Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi Sophie, oh dear, luckily your hb got to you in time! I feel that you should just give your gynae a call anyway and let him know about the blurred vision, muffled hearing and bluish feet -it's probably low blood sugar or blood pressure like you said - or maybe anaemia - but call him just to play it safe, ya?

We'll be taking a short trip to Tokyo during the school hols - my FIL is going there for biz and we're tagging along :)

Take care and rest as much as you can!

Aiyo sophie....what happen to you? Is it too hot outside? Maybe is your sugar level down? Better ask someone to accompany you if really wants to go out. Going to give birth soon and so heavy carrying a ball around so gotta be careful.

Don't think will go to the restaurant for duck for time being... the news few days ago mentioned there's false cod fish and I bought some from my mum (she recommended me)and my hb ate the fish and got diahorrea. So not sure whether is it from the fish or the food he had in shanghai causes diahorrea. But now he's ok....heng...or he'll blame me on the fish. Well...he already nagged at me about the fish saying where in the world ppl sells cheap codfish etc etc....

sophie, your confinement looks interesting...esp the celebrities on c-sect hee.....

What is Arm & Hammer Baking Soda for?
Me not sure about Wooden Spoon's opening hours but I always go there around 6pm and they are still open. But most cookies are sold out by then and only left with pineapple tarts.

Re: Pineapple tarts
You can go to Taka and try the ones from Yi-Kou-Wei. They made and sell them on the spot. One bottle is $18.80. I find them quite nice
Pastry is more fragant then Wooden Spoon but the latter's pineapple jam is more 'pang'..

Oh dear! Luckily you are alright! And luckily you were not in the middle of the road when the fainting spells hit you. Why not u call your gynae and ask him now instead of thursday? Just to make sure you and bb are alright...
Went Taka yesterday,bought CNY clothes for Ber, and 2 cheap belts for myself.Hb bought shoes and belt.Didn't get clothes or shoes for myself, cos feel very stressed shopping with fun at all!

Better don't wait till Thurs,just give your gynae a call about what happened and see what he says?

If possible ,don't go out alone so often.Rest more at home. I have dizzy spell during pregnancy as well.My gynae told me to squat down with head bend downwards if I feel dizzy anytime.

My washer seems to be too hardworking on the Normal Cotton mode...Colored clothes turned out not vibrant after washing.So now I use delicate mode + quick wash most of the time.

I did wash old wired-bras,zipped in wired-mesh bags in delicate mode,turns out alright,didn't bend the wire.

I've tried the Roti Prata at Ah Mei's,it's quite ok.

Hb just threw lots of Ber's old toys yesterday, some of them are still in good condtion,a bit heartache, but no choice...

Spring cleaning for my hb seem easier...everything just throw throw throw,whereas I spend a lot of time sorting, re-arranging,wiping & cleaning,washing curtains, wiping windows,clearing wardrobes and closets in a way, my hb think I am not efficient in spring cleaning...I did a lot of things that are not "obvious" to him...sign..

RE: CNY goodies
I never bought any cookies from NTUC or any other supermarkets.Prefer either homemade,bakery/confectionery made,or a Nonya Stall in Beauty World Centre's hawker centre. Near CNY, I would also go Taka's B2 event hall,browse around and test out the cookies,tarts and Kueh Buroh before buying.
hi all
Today send baby & maid to auntie's house. Trying out the routine.
So far so good. Also went to fetch the ds1 from childcare. when he spotted me only dun want to finish his lunch. i ask him to finish then we go home together, after that i go hide. Later i go peep, wah pian, cry untill eye red red...bor pian got to bring him back liao.

Sophie, aiyoh, i heard your story got cold sweat. Please call the gynae to find out the reason. Don't go anywhere without the handphone hor. Also like the rest say stay at home more during this period.

The Italian restaurant, yes that is the one at the corner. Did u see the Ramen Ramen shop also?

On Sunday wanted to try the smoked duck, even call to find out the location etc.., but later find that if go from Jurong with my hb's careful driving skill, it will be very late.
So went to Climenti for the kar-soh fish noodle, but reached there found close shop liao.. so at the end, landed at pasir panjang, then wanted to eat the famous duck rice... but no parking, park at another duck shop, and they said must eat there then can park.. so no choice already very late and my ds1 keep saying hungry. So no choice eat at the neighbour of the famous duck rice.
The duck rice also not bad lah.. or may be i am just too hungry..
May be we should just head to the seletar hill restaurant...

Ok got to go login from my aunt's house...
Hey gals,
Thanks for all your concerns!
I just called up my MIL (nurse, remember?
) and she said it's probably due to low sugar level plus the extra demands of pregnancy.
Then called up gynae's staff nurse who also said the same thing - that during pregnancy, blood flows back to the brain more slowly, so she asked me not to stand too long for walk too much... altho I told her I only walked for 5mins!

Anyway, she said to monitor baby kicking, and as long as baby still active, it's OK.
But she didn't offer me an earlier appointment, so I guess they're really full and busy *sigh*

Wow, Tokyo will be nice! Taking them to Disneyland I am sure?

Heee, I like your expression of "carrying a ball"!

Sometimes I forget I am carrying a ball and still feel like running for the tarffic lights!

As for the cod fish thingy - the news said that SG fish is not affected right? Cos we don't import from the ones that's in HK. I think your hubby's diarrhoea is probably from Shanghai cos not used to their hygiene standards there... don't feel bad, not your fault!

Eh, the Arm & Hammer Baking Soda - I'm going to use it to clear my bathroom drains and sinks. Van posted up "60 Uses fo Baking Soda" previously - it's now in a PDF format in Yahoo Group. I thought using baking soda to clear drains is less toxic than using those corrosive chemicals, and it worked, cos I used it once about 6 mths ago.
Hee, tell you all a joke - when I asked my MIL about the fainting spell, her first reply was "Maybe the baby has turned?"

Then I asked her how come baby turn I will faint? Heee... luckily not so undiplomatic as to ask her how come she so unscientific?

Talk about cold sweat - yeah, cold sweat was also one of the symptoms of fainting, cos hubby was wiping away the sweat for me after that, and he said I was cold and clammy!

Haha, I like your term "hubby's careful driving skill"
My hubby's one is "superb navigational skills" that can take you tour round the island!

Oh, I tried the Pasir Panjang duck rice long ago - very nice indeed, but I find it expensive.

Your ds1 poor thing - how come cry until like that? Today in my lift I also saw a boy crying, asked him why he cry, he said don't wanna go to school. I told him go school can make friends - he said he don't like the teacher!

Seems like American brand washer all very "hardworking"

If don't want something so hardworking, next time must go for the lazy European brand!

Ah Mei roti prata so so only? OK, may not try it then.
Hey I heard nearby there got a Karu fishhead curry and bryani which is supposed to be very good? I saw it featured in Makansutra before! Anyone tried it?
Hi Van, hey I was at Taka yesterday too! I was there from 10.30am till past noon! I very sim tiah cos' last weekend I just bought some clothes for my girls and my nieces from Seiyu
Taka was 20% + 10% cheaper yesterday! But I bought some more clothes for my girls anyway - some a size bigger so that can keep for later in the year!

Btw, where can I find those ceramic pots for double-boiling soups? Tried looking for them at Taka yesterday but they were too small.

Wow, you've done so much spring-cleaning already! I'm waiting for my hb to take leave and help me - we keep going out on weekends and nothing gets done!

Hi Sophie, do take care - and like the girls here said, better not go out unaccompanied!

Yeah, we'll be going to Disneyland, DisneySea, Kamogawa SeaWorld and a mega 70,000 sq ft Daiso in Funabashi! I wanna go Puroland again but hb not keen!

I read that in UK most gynaes try to "turn" the baby - they call it external cephalic version from 37 weeks - seems like a std procedure over there for breeched babies. My UK babycentre's birth board kaki has got a super gynae - managed to deliver her twins naturally - and one of the twins was breeched!

Hi LittleCat, oh your poor boy boy - he was prob too happy and excited to eat after seeing you! Have you tried the smoked duck from cold storage? It's quite nice but not all outlets have - I think the one in centrepoint sells them.

Btw, the Mothercare at Suntec is having moving out sale. Regular priced baby clothes are discounted 1 pc - 10%, 2 pc - 20%, 3 pc - 30% and 4 pc - 40%. Purchases above $100 has additional 10%. But I'm not sure when is the last day. I bought VTech electronic nursery rhyme book for $8 only - U.P. $23.
In this case, then it's best u dun go out alone. Can be dangerous...Hmm, maybe your MIL is hoping that u can hv natural delivery so that was the first thing that comes to her mind? hehehe...

Btw, u can buy fake cod fish in Singapore. My pantry aunty just bought a few and qiuckly threw them away after hearing from the news. My sister's MIL is a fishmonger and she also told us fakes ones can be purchased here...

Did u try the titbits at kua-zi-wang? They have a new cashew nut range and it is nice but ex..the muruku is very fragant too. I am like an aunty, tried everything but did not buy..hahahaha...cos if buy now sure finish up before CNY so better to buy later.

How nice! Share with us your pics when u return..
Hey, if your ds1 knows that crying then mummy will appear again and he doesn't need to finish his lunch before leaving, he may try this tactic next time hor...better be firm...

I went to RAMEN RAMEN sometime back, the ramen is quite nice, and my dd likes the teriyaki and fried prawns...

Did you MIL explain what's her logic that faint=may be baby has turned?

I thought Electrolux is a European brand? If European brand is so hardworking, then American brand must be worse?

About the fake cod fish/oil fish,it's available in Singapore.Heard that Sheng Siong used to sell..

I need some info, some of you may know the answer...

When Chinese says cannot "participate" in Hong2 Bai2 Shi4...means weddings,funerals and full month right? Particulary for full month, can't eat the red eggs,cakes,aug ku kueh stuff right? Does the Hong2 shi4 apply to birthdays?

I was at Taka late morning till afteroon too! We had lunch at coffee club before going home.

Hb didn't want to go,keep nagging that haven't done spring cleaning yet....until I mentioned it's the last day for member 10% sale.

The ceramic double boiling pot can be found in Houseware shops in HDB estate.I have seen big size ones.

If you just want to buy HK stuff, think Nishii Ginza already have quite a lot to buy, don't have to go all the way to Puroland,especially you have already been there before with your girls.

Ok...will try out the Kua Zi Wang cashew nut range my next visit there.
If you go Japan's Daiso, I recommend buying these bag clips,can set Date and month,so you can keep track of the expiry date/or open date of food stuff. I haven't seen these in S'pore Daiso yet.



My neighbour already gave me CNY gifts yesterday.Bak Kwa,Cookies,canned abalone,big box of mushroom,bottled bird's nest and dried scallops...a lot of expensive stuff.Very Paiseh, so I have to reciprocate with expensive stuff...

But I already told her..we agree in year don't buy CNY gifts for each other, just exchange oranges will do...
krisjoy, oh...Yi-Kou-Wei pineapple tarts is nice, ok thanks for the infor!

van, stress shopping with hb huh...better go with ber or later no new year clothes for you. Don't really like to go shopping with my hb too cos he like to choose auntie clothes or color or those bao ba-zhang type for me. Although he always follow me patiently doing shopping but normally will end up getting nothing as all the clothes that I pick he'll either shake his head or say ee..... better go without him.I like to go with my ds1, he will praise and praise in the fitting room and makes me happy hee...although the clothe doesn't fit me

littlecat, pasir panjang duck is it located at shophouse opps terrace house? I used to go this duck store selling boneless duck porriage/rice they also sell some side dishes like fried kang kong, tofu etc... never been there for years...

sophie, wah...your MIL really thought for miracle huh... but honestly is that is impossible for bb to turn cos no space for her to move liao...

As for the codfish, sg is affected. But luckily all of us are well.

Thanks for the infor on baking soda! Now I learn another new things.

littlecat, better pick your ds1 after his lunch. So sad to see them cry until like that.

Please take care....

I think yi kou wei can also be found in tampines mall basement and there is a promotion now.

Me trying to make some almond cookies and pineapple tarts some time this week...will see what happen...My first time starting an oven...Maid used to bake for ex employer...will see what is her skill like....

Wow, expensive gift from your two way traffic....expensive....

Have fun in Japan....

Have a good evening all...
<font color="0000ff">Annelise,</font>
Yep, the minute I found out baby was breached, I asked about Cephalic Version, but my gynae's immediate reply was "I don't do it. Go to my neighbour if you want to do that."
I was shocked and didn't know what neighbour he was talking about, then realised the neighbour is another group of gynaes next door.
Later then he explained scared may have complications on cord or placenta cos the placenta is mobile.
But he still didn't have to be so moody on his first response to me lor.

Wow, 70,000 sq ft of Daiso! Sure spend a lot of money! And the clips that Van showed are so high-tech! Also never see in SG yet.

<font color="0000ff">Van,</font>
Electrolux is European brand? Hmmm... maybe I got it mixed up with Whirlpool which is the US brand then. And yep, US brands are super "hardworking" - I used a topload Whirlpool washer before. When it spins, everything else around it vibrates, makes me worried for my clothes!

Your neighbour gives abalone?!? Wow, you must be quite close to your neighbour!

Heee... my MIL sounded paiseh when I asked her why she thinks fainting has to do with baby turning, so Krisjoy is right -> my MIL is sooooo hoping for natural delivery that that was the first thing that came to her mind when I asked her about the fainting

Eeeeks! Didn't know the fake cods are available in SG! I think just stick to threadfin for now, safer.

<font color="0000ff">annlee,</font>
I like your plate! Of course the beehoon looks good... got prawns somemore, but the plate is very pretty! You use the Peacock Brand Brown Rice Vermicelli?

Yeah lor, my MIL hoping for miracle... so am I, haha! I still tell baby to turn... hopefully cos she is a small baby, may still have space to turn.
But if she don't, it's also ok lah. C-sect is just a means to an end - it's the bringing up baby process that counts more than the birthing process.

<font color="0000ff">Joy,</font>
Remember to let us know if it's good and post some pics for us to drool over!

<font color="0000ff">Lani,</font>
You bought your wolfberries already?
I made the steamed chicken over the weekend - I just used chicken thighs, chicken essence and wolfberries. Turns out very sweet, and the stinky chicken essence taste seems to have disappeared after the 1hr of steaming.
Hi all

Looks like I missed alot of good food sharing. Well will MIA for longer period as we have an Japanese Guest coming this weekend. So very busy.

And also going to bake more cookies with ds since he wants to give cookies to his preschool teachers, classmates and our neighbours' children for Valentine's Day after visiting and seeing all the items for Valentine's Day in the shopping mall.

Kai also just completed making CNY cards to be sent to our relatives and he wrote all the cards to, so happy that he has written them on his own by asking for help to spell certain words.

Annlee....go to the theme parks, the kids will love it.

Sophia...Please take care and do check with Ob/ be safe.

Van...those clips can be bought at Daiso Singapore too, I used to have alot of them since we take either bread or different cereals for breakfast.

Will disappear for a while for now.
Just found out that the clips are sold in Daiso Vivo City now. I didn't see them in Daiso IMM during my last few trips, probably out of stocks then.

Your beehoon have a lot of ho liao! Looks yummy! I like the plate as well.Now a lot of restaurants are using big plates in this shape.

Your ds1 so cute,will praise and praise...! My dd will give honest opinion..."looks fat,doesn't look fat, don't like the color(she doesn't like black!),looks funny....
What is Cephalic Version huh? Just curious to know more ;p

I am stocking up stuff for my kitchen. Any recommendations on what are the good buys from Daiso? I got some stuff from Ikea but realised they dun sell chopsticks...

When are u starting work? Glad that ur baby is coping with your maid and aunty. I guess they are still too young to recognise people and as long as they are being fed and taken care of they are happy ;p

Your bee hoon looks nice! I have a soft spot for them, esp those with lots of vegetables
I always eat a lot of them during those catered buffets and Neo Garden one is quite good. And I like to pour curry over them too ;p

Share the pics with us ok?
My colleague just went to Phoon Huat over last weekend to learn pineapple tarts and strawberry cookies. The tarts were made using their instant pineapples paste. Overall taste was ok but pastry not 'pang' enough.
sophie, yes..I'm using Peacock Brand Brown Rice Vermiceli, healthier. You liked my plate huh... I bought them when OG having sales hee...

Me also want to know what is Cephalic Version.

Japan so high-tech, I remember bought those 5 cent coin size which contains medicine for mosquito bite. Just paste that on the bites and it will calm down quickly.

I've never been to Daiso before...The place you gals make it sounds like having lotsa unique things. But only located at IMM right?

Krisjoy, you mentioned curry on bee hoon makes me think of my mum's curry and bee hoon. I like it too...

van, your dd so sensible... my ds1 everything ok nice... don't think he understand and not interested.

Pris, annelise is going to Japan not me hee...

annelise, enjoy your trip!!

Tonight I'm cooking coke pork rib. Will show the pic if looks good.
Thanks for the info on the clips - I'll go check it up if I go to Vivo!

Krisjoy, annlee,
External Cephalic Version is a way of massaging the tummy with the help of ultrasound to turn the baby from breech to head-down (cephalic) position.
More info and even diagrams can be found here:

Everything in Daiso goes for $2, but beware, heee... everytime I go there, I end up piling my basket that I spend $20-30! Plaza Sing also has a Daiso on 3rd or 4th floor corner, but very small.

I also LOVE beehoon with curry!
Eh, Coke pork rib as in, Coca Cola pork rib? Never heard of it before - remember to show us pic and recipe!
Me cooking cabbage (wong bok) soup with tofu and fish maw... easy one-pot stuff in case I faint at the stove

You used Neo Garden for your first month celebration?

I called gynae liao, but I think they are very full so never give me earlier appt. Still sticking to Thur appt. Should be Ok since I am also monitoring baby movements.
sophie, when I know my ds1 is having breech position, the chinese physician that I went to strongly against that I shld go for c-cect. At that time my tummy is already very big and he say there's way for the bb to turn by his massaging techique. My hb heard that strongly against it and tell me trying to make bb turn who knows what'll happen to the bb.
But for Cephalic Version, they're using ultra sound which can monitor the bb, so I think not that bad. Some gynae prefer the traditional or safe way rather than latest techique, maybe they think there's risk involve.

Oh... there's daiso at plaza sg. ok,will go and have alook when I'm there.
There's Ramen Ramen at The atrium too... their ramen not bad but the soup got more peppery taste.

Shld ask your hb to call you more often, just in case. Better to be safe since you're home alone.Try to take more sweet stuff to see whether it helps or not.

Check with you about the fish maw, how to you get rid of the oily fishy smell? Last year I bought one pkt during cny and the lady told me the fish maw is those better grade but is smelly when I cook them in the soup and it ruin the whole pot of soup. I did washed and soak in hot water but the smell still there.

About the coca cola pork rib, think most of the zi char store have it. Have tried once before but no coke taste hee... they also have coffee pork rib.
Hi everyone - my mum just made pineapple paste for me - I just need to make the pastry to do the tarts. I will ask my sis for the recipe and post it here if it's successful - am attempting to do it myself this year! The pineapple paste my mum mixed freshly made paste with the Phoon Huat pineapple paste cos' my grandma finds the PH one too sweet for her liking - but the fresh ones we make ourselves sometimes become mouldy after a week or so. So she mixes the two to give it a nicer flavour and it lasts a lot longer too. Btw, Mirana Bakeshop just next to Simei MRT sells really good Kueh Baulu - my girls and I finished 3 containers already since they started selling a few weeks ago.

Hi Sophie, yeah I reckon I'll be buying bags of stuff from Daiso in Japan cos' now the Yen/ SGD rate is good - so 100Y is only S$1.27 per item! Btw, with the ECV, 2 of my birth board kakis tried but baby turned back into breech a few hours later!

Hi Krisjoy, my mum bought a lint remover for me from Daiso - it's battery operated and looks like a men's shaver but it's for shaving tiny cotton balls and "furry" bits off clothes - it works like a charm! I always go to the Hello Kitty section at Daiso too - the HK chopsticks are quite nice.

Hi Joy, looking forward to see your tarts and cookies! Is your maid Indonesian? My friend's Indo maid can bake quite well.

Hi Van, thanks for the pics - I'll buy them when I'm in Japan since they'll be cheaper
I'm not sure whether birthdays are considered "hong shi" but my mil didn't want to attend my nephew's birthday celebration which was 2 days after my bil's wedding cos' she said will "chong". So maybe it is?

Hi annlee, I usually boil a pot of ginger water and then rinse the fish maw in it - I don't leave it to soak - maybe that'll help? Mmm...I love eating beehoon too! Which brand of beehoon do you use?
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely buy it during my next trip there cos mu hubby's shirt always have specks of lint on them..Btw, my friend's mom whom is selling pineappples tarts also mixes the fresh paste with PH one. She said with the CNY's orders, she will have no time to make the paste from scratch. I've tried before and it taste good leh. Hope u will also have a successful pineapple-tarts making session!

Thanks for the pics. Now I get it ;p Was thinking must assert some strength during the massage to turn the baby? Will it be painful?

Yes, I used Neo Garden. Their bee hoon and curry are good!

I also hv tried making cola pork ribs before. I got the recipe from Her World and it taste good. The cola actually helps to caramelise the ribs so it will taste sweet and sticky, just like how they serve it outside.
Are you anaemic? Gotta take good care. Eat more "heng chye", broccoli, those very green vegetables...

I bought the Thermos thermal pot already
It was delivered to me yesterday afternoon, and I used it to boil lotus root soup already. Thumbs up
Thank you for your help.

You gonna see and hug your baby very very soon

Wah.. Your hubby throwing the old toys ah.. can donate le...

My hubby also bought that Vtech nursery rhyme
very nice hor? I also like to play with it.

PH's pineapple paste can last longer could be due to preservatives.

Birthday is also considered "hong shi".
Thanks for the recommendation on the lint remover too

I'll probably go hunt it down cos I need to to get rid of cat fur on sofa and clothes.
I'm currently using 3M ones, but refill very expensive!

Yep, ECV has only 30% chance of success rate cos sometimes the babies just prefer a certain position.

Woah, $1.27 per item is CHEAP!!! You'll have to bring an empty suitcase to cart those items back

Like Annelise say, some babies may turn back, so I think maybe that's why my gynae don't want to do it.
Actually last week I was desperate to change gynae leh - called up one at NUH but the staff nurse told me they are fully booked till after my C-sect date!
But the staff nurse is nice - she said they are pro-VBAC and that I am not stuck with my current gynae once I had a C-sect with him, so I can always switch gynaes for my next birth. She advised me to stick with this gynae since it's only 2 more weeks and my current gynae got all my records.

Hope you don't find me kaypoh - your ds2 not breech right? Did you ever think of VBAC?

As for fish maw, I just use hot water to pour over it, use chopsticks to stir so oil will come out then rinse with tap water. But if it's still very oily, I'll change the hot water and pour a few more times over it, cos I think the stinky smell comes from the oil that they use to deepfry the fish maw.
Annelise's method of using ginger also sounds good, cos ginger normally gets rid of those horrid smell?

There are some different views on how painful ECV is - some say not painful and some say pain. But I read that under skillful hands, it only takes a few mins to turn the baby.
OK, will note the yummy beehoon and curry from Neo Garden
I'm not anaemic leh. My blood test shows very good haemoglobin levels.
But I think it's sudden drop in sugar level cos I had this same fainting spell once before I got pregnant.

Glad your Thermos thermal cooker is good

Cos my Thermos flask can retain heat so well that I cannot drink direct from it, need to pour it into a cup!

Very excited to see baby, but still scared of C-sect &amp; C-sect recovery. Of course lots of friends have gone through it, like annlee and you, but I still can't help feeling nervous over it!

How's your studies going?
Hi lyn, yeah the nursery rhyme book is very nice and at $8 is quite a good buy! my dd1 likes to play with it too!

Hi Sophie, hee - with 7 storeys of Daiso, I think my hb will leave me there to shop the whole day! As it is, I take a long time to shop at the Vivo outlet! I told hb to reserve one suitcase for all my shopping - hope it'll be big enough! Btw, my mum had my sis via C-Sect, followed by me VBAC (3 yrs later) and my bro (6 yrs after me) emergency C-Sect cos' he passed meconium.

Hi Krisjoy, here're pics of some of my recent Daiso purchase - save for the HK wall hook which I bought from Jap. (L to R: lint remover, toothbrush+toothpaste, chopsticks, wall hook)

Thanks for the pic on the lint remover! If you dno't tell me it's a lint remover, I'd probably think it's a pencil sharpener!

Good to hear another success story on VBAC! Don't know why my gynae said always have to be C-sect, that's why I got depressed last week and wanted to change gynae.

I went to Cold Storage Great World City last night, but again, cannot find Arm &amp; Hammer Baking Soda either.
I know for sure Cold Storage sells it cos they have it online, but maybe Railmall &amp; Great World are just out of stock.
Which section do you normally find it - Baking or Detergent?
Hi Sophie, your gynae prob subscribes to the old school of thought - "once a C-Sect, always C-Sect". So my mum's gynae must have been quite ahead of his time back then! I have an ex-colleague who delivered her 2nd VBAC too - after a lapse of three years. A couple of nights ago, Discovery Home &amp; Health also featured a lady giving birth to her 2nd child VBAC at a maternity unit in a water bath. So, cheer up, ya? If your gynae doesn't do VBAC, then you'll really have to "go to his neighbour" for your subsequent pgs
Btw, I saw the Arm &amp; Hammer baking soda at the baking section of Cold Storage Centrepoint.
Yeah, your mum's gynae is really considered "new age" for his time back then!
Hee, I think during my postpartum checkup, I'll go piss off my gynae and ask him exactly which gynae in the "neighbour" does VBAC

But on second thoughts, better not, wait next time he don't release my medical records to me!

Thanks for info on Arm &amp; Hammer Baking Soda at CS Centrepoint!!! I've been hunting high and low for it.
Missed out your post re: Thermos Pot earlier.Thermos is good! I bought a small one as gift for a friend.she loves it very much! She has used it to cook porridge for her toddler,desserts like red bean,green bean soup and cheng tng for herself and hb.

Thanks for info on Birthday =hong shi.Quite pathetic if a young child can't attend ANY birthday parties right?

I used to bring old toys and clothes to Salvation Army collection centre nearby,but this time round my hb can't seem to wait to throw.

Soooo envy, can have 1 whole suit case for shopping in Japan...I only brought along 2 emppty foldable bags.My hb only allowed me to bring 1 suitcase.

Now the JPY rate is only 1.27? When I went last year it was about 1.33,though credit card companies charged me 1.34. The money changer(at banks) rate in Japan is not favourable, and for ATM withdrawal of Yen in Japan, there is service charge of S$5 per transaction(for DBS account), so try to change more money here.

The lint remover is very interesting! I like the HK chopsticks too!

I also bought the baking soda from baking section.

This year's CNY catering I am ordering
from Kiat Hong Lee again.All my guests said they are good when I ordered the mini buffet last year. Not sure how they are related to NEO GARDEN, but they are using Neo Garden's menu.

I like the plastic containers which can set Date on the cover (again!) from Daiso good for keeping tracking of the dates I store frozen food.

I am sure when you are at Daiso, it's very very easy to fill your basket with lots of stuff.

Hey, the phrase "stocking up stuff for my kitchen" made me excited! I love shopping for my kitchen, in addtion to shopping for clothes n shoes for my girl!


It's boys' nature..friends with young boys also said the same with their boys is not fun,they only want to look at their toys,not interested in anything else.
Thanks for the fish maw advises...will try it out again.

annelise, I'm using Peacock Brand Brown Rice Vermiceli. Sophie sharp eyes caught what type of bee hoon that I used.

My sister got that lint remover too but in pink colour. She's working at The atrium so must be getting it from plaza sg.
I remember the lint remover cos my sis was trying to demo it to me on her bed but no matter how the remover suck it, the dirt remains there until I realise there's a cover and she did not remove it...and how it works if the cover is on kekeke...

sophie, the reason not going for VBAC cos at that time of birth is less than 21/2 years and if i remember correctly must be over 3 yrs then can consider that. And also at that time my placenta is quite low too.
In fact I keep asking my gynae can I go for Vbac until confirmed that my ds2 is not breech bb but gynae keep saying no way.
I also don't like my gynae and the hospital hee... If I ever get pregnant again, I'll definitely hunt for another one and not that hospital.
If you really wanna try natural birth if baby still in breech position, and if you are willing to change a gynae at the last minute, you can go to Dr. Henry Cheng at Mt. Alvernia. He's very pro natural birth. My friend changed gynae 5 days before delivery! Cos her previous gynae got very defensive when she dun want epidural. Lucky she discussed it with the gynae before giving birth.

My soup still warm this morning... lol... I went to buy with my MIL around... shouldn't have done that... :p

Happy shopping... Those Daiso things look very nice and practical..

No problem
. Sometimes too many posts, no time to read all...
How to cook porridge in Thermos pot? Is it just boil and dump the whole pot in and leave it? hee... I am still very new to thermos pot cooking... :p Seems like I gonna chuck away my lousy pressure cooker already. That one can boil soup, and end up no more soup... lol...

hmm.. sometimes it's up to you if you really wanna follow strictly
Bernice cannot attend birthday parties ah? How come?

hmm... I have kinda too busy and lost interest in stocking up stuffs for the kitchen already :p Now is "making baby food" that interests me...

The picnic mat looks very nice and compact... Next time if I ever get the chance to go to Japan, I will remember to shop at Daiso.. kekeke...
Thanks for info on gynae.

How come you shouldn't have gone to buy your thermal pot with your MIL around?

Hongshi this kind of stuff applies to kids? Even though my mum herself practises it, she doesn't restrict us kids from it leh, else very poor thing for the kids.

Where you buy the small Thermos brand thermal pot from? And how much?
My small free Endo one is splitting up, altho' still usable. Somehow the heat makes the foam inside expand, then the plastic that joins together starts splitting up. At first I thought my hubby went to peel off some band that is the pattern!

Wow, the picnic mat is cute!!! And only $2 from Daiso!

Try the Peacock brand Brown Rice Vermicelli! It's not tough at all, in fact, softer and easier to fry than Chilli brand beehoon... and no funny brown rice taste. Even my old-fashioned mum who doesn't like brown rice likes it, just that you can only find it at certain NTUCs or Cold Storages.

VBAC must be 3 yrs apart? My hubby's colleague's wife did it and her 2 kids are only 18 mths apart.
Hope nowadays technology is so advanced that we can do it with lesser than 3 yrs apart!
Thanks for the info...just curious, your dd can't attend 'hong-shi'? I guess it is up to parents to decide to go along with it or not. My friend's daughter is quite 'pang-tang' one. Everytime she attends hong-shi, she will cry non-stop for the whole day.

Btw, u mentioned that u have an anodised (dunno how to spell ;p) wok. Is it good and will food stick easily to the bottom? I am still hunting for pots and pans and wok...
sophie, yes...I know some did it before 3 yrs but gynae insisted no and for the reason he gave is that my old scar will tear etc... and even the nurses discourage me to do so.

My coca cola pork rib taste so so only... my hb keep quiet while having it and everytime when he's like that, that means the food is so so nothing great to him.

Van, about hong shi for your dd, is it for this year? If so, then is good...the chinese year is ending soon. I'm not very pang tang but got once my MIL relative opening zi zhar store and want us and insisted our dss to go. My hb straight away say no...bringing the kids to 'zhong xi' for them and we don't even know them . My hb was saying, wah...the kids give them all the xi and left way!! Hee...
Ah, I see... if gynae and nurses advise not to, then better not.
Think I concentrate on this birth, then after this brith then ask gynae again.

Can just roughly tell me how you make your coke pork ribs anyway?

btw, I tried Hock Hua's fish maw yesterday - $12.80 for 600gm. Not oily at all! Cos it's baked and not deepfried. And after soaking in hot water, it doubled up in size to so much that I over-dosed on fish maw last night liao
So quite good value for that $12.80 small pack!

You're shopping for pots and pans and wok? So exciting!!!!
I bought a Supor anodised wok 3 weeks ago from Taka - pretty cheap at $65 for 34cm diameter. Does not stick and no "flakings" cos it's not coated. Pretty basic.
But of course if you want to invest in a better one, then Van's one will be good... afterall, hers is tried and tested for many years liao.

What else are you getting? WMF stuff during Robinsons sales is not that expensive too.
I mean Van's one is an anodised wok from Tiger, and she's used it for a few years already? But more expensive.
Van, can confirm?

Don't think WMF sells anodised woks - never seen the Germans do anodised woks so far

Kiat Hong Lee don't have website?
Me just being kiasu - looking at caterers ahead of 1st month celebration.

When you ordered from Neo Garden, do they do ang ku kuehs, glutinous rice and red eggs - or did you get them separately?
Cos I didn't see full-mth packages in Neo Garden website that includes these items.
About the Hong Shi thing...2 person mentioned that my girl should not "chap" Hong Bai Shi. I've heard that it applies to Full month,Weddings and Funerals.So Ber n I didn't attend hb's niece's wedding. When he came back, he said he was told (i suspect it must be my MIL) that birthdays also considered hong shi.In fact any happy occassions considered Hong Shi.

I've never heard of this saying, so am quite reluctant to follow...but hb insists
.When he mentioned it's for our dd's good, better be safe than sorry...what more can I say? I shall see comes my MIL's birthday this year, whether they will eat their words?!

When I was a kid, I also can't "chap" Hong Bai Shi,my mum never allowed me to eat Full month's cakes,ang ku kueh and eggs and never attend funerals,but I am allowed to attend birthday parties.

Your pressure cooker so fantastic huh? Can boil soup...but end up no soup!

I will forward you via emails recipes for cooking porridge/congee using thermal pot.

Those Thermal Pot Club members who got the recipes from me would know why I can't post them here...

Kiat Hong Lee's site still under construction.You can look at Neo Garden's website for menu.They use the same menu.

Ha! You finally bought your wok huh! Started using already? Did they "season" the wok for you before you buy?

I bought the small Thermos Thermal pot (can't remember it's 1.2L or 1.5L) from Isentan's sale at $69. Tangs also selling Thermos, but the price is >$100 if not having sale.Also there are two models,the other one doesn't seem to be able to close tight.

Since your small Endo is retiring, I strongly recommend that you grab Thermos thermal pot in small size when there is sale.It will be useful next time for cooking baby's porridge. You can also cook small portions of desserts just for yourself and hb.


My anodised wok is Tiger.Used it for more than 7 years already

Only thing not so good about Tiger is that, there are screws INSIDE the wok.This not-so-good thing was highlighted by promoter of other brands' anodised wok in Tangs... and of course,it's more expensive.But back then, this could be the only 1 brand of anodised wok available in S'pore, that's why I bought it.

Anodised wok will still stick if you didn't do what you supposed to do with all normal woks.

Need to heat up the wok hot enough then pour in oil.Only when the oil is hot enough, swirl to coat the wok with the hot oil then add in ingredients. Don't turn/flip the fish too early...

BTW, there is anodised wok with non-stick coating as well.Saw it at Taka...But I think I'll never buy those,cos not sure how long the non-stick coating will last.

This hong-bai-shi thing is on year-to-year basis? I have no idea of this.

I just remember as a kid I couldn't participate.When I grow up, my friend's dad who is a geomancer also tell me the same thing,that I can't participate...but when working it's hard...especially if it involves bosses,subordinates and close colleagues.
I also saw the anodised wok from Supor at Taka a few weeks ago. I thot it was value for money. Think I'll seriously consider buying this one.

I am waiting for the next Robinson's sale to get the WMF pots. They are really a good deal

Also, Neo Garden does not provide ang ku kuehs, etc..Need to buy separately. I ordered mine from Pine Garden but did not order glutinous rice. Maybe u can consider ordering from the Alexander Village one since u hv tried it before?

Btw, Neo Garden give discounts to full month celebrations. Just need to fax the baby's birth cert to them.

I'll go to Daiso this Sunday and hope to enjoy the shopping spree ;p
Thanks for the info. I also dun like woks with coating cos they say it is cancerous leh..Btw, how do I season a new wok and is it necessary?

In my own family, we are not 'pang-tang' about such things so as kids, we will eat all the birthday cakes, etc...But my hubby's family is extremely pang-tang about such things and sometimes I cannot tahan..But I just go along to avoid conflicts and I know that their intentions are good lah..
Van G,
sorry to burge into this thread. has always been a silent reader....

Want to check out ur opinions abt the diff brands of thermal pot. have been eyeing for one for the longest time but there's so many brands n the prices r so different. Is there a difference on which brand i buy???
Initially i wanted to buy the Tiger 5.6L but it is selling at $245. Saw brands like Endo n La Gorment (correct spelling??) selling at less than a hundred. Rcently oso saw the Thermos brand selling at Robinson at a discount. dunno if it is too small??
Is it true that we must fill the pot to a certain volume otherwise there is not enough heat to cook the food thru???

your pressure cooker cook soup until dry?? can it be bcos the rubber seal is old n don fit well anymore?? Bcos when the seal is not tight, vapour will start escaping n u can see water dripping from the cover to the sides. I replace my WMF pressure cooker's seal n i no longer have water dripping... According to the sales lady, must change the seal every 2 years.
Cos my MIL keep saying so expensive so expensive lor...

Har? Thermal pot will split one ah? I saw "La Gourmet" brand. It was $99 at Robinsons for members. I chose Thermos although it's doubled in price cos the pot is thicker.

Gynae's stitching skill plays a part in vbac too.. Gynae will also consider the "look" of the old scar towards the end of pregnancy before deciding can vbac or not.

You shopping for wok ah... I am also very tempted to get a wok...

My cousin just bought a WMF 34cm wok for $199.

The pressure cooker I have will leak and super power steam... hahaha.. so will end up boil soup but no soup left... lol... and messy stove..
Thank you very much in advance for the recipe

I tried cooking "wu gu mi" porridge. So easy...
and very nice... And most importantly, no mess in the kitchen.. hahaha...

Oh.. it's the seal ah... Thank you...
hmm... Dunno where to buy the seal. But at the moment, I kept my pressure cooker, and enjoying the thermal pot
Do you know roughly how much does the seal cost? Cost will be the next consideration whether to change or not...
ya lor, my pui pui 'kan kai le' at times now.
so at times he can drink 4oz, at times 5oz.
Started him on semi soilds oredi.
Very fast didi will start to enjoy food also hor.
yr dd1 still enjoying her malay food, or has her taste bud change indian or chinese?
dd2 must be bored with jie jie attending school now.

if u dun mind, can pls give me a copy of the thermal pot recipe also. thanks in advance.

I don't take beef. According to yr recipe, using beef to cook the vietnames pho, can i use chicken instead?

I got the arm and hammer baking soda fm Sheng Siong at ten miles juction. Its near the rice section.

a few more days and will be back to work, enjoy while u can. ;)

Went to one zi zhar stall at bt batok, think name is Jia Yuan.
Food quite nice and some unquie dishes can be found. Price also cheap. Had fish, tofu, 2 types vege, pork, soup 6 adults and abt $100.
another 8 more days u will see yr darling precious. just in case i don't log in these few days, wish u a smooth and safe delivery. And rest as much as possible.

it will depends on the brand of pressure cooker. Mine is a WMF, u can buy the seal at all stores that sell their pots like Isetan, Robinsons, Taka.. In fact u can find most of their parts there. Pretty affordable. one seal is only $12+.
For other brands, maybe u can check with the sales staff from the store u purchase the pots from.
