Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Dear sisters,

Just reaad Ps 115 and was very encouraged, esp verses 9-15 & 18.
Thought of sharing it with all of you here..

Psalm 115
1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.

2 Why do the nations say,
"Where is their God?"

3 Our God is in heaven;
he does whatever pleases him.

4 But their idols are silver and gold,
made by the hands of men.

5 They have mouths, but cannot speak,
eyes, but they cannot see;

6 they have ears, but cannot hear,
noses, but they cannot smell;

7 they have hands, but cannot feel,
feet, but they cannot walk;
nor can they utter a sound with their throats.

8 Those who make them will be like them,
and so will all who trust in them.

9 O house of Israel, trust in the LORD—
he is their help and shield.

10 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD—
he is their help and shield.

11 You who fear him, trust in the LORD—
he is their help and shield.

12 The LORD remembers us and will bless us:
He will bless the house of Israel,
he will bless the house of Aaron,

13 he will bless those who fear the LORD—
small and great alike.

14 May the LORD make you increase,
both you and your children.

15 May you be blessed by the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD,
but the earth he has given to man.

17 It is not the dead who praise the LORD,
those who go down to silence;

18 it is we who extol the LORD,
both now and forevermore.
Praise the LORD. [a]


Psalm 115:18 Hebrew Hallelu Yah

Let's all be strengthened in Him. I firmly believe God will bless all sisters here and provide for all our needs!
hi NZ - PRAISE the LORD!!! so happy for u...twins! so cool! dont worry abt the beta readings...maybe urs is so high that they are positive with it and no need u to go back and test. When is ur next visit? Do u still need to inject the pregestrone? Rem now to take greater care... dont walk too fast, too much. Rest more (u will feel real tired but this is normal)... and eat cold drinks, no "cooling" food and lots of milk (if u can take milk)...rem dairy milk not soya bean since we dont know if the babies are boys or girls!
Thx vanilla, i will eat well and rest well as much as possible. My 1st scan by Dr will be 10May. I am not on progesterone jabs anymore.

Rejoice, how are your jabs so far? When r u starting puregon? thx for the verses. Yes, trust in the Lord, He will surely bless us.

Thistle, i also hope i will get no more than twins..My hubby starting to worry now..heehee
NZ - CONGRATS. Happy for you
My first scan will be next week.... Today also went for Beta blood test...

SGH - more kiasu perhaps tracking of beta is twice a week ....
hi NZ - i think the doc is very confident in ur case so no need the pregestrone jab...maybe that is why he also does not want u to do bloodtest so often to test ur beta...this is good.... i only stop my progestrone jab after the first trimester...

10th may...i believe u will be waiting eagerly for that day....after the first scan u will be hooked to have more scans n more frequently cos it is fun to see babies. I think 10may will be around ur 5th or 6th week already... that day u can ask ur gynae ur EDD....

u take care!
hi MSfamily ..

I think i am feeling like a mummy...have been speaking to my baby alot...always rubbing my tummy (which expands alot later the day)..when ur tummy becomes more obvious u will feel more "motherly".

have u done ur first scan yet...maybe when u see ur baby's first heart beat u will def melt away and feel like a mum... then as the weeks progress and u see more scans of him/her growing, it will just make u feel more mummy...
Ms family- can u tell me why u go for the recanalisation? is it Dr yu suggested that? if it is painful i prefer them to knock it out n let me stay on as then i will be taken care better at the hospital.. can u pm me how does it feel like? a bit scared cos just went er now got to go OT again..
My first scan will be 1 week after MSFamily's. By then, i will be 6 weeks 5 days, according to my appnt slip.

I tried talking to bb but dunno wat to say lor..and my hubby will giggle whenever i do that. When i ask him to talk to bb, he will jst say hmmm ok..and then giggle again...*faint*

I think my tummy is rather big now, can't fit in most of my clothes. Someone said i lost weight again and i look pale and tired. And i rly do feel tt way. My eyes wanted to close even in meetings. Aiyo, i can't wait to go home now...will shutdown pc soon.
hi NZ -- this is normal... u will feel very tired...i slept on my desk for 30 mins, go home after dinner sleep 1.5hrs, watch tv for 2 hrs and then sleep again..sometimes call and ask for morning off cos cannot wake up....

I was also told that i looked skinnier. Actually from my last visit i learnt that what I lost was actually protein (cos of the IVF) and that resulted in my achy now is back to egg white days (yucks)..but must be hard boil. So now in a drive to increase protein.
Toy, the process is suggested by Dr Yu. Painful not sedated. Thus immediately after i cant walk. They suggested that i take pain killer - Panadol BUT i cant as i am allergy to it....
Hi Vanilla, u mean u slept on your desk during office hours? No one disturbed you abt work? Tt's good. I haven't told my boss that i am preg yet, maybe after my first scan. Hope he will be understanding to let me take leave/mc on and off.
Wow, your achy legs were resulted from loss of protein. Pls take care. How many eggs r u eating everyday? actually i quite like hard boiled egg whites. quite tasty with soya sauce.
Toy, i did lap in KK and was sedated throughout that 1 hour plus surgery. My tubes were blocked too but i am not sure if mine is considered recanalisation. My Dr only told me tt he had successfully unblocked my tubes and managed to reshape them coz mine were quite damaged. After that i rested at home for 2 weeks and recovered quite fast.

Yours will be a smooth surgery...:p
MS family- mine also suggested by Dr Yu too.. but i think a lap will be better cos everything will be done during lap.. just curious how long after fallopian recanalization did u do your ivf? i think i am doing the opp of all of you.. i am taking a step back from ivf cos i dun think i have the courage to go ivf for the time being.
hi Toy - for me i also did lap to check what is happening to my tubes. Discovered it is not damaged but blocked but cannot unblocked and gynae did not suggest recanalisation but IVF straight. Good thing abt lap is that my gynae also remove fibroids out of my womb which are not detected by ultrasound..a clean up (according to her)...4 fibroids and 2 are rather large. So good thing I did lap too cos fibroids will affect pregnancy. i stayed overnight though it is supposed to be a day surgery (cld be becos of the removal of fibroids) was on painkiller but when released from hospital was supposed to take painkiller but I stubbornly refused (cos dont want too much drugs in my body). was on 2 weeks HL. but recovery is actually very fast around 2-3 days...but rem after ur lap do the traditional chinese treatment - avoid seafood, dont take soya sauce etc...

hi NZ - haha..ya slept at my office boss and colleagues are boss also slept after seeing how shiok i am sleeping (haha) i am eating 1 hard boil egg..but also eating lots of beef and chicken..
dear sisters,

when do we need to start taking egg whites? any alt to egg whites, such as taking protein powder? never taken so many egg whites in 1 day in my life, dono if i can take it..
i ve not been taking carbo for a few yrs except for coarse rice n oat milk beverages. i do take fruits, veg n meat.. is there anything i cld do to improve my diet? very worried that it will affect me in doing ivf.
Hi Rejoice, drink milk and take 1-2 cooked egg whites daily should be enough. If you can't stand egg whites, i remember Vanilla mentioned some kind of protein drink which can be obtained from GNC. Don't be too worried abt food, eat healthily will do. :p
hi rejoice - ya u can get the high protein milk from GNC...i m supposed to take it during my 2ww due to OHSS but in the end i could not cos i m lactose intolerant.

Like what NZ say - eat healthier is enough...everything in moderation.

Hi sisters, I am on MC for 3 days - got a cold and yesterday had fever. cough till my right side of womb afraid so went to see gynae today instd of GP...not sure what med can or cannot take so gynae is best....saw baby via scan...he/she looks happy despite my coughing fits...
vanilla, pray your cough will go off soon. dun worry abt your cough, baby is snuggling happily in your womb, and is well protected by your placenta and amniotic fluid.

sisters - an update, did a scan today and saw 3 eggs... ke ke... tmr 1 more scan and iui is this Thursday. please keep me in prayers that i will strike with twins this time! (greedy me)...
Vanilla, i pray tt u will recover soon. U must have missed you bb so much tt you can't wait to see him/her again. :p

Thistle, happy for you. Will keep you in prayers and strike twins! Btw i think i m currently 4 weeks preg bah..

MSFamily, your first scan is nearing right? Are you looking fwd to it?

Rejoice, when are u starting puregon?

Toy, have not heard from you recently..
I got some spotting these few days. Last night, went to KK 24 hours. The doc on duty said there is nothing they can do abt spotting. Tt makes me and hubby quite helpless. The doc said nevertheless it's his duty to do a V-scan for me and we just went ahead. My spotting had stopped by then. No medication given to me and we jst went home after tt. KK is starting to make me feel insecure. My first scan is still 2 weeks away. Seems so long.
Hi sisters, i wrote to Dr Loh today and I am glad he replied me. He asked me to increase my duphaston dosage to 2 tables twice a day and asked me to see him this week instead of waiting till next week. Praise God, He knows my worries and regained my confidence.
thanks nz & vanilla,

will try to improve my diet and keepa positive mindset as much as i can.

today went acup n u know what? there was a very young couple who went to c dr today and the girl is actually pregnant! she is only 17 and the boy is 18. they were actually thinking of abortion n doc was advising them what to do so as not to harm the girl's body as much as possible.

so sad rt? as hard as we r trying and wanted so much to have children, out there, there are teenagers who do not know how to treasure lives.

how r u feeling now? dr loh is really nice. usually he ll reply mails quite promptly. glad that he has given u some advice.

do u intend to stay in kk to deliver?
Vanilla- do take care. gd to know baby is happy and secure in your womb.

thistle- wow you are so fast! all the best. keeping you in prayers that it will be a fruitful one.
NZ- did they say how many babies u are carrying?
thanks sisters in Christ!

Hi NZ - when u see Dr Loh, ask him too if u need to progestrone jab... i know a couple of ladies with spotting took those jab. Also avoid walking too much, try to remain in bed rest position....will pray for the Lord's protection on ur little ones...the blood of Jesus will be onto them, protecting them from harm.

Hi Rejoice - so sad to see young ones not appreciating what they have, but then at their age the last thing on their mind is to be parents. What I wish is for them not to abort the baby but to let the baby be adopted..

Currently my baby is 15weeks...measured 9.7cm...took a scan photo yesterday and according to gynae the baby was smiling... so means he/she is rather ok in the womb while his/her mummy is coughing away...

the next scan will be on 30 may (really long way off for me) that will be a detailed scan...will pray to God for the little one to be ok and healthy.

Hi Thistle - will continue to pray for ur IUI this Thur... the hand of God will be onto ur womb...opening your womb to welcome 1-2 babies!

Hi Toy - hello! I will also pray for ur coming lap.. take care and rem to avoid the seafood (except fish) during the 1 mth after the lap cos chinese saying is that seafood is toxic...also rem to drink more warm water, no cold ones. u take care and God will bless u and guide the doc during the lap!
sisters, thanks for your prayers. my iui is now tomorrow nite at 8 pm - given there are 3 eggs and my RE is worried i will strike triplets, so we brought forward the iui date to tmr nite. thank you Lord for answering my prayers and my heart's desires for at least 2 eggs.

vanilla, good to know your bb is doing well! hope he/she will reveal his/her gender to you in your next scan!

nz - do rest well and take good care. when you see dr loh this week, you might be able to see your bb sac... so fun!

toy, when will your lap be?
Toy, i did the canalisation 1 mth prior to IVF.

Dear All, i went for my first scan yesterday. It is a singleton, abt 7 weeks old. Baby look like it is doing Tai Chi. Heart Beat is very strong..

All is well except that the "pregnancy symptoms" giving me lots of headache.....
Hi MSfamily - congrats..u must be feeling very happy when u see the baby's heart beat. After the first scan u will be always waiting for the next one to see what antics the baby is up to...enjoy ur pregnancy..

Hi NZ - how are u? Hope u r feeling better. If possible maybe u want to take MC and rest at home?
Actually i was on mc two days ago. Today, i m back to work and spotting came back again. Will take it easy today, tmrw can rest. Seeing my gynae this Sat.

I jst talked to my boss abt my early pregnancy. He is very understanding and asked me to teach him my work so that he can cover me. Thank God for this coz i was feeling rather quilty for taking mc during project time.

Last Sunday when i went to KK 24 hours, the doc did a V-scan for me and saw 2 sacs. My hubby is quite happy. Pls pray tt my bbs have strong heartbeats too, jst like MSFamily's bb.
MS - congrats on your strong heartbeat!

NZ - 2 sacs! That's very good news... i knew you will strike twins with your high HcG level!

preggy mummies - do remember to rest well.
Wow, NZ - 2 sacs .... :0) Congrats

Rest well. I heard the worse the pregnancy sympton, the better the pregnancy "hear-say only"

rest well tml and over this coming weekend! Really thank God for nice bosses yea..

wow! great news! continue to pray for God's protection over them till full term = )im also praying that God will bless us with a pair of healthy twins through this IVF treatment. = )
just came back for scan today. nurse didnt tell me anything about the scan nor the blood test. only told me to continue with lucrin and come back for puregon on 10 may. that will b 24 days b4 puregon. so many days.. is that considered normal?

Congrats to u too for having a strong baby! guess u must b looking forward to c bb as often as possible, just like vanilla = )

pray that the rest of us will all have our turns soon.. = p
hi NZ - congrats! twins! Take care and rest well...tom will be ur scan...u must be excited..rem to ask Dr abt progestrone jab..whether u need to continue it to "strengthen" the womb.

Hi Thistle - how was ur IUI yesterday?

Hi rejoice - dont worry abt the timing on the injections. Like what my IVF doc said before...diff pple respond differently...cannot compare.
all the best to you thistle.. i remembered you in my prayers..

MS family and NZ- congrats!!!! NZ- twins!!!! i would love to see all your babies photos soon.. so pl promise to upload them when u all delivered..

my lap is on Monday pray the dr will be skilful n no harm done n can unblock my tubes successfully.. I hope no side was liek yesterday i went to OT and now i am back to OT.. i wish it is my last till the day i popped..

well i went to eat my lunch just now and asked for more "harm" (cockles) in my fried noodles cos i am believeing that i will be p soon no more "harm" then.. ha ha..
toy, will keep you in prayers re your lap on Monday! God's hand will be upon your lap, and there will be no pain, and your tubes will be well, in the name of Jesus! Amen!
