Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Zoey, hugs. I think you felt exactly what i am feeling now. Sorry if i made you recall and made you sad. Thanks for your encouragement.

hi zoey - thanks ..yes God will not leave fren and his wife only managed to spend 4 hours with their son in the hospital before he goes home with the Lord. It is v heartbreaking when i heard from him how the doc came out of the labour room and shook his head.

Hi Sunflower - Hugs..
All your testimonial reminds me consistently that he is in control and we are so human after all. We can never play God.

I am also feeling very depressed with work, with my family.... We are only human... Let God do the impossible....

BTW, Mothers ... there is BB Fair at NTUC, some of the Diapers are going at pretty good deals, Drypers, Pet Pet and so on .... Can refer to last Thurs Straits Times...
Vanilla - My hoiliday is extremely tiring, grandpa is getting old, need to be push on the wheelchair and the terrains is very uneven thus was very difficult for us.

Over the week, my bro & my dad told me both of them maybe losing their jobs too thus i am going to be the sole breadwinner... the role is too daunting and i am consistently worried if i am able to provide enough for all... as i am not sure what are their commitments.

HB started job hunt but very not active thus dun expects to see fruits very soon
Sunflower, I'm so sorry Dr Fong didn't have good news for you. *hugs* Be strong. This isn't the end of the journey. Keep trusting God's heart.

I want to share with you a song by Australia's Hillsong that has truly encouraged me throughout my journey to be a mummy. It's called Desert Song.

The clip is about a member of the Hillsong worship team who gave birth to her baby boy prematurely at 6 months and then lost him. And one and a half weeks after that, she had to go on stage and sing at a worship conference. She talks about her pain and how she struggled in her spirit because she didnt feel like praising Him. But she knew she had to worship Him despite her circumstances and as she sang and she sang, her spirit was lifted above her brokenness and pain. And she knew that God was still God.

I chanced upon it on youtube last year, and since then, it has been a great source of comfort for me, especially when I'm in the office and I get bad news from my gynae. Many times, I sit at my desk and I just want to cry but I'll listen to this song and remember that even in the desert of my life, God is there with me and knowing that makes me want to worship and praise Him with my whole being.

It's never easy to love and trust Him when it seems like He's not answering our prayer. He seems so far away, but trust and know that in every season of your life, God is still God and He is with you regardless of whether you feel His presence. Take care, dear sister. And I pray He gives you wisdom to decide on either D&C or natural miscarriage.
hi msfamily...hugs... indeed it is v strssful if u have to provide 4 so many pple...maybe things will not b that bad ur bro n dad can get another job soon...maybe ur hb too...take 1 day at a time, dun worry abt their jobs yet if thgs not cnfm...
Thanks Psalms.

MsFamily, take things easy. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hang in there. Believe your dad and bro can see it will be hard on you so maybe they will try their best too? And pray about your hb's job. Maybe God will deliver the job soon, just in time and with the right pay and prospects.
sunflower, "hugz". Hope u r feeling better now. Dun despair..if God can bless us, He will surely bless u. Dun feel tt u hv not bn gg to church tt God left u out. He loves u more than u ever know, no matter wat u have or have not done. Cont to draw close to Him and u will c a difference He can make to your life. Have faith in God coz He is faithful.

Zoey, long time din hear fr u. Hugz to u2. U should hv come here and shared your struggles wth us coz we r here for each other. I pray tt your heart is healed and sealed wth God's promises. Yes, God will surely grant the desire of your heart. There r so many testimonies here so u will b blessed too.

MSFamily, tx for the tips on cheap diapers. Hope u hv time to rest and refresh. There r many uncertainties in our lives so it's important for us to alwz depend on God and not on our own strength. Did u share your worries wth your hubby? If u nid to talk to someone, can sms/call me.

Vanilla, how r u n hubby? i m sure he appreciates wat u hv done for him. Sometimes men r like tt. i hv my side of the story too. Things will get better yah.. Will cont to keep elisha in prayers. Btw, i bot the shower oil u recommended. it's good. Thx!

joie, i din know mixing ebm and fm will cause eczema. i dun mix them but sometimes if bbs can't wait for bm to warm up, i will give formula.

mricky, at first i was also very worried my mil will give incense water to my bbs when i go back to work. So far she is ok except a little stubborn. Recently i made her understand my point and she takes it quite positively. But i also buy her things to please her a bit.:p

My girl's eczema is almost recovered. Thank God for His protection. It's rly a relief to me. Tis morning she was very chatty and kept boo boo bay baying wth me b4 i left the house. Miss her so much at work. Now my bbs r sleeping soundly. It's time for pumping now..gotta go. Good nite everyone.
sunflower, i'm sorry things didn't work out as hoped for. i guess it will be a tough period for u going on. when i had my ectopic last year, i almost went into depression. everyday think think think, then cry cry cry. anyway, hugs hugs from me ok?

Zoey, don give up. calm your mind and heart before you embark on your next FET.
Thanks NZ, Mricky.

Ladies, guess what? I had a miscarriage yesterday. Bled so much till have to be hospitalised for observation. I am typing from KKH now, enjoying my 'breakfast in bed' at the same time haha. I was still being advised to go for DnC to be thoroughly cleaned but i refused. So they will just have to scan me next week to see how. Pls pray for me to be able to purge everything out thoroughly so i wont need to be scraped. Thanks much!!

Mricky, i also want to encourage you. The fact that you were preggy before meant can preggy again. We just have to press on and dont give up. For our next pregnancies, lets pray we will be blessed, no more ectopic, no poor developed embryo, no M/C!
sunflower, how are you now? i feel like giving you a shoulder to lean on. I feel your pain. i was like God let both of us go thru together..we are together for so long ... but pl know sunflower i am always here.. i am just A phone call away..pls rest well.. they are sisters here journeying toegther tooo!

i am still struggling with my fear cos i am still nausea n never eat healthy cos of my nausea thend to eat junk food like chips, sour stuff n even ham.. i just have no apetite for other food..

Psalm- i did not eat any brown rice never get to cooking it even though it is purchased.. cant eat think of tom yam n sour stuff...i hope i am like u so disciplined.. do rest well.

zoey- happy to hear from you again!! we are here to support one another.. come in n chat when u are free..

MS family- hang in there! it is stressful to be sole breadwinner but i will pray that God will provide your husband a job soon.

Mricky- jia you! i believe your turn will be soon.
TrustingHim, i am ok now. Bleeding lightened alot. Yesterday was scary. Now i know those M/C scene in movies can be real. Dr still want to make sure my HCG decline before letting me home so i have BHCG taken twice already, later going for a scan.

Yesterday while lying on the trolleybed, after the A&E dr told me i had alot of blood out, i cried and told God. Please, after this round of trauma, next pregnancy, please have mercy on me and bless me with no more of this. I told God pls bless me with a healthy pregnancy next. I hope God knows, God feels what i felt and i hope God will comfort me with a healthy pregnancy soon.

TrustingHim, its been 3 long years. I really dread to think i might take another 3 years to BFP. I hope not. I hope to join you soon. Elisha can be the 'big big' gor gor and yours, NZ, MSfamily, Thistle, Psalms, Joie s' just 'big' gor gors/jie jies to mine. I hope it will be like this, it will be so heartwarming to see all our children come together, mine, Mricky's, Zoey's too. I hope God sees the desires of us all here.
sunflower, i was telling myself that pls dun give up cos i will be most willing to pass my kids toys to your babies next time.. really suddenly this just passed my mind that i can pass them to you...

you wont believe other than the huge chunk of baby toy and some old avent bottles i have accumulated, i dun have much clothes or stuff for new born.

i will be most willing to pass on the toys to some of you when my babies outgrown them to prevent clutter... esp the potty so big n bulky!!
hello sisters...

hi Sunflower...oh no! Hope u r feeling better...hugs! rem to do confinement for 1 mth...take ginger food and warm food... rem to rest and rest...if shower, use warm water. Continue drinking the red date longan for 3 mths if u want to do another round of IVF...also must ask ur doc to scan and see that the womb is ok, no scarring. HUGS..rem if u need me k. I read Nov 13 Streams in Deserts - very applicable to all of us here.

Hi NZ - thanks...sigh..ya can write a book on husbands makes wives go MAD! good to hear that Dawn is feeling better too...

Hi trusting him, dont worry if u need to take tom yum soup, eat it in moderation...just make sure tom yum soup inside got fish and chicken so u get ur proteins too... hee hee i think u might be having a girl...girls usually cause mummies to have MS...i told my fren..boys dun give mummies MS cos when they are born they are naughtier and more needy...they bully mummies when they are out.

All sisters - i totally believe that God will give us all a baby or babies... hang on in there k... the next batch of bbs will be Mricky, Zoey and Sunflower!
Take care, Sunflower. Take time to rest and heal. Maybe go for a holiday if you can. You have been through so much. God will honour your faith in Him throughout this difficult period.
gee.......kena kicked out again. Anyway, Sunflower, don be hard on yourself. Our problems may seem bigger but God himself is bigger than any problems we have. Remember that. Take good food to nourish your body now and allow His HOly Spirit to nourish your soul. i know it's tough to open up (i also like that) but slowly allow Him to enter into your heart. i will keep this thread short. in short, in God we trust. It is tough, look at Adam and Eve. They were given specific instructions not to touch that forbidden food but no no..... see what happens. So, don worry. we are after all human beings.
Hi all, How have all of u been? Looks like we all have been really busy. My Twins are now 3months and are still on BM and 1 formula feed in the nite. they have are such cute angels. My boy loves to be carried and my girl helps me alot but playing with her toys on her own while I tend to the boy. They have been sleeping thru the nite since 2months. Their last feed will be around 8 - 9pm and they will get up around 7-8am in the morning.
I was retrench so now Im home looking after them. I think it was God's will as I was stressing out on who to look after them. I get very stress out when they both cry but Im learning to ignore their crying n leave them alone for 5mins to cry. hehehhee..... Its mostly the boy that wants the attention. hehehe.

After having the Twins my relationship with my husband is strained alittle. I get angry and upset very easily n will take it out on him.
I keep praying everyday that God will give us strength n keep our family together. My husband helps out alot, he will bath the baby n feed them, I feel bad after I shout at him.

Vanilla Elisha is so cute n handsome. U have been bleesed with angel God will protect him during his surgery.

Ava, ur girls are so cute n so much hair. hehehe.

All the rest who are trying to conceive. HAve faith in God n he will provide for u. Will have all of u in my prayers.

All the best to everyone n God bless u n ur babies n familes.

Let organise a playgroup. It will be good for the babies to interact n mix around ya?
twinnes, remember me toy collector? do u take care on your own ? how do you manage? i am really very sick very nauseous now.. but i try to work .. need GOd's strength to go on...
Toy, I was thinking of u and wandered how u are??? So how??? Did u go thru with Dr Yu??
Yes I look after them on my own. My mum comes in the afternoon on somedays. The babies are ok only when they both get up for their feed the craziness begins.. I scramble to warm up the milk n prop them up next to each other n feed them together. hehehehehehe...

Ya u can say that agin Vanilla. hehehe
nottie nottie boys!
Yes, let's get together! It's 2 more weeks before I end my confinement.. sweating buckets everyday :-( cos it's such a hot month, even in my air con room.

trustinghim, pray that your nausea will be gone after the 1st trimester.

NZ, how are your twins? Hope the gal's eczema is subsiding.

Sunflower, it's okay to grieve but continue to pray and ask God for strength. We will be here for you.
hello sisters...

sunflower, hang in there, take time to heal. i went thru a DnC for blighted ovum in Jan 08, and delivered my twins in Dec 08. God is good and He will bring us through the dry land... it's not easy, but He will see us through to the end...

Trusting, hope your MS is better... think it shld subside in week 16. Thank God daily for your MS... it's a good sign that your twins are growing well. So, do you think you are expecting BG twins?

Twinnies, my twins are reverse from yours - boy is more low maintenance, gal likes my attention... thank God they are made this way, so I hv more time for my gal... though sometimes i do feel bad for not giving my boy enuf attention....
sunflower, i am praying that you are recovering at home n having a gd rest. do hang in there n pop by when u are free.

hello twinnies

u actually can cope without a maid.. i really pei fu.... how;s their night feeds? u must rest well ok..i m thinking of 2 maids if i need to go back to work. no support from in laws or mum. i am with Dr Roland cheng cos Dr Yu is sooo bz so i changed after my last so-iui but i will deliver in sgh..

i m praying for my MS to stop cos i m so sick when going to work, at home n only when i eat i feel better..but i eat things like sour stuff n lots of sweets..last night even drank salted duck. and the worst is i cant brush my teeth well cos very nausea n i cant even use my fluriode to use my son fruitty flavoured one but still nauseaous..

thistle- i would love a pair like yours, NZ and twinnies but if 2 gals wil be great but impt they are healthy..but if 2 boys oh no i will be out cast.. no one to go shopping with me next time..

vanilla- wow a gathering will be so fun.. must be later cos i am feeling nauseaous will be a gatehring of the babies n mummies..

Joie- yes i really wonder how u can take it.. i need to on air iss sooo hot.but dun worry 2 wks will be over soon n u will get to do things u like n can go out!!!!!
hi sisters..ya the weather is killing us. Elisha is so blessed to have good grandparents - my parents' house have no aircon for years ....becos of him, now installing aircon so Elisha will not have red apples cheeks and beads of sweat on his button nose...haha

Joie - 2 weeks later i cannot gather leh..Elisha going for his op...TrustingHim - u now currently how many weeks? maybe we gather when u in 2nd trimester?

Pls pray for the swine flu to keep out of spore..Elisha needs to be in a sterile environment before and after his operation...and becos his docs are going to cambodia for operations pls pray that they will b fine....

hi trustinhim - if u got 2 boys, dun worry, me go shopping w u! haha then your 3 boys n elisha can play while we shop!
Hi gals,

Went to the PD today for Abbey 3rd Jab, was told by PD abbey is a little slow in terms of her motor skills.... she is not turning on her own yet.... wonder if there is anything we can help. She is now going 5 months....
hi Msfamily - i have a fren that brought her daughter to KK for physiotherapy...

another thing u can try to place her on back and then use her fav toys and try to make her flip..and also place her more on her tummy....dun worry too much...some bbs flip when they are 6 mths+ esp if they are bigger size.
vanillapod, elisha looks a bit like u! dunno if its bcos i never c yr hb b4.

Trustinghim, hope your MS will subside soon.

Sunflower, hangon there!!!

i wonder when wd be my turn. although deep inside i know i may have a second child, just dunno when....... please continue to pray for trust in God, including for remaining sisters who are TTC.
hee hee Mricky - if u see my hb u will say Elisha is photocopy of his dad....even the cardiologist also say - look like dad..i was like ya i kanna OHSS, carry u for 9 mths, and u look so much like least have alittle feature like me lah!

Will continue to pray for u, sunflower, zoey...all of u will have a bb or 2 or 3...
hi all, i m very busy at work lately. Hv to rush projects and manage my pumping at the same time. Nevertheless, i can leave b4 7pm everyday..heehee. Glad tt this fri is a hol, i can spend more time with bbs. My last outing with bbs to church went quite smoothly but we left early. I haven't been to church for some time and i find the music is rather loud nowadays. My heart was pumping very fast coz the drummer used all his might to beat. Me n hubby got headache after tt. Guess it's not too good for bbs too. I shall feedback to my pastor...;P

Twinnies, it's good to hear from u again. Wow, u r doing very well with your twins singlehandedly. Pei fu. How did u train your bbs to sleep thru the night? Mine still wake up once at midnight for milk everyday and after tt, will take an hour to go back to sleep. Can share your tips?

Vanilla, nice pic of elisha. I also think he looks a bit like u. He has your eyes i think. Has he been drinking sufficient milk lately? Put on weight?

Sunflower, are u feeling better? Sorry to hear tt u were hospitalised. Hope u r recovering well.

Joie, my girl's eczema condition has improved a lot. Guess wat i used. It's the Desitin diaper rash cream tt works on her. My mil applied on her and it subsided in 2 days. I also used the calendula cream to moisturise her at the same time. Thank God for his healing. Me n hubby had been feeling very heartpain to see her feeling so uncomfortable. Wat a relief now..phew.

I agree boys r rather mischievous. My boy cries furiously whenever he wnts to sleep. Last evening, he cried for half and hour wanting to sleep altho i was carrying him in my arms and giving him pacifier and pillow. His eyes were red and swollen...sigh. I pray tt tonight onwards he will sleep peacefully.

MSFamily, i also hv not seen my boy flipped yet. He is 4mths+ now. My mil said he tried once and no more. I think not to worry too much, let them develop at their own speed. Every bb is different. My girl on the other hand, has been flipping over and over agn. I have to hold her still when changing diapers.

I m looking fwd to go home now, miss my girl very much. Dunno why today dun rly miss my boy, maybe he was naughty last night.

Hey, let's meet up after elisha recovers fr his coming op okie? Looking fwd to tt.
hi NZ - glad to hear that Dawn's eczema is improving..will pray for full recovery soon!

Thanks..hee hee now at least he has 1 feature that looks like me! He is also a notti boy last nite..cried so loud at 2am that i woke up and took over from hb. He must be overstimulated from playing in the evening taht is why...nowadays he loves to grab my specs at home.

His milk intake has decreased becos of his 2 X solid feeding, but i try to make him drink at least 600ml a day. This morning he took a super long time to drink..from 530 to 650am...still didnt finish..left 18ml. when he doesnt want to drink and want to sleep, he will be so wriggly and scream his lungs out..totally stubborn! Not sure if he has put on weight..havent weigh him in a while. Now also dun dare to bring him to PD to weigh cos so many germs and virus around...on 12th we will do preadmission, hope his weight is above 6kg.

Hope Justin had a good nite sleep last nite...
I am breastfeeding on demand but it is tiring - no wonder they say you lose more calories through breastfeeding :)

Little Faith always seems to be hungry, I feed her very 2 hours during the day and sometimes, have to 'bluff' her by giving her 1oz of formula b4 she is willing to take her afternoon nap, or else she is just perpetually suckling

Gals, where do you find time to pump in between those breastfeeding times?

Let's meet up after baby's Elisha op - Vanilla let us know the date so we can pray for him.
hi mricky - ha ha i still cannot do it..i think got fishy smell leh

hi joie - when little faith is 6weeks old, train her on the bottle, then u can gauage how much she is her tummy still small, so she is just drinking enuff to fill for 2 hrs...once u give bot can be 3hrs...haha i chearted since day1 i give bm via bottle..

Elisha's op is 13 May 9am. We will check in at 7am. If nothing goes wrong, his op shld be 3 hrs. Pls pray for no complications and good recovery for him.

V tired and took a 1.5hr nap just now...heehee i am at my mum's plc...cos this morn at 530am, elisha peed all over me and the must do major cleanup...
poor u vanilapod. do rest more. u need to be in tip top condition to look after Elisha.
today went visit a dear fren who got preg also after many years and after 2 miscarriage. can tell she's very very happy cos she had been praying the same prayers as me for many years. i am happy for her but also wish i can be in her shoes. well, she gave up her job and in return, she's gotten her wish. i really dunno wat's in store for me somtimes. i know i nd to trust God in His good timing but sometimes can't help but feel desperate.
Hi Toy, Im so happy for u.. Lets us know ya when u go for ur 5th months scan, u will know the sex than or earlier.

NZ, No secret to the sleeping thru the nite with the Twins. They were drinking 120ml every 3hrs when they started sleeping thru the nite. We dont wake them up for any feeds or a diaper change. If they get up than we change them n feed them. I think as long as they are full they will sleep thru the nite. Sometimes they can last to 4hrs b4 next feed. They have their moods during the day. sometimes dont want to sleep at all. Cheecky babies.....

Vanilla, Elisha will be in my prayers. Im sure the op wil be a success.. God bless him.

MSFamily, My babies cant turn yet. My girl tried but got her hand stuck. hehehhe.. Dont worry they will do it @ their own time.

To all who are trying to conceive their 1st, 2nd or 3rd baby. Keep trying n believe in God he will give u what u desire, its a matter of time
hi ladies, i need to vent out a bit. This morning i was very angry with my mil. Whenever she has her weekend off and comes to my place on Mon, she would have a lot of comments to make, telling me her friends said this or said that or i shouldn't be doing this or that. That aside, she also brought many recycled clothes, toys and shoes for my bbs. I m very mad abt this coz my girl is still recovering from her eczema and her skin is very sensitive. My mil wants to let her wear tt pair of old shoes she got from the temple. Since she is a volunteer at the temple, she collects many recycled items there. I m trying to convince myself tt she thinks of my bbs tts why she brought all these things to my place. But enough is enough..i rly can't give in anymore. Me and my hubby took a lot of effort to improve my girl's skin condition and whenever we remind her to wipe her clean and apply moisturiser, she would walk away and act ignorant. She feels tt she is more experienced than us and wun take our words seriously. I have to depend on my maid to do it. Then i told her we managed to put our boy to sleep peacefully over the long weekend and infomed her how to do it without him crying. Again, she acted ignorant. I feel so sad abt this coz we rly put in alot alot of effort to create a new routine for my boy and it works. It's rly so so heart wrenching to see my mil ruin the whole thing. Sigh...

My hubby is also very mad and he is thinking of firing my mil and getting a nanny to come to our place instead. It alwz easier said than done coz it will definitely sour the relationship. It's a difficult decision but whenever i think of my mil's attitude and her showing of black face to us, i can't wait to get rid of her. Then again, she is my bbs' grandmother after all. Haiz...i rly need to pray for peace and wisdom. Thanks for listening to my early morning frustration. Pls keep me in prayers too.
My girl is turning 6 mths in less than 2 weeks, only managed to turn recently. My 1st daughter couldn't turn till she was 6 months.... think your girl is like mine loh, they are faster in terms of speech than motor skills. So, don't worry okie ...

Vanilla, will keep Elisha in prayer, he will be fine
hi NZ - is indeed frustating i can fully understand u..i think ur hb need to talk to ur mil cos he is the son and relationship is alwasys better than dil. Can tell her that ur bbs have alot of clothes so no need any more clothes cos no space to put(this way no more recyled clothes from the temple). For Justin's sleeping pattern - get ur maid to handle justin and keep ur mil busy with justin will keep to the routine...think now ur maid will be the one that really do the work (make justin sleep and clean dawn's face..tell ur maid to do it and if ur mil want to put justin to sleep - ask ur maid to intercept in a nice way and take over.

Try it out for a week or so and see if it works. To get a nanny is also not easy - cos alot of research needs to b done - and to get nanny to come to ur plc is much more exp (i done research on this before).

I think ur hb must put it to ur mil in a very firm manner.

Dun be too upset frustration over the weekend is my hb..totally fed up w day i am going to walk out of the house

thanks lala -- how r u? Wanted to sms u to see if u ok....
Vanilla, wat happened to u n hubby? Dun keep to yourself..if u want to share, can call/sms me. To be honest, recently i asked myself why would i want to marry my hubby in the first plc. Sometimes i rly hated him to the core esp abt bbs' matters.

Your suggestion is good. Let me think thru it and put it in a nice way to my mil. haiz

lala, long time din hear fr u. Congrats on your bb turning 6 mths. R u still bfg after 6 mths? I m thinking of stopping after 6 mths coz i m missing a lot of quality time with my bbs. Most of the time when they r awake, i will be pumping and my hubby n maid are playing wth them.
hi nz - thanks! I was so fed up w him and his hurtful words...i already planned to pack 1 bag of my clothes = if he start his nonsense and say those words again, i will leave. I plan all these in my head yesterday then i rem my breastpump..sigh! suddenly got alot of things to take when leaving home...TV show makes it look too easy...

Is ur hb the fussy one? My hb fusses alot..and refused to listen to me sometimes..and i get frustrated cos i end up doing alot of work...actually he is really weird..he fusses at 1 thing and the next thing he does contradict the 1st thing he fusses abt!

U too can sms/call me when ur hb makes u fed up!

I actually reduce my pump time now. I used to pump 6x a day, now i reduce to 4times...ya on wkends i find myself alot of thgs to do and then must squeeze in pump time. When they start on solids can reduce milk intake then good time to reduce no of pumps as well...But then alot of time is spend cooking for bb..i spend like 1 hr cooking his porridge (cos must watch the stove, add the stock), puree...
Me too ... Frustrated with HB too...

Is this a problem to all mum whom have very young BB ?

I also want to run away from home ....
dear gals, maybe its just the stress of handling newborns and young babies. no relationship is made in disneyland ok? most of the time, hb won't contribute much cos it's just them.
hello are you all coping?

NZ, so sorry to hear of your mil. think she is very insensitive. what abt asking ur hb to tell her nicely? afterll, mum and son, easier to have a heart to heart talk. well, u have to keep learning even when you are old, else you will be obsolete... ke ke... tell that to your mil....

vanilla, hope things are better w u n hb now. for your case, it can be stressful, as you have to put in lots of effort to care for elisha.... makes things worse when hb is not understanding... but running away aint gonna help... maybe you can find time to have a nice talk to sort things out... for elisha's sake...

for me, i am enjoying my twins heaps... my gal can be more sticky and demanding at times, but i still love her just the same. she is always so sweet when she smiles... my boy is like an angel... easy baby.... and they both just turned 4 mths.. time really flies... i am now reading up on weaning solids again... like what i did with my elder son... just 2 yrs and things have changed so much... for cereal, it's happy bellies now, no longer healthy times...

NZ, why dun you latch rather than pump on weekends... if you pump, it will take time away from your babies... well, even if you intro formula, dun feel bad. you have done your part of bfg for 6 mths... dun let your pumping take away precious moments of bonding with ur twins...
hi mricky - ya, i dun expect him to help much, but dont comment too much and unneccessary too...sigh.

hi thistle - i cant outtalk my hb, everytime and everything he is always right...i have learnt the art of shut up now...then my head will plan my run-away-from-home moves.

So fast ur twins are 4mths already! Elisha just turned 7mths. Me still trying to make him say dada, papa, mama...all he can say is ah! and so more v loud.He understands certain words - like "kick kick"..he will kick his legs w excitment,and i have this 1-2-3 which he will sleep on his back n i will pull him up to sitting position, when i hold his hand and say 1, by 2 he will be prepared and pull himself up...haha...v cute. these few days he has lifted himself up on the bathtub - to lick the sides and look down...he will lift his buttocks up so easier for me to wash his bum...

a little update - Praise the Lord Elisha's recent urine test shows no infection.
hi NZ - me just thot of another excuse u can use on the recycled clothes ur mil brings - say now got swine flu n it is tested that the bacteria can stay on items so better dun take clothes back cos not sure who touches them and wore them before....and with this can emphasis point of washing hands before handling bbs and keeping Dawn's face clean and moisturise...

I only breastfed my girl for 4 months coz have to take medicine. For my toddler, I stopped at 7 months. It's really okie if you feel you wanna stop breastfeeding and spend more quality time with them. Afterall, you must remember health comes from God. I have friends who breastfed their children for 1-2 years yet kids keep falling sick while some were on full FM and kids are very healthy. So long you are comfortable, you can wean off. With kids, there are lots of things we have to worry about and it's gonna be for life, so I am learning to let go and not let little little things affect me. There are other more important things (like teaching the kids about Jesus, values in life, education, etc) than just breastmilk. That's my two cents worth.
