Cooking Tips & Recipe

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When are you seeing your little girl?
the herbal chicken recipe looks VERY good. i am going to cook it next week. btw, how does wolfberries look like, and where can i get it?? i went to NTUC today but could not find it leh...
I'm seeing my little girl on 8 Feb

Wolfberries are small red little seedlike things. Don't think NTUC sells them, but you can go to Hock Hua or ZTP or medicinal shops.
There will be different grades at different prices - I find the more expensive ones (I think from Xinjiang or Tibet in China) sweeter. Some cheaper ones can be sourish.
I normally buy mine from Hock Hua in a squarish plastic container that costs about $3.50.
They're very good for liver and eyes, so you can use it in soups or sprinkle some on top of a fish and steam too.
Pics can be seen here:
Ambrosial, when is the 2nd interview? all the best of luck to you

spring cleaning, last year waiting till very last minute. this year got maid, so far the whole place quite ok, guess minimum cleaning.

Today new sofa coming, hope it can go thru the door :p

Sophie, thx for the link
will definately try it next week.
Wow the way u describe really make me droll leh..

Just uploaded some new photo on the yahoo group, enjoy!
Thank you for your reply
hmm... maybe I will go and get the Thermos thermal pot.
Wah... you are only 2 weeks or maybe less to seeing your gal! Have you prepared everything? I am very excited for you... Another life is going to join us in this world

I am lazy to start spring cleaning :p Last weekend, just started to vacuum the spider webs around my home...
Spring Cleaning, I have to..
*wash curtains
*wipe tv console
*other general cleaning deem necessary by me

Don't think I'll be overloaded with housework this year.


I like the date you chose!Very auspicious!


2nd interview was yesterday, but I have a feeling the position will be given to an older and more experienced person.
The interviewer said she liked me though.

I like this position because it's a 5 day week, OT is only till 7plus pm and the environment seems friendly.I'll have plenty of time to do cat volunteer work if I'm accepted.


Spider webs! Wow, you need a cat!
Yep, I prepared almost everything liao.
Now scouting those threads on "Doing confinement yourself" and "Confinement Dos & Don'ts".
Then will discretely compile a Word doc on these gathered info and paste on my fridge.
Else that day my MIL already asking me if can join them for reunion dinner gathering, which is only 8 or 9 days after my C-sect.
Then when I told her cannot, her reply was "Woah, so traditional hah? Cannot even go out?"

Eh, I can lend you one cat to clear your spiders if you need!

I saw the cat blog.... the kittens are so cute, I especially like those in the sinks!
Heh, my hubby also like the 8 Feb date cos his birthday is also on 8th.
Don't worry about the 2nd interview - if the interviewer likes you, then you stand a good chance.
But remember, even if you don't get it, must remember that it's THEIR loss, not yours!

Saw the pics... heh, your ds2 got a lot of funny faces, very cute!

I saw that you also uploaded some pics of your ds1 & 2... they have a very thick and dark hair hor?
That day during scan, my gynae just told me my baby is quite botak, then make me so sian! If he has nothing better to say, he should just shut up, else make me more worried.
Ambroisal, Sophie,
Cats can really remove spider webs ah? And can they get rid of the spiders too? kekeke... My home lots of spiders everywhere.

You confirm C-section already ah? You doing confinement on your own?
Haha, yeah, if the cats are quick enough, they can catch spiders and can even eat them so you don't have the hassle of clearing any "remains"

Your house must be quite warm that's why got spiders? Got morning sun? I like houses with morning sun.

Yep, confirmed C-section on 8 Feb. But if baby turns on that day itself, we'll cancel the C-section and wait for natural.
Did you do epi C-sect or GA C-sect?

My MIL will help with confinement, but more like taking care of baby only lah.
Cos from her question, I roughly know she is not familiar with confinement food & dos/don'ts, that's why compiling my own info now.
I'll get hubby to help with cooking etc.

Woah, new sofa! It's good the smaller "L" part is detachable, so if living room not enough space, can always move it elsewhere.
What did you do with your old set?
Ambrosial, agreed with Sophie, if she likes you then u got a better chance

Let us know the result.

Sophie, yeah my ds2 also got lots of funny faces.
Not to worry on hair part, soon they will grow more

I ask my sis how her dd looks like, she said, they all 'sabo' her tell her the baby is 'pretty', but my sis said looks like 'little old woman', curly hair like wig.. haha

I told her my ds2 just born looks like 'little old man' with middle age botak in front...

About the confinement,how is the arrangement? remember u must have lots of rest too.

annlee, i like your boys eye aiyoh really big and round and nice!
sophie, yeah that's the purpose, cos my living room quite small. Having a detachable one can put on left or right side.

The old set, nobody want leh.. so at the end i asked the cleaner to dispose it.
You and your sis so funny lah... say your babies look like old woman and old man. But I think that is normal right? Cos when they first come out, they are a bit wrinkled, and then start losing the water part. Only after a few weeks of feeding then they will start to plump up right?

For confinement, I think my MIL will just help with bathing the baby. She can also cook hers and my hubby's meals.
I think even with C-sect, I should be able to change the baby myself? Cos I intend to put the cot in my own room so I can be with baby all the time.
Then for cooking bath herbs, washing and simple confinement cooking like steamed fish, my hubby will do.
For the more difficult dishes like pig kidneys and pig trotter vinegar, my mum will cook and then either ask her maid or my dad to bring over for me, cos my MIL don't even know how to buy kidneys

Hope the above arrangement covers all...

I remember you said your boys look more like you, esp the eyes right? Must be a pretty mummy
sophie, dark bean paste I suppose is tau cheo but is black in colour type call tau si? Got to confirm with pris. I skip that cos lazy to go supermarket to get it, so I use dark soy sauce.

Agreed with Ambrosial, the delivery date is very auspicious!

My ds1 has very little hair and super fine till 21/2yrs old. So when he's younger is consider botak, got those 'M' shape hair. I'm worried at that time but don't worry, it will definitely grow alot when older.

littlecat, aiyo...if I tell my ds1 that you praise him, he sure will act a cool face to me... aiyo...
I purposely post my ds2 2nd pic cos he's like acting an innocent face kekeke... new sofa ...

Ambrosial, good luck to your interview!

sophie, me not pretty...old liao lah
Hey Lani, Sorry, missed the post about the terriyaki sauce that van recommended.. What brand is it huh ?

I was also looking for one recently,I just bought kikoman brand few days ago, dunno whether it goes well with baked salmon..
hi all!

Back to work this week and I was so busy! Now then have the time to chit chat with all of you ;p

What a coincidence! I just went to Seletar Hills Restn last Sat for my MIL's birthday celebration. The food is good and service efficient. But I din try the tung-po rou cos most of us dare not eat fatty meat...The tea smoked duck was good too!

Brought my gal to Sembawang Park last Sun. The place is quite nice and serene and not as rowdy as East Coast Park. But weather a bit hot so my gal could not take her nap and she was so cranky at nite...

Time flies, Sophie is going to deliver soon! So excited for you!

How are you and Ayden? Did you watch the baby prgram on every Monday nite? Last week they featured the babies from Motherhood Aug06 MTB. Guess more people will come to this forum after the show ;p

What's cooking? Really miss talking to u and seeing all your food pics

Is it ok to share your pineapple tarts recipe? I am a sucker for them and they are my favourites during CNY ^_^

I went to Taka 2 weeks ago and they have set up 2 stalls making and selling pineapples tarts on the spot. I bought a bottle from yi-kou-wei and thot they were quite nice..
littlecat, your ds so cute and chubby....look more like you huh....

starz, your hb very wei da...accompanied bb to cut botak. The thinking pose really looks like bb is thinking something...

sophie, the dark bean paste is in paste form not like tau cheo still got the whole bean in it...I've bought the paste before but not the tau cheo.

I think you're the one who recommend prime pineapple tarts right? Just bought one yesterday for my mum but haven try it.
sophie, u r right it is normal they look wrinkled & like old people hehe...
It is really fun to play with him now, cos he will response to u.

About c-section, it depends on individual body, some can recover fast. Like my sister she discharged the next day liao.. amazing.

Other than the bathing babay, changing baby, confinement food, i think other challenging things are the night feeding and soothing baby when she cry.. sometime u really dun know if she is hungry or wet or hot or cold or just not happy...

If u intend to breastfeed, try to pump up so night time hubby can help.

Choc, how's thing? back to busy cooking liao?
i bought the kikoman teriyaki sauce, the thicker version, it taste good on chicken. i believe it will be good on the salmon too.

annlee, so your ds2 also cheeky little boy?

Really they both looks handsome and guai to me

i find my ds2 still got his bro and dad's look. let's see after few more months

Hi krisjoy, so fast back to work liao, eh upload some photo for us to see leh..

wow another good review on Seletar Hills Restn, must go and try liao.
I was just thinking about you yesterday, and how much your girl must have changed by now!

You were at the Seletar Hills Restn last Sat? So was I!!! I reach around 7:30pm and sat on the small table (table of 4) to the right of the door. Where were you sitting?
I only noticed that there was a big table to the left of the door with lots of cute babies!
It was my FIL's birthday, but we didn't know about the complimentary red date birthday buns till we saw the menu, and the guy says have to pre-order.
Did you eat the red date birthday buns?

Thanks for the description of the dark bean paste. Think i know which one liao - it comes in small sachet/packets which my mum use to fry into a sauce to pour over fried fish one, I think.
Yep, the prima covered pinapple tarts are not bad, altho I also bought Glory tarts. Prima more buttery.
I remember Krisjoy said Wooden Spoon at Beach Road Shaw has good pineapple tarts, but I'm only there on weekend late nights, so they're always closed.

Thanks for info on your ds' hair growth... hee, so my baby still got hope!

I also bought the Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce but with roasted garlic. Very yummy on both roast chicken and salmon.

Your sis discharge the next day?!? Is this her first C-sect?
Cos I read that subsequent C-sects are not so painful cos the nerves and tissue are already "torn".

As for night-feeding and soothing, I guess it'll be me and hubby. I have standby an Avent Manual Pump and Medela Mini Electric Pump liao, so now just pray and hope got milk to pump out.
Yesterday tried the manual one just for fun... like no power like that?!
I went back to work slightly earlier upon my boss' request cos they were really short-handed. Since my gal already started with the baby sitter, I am quite free so dun mind lor..also they compensated me so quite worth to start work earlier lah ;p how are you and baby doing?

I was there at 7:30pm too! I was seated quite near to the kitchen area so I guess I din get to see you. My back was facing the front door. There were quite a lot of babies around that nite and there was one directly beside my table. The baby has lots of hair ;p We din order the buns..just had the smoked duck, fried noodles, pork ribs (very tender!), vege, tou-fu, sichuan soup, butter prawns (yummy too) and dessert. I ordered their chendol but find it too sweet. Then we ate the ice-cream cake that we brought along.

Yes, my gal has changed quite a bit and will download her pics to yahoo tomorrow.

Btw, have u been visiting United Square? They now have a new wing that has a lot of babies boutiques. I was so tempted to buy a lot of clothes. So they say that baby gal will make you spend a lot of money is true!
Forgot to ask you where you got your sofa set from? I still have not bought one for my new house. Have been scouting around and saw something similar to yours at IMM which we quite like...Btw, do make a reservation if you plan to visit the restn. The place is quite small and was full house when I went there. I will definitely go back again. They serve Hunan and Szechuan dishes.

Got your mail. Thanks! So sweet of you
Hi gals, time to read through the posts briefly but no time to post...will drop by again may be tonight...

I was thinking of you and SP yesterday. Haven't "seen" the two of you for quite sometime. SP totally MIA liaoz...

Hope to see more of your gal's photos soon.Went U.Sq recently,really lots of new shops for kids now...

Will reply your post when I am free.

BTW, Taka having 10% member sale for 3 days starting today.Will be going this Sunday for CNY shopping.
Aiyah, I didn't go toilet that night even, so never walked so far in

Yes, I saw that the pork ribs is also a recommended dish, but we only had 4 people, so cannot order so much.
I didn't think their chendol is good, but their mango pudding is good! Not the typical jelly type, but a thicker version, almost like the HK type. Durian pudding no good though, taste artificial.

Yeah, the last time I went to United Square, got the new Connectz area and Jalan Kayu roti prata!
Hee... you've been spending a lot of money on your gals' clothes?
I saw these info on YP magazine sometime ago but have not been there. See if they're useful to you:

1. Export Overstocks (for cheap baby clothes like Gap & Oshgosh)
Blk 80 Redhill Lane #01-342 (closed on Mondays)

2. For nice and reasonably priced girl's frocks e.g. for flower girls at weddings
Mrs. Cerawati Yap Tel 9662 5095
(Call to enquire where her pushcart is that month)

I bought Mao Shan Wang from Balestier yesterday - $26 for about 10 seeds *faintz*
And you are right, I cannot taste much difference between this and the $5 ones, so told hubby next time no need to waste money, but he insisted Mao Shan Wang taste different to his durian connoiseur tastebuds!

Happy CNY Shopping!
it's the Kikkoman teriyaki marinade. van said it goes well with chicken or salmon. so i marinated with chicken overnight, then next day grill. very yummy!
i made a bit of sauce also, ie simmer a bit of the sauce with chicken stock, then once thickened i pour over the chicken. doubly yummy!!
Ur dd still attending golf lessons there right? Now she has more choices for makan ;p Btw, enjoy your shopping!

The roti prata there is so so only. Service sucks though. U will be given a queue number and they will shout your number once your food is ready. Then u need to collect the food yourself. So if you happen to sit outside, u need to keep coming in to see if your number is called. Super inefficient! I waited for about 20mins for my food and by then, my tea hasalready turned cold. So do not go there if u want a quick bite.

Thanks for the info on the clothes. I am interested in the branded overstocks leh...see if hubby wants to go this weekend.

What is your baby weight now?
Luckily you told me about the prata
OK, shall not go there... lots of better prata elsewhere I guess

I put on about 9kg, now 36 weeks and baby only about 2.3kg.
I asked gynae if in 2 weeks time at delivery baby will be about 2.5kg, he said no, so I suspect he over-estimated baby weight this week to make me happy lah.

Let me know the review on the baby clothes place!
sophie/krisjoy, haha such a small world hor?

Sophie, this is my sis 2nd c-section, her first one also c-section, but about 9 years ago leh... even the first one she told us the next day she is walking around liao.
Dun worry sure got milk one, as long as u let baby latch/pump regularly.

wow after u gals talk about the menu think must go liao.. cos my hb like mango pudding also

Must call to book, even for lunch also?

Krisjoy, i am fine, thanks

Still enjoying at home, will go back to work on 5/Feb. Next week will bring baby & maid to auntie house to get used to the routine.
How's the arrangement like with the baby sitter? and how much u pay per month?

Btw did u get new clothes for going back to work?
Me just try some top aiyoh i thot 'ba-zhang festival' is coming..

So no choice got to get some new clothes liao..

The sofa set, we bought it from IMM one of the shop.
At first the sales man told us the set is $1105 then we told him we like it but our budget only $600. Then the guy said their original price from supplier is already $850 so they can't go lower then that.
After chatting with him for awhile he said can help us to contact the supplier and send the sofa to us direct at $850. Not going thru the company shop.
Let me know if u keen i can pm u the contact.

Van happy shopping and let us know what you bought.
How's DD at school now?
I think they don't open for Sat lunch, Sunday lunch they probably do, but I don't know how crowded they are for lunches.
My gynae also over-estimated by baby's weight. The est weight is 3.4kg but she is only 3kg upon birth. But as long as they are healthy it is fine lor

Can u PM me the contact? thanks in advance! I'm paying baby sitter $550 and another $50 when baby starts to have solid foods.

Will u miss your baby when you start work? I started the baby sitting 2 weeks before I start work so the transition was ok for me.

I can fit into old tops and skirts but not pants. Still have 5 kg to lose. What about u?
Yep, I think the gynaes just want us not to get so stressed over baby weight

I'm OK about the baby weight now, cos I myself am quite lightweight so maybe baby would have inherited this from me.

You still ba-zhang meh? Maybe all your old clothes very tight and sexy type issit?

Yesterday a cleaning auntie just told me not to wear so tight when pregnant

Feel like telling her it's none of her business and that I find my belly sexy, but dunno how to speak Hokkien!
Wah....the restaurant food really makes me go there. Told my hb and he say so far away, at yio chu kang, haiz...will see how then...

sophie, you only put on 9kg!!! Really envy you. For you to go back to your normally weight is peanut man.
kris is long the bb is healthy, don't have to worry.

oh yes...remember to drink fresh young coconut juice.
As long as your clothes are stretchable kind it is ok...agree that it looks sexy! :D

I feel that is worth going lor. Our total bill is only $186 for 7 dishes + desserts for 9 people. But we lost our way there and have to make a few turns before we finally found it. My other family members who took a cab there also had the same problem. The driver went round and round before locating the place. So arm yourself with a street directory if you are going there ;p

ok, I am leaving office liao..tok to u gals tomorrow. Have a good evening..TGIF!
Don't fret about going so far for crispy duck.
Dian Xiao Er at Marina Square has very good duck too, except they don't take reservations.
You must go there, take Q number and wait about 20-30mins.
Then while waiting, you can place your order, but even if you don't place your order beforehand, the food comes pretty fast, within 10 to 15 mins I remember.
And the white rice there is heavenly! I've never tasted such good white rice before.
I've never been to the outlet at Vivo, not sure if quality is just as good.

Don't envy me for my weight - maybe it's cos I've been sick twice during 2nd and 3rd trimester which is the critical period for putting on baby weight!
Yep, now I just keep thinking that if baby healthy, doesn't matter how heavy baby is or what method she comes out by.
Me reading up on C-sect Recovery too... kiasu hor?

Thanks, will remember my young coconut juice - have been buying them from Cold Storage to drink

Yep, my clothes are the stretchable and super comfy kind, but I think old folks find the T-shirt material tops a bit body-hugging!

This is the second time an auntie tells me to wear parachutes liao!

Everyone here have a good weekend!
Krisjoy, will check with my hb for the number then PM u.
Me about 3-4 kg to loose, but hor still can't really fit leh..
*excuse to buy new clothes kekeke...

Will go shopping next week when we start the routine to send baby & maid to auntie house.

any idea where to get bigger size clothes leh? dun want too expensive one, wait really a big hole in the pocket...

Sophie, imagine my cloth is not those body hugging type, but wear already showing like ba-zhang, can u imagine?? :'(

Thx for the info, will try to go on Sunday lunch then

eh but did you wear those expose the tummy type? i saw some purposely wear a small T, the tummy expose leh..
Not to worry too much, cos mommy's body is build to protect the baby, we suffer but they are ok inside.
Good to have more info about c-sect since u r going to do.

Just uploaded 2 more video clip on my boy, enjoy:

Have a good weekend everyone!
sophie, thanks for recommending Dian xiao er.So their duck is nice, is it roost duck? Wanted to try them at vivo but is full house.

Not kiasu on reading c-sect recovery thingy lah...btw, where did you read them?

About the coconut juice, my M'sia friend told me must get those fresh one(whole green coconut) from fruit store, not those packet from supermarket. she also advised me not to take coconut from thailand.
Or maybe I'm wrong that cold storage sell whole green fresh coconut? But I never see it before leh...

Tomorrow I'm going for rebonding, my natural curl is out again and form a 'S' shape on my yucky and frizzy and i have to clip my fringe up for the time being. Hope they won't rebond my fringe too flat tmr...

krisjoy, $189 for 9 person is cheap to dine in a restaurant.
where you doing your rebond. Last monday, I spend almost 5hours seating just to do rebonding...will be hilighting my hair next wed
Wow, all the mommies getting ready and pretty for CNY! *envy*
I'll be doing my confinement - this year I'll miss my favourite yu sheng!

No leh, my tops all cover my belly leh. In fact, the top I was wearing was this EXACT one at
Very decent-looking, just that it's T-shirt material.

Heh, I just saw the videos - was your boy playing with his saliva in the second one?! He must have learnt it from someone?
His complexion very fair and smooth, looks like yours!

Yep, Dian Xiao Er's duck is roast duck, whereas the Seletar Hills Restaurant one is smoked duck.
But both just as nice and crispy, except Dian Xiao Er one has a slightly heavier herbal taste which is quite nice. Meat is very tender too!

For the coconuts, I've been buying the Thai coconuts leh, jialat!
OK, starting from tomorrow, will go hunt down the Malaysian ones liao.
hi hi ladies....

this week was super duper hectic.. nex week wil b worse.. cos my co. is hosting e "one world one brand" convention next mon-wed.. wil be super tired when it ends liaoz... 8am-12mn everyday means i wake up @ 5am sleep @ 2am (OMG!!!) can die ar....

seletar hills restaurant -
wah.. u girls are making it sound so good n cheap, think it wil b more difficult to get a reservation now liaoz...

sophie, got e contact number for making reservations? so i can standby in case feel like going....Thanks in advance!

wow, u've reli planned almost everything for ur confinement liaoz hor.. i guess one last thing u should "warn" ur hb about... no matter how good tempered a person is, once tired till burnt out, will flare up lor... so give him some advance warning.. else like my hb, flare up twice liaoz... i was so shocked n sad then...
hehehe... abt wearing "body hugging" clothes, e top u were wearing considered okay liaoz lor.. i was still in tank tops & spaghetti straps body hugging tops right to e end... i love flaunting e tummy... plus my extra 26kg of flesh.. hehehe...

are you going for a maternity photoshoot??? if yes, now is abt e best time to go liaoz..... 9kg in total??!?!?! u'll drop e weight in no time...

hi hi.. back to work liaoz huh.. coping well??? i been back @ work for 1mth liaoz le.... me n ayden doing quite ok lah, very very thankful tat he's a easy-baby (for me).. but he does bully my mum quite badly....
yup, im watching tat program too... ALOT of pple joined in after tat, i'm now more active in oct06 thread.. so i can "learn" wat ayden is going to do next...

hehehe.. thanks.... ayden reli like e "great thinker"... (mummy's wish lah..) but he got 3 or 4 photos all "caught" him in tat thinking pose leh... i try n upload all to yahoo group when free to share... something wrong with e site today, can't load leh....

hehehe... me also "bah zhang" festival when fit into some of my old tops... esp e 2 big ones in front.. other than that, amazingly, i can wear my old clothes & skirts liaoz.. left e jeans still too tight nia... think too tired, plus bf-ing, plus i'm not over-eating all helps....

have a good weekend all... !!!
sophie, would like to check with you is wooden spoon open on sunday?

I think those green coconut can get from most fruits store at hawker centre.

Joy747, went to the salon near my house to do rebond. Spend 41/2 hours sitting there, in fact only take about 3 hours to finish just because the stylist is busy so I got to abit headache. But the result is what I want, fringe not flat at all, heng.....

sophie, oh...dian xiao er serve roost duck, good good!! Thanks!

Good to know that you are happy about your hair now. How much do you pay for your rebonding?My hair is very dry type so I have to go back to my hairstylist in town to do it and cost me a bomb.
Joy747, my rebond cost $100 promotion price. The reason I go for it is that they're using loreal for natural straight and cheap too...
Your hair is dry must be how's your rebond? If you're hair is so dry think better don't go for hightlight first.

I guess its reasonable.

I have been doing treatment since after rebonding....My hair colour is so terrible as I did color myself all this while...

Anyone making pineapple tarts for CNY?I am looking for Phoon huat pineapple tarts recipe...anyone has it?
I love all those sexy tank tops that show the belly!
Envy you - wear all those sexy tops that show belly and don't get any crap from the aunties. I kenna twice liao!
OK, will note the stress on confinement hubby part!
Don't think I will go for the photoshoot, cos now C-section, so medical cost will probably be more, better save some money since I am not working!

Here are the details for the Seletar Hills Restaurant - it's cheap also cos it doesn't charge service charge:


I'm not sure about Wooden Spoon opening hours - Krisjoy, you know?

Yes, Dian Xiao Er duck is also good!!! I remember it's got some sauce, but the skin is super crispy!
Go for an earlier dinner e.g. at 6pm, then probably Q will not be so long.
Missed your earlier question on the C-section recovery reading.
I actually borrowed 2 books from National Libray - "What if I have a Caesarean?" and "Caesarean Recovery".
The books talk about:
- Why you need a C-section
- What does C-section involve
- What it's like during C-section i.e. they describe the epidural, how long it takes for incision, sewing etc
- Different types of incisions
- When to start walking to get rid of gas and recover earlier etc
- Recommended exercises to recover from C-section in the weeks following delivery
- Why people choose elective C-sections (I didn't know Claudia Schiffer, Elizabeth Hurley and Posh Spice choose it!
Nice to kaypoh a bit on celebrities sometimes... the tabloids call them "Too Posh to Push"

Quite interesting read cos the author of the first book is a journalist, so she gives a very objective view of both sides of C-section.
Hi everyone. Sorry MIA for so long - have been busy with the kids and housework - plus we're planning to go for a short trip in March so am doing research online.

Paiseh, today I "wu shi bu deng san bao dian" - I have 2 pre-owned Fisher Price toys for babies in excellent condition which I've put in the Marketplace & Exchange area of the forum.

PM me if you're interested, okay? Gotta go pick up the girls from school - will catch up with all of you later :)

Good morning gals!
Just had a fainting spell this morning! Was at traffic lights going to meet hubby for lunch, then suddenly felt nauseous, then vision blurred. Luckily hubby called me at that time. I only managed to pick up the phone and tell him where I am and that I feel faint. By the time he rushed to me, he said I had dropped my phone on the ground (which I didn't know), my vision was blurred, hearing was muffled, and I was just holding on to the traffic lights! I couldn't even walk to the nearest void deck stairs to sit down cos I cannot see anything! He said my feet went blue too! Scary! Will ask gynae about it when I see him this Thur. Probably due to sugar level or low blood pressure.

Where are you going for your trip?

I went to eat the bak chor mee at Railmall last weekend - quite yummy indeed, altho a tad oily I find.
I like that place! Very cosy, and the Ah Mei sells roti prata which looks so good!
Then went to the Cold Storage but cannot find the Arm & Hammer Baking Soda you recommended the last time. Will try the Cold Storage at Great World Coty tonight. For washing, it's really more economical to buy that pack than the smaller Bake King brand one.
Talk abt washing - how's your new washer with delicate mode?

I remember you mentioned there is a nice Italian restaurant at Railmall too. Is it the one at the corner to the right of the carpark?
It wasn't opened yet when I went on Sunday - I peeped inside and saw that it's quite a nicely decorated place.

LittleCat, annlee,
Did you girls get to eat your duck this last weekend?
