Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hi vanilla,

cos checked with nurse yesterday, she said anytime. got to do it at nite ald cos din bring the med to work.

hi nz,

hehe.. maybe my skin very thick. yest nurse was there to guide ma. pray that i ll poke the rt area all the time n not suffer any pain.

so its abt 5 days aft the contraceptives then menses ll come rt?

its ok to walk slowly cos u have a reason to ma.. = )

momo bear- let pray for a miracle!

my menses came just now and i am squeezing in to see Dr Yu.

i read an article on homeschooling today n i was like i also wished to bond with children..most of my friends home schooled their kids cos they have 2 or more.i was actually quite upset that son is learning some bad habits in child care almost hit the roof... found out he not only bite his finger nails even his toe nails too ..amazing right?
Hi Toy -- haha... how he bites his toe nails? He must be very flexible! Ya sometimes in school children picks up alot of bad habits...But i think to stay at home 24/7 also very brave for the mothers. My fren is a SAHM, she says for sanity sake she has to leave her child at play school a couple of hours a day..and she is the patient type... Hope u will have a gd discussion with Dr Yu later and see how u want to proceed. Have been praying to our Lord to show u His will and way....
i really dun have the mood to work today...suddenly dun feel very positive. Just now a male colleague stopped by and said i lost weight. Sigh...shouldn't i be putting on weight instead?

i m walking quite slow oredi but today got some brown spotting again...aiyo worries never end.
hi NZ... try to go home early today and have more bed rest...also over weekend....try to minimise walking and sitting...

Dont worry abt weight loss..i lost 3kg since this IVf thingy... it is normal cos during 2ww, we are more selective in our food intake....

Dont worry too much ok... I will pray for God's protection on you and ur little ones!
well my son shows it to me that when the teacher is not looking he will give his big toe nail a nice bite seating on his chair.. finger nails already sooo dirty now he even bites toe nails all the while i thou he peels his toe nail cos i hardly can cut them.. well mummy so angry this time n i gave him a teether to bring to school but i am kind enough to put in his bag..i told him any urge to bite he better bite his teether.,. if not i will tie his teether on his water bottle for all his 5 yr old classmates to see that he is still teething..

DR yu is too busy to squeeze me in.. i waited and in the end told that she cant see me today..

actually i was reading the ivf thread and read abt some mummies losing their babies n i was so sad..maybe pms also n i just feel God why i cant feel your presence ..even when i was praying for son las t night i was doubting if son will change cos it seems like God is not answering my prayers..

i wish this pms will pass soon.

Vanilla- will reply u later.. thanks for your email!
nz, take care and rest well over the weekend.
all the best to your beta next Wed! will keep you in prayers.

sisters... just started my jabs last nite... hope to complete the jabs within 10 days or so - given i am now on 150 iu.
thank you Jesus for your perfect plans for me, Amen!

toy - i have read some SAHM's blogs on homeschooling, and am really amazed how they can do that. really pei fu them!
Good morning sisters, i finally bought the HPT kit. I told the nurse that i have been having brown discharge for almost 3 days. She asked me to monitor closely, if it wets the whole panty liner, i have to go the 24 hours clinic immediately.

This morning b4 i got up, i felt like my menses was coming. I kept praying and praying. I went to the toilet to check, thank God it's not menses.

Today is my D14 post ET. How accurate isit if i use the HPT? My beta test is next wed leh.
Thistle, Rejoice, may you produce lotsa quality eggs with your injections. During my stimulation stage, i was quite sad with the 1st scan coz only found 10 small follicles. I drank 2 glasses of milk and took eggs everyday. It helped a lot. By ET day, i got 16 matured eggs and 11 fertilised.

MSFamily, Vanilla, what is the feeling of MTB? Have a smooth 9 months.

Toy, i will keep you in my prayers everyday. Dun be disheartened.

MomoBear, how are you?
Hi Abigail, i m fine, thx.

Last nite i dream i tested positive on HPT! Although its a dream, the feeling is so real, so exhilarating, so surreal, so joyous! I wish i will experience that in real life soon. The only thing i dont know is i prayed i wont need to go thru IVF so i dont know is that BFP from an IVF or God answered my prayer and let me get the BFP thru natural. Anyway, the feeling is comforting, i dont know, maybe God heard my prayers and gave me assurance thru the dream? I hope so.

Hey, are your cycles regular? If regular, 14days past FET can test liao. Mine was so regular. The other time, 14days past FET, menses came. Right before i even go KKH for the beta. So you testing today? Wow, keeping fingers crossed for you!
NZ - actually me have yet to consider myself a MTB ....... perhap... may start feeling the reality of it after the first scan...

I really fear putting in too much hope and resulting in heavy disappointment as well....
I tell ladies hor, think HB and me so vexed and engrossed in this TTC journey hor ... lately we have been thinking about it even in our dreams!

Last nite i dream about positive HPT, a few nites ago, HB dream he is father of his niece (strange rite? snatch niece from his own sis) and even earlier, i dream i ask my HB and my sister to BD so that my sis can help me mother a child, when baby born then give to us. Crazy??! I think very crazy lor!

Anyway, below are my plans for the time being. Hopefully i can cross another milestone this time.

Now till Aug - TCM, weekly ACU and watch eating habits & exercise
August - KKH blood test and scan, hopefully FSH and adeno condition under control or improving
Sep/Oct - IVF!

If in between, God grants me natural conception cos i really hope not to go thru another IVF, then good. If not, then thats it!

If any of you also cycling/planning to cycle with me around then, we can uphold each other!
MSFamily, when is your next scan? Your HCG level is 4000 rite? Think thats very good levels u know? High chance strong growing baby, in fact might even be twins! Amen! Be positive, dont let the devil rob you ok? U'll be fine!
MomoBear, i also asked God to give me that kind of dream b4 but in the end got some funny dreams instead...haha. Your plan looks good. I am glad you are pressing on. Be happy and you will soon be a proud mother!

MSFamily, i fully understand what you mean. Our anxiety at every stage never ends. Take good care of yourself throughout these period. Btw, have you told any family members or friends abt the positive blood test yet? Or only after the first scan?
hi NZ - if you did not take the HGC injection, u can test 12 days after ET. But if u take then i think can test 14 days after ET.

Currently I am in my 14 weeks. Saw little one yesterday..for the whole morning i kept telling him/her must wave to daddy and mummy...and he/she did..also did some kicking exercise and bouncing to show us how active he/she is. And his/her current position is now like a pilates position, legs right on top....

This pregnancy path is not easy... i am actually rather scared when the gynae scanned.. the first thing i look out for is the heartbeat. Yesterday cannot really see so panicked...sometimes every spasm, every cramp also worry me abit..but I have to trust in the Lord.

The EDD is 17 Oct, but due to my past lap, I have to do a C-section so baby will be out first week of Oct.. that is around 5.5 mths!

Hi momobear - are u going to try the wheatgrass that WB recommended? God will be with you and bless u with a little one soon!

Hi MSfamily - when will ur scan be? By then how many weeks will u be? Take care.. place ur baby/babies onto the Lord..He will take care of him/her/them.
NZ - only told very few people abt the BFP other than HB only father & grandfather ( i am from single parent family). 2 very close fren and 2 close auntie..... yet to tell in-law even ..... Thinking of telling the rest of the folks after 1 trimester bah....

My scan will be next week, tues, 29/04, i should be around week 6-7 then. I will have another blood test this thurs, hope the result will be afirmative.

Momobear - can try relaxing with essestial oil. At 1 point i also very stress, doctor recommended me essential oil and help me relax... there are a few that are safe for preegnancy
Hi Vanilla, is progesterone the same type as HCG jab? Currently i am only on progesterone jab everyday.

My work is getting more stressful, i have just been assigned another new project. So now, i have 3 projects at hand. Everything is urgent. I am seriously considering quitting.

No one knows abt my ivf yet except 2 or 3 close frens who have been through it themselves.
Actually i also have very stressful work but .... i think work helps me to "spread" my attention to our areas than just TTC...
hi NZ - no HCG is another injection. Becos if u take this jab, then if use HPT, will b positive cos of the jabs. Hmm... maybe u can try the HPT today or tom since ur beta is this wed....

Hi MSFamily - during ur next scan u will be able to see the heart beat.... it is really a very touching sight!
Hi Vanilla, it's so sweet to hear abt your baby waved at you and your hubby. Hmm...babies can also understand the mommy when still in stomach? I am amazed.:p

I will use the HPT tomorrow morning. Pls pray for me. Will keep you all updated..
NZ - i am abit crazy.... i started testing few days even before the beta test....

I have never seen a BFP before so just want to see it even if i know it may be a false positive
MS Family, wat is false positive? Does it mean false positive might become negative and vice versa?

So, yours was positive even a few days b4 your beta test? And it turned out positive too!
NZ - False positive , means actually due to the HCG jabs, it still remains in the body thus the HPT is positive but not because you ae preggy....

For me,i tested few days before and was positive and finally was still positive.

Mentally, i told myself very clear that i must be prepare for a false positive and cannot help upset too much if end result is negative
thx sisters! I dun have much symptoms though, only tummy slightly bloated esp after food. Hope to share good news soon! :p
Thank God even for this little hope to start with.
nz, congrats! thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing!
your beta blood test will tell you whether you are expecting singleton or twins or more... ke ke...

just came back from RE - eggs seemed to be growing on track - about 7 eggs in a cluster... thank you Jesus, i plead your blood of protection over my eggs, and they will continue to grow grow grow and be fertilised and implanted healthily! Amen!
hi thistle - another great news for today! Praise the Lord for ur abundant eggs! 7! that is a good no! The Lord's hand will be upon them.
thistle- 7 soo many!
NZ, share your gd news soon.

i went kk today n do a lap in may..n yes took a blood test.. i request the baby needle as usual... i hope this is the last blood test until i am pregnant.
toy, all the best to your lap! will keep you in prayers!

sisters - thanks for your prayers... ke ke... though there are 7 eggs in clusters (4 or Right, 3 on left), i would like to eventually have 2 matured ones for release. dun want to end up with more than twins... ke ke...

NZ - hang in there - one more day to your confirmation of your beta numbers!
Hi gals!

NZ, congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Somehow i already felt you bingo when you say staining for a while.
Have safe 9 mths ahead and take good care!!

Vanilla, Rejoice, NZ, sorry ah ... i now then read emails and realised you gals PM me too. Hehe ... ok ok, i will reply, hehehe. U gals can call me Momobear or Momo or Bear ... anythg lah, hee ...
This morning I went for my blood test. I was hoping that my blood won't be drawn by that particular nurse but she called my name nevertheless. I had bad experience when she drew my blood last time. True enough this time, she poked my left arm and was struggling to stabilise her needle. She kept going deeper and deeper. Then she said she din draw enough and she poked my right arm to draw some more. Really ouch! The thing is, she din even apologise for poking me twice, she still blamed me for moving. I was very angry but since I have more important thing to worry abt today, i jst left. I am very disappointed that my last visit today turned out to be like that.
helloo ladies

wow so many posts.. i was supposed to do fallopian tube recanalisation in sgh but i decided to seek 2nd opinion at kk n was told that there is a 4 in1- that means lap, d and c and dunno what else..but the dr say since i am knocked out might as well check everything.. I am praying that the dr's hand will be guided by God as he does the procedure..

i will still go back to sgh ( cos more convenient for me to see dr at sgh then kk) for the other follow up..just doing the procedure at kk..

praying hard i need not go thru ivf ( if possible) even though the kk dr also suggest that.. at most so-iui..cos i really tired of been poked.. yesterday when they are taking blood i was asking if they have baby needles.. n nearly fainted when the nurse initially say cant seem to get the blood out..

NZ- i been thru that tooo and i avoided that particular nurse in sgh after that incident of painful blood taking.. but i realised that no matter what blood taking is still a pain to me. any confirmation yet?

thistle- i cant imagine starting a cycle so fast..u are really very brave. Praying that it will be a success for u.

momo bear- dun lose hope!
hi NZ...hope ur arm is time for ur bloodtest if it is that nurse again, ask to change nurse...some of the nurses are not experienced enough, they think our arms is a slab of meat.

The doc will call u later for ur test results?
hi sisters, i will need to call KK after 1pm today...guess will eat first and relax b4 i call them. I am taking half day leave today. Last night woke up at 3am and couldn't really sleep. I pray that God will bless me with good news.
hi sisters, praise God! My blood test is positive! Really thx for all your prayers and support.

My beta reading is 1543. The nurse said likely to be multiple.

I am only given folic acid and duphaston for now. Not sure why i dun nid to go back for blood test to track if my beta reading is multiplying or not for these 2 weeks. I am thinking if i should consult a private gynae to help me track this.
