the recipes until my PC fried. SOB. Wasted all the efforts. I am really keen to have those recipes, but here so much to catch up, so wondering anyone of u do have a copy of it. Thanks in advance
Ivena thanks for the kueh salat recipe.. Will sure try it
When I'm not so heavy

Korean food at uni sq nice ? Ok, will try it too..

I have also read about this american lady with 9 boys.. wow! But she's very contented with all girls.. hehe

Hi Joannelim, welcome welcome..
sorry, my recipe folders also lost liao.. maybe you can wait for one of the pioneers to respond
I like o have either the pork set or chicken bibimmap as i cant take beef.

Most mummies prefer to have girls as daughters are more caring n shower more concern towards their family even after they are married..hence e lady family seem to gain a son....for boys most have the perception tt after they are married or even during dating time, the guys tend to be closer to e girl's e end it seems like e mother is losing e son
Ivena, ya ya... I'm those who prefer to have gals as daughters.
I got the same concept as what you typed. It's always the gals who care more abt the family, boys usu bo chap. And too bad, I only have one gal. Sigh...
Hello mums!

So what you all cooking today?
Making blackbean soup for lunch, hopefully bb comes out with lots of hair.. haha.. all my babies always come out botak botak..

Ivena, I like bibimbap too, chicken or beef..
The one at Suntec(fountain terrace), yazhou chan ting also serves nice korean food..

Have you tried the ones at sq 2? Some korean rest quite ex!

Gig, so this little one you carrying is a boy ? Boys are funny ;) My hb comes from a family of 3 boys.. My mil trained them to do housework very well.. hehe.. he can fold clothes much better than me..

Do you all know of any hotels serving good bbq buffet? Want to celebrate sis' bday..
hI jOY,

Glad to hear from you !
Am looking for BBQ buffet.. Poolside? budget not above 50 per pax..
Saw one ad from changi village hotel.. but dunno if it's good.. U tried before ?

Tonite cooking chicken rice...bought e ready made chicken rice sauce...jus need to mix into e rice n cook....steamed chicken with black fungus n veg soup with meatball....dunno what is e name of the veg but its those tt is suppose to be good for the eyes....

havent try out e one at suntec...maybe will try one of these days when i go there...

So far i have yet to visit any korean rest....everytime watch TV recommendations for koeran BBQ...looks yummy ...wanted to go to e one at pasir panjang area...but a lot commented its very ex...

ever went to LINE at shangrila for buffet...find e food not too nice...e desserts look appetizing but not quite to my taste though....
i guess not many willing to share or they lost as well. Nvm, I guess i will take my time to go back achive and cut n paste again =P
thanks anyway.
what doi tell the butcher in chinese for shoulder butt?
that time i tried to stew pork together with mushroom then eat with noodles.
the mushroom is nice but pork really cannot make it.

don't need to marinate the chicken. just throw everything together and pour some water in and steam.
then u will have abit of soup to drink also.

hope yr gate open fast and u can go natural without hapi dural ;)

am drooling at the mention of otah leh.
that day i ate some chilli. and my girl was crying when she poo.... saw her buttocks red... thinking if chilli was the culprit.

this blog ver funny... abt a couple with 6 children

come and chat with us whenever u have some time to spare. ;)
Eh cookie,

My ma always scolds my sis and I when she sees our babies having red sore butts! We eat alot of chilli padi while bf.. haha..

Heehee.. I always buy from shop and save.. terrible me, dunno what's the chinese name.. I told butcher i wanted to stew pork, but don't want fats.. so he gave me that.. Is it called wu3 hua1 rou4 ?

Have been having contraction pains but not regular leh.. just last night, on and off, til I couldn't sleep! Morning, subsided liao

Haha.. this lady with 6 kids really amazing! Guess it's common in states..
In singapore,Ppl start staring when you have 4 kids.. 1st, they look at my kids, then they look at my tummy.. when you have 5 and above, they wonder whether all kids are yours or some from previous marriage.. haha..

Have a good weekend all!
my boy i was very guai leh... refrain fm chilli and coconut stuff for 6months. but this baby.. cannot tahan leh...chilli padi, chilli sauce, nasi lemak all eaten...
thanks for the tip, think i will go ask the butcher at the shop and save near my place also.
thinking of stewing the pork, egg and beancurd and eat with noodles.

made mushroom soup last night.
heat up some butter, throw in chopped onions and cook till brown. put in sliced mushroom and pour a bit of water+chicken stock. simmer for 10mins till can smell mushroom. pour mixture into grinder and grind. pour back into pot. add water and chicken soup to desired amt and taste. add in cream. viola.. yummy mushroom soup.

u also anaemic.. must bu more.
i pain for nothing after delivery.. cos the worried i might need emergency blood transfusion after labour so they did not take away the neddle set on my hands for 2 days.

u go read the blog i posted earlier.. very funny abt a family with 6kids.

huskie u back fm holidays?

ann, how's confinement? busy with the 3 boys?

joy, yr hb in town.. so too busy to chat?

pinkbunny, how are u coping with poppy??
come chat when u have time? and how's yr preparations to montreal?

and all others, what have u guys been cooking?
Good morning,everyone.

I have been busy with my gal.She just finished her both languages oral last week.Now, doing revision for SA2...or I got no reason to go japan year end...heeee

No lah,hubby in or out, no different as he is also busy with his course now.

Have a good formula 1 weekend....
hey Gig,
I'm still asquare..heehee,haven't pop yet.. had been having irregular contractions.. not enough to go labour ward yet.. Now the weather's killing me.. jia lat!

Since you anemic, better take more beef and green leafy veg.. and vit C to help in absorption.. take care..

Wow cookie, your mushroom soup sounds gd! and easy to make too!

I prepared natto beans with five grain rice today.. then wrap in seaweed.. And boiled ikan bilis soup with spinach and wolfberries

Went to Changi village hotel for their buffet last wkend, the international buffet was ok, but the poolside bbq was a bit disappointing.. not much variety. with uob card, there's a one to one free dining..

Ciao.. going for a dip in the pool now..
cookie, your anemic is so serious that may need blood transfusion? Hope mine is not that bad. I'll try to take red dates drink now.

Choc, wow... you still swim now with your tummy? My fren told me not to take too much beef if not my bb's sperm count will be low.
hello girls!
I'm back from my Darwin trip.
It was good, but tiring cos lots of driving... logged more than 1400km over 4.5days!
Trekked/walked a fair bit everyday so now very dark, hee, then now spree-ing for sun-repair products.
Saw lots of crocodiles and other wildlife like birds, but from the safe distance of a ferry

Now trying to adjust to life as SAHM again!

The natto beans wrapped in rice and seaweed is very innovative! Like onigiri style yeah?
Yep, I think Sophie missed me a lot... to the extent that she is now a little nervous about me disappearing, so became super sticky to me.
Everytime she sees any of her grandmas, she'll just stick on to me in case I run off.

Hey, you're anaemic? Eat more drumstick leaves... super high in iron! Just imagine, most Indians don't eat beef and they have no problem with iron levels... could be due to drumstick leaves.
Hi all

just chanced upon this thread and quite interested to join the discussions here. I'm a SAHM with 2 girls, 6 and 18 mth. No maid. So always looking for quick and good recipes and ideas, so was going back a few archives back to see some of your contributions. Quite inspiring! Just to share a quick meal I made for an old friend who came over yesterday:
1. pizza - I used ready made dough. PUt on tomato paste/puree, herbs, ham, tomato, mushroom, brinjal, parmesan and mozarella.
The last time, made from scratch with dd and she enjoyed making and eating it. It's a great way to involve them as can be made with minimum waiting:
7g pkt dry yeast
1/4 tsp sugar
3/4 cup 43 deg. water
1 3/4 cup fl
1/2 tsp salt

1. dissolve yeast and sugar in water. Allow to rest for 8 min.
2. in a separate bowl, combine flour and salt.
3. Pour yeast mixture over flour mixture and mix well with heavy spoon
4. Turn dough on floured surface and knead for 2 min.. Press dough into a 12" circle.
5. After putting toppings, bake in 230 deg oven for 10-12 min. or till edges are golden.


What is drumstick leaves and where do you get that? Does it have another name, never noticed it at the market.

I remember someone shared about giving their kids garlic oil to boost immunity. Does it come in pills? How do you administer the pills? Break it? Both dds are down with stuffy nose for a week now. Have been giving them some cold and flu herbal remedy from Vitakids but still going on. Wondering what else to do or to see the doctor, although I think i will do that only if I'm resigned to having them take anti-biotics. Otherwise, she swill just prescribe the usual medicine, which I believe there was a directive that those should be taken with caution as they are quite useless on young kids anyway. Wondering what else you guys do for colds and flus.
Good morning girls!

Wow! Husk, glad you are back. Miss you. Your trip sure sounds interesting.. Did you try the devonshire tea(tea with scones and jam)?

Hey Gig, Didn't know that beef will affect bb's spermies.. i better go tell my sil..

Yah, have been swimming past few months, hopefully will help in easy labour.. last tues went checkup, strapped on CTG, still no signs of strong contractions.. haiz.. but at home, kept having on and off pains!

HI cocoon, thanks for the pizza dough recipe.. Tried a few dough recipes before, always turn out tough..Will KIV your recipe.. thanks!!

I use garlic oil for my 3 kids when I hear the first cough or when they have sore throat.. I find it quite effective, when given 3 tsp a day.. bought mine from nature's farm in bottle form.
Garlic oil is very effective against viruses.
Other than that, I use acidophilus (powdered form) to boost their immunity..

My dd2 is asthmatic, triggered by virus and will have very high fever for a a week at least.. Now she's better.. maybe as children grow older, their immunity gets stronger
My hb takes garlic capsules when he's down with cold or cough too.

Did you all read Mind your body last wed, wah.. scary man! Breast cancer is on the rise and preg related breast cancer is harder to identify than normal br cancer!

Today, frying brown rice with long beans, fish cake and chai poh.. What you all cooking ?
Hi ladies,

welcome back! How's your migraine?

I'm making dumpling soup and fry one for dinner. Not sure whether taste ok or not hee...
Are you making chai poh with egg? Was thinking the other day for this but no more chai poh at home.
Oh...garlic oil is effective against virus, what brand is good?
And when is your due date?

My confinement is good but quite tired now, lack of sleep...and dark circle is out already How's everything and your bb? Easy to take care than your boy? My baby is different from my 2 elder one as he make the sound eh eh like wanna poo quite often when he's awake.

Have you chosen your gynae?

I think Drumstick leaves is good! Recommended by huskie. It also helps to increase milk supply. Trying to get it from little india but when everytime I'm there, they run out of it or the leaves is lousy. There's another name I know of drumstick leaves in malay but don't think it helps cause they don't understand it but understand drumstick leaves. My market don't sell it too...
Hi all,

This thread looks interesting. Yes, I am also a SAHM wif three kids, 5,4 and 17 mth. My interest is also cooking and trying new dishes, that's why I am always watching AFC for recipe inspiration.


YOu can also try using puff pastry as a pizza base. It makes the pizza more cripy when toasted. Yummy!


Can you let me know which brand of garlic oil do you use? I am interested to get it. I am pretty health conscious when it comes to food for my children. Till now, they are still taking organic brown rice daily and supplemented wif Colostrum or Probiotics and Pure DHA daily. It is a lot of money spent but I seriously think it is all worth it cos long term wise, they will benefit. In fact I insist on TBF kids till they are 18 mth old and while I nurse my younger child, I will always give extra BM to my older ones.
Hi cocoon,
Re. drumstick leaves, I'm not sure if it has any other names, but if they sell it, they'll know it by "drumstick leaves".
The leaves look like leaves from the raintree... very small.
If you really cannot find it, maybe can just "stalk" one of the Indian aunties in your neighbourhood and ask her which stall at your wet market sells it.

I didn't try the Devonshire tea. Hee, was looking for this place called Kumbidgee Tea Room which has it when on my way to Katherine, but I think we missed it, so didn't get to eat it in the end.
But yes, I do miss Devonshire tea.... had it in England before. Think the only place in Singapore that may have an authentic one is Tiffin Room?

I missed last week's Mind Your Body... hmm.. got such thing as pregnancy-related breast cancer? Scary!

Tonight making a one-pot chicken stew and fried watercress!

My migraine OK now... think it's cos I didn't know my period was coming and then went to eat chocolates. Chocolates always trigger my migraine during my period.

Hee, your baby so cute, like to talk at such a young age! Are you still feeding a lot in the night? Milk ss OK?

hi jeng,
What is AFC?
Hey ann,

Glad to hear from you too;) and that your bb's doing well

my due date is 13th oct.. but i don't want to last that long leh..I feel very gung kor now, can't bend and pelvic very painful.. So yesterday went to walk and walk at east coast park .. today going to swim and swim.. haha..

my chai poh fried rice is eggless cos this morning had eggs liao.. So, just long beans, chai poh, fish cake and brown rice.

Ann and Jeng,
My garlic oil is kyolic brand, from nature's farm.. think only got one brand there..

Welcome Jeng ..
When my sick hb comes home with mc and antibiotics, i'll throw the antibiotics away.. heehee.. Now that he takes lesser antibiotics, tho longer time to get well, i find his immunity stronger..

Great to hear you bf for so long.. really convenient and good for bb.
My MIL wants me to stop bf aft 6 months.. she insists that there'll be no more nutrients for bb aft 6 months!( quoted by dong fang billy)

wow, puff pastry for pizza base? Sounds nice n non fuss leh.. will the result be like pie with filling?

Haven't tried tiffin room devonshire tea.. The ones in OZ are just so good and fresh..slurpz!
yesterday saw the choc cakes at bakerzin :0 WOW! That'll be my confinement-sneak-out break with my ang..

I'm trying out steam chicken in brown rice with lup cheong tonight..
Ate a "dun zhong" brown rice with steam chicken pieces last week and thought want to try out tonight.
Making cabbage soup with fish balls ..
HI Choc06,

Actually using puff pastry for pizza is very convenient and simple and yet it gives a twist to the usual pizza bread. The results....still taste like pizza but more crispy if you toast it well.

Wow, your steam chicken with brown rice sounds delicious. What I normally do is fry my chicken fillet with potatoes, carrots, baby corn, beans, water chestnut and finally uncook rice. Fry until fragrant then pour back into rice cooker to continue to cook till dry. Is yours like that? Care to share your recipe?
good morning all!

i marinated the chicken pieces with soy sauce, pepper, a bit of oyster sauce,corn flour and sugar.
Then steam the brown rice first, almost half cooked, place the chicken pieces onto the rice. When chicken is cooked, put in the lup cheong.. and cook for another 10 mins

Your brown chicken fillet rice's so healthy too! How much water you added to your rice ? before putting into rice cooker or after?

Am trying out also to boil big pot of soup for lunch and dinner, use the stock to prepare lunch, like macaroni, porridge or soupy stuff, then have the soup for dinner.. saves time too
but not many kinds of soup to experiment..
Huskie, milk ss is just enough for my bb, no extra to pump out and can't give it to my 2 boys. I feed abt 3-4 times in the night.
Think you have been to Tiffin room, how is the high tea? Buffet style or those 3-tiers type of English high tea?

choc, you're gg to have a Libra bb, same as my hb and ds1. Going to get a cake from bakzin at Raffles City, their chocolate cake is good??
ya lor...during the 3rd trimester very gung kor, very heavy and I remember cookie was saying walking like penguin. Still got one more week, must tahan. still go and swim, must be careful.
Abt the garlic pill, is this the one
but they did not mention for kids, so children can consume?
Btw, there's a mommy sms me iherb having US3.99 shipping fee. Just got the Kyo-Dophilus Powder you ladies mentioned

How's your steam chicken with brown rice?

Hi Jeng,
Welcome!! Where do you get your puff pastry? I'm thinking of getting colostrum for my boys before, you think is good?

Check with you ladies, where can I get basil leaves? I can't find it in my market, NTUC and cold storage.
I luv pizza, wanna use ur recipe to try out on my own one of these days.

Im a sahm w a 6m active ger hahaha
hi huskie,

AFC = Asian Food Channel on cable vision. I am a fan.

Hi annlee,
YOu can get the puff pastry at Vivo City Giant Mart and it is very cheap. 2 sizes available.
Regarding the colostrum, yes I seriously think you should buy 1 and let your child try. No harm trying mah...

Hey ladies,
Since so many of us all SAHM with young kids, maybe one of these days we should meet up and share our recipes. It is tough having to think of new and interesting dishes to entice our kids.
Hi there,

have been busy this week as hubby out of town. Choc06, thanks for the pointer on the garlic oil. I happened to be at Vitakids again on Sat. (seems to be my fav place
) and they recommmended an oregano oil (with cumin and propolis) which is supposed to be antibiotic and anti-viral but has a very strong spicy taste. I gave it to my 6 yr old daughter with honey and thank God, she got well within the next 2 days. My 18 mth bb absolutely refused and I finally got to Nature's Farm and found the garlic oil. Both of them are recovered now and I can heave a sigh of relief.

BTW, on puff pastry, was trying out last week, I cooked applies with bit of butter, then put it in puff pastry and viola, apple pie. My friend enjoyed it.

Simp, I hope you like the pizza dough, I find it soft and best of all, my dd gets the satisfaction of helping out.

Today, just tried lagsane. Pastry sheets from supermarket. I followed the recipe behind the wrap and turned out quite good. The recipe in my book called for much less fluids but I think it's because the store-bought pastry sheets are dry and need the moisture from the meat sauce to cook properly.
hi Choc06,
for the rice, I use very little water to cook as moisture will come from the vegetables. If you use normal water level to cook rice, it will be too wet, not nice.

Have you tried apple soup? My kids love it. I use about 4 to 6 apples, remove seed and put into slow cooker. Add dried fig and pork ribs. You can also add some wolf berries. Let soup cook for a few hours until apples are soft and add a little salt. It is a cooling aND REFRESHING SOUP for all.
Hi all,

Wow! cocoon, thanks for sharing the apple pie recipe. my hb loves apple pies
So your apples are on top of the puff pastry? can also cover the apples with the pastry is it ?

cocoon and jeng,
Really convenient to use puff pastry for pizza and apple pie! You all sure did alot of experiments
Anymore easy peasy recipes?

My steam chicken brown rice was ok, but I find not as tasty as the coffee shop's.. Theirs is a little sweet, tho i added a bit of sugar..

NTUC or cold storage don't have basil leaves ? Very surprised! Maybe they ran out of stock..

Have been walking and walking, still 0 cm dilation. Gyn was surprised since this is my 4th

ya, I love to make apple soup for my kids too
Will try out your steam rice next time..

Husk,joy, how are you all doing ?

Hi Choc06,

YOu mean this is your 4th regnancy? Wow! Really admire you. How ld r the rest of your kids? ACtually I also want to have a number 4 but my 3rd is too tough to handle.
Regarding your brown rice, try adding dried scallop and more oyster sauce, you will get more freshness and sweetness.
BTW, if you baby decides to pop, let us know.

Hi Cocoon,
Did you use the apple recipe rovided on the puff pastry wrapper? I think I saw 1 recipe for apple pie/tart. MAybe you would like to try that.
Hi all

ur steam chicken brown rice seems like those claypot chicken rice...where they put chicken, lip cheong and caixin...ever tasted one stall at maxwell mkt tt sells this...taste yummy...n always got long queue....

hmmm...everytime hear pple cook apple soup...but never ever try it...cos find it funny keep having the thinking tt apple is a fruit...
Jeng, your apple soup sound easy and refreshing... a must try!!!

choc06, are you still ard? Another week to your EDD hor?
Hi Choc06, the apple filling is inside although I am sure you can put it on top too. I think inside more moist. Need to put egg wash (beaten egg) on sides of rolled out pastry, fold over to form rectangle and press the sides together with a fork - will get a serrated look on the sides.

BTW, does anyone know whether the iherb website accepts singapore credit card?

hahah... i like yr 'reason' to go japan.
must bookmark yr reason so that i can learn in the future.;)

maybe yr baby wanna be accurate and arrive on edd ;)

yr five grain rice wrap in seaweed sounds yummy... like those rice roll the selling in taiwan.. can put prok floss, egg etc
will try out one of these days ;)
and inspired by yr chai poh fried rice.. i will go make five grain rice with chai poh egg roll.

today i make breakfast dishes for dinner... had bacon and cheese sandwich and salad.... cos working fm home and forgotten to defrost meat for dinner...
jia luk... also running out of ideas to cook quick and easy meal

make peanut soup recently... feel that will boast milk supply... ann u also go try leh..

think to measure anemic.. there's a scale. reackon 10.5-11 is normal... i am abt 8.7-9.2 range.. so they consider low..
initially when the gynae told me during antenatal checkup i did not take it seriously.... came here to check how to up the iron... then in labour ward and know its really serious.. gynae not scaring me...
u must remember to up yr iron intake... have plenty of iron stuff..

heee... did u manage to enjoy down under while missing little sophie?
i must go find the drumstick leaves this weekend..

my dark circle never go away.. and it just seems to be worse now...
same leh.... my ah girl also everyday the 'eh eh eh' sound.
dunno if all the micky and minnie like that.. must ask choc when her princess minnie out..
u pump or latch direct? for me i latch but take abt 20 mins each side.
i wondering if i latching correctly... cos saw a friend latching her baby only take 5mins and she said her gal fast drinker... full already..
have u leave yr baby at home and go 'gai gai' yrself? i went out this afternoon for lunch with a girlfriend.. asked my mum to come jagar... the feeling very shiok..
finally get a breather for 2 hours.

saw the basil leave at railway mall cold storage...
thanks for the apple pie recipe.
the apple only fry with butter? need any other seasoning?
must find time to make the apple pie ;)
