Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thanks Momo bear...... I keep telling myself to be positive n leave it to god.. but u know all the $$ spent and the emotions n hopes put into IVF u just want positive results...

Thanks for the encouragement.. Will try to be more positive...

momo, i am just like you.. i am discouraged by the failed first cycle that i really dun want to go thru it again.. but i have a sad n happy news- sad is for all i gone thru the last 2 wks, i just found out today that they could not unblock the tubes- right side but found out that the left side is ok ( maybe they manage to flush thru but they did not do anything with the left side).. well the dr say no more clomid cos of my many cycles n they just receive latest news that too much clomid might cause ovarian they suggested SO-iui..

thistle- just curious if the injection for so-iui more than ivf? or the same... i feel like taking 1 last try of clomid instead of injections..

i am trusting God that i will ovulate on my left side when i am on injections/ clomid cos if not they will abandon the so-iui cos they see no pt in proceeding..

i am trusting God for a miracle- ovulate left or right i just get pregnant.. i want to start right away but i dunno when my menses will come cos i am not on anything.. and next mth husband is away..
Nicole, any1 at home to accompany you and help you occupy time? Try to find things to do. Or go take naps. Try at best not to think about it. Cos you may be preggy already then think all these neg stuffs no good for baby too. Try to imagine alr preggy thus must keep baby happy.
Toy ah, actually i agree with doc, dont take anymore clomid. Its very harmful to ovaries. In fact most docs dont recommend more than 6 tries on clomid. You also wont want to hurt it so much till you know ... the worst scenario.

So how's your take on SO-IUI? Actually thats about the same as IVF leh. I would think the jabs are similar, still need to stimulate eggs maybe slightly lesser only. And less invasive since no need ER. But if were me, since already go till that stage, i will just go abit further ... chiong IVF. Cos to me, already spend so much time and $ on jabs, why not just go full throttle and get higher success rates with IVF. My two cents only. U tink carefully hor?
hi NZ - thanks..will do. I am ok..just that last nite got a scare of my life - think baby did a major somersault that my right side of the womb seem to be more tilted than the left and then I feel like he/she seems to be stuck. Then no movement...i was pretty worried and did not sleep well trying to feel for more movement and planning for an emergency trip to gynae if the right side still feels more bumpier than the left side. This morning pray to God to let baby kick me and also told baby to kick me to let me know he/she ok.. luckily got some kicks so not going to gyane to scan to see if ok...

Hi Momobear - glad to see u here! u take care and ya sometimes we just walk on the path, but God is always there guiding us.. be it IVF route or not.. God walks with us and always there with us.

Hi Nicole G - u take care is the human side of us that causes us to have hopes and expectations. I know it is easier said than done, but leaving it to God is always more more assuring and stressfree.

Hi Toy - today is ur visit to the doc too... how is it?

Hi Zoey - today is ur scan...hope all is well...

Hi Rejoice - rem to drink more water! they said it helps with the bloatedness etc...

Hi MSfamily - how are u? Havent hear from u for a while, hope u are ok....

Hi Babylow - Hello..hope u are reading this thread as well....

HI Thistle - u take care.. 1 more week to ur scan? hee hee..must be doing countdown...
hi Toy -- hee hee my post posted then i see ur post... good to know that ur left tube is ok... i also think u might want to reconsider on clomid - it is not good to take too much of it.

I have a fren that does IUI - not Super Ovaulation but her jabs are def less than IVF - every alternative day and only does the stimulation, not need do the suppression technically less injections.

actually if u want to do natural, u can go and scan during ur ovaluation time to see which side is more dominant and then plan natural conception. i learnt that sometimes during 1 mth, the left side is more dominant and then another mth the right side is more dominant........

really encouraged by God's auurance for u thru a church member of yours.It simply reminds us of His real presence with us all the time and that He knows wat we r gg thru.

Just this morning, a bro also shared w my hubby Phil 4:6-7. It came really apt esp for me cos I was a feeling really anxious aft today's scan.

i have 6 follicles of optimal sizes ranging from 15.5-18mm from today's scan. the rest are b/w 10-13 mm. we were given a choice as to whether to take one more day of puregon or go ahead with ER this Thu. we finally decided to do ER this thu but i waas worried abt it as it seems that there r not many big eggs.

so when God reminded of these 2 verses, i know wat i just had to do. just have faith in God and trust Him! = )
hi vanilla,

i believe bb knows u r worried so gave u assurance this morning.. =)

hi momobear,

glad to see you here again. howevery trying it is, let's continue to trust and perservere on in our desires to receive His promises of offspring for us..
dear sisters,

time really flies! im almost 3/4 of the ivf journey. gg for er this thu. getting nervous n excited abt it. God has been really gd all this while, with prayer support fr church frens n frens, not not forgetting lots of support n encouragement from all of u too!

gg for another jab tonite.. hope it won't be painful.

btw, did all of u really rest at hm for the entire 2ww? can i go out?

thks vanilla. will rem to drink lots of water and take egg whites aft ET.
Rejoice ah, taking the final jab tonite? The one that mature eggs in 36 hours? Wow, you are fast liao.

Hey, better dont plan activities after that. I dunno i weak or what, that time, my jab, i limped my way out of the clinic lor. Reach home liao still took quite a while to recover.
Hi Memobear, Im not preggy yet cause Im still on Menogon injections. Just came back from Scan, They expect ER to be on Monday.... Im feeling so scared now. hehehhee.. Will speak to my bosses tomorrow... I have another scan on friday to see if the rest of the folliclies catched up. at the moment only 1 dominat folicle. so I have another 3more days of injections.......
I hope n hope we all will be blessed with good news....

Vanilla, I will say leave it to god but I will still stress la.. Glad ur baby kicked... dont worry to much....

Toy, what time were u at Care? I was there at lunch time. If u are doing SO-IUI, its just like IVF. U will be doing injections just like IVF but mayb the doesses wont be too much cause they will be worried about multiples.......

hehe.. God has been really really gd, so e process has been quite smooth-sailing, by e grace of God n prayer support of many = )

did u work the next day aft the nite jab? huh but got to work tml leh.. mc only begins fr er rt?

is it 3 dys to mature e eggs? my er is thu leh..
Hi All,

Thank you for all your concern.

Yes, MS very bad.... but mine can be anytime of the day.... Nausea ... giddy... some time appetite very very good... sometime even drinking water is a pain.... NOW, is very bad backache, don know if i over stretch myself or .... feeling lousy physically really

Went back SGH for a checkup last Tuesday, baby heartbeat is good. Now abt 10 weeks old already bah. Prior to the checkup, my visit to SGH for bloodtest is once per week and see gynae is fortnightly.....

Now, only need to see her in 1 mths time.

Rejoice - Jia You.... I stay at home in bed most of the time, only go out after 1 week of full rest... but only for abt an hour each time....

Toy - How are you ?

NZ - Rest Well, watch TV, read books bah.... then share with us....

Thistle - your reading very high, should be at least twins....

Vanilla - When can we do a detailed scan? Did you do the down syndrome test?

Zoey 123 - How your beta no now ?

glad to hear from you u moving into 2nd trimester soon? glad to hear tt ur bb having gd heartbeat. u take care ok.. maybe MS will reduce when u move into 2nd trimester?

i think i will sneak out for a short while whenever i get bored.. hehe.. otherwise, i will come here often to chat with all of u = )
hi rejoice - cos i got OHSS i did not go out for entire 5weeks... only trips to the MIL was so worried i will go crazy from boredom she offered to go Botantic Gardens with me... but i was in too much pain to walk...the eggs do grow rather fast during the last few days..atually accordin to my doc i did 1 day injection less but the eggs will still grow cos it is like on cruise control, they are still being stimulated. I realised how "powerful" the drugs are cos even after 12 weeks, some of my follicles in my womb are still very big... i have 2 there at 20mm++...

hi MSfamily - the detailed scan is usually 20th weeks. Ya i did the DS test - the neckfold via ultrasound and the bloodtest. Hopefully ur MS will taper off when u reach 12weeks..the end of 1st trimester...
toy - sorry to hear one of your tubes are blocked. but hey, you still have one good tube, and that is all you need. if your left tube is working, why did your RE suggest clomid or so-iui? Clomid and so-iui are for women who do not ovulate. clomid has no effect on me. soiui is akin ivf - you need the same jabs, but lower dosage (depending on age) and there is no ER or ET. you just do iui and let God do the rest.

MSFamily, hope you MS will go away soon. for my no. 1, my MS went away only after 4 months...

rejoice - how many eggs do you have (greater than 17 mm)? cos the minimum size for hcg jab is 17 mm. smaller than that - it won't mature.

nz, how are you? are you on MC?

zoey, how are you? Keeping you in prayers.
Oops Nicole, sorry, pardon me. Oh so you have a 2ww kaki here - Rejoice, hehe. All the best. Rest well so that last few days, eggs can do the final catch up in sizes. Eat well too.

Rejoice, i think i didnt go to work, i think my next day was a Sat/Sun. If i am not wrong. Ya, MC starts from ER. I think it has to be 36 hours to mature eggs, so if you count tonite take jab, tomorrow nite will be 24 hours then thurs morn will be 36 hours so its correct. Rest well.

About going out, actually can bah. Abit of walking is good exercise too, improve blood circulation thus favouring implantation but slight walking hor? Dont go shopping, take bus/MRT and be jolt about. Dont squeeze in queues. Dont get into hot weather too cos the post ET jabs may cause tiredness so try to stay cool and get enough rest.

Vanilla, MSFamily, NZ and now Thistle!, take good care! MS is inevitable bah, i guess just differ in terms of severity from individuals to individuals. Take good care wor! Soon, will be seeing babies in your arms!
Most times when i come in here, i feel 'at home' as in you gals understand what i am going thru and especially from our religious perspective. I feel like i can bare my heart here. And i am thankful for that. Thanks gals.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the concern. My bloodtest last weekend wasnt good. it didnt double so the doc ask me to stop all my support. Very likely it's bio chemical pregnancy, meaning very early miscarriage. The doc ask me to wait for my menses to come. It came to me as a shock and couldnt take it very well initally. Have been asking God why he gave me hope and then take it away from me? I was reli hopeful that this would be the one. Now, I have to wait for the "miscarriage"....Reli devasted. Perhaps the only consolidation i got is that at least, i'm one step nearer to success to having a bb? I dont have many embies left. Think will rest for 2 mths before i embark on another FET. it's very tiring and i'm all drained out. Too numb to think straight rite now.

To all others, have a smooth 9 months ahead and for those on 2WW or going on 2WW, all the best!! Hopefully God will bless us all at the end...
thistle- i dun ovulate i think cos when not on clomid my cycle can be 2 mths it is either clomid or injection but i still wish for a miracle so i no need to go thru any of these..

zoey- do drop by.. we are here to support one another..

Ms- was your fallopian tube recanalisation successful?

rejoice- finally sch hols.. 1 thing i dun like of ivf is the leave ( the injections are the bigger issue)- cos i dun like people to ask y i am on hl.. n when i was back on fri..i repeated myself many times to say y i was on hl...
Hi Zoey, u take care. U are a strong lady and God's strength will strengthen u even more.

My IVF doc recommended resting 3 mths before starting the FET (for any miscarriage), during that time, u can try to do some TCM (accuputure).

I will continue to uphold u in my prayers my dear sister. It is sometimes a tough road, but take heart that our Father is with us. (p/s: and we too, all will be here to continue to support one another)
Hi sisters, yesterday I called the nurse and told her what happened to the baby and his/her somersaulting which seems to be stucked. she suggested i go down to the clinic to go a CGC scan.

So i rushed down and did the scan. it is a sound wave scan to hear the movements in the womb. heard the heartbeat and the movements... the baby is really active, keep turning and moving...also did an ultrasound and manage to see that baby is ok not stucked at one corner of the womb...

On why the womb right side was more bumpier than the left - my gyane said that my tummy wall is thin so more obvious...
Toy, vanilla

Thanks for the support.

I have been dutifully praying to God everyday that He will blessed me one day. So when this happen, i have been asking myself if God has forgotten about me? or has he given up on me? But then my Hsb told me that God has not forgotten me, maybe just that the timing is not right yet or He taken it back becoz the bb is not developing healthily.Could it be a bleesing in disguise? or am i just giving myself excuse?
It is indeed a tough road ahead...I reallly admire those of you who can take the beating and stand up again so fast. Hopefully, this will strengthen me more and not break me...
vanilla, glad to know your bb is doing well. actually, it's quite common to have bb move to one side of the tummy, as long as there is still active movement, you do not need to worry. before you know it, bb will move somewhere else. i had many occassions of weird looking funny feeling tummy... and it will get more obvious as your tummy grows... ke ke... do enjoy this season...

zoey - please do not dispair. the sisters here have gone thru many ups and downs in our tcc path, no matter what/when, God is always with us. He knows our final destination, we sometimes feel a certain path may be better, but God knows what's best for us. In times like this, continue to believe in Him, have faith, and Praise Him. You will definitely achieve your hearts' desires... in His time, the perfect season. Amen!
toy, if you do not ovulate, and have been on clomid without success, why dun you go st to soiui? i had only 2 rounds of clomid, and with no success (no signs of egg growth), i went st to soiui, and it worked for me. maybe you can give it a try, cos previously, you did a natural ivf, why not try soiui this time? the jabs are very fine needles and are not painful at all. there is no ER or ET, so there is no discomfort to you as well. pray and seek His wisdom, and no matter what your decision is, you have our support.
Hi Ms Family, Hope ur MS goes away soon... I was at Care @ lunch time on Tue.. What time were u there???

Rejoice, yuppers we will be cycle buddies....

Momobear, when u starting ur journey?
thistle- i do ovulate with clomid but clomid cant be taken too many times.. last time i was told it was fine cos it comes out of the system..but yesterday the dr told me the latest research shows that it is hi risk to take more than 12 times.. i lost count how many times i took already since 2005.

but the thing is DR yu is on leave n back only next wk.. so praying my menses would not come till i can see her.. Dr yu is fully packed next wk n they might not be able to squeeze me in. yes i think i cant wait to just do nothing now... i wish to start some where..

vanilla- glad that baby is fine.. i was just like u last time.. i will be soooo worried n go and see gynae if i dun feel comfortable.. i just wish i can buy the scaning machine home n see baby everyday
hi ladies,
had been reading up the many posts in this thread (thanks to vanilla_pod 2's intro).
feel so encouraged by preggie news from a few of you here. m now waiting patiently/counting down to this fri to take my beta test. apparently many of you (eg NZ, Vanilla etc) experienced spotting during the 2ww after ET. for my case... i'd only yellowish discharge on the 2-3 days after ET. thereafter only white dishcharges. till date, i still dun have any spottings or much bloatedness. this kind of worrying to me....
haha toy - thanks. was telling my hubby that i now know why Tom Cruise bot that scan machine when Kate Holmes was preggie with their 1st child....

Thanks Thistle - ya i was so gan cheong..somemore hubby this week away at HK for biz trip so i panicked. But now hubby jealous cos i got to hear the soundwaves and see baby...

Hi Zoey - God will make u strong. He knows how much u can take and will never burden u more than u can bear. U take good care of urself ok...if u need to talk u can PM me....
HI pretyylady - hello!

Dont worry too much, alot of pple have diff reactions. For bloatedness some girls also dont have it but still got positive results.

For me i dont have spotting, just the whitish discharge which i think is the prognova insert that I used... after the 2 weeks, during my 6 weeks then i got yellowish discharge which i thot was an infection but the doc swap it for me and said it is not...

Hi rejoice - is ur ET confirmed to be tom? God bless and He will guide the doc to find a good spot for ur babies to be implanted!
Hi Nicole,

I was at SGH last Tues, now see DR Yu at O&G liao.... To see Dr Yu nowadays very difficult. Her schedule very tight....
Ohh ya MSFamily no need to go Care anymore. hehehe... Ya Dr Yu seems busy and also heard she is on leave this whole week... I hope she does my ER n ET on Monday... I worried sick man... Feeling under the weather... Like coming down with flu.. Im drinking loads of water or at least trying to drink loads of it.
Nicole, all the best to your ER and ET. rest well and drink more fluid.

these few days the weather is really very hot - been drinking lots of icy drinks... hope it's ok for bb... ke ke...

pretyy lady, welcome to our thread. everyone's signs and symptoms are different, i know the 2ww period is very anxious, esp the tail end. hang in there... actually, have you considered doing a hpt? i did one on 13 dpiui and another 16 dpiui. saw a very faint line, and later, a dark line.
pray you will see a BFP!
hi Nicole G - take vit C - the redoxon type... 1 tabet will do for a day... and yes lots of water...this weather is very bad! must stay healthy!
hi thistle,
had considered doing hpt, but hubby was against it saying why set myself to unnecessary disappointment (touch wood lah!). waiting just a day or 2 wouldn't have any just pray for no cramps, no spotting/see red & for the hcg level to shoot higher. he said the light will be known to us come this fri/weekend. sigh..........
Hi girls, for me it is a weird thinking back then cos when the beta test was +ve for me, i was thinkg of buying the HPT to test to get the pleasure to see the blue line...but then the pregnancy was so unstable that i did not buy any HPT.

Hi toy, i was reading in another thread..this girl she also blocked tubes, she claimed that the recanalisation does not unblock the tubes for long, it will only last to the most 6mths. So she did not do it but straight to IVF cos she does not want to do another surgery
hi nicole,

yea we r cycle buddies! nice to have someone gg thru it together..

u gg for another scan tml? im gg for my er tml. getting very excited n nervous. pls continue to support me in your prayers.

let's keep praying and trusting yea.. = )


glad to know that ur bb is growing well.. im sure time ll pass very fast n soon ur bb ll b in ur arms = )

in e meanwhile, enjoy the journey to motherhood.. = )
