Christian ivf mums or mums to be

I am fine but need your prayers. My hubby and I have booked tickets to HK sometime ago. The date of departure is 18 May (which is 2 weeks' time). This holiday trip is to bring my toddler to HK Disneyland. With the swine flu, I am getting worried. We have already paid for the trip, there will be no refund at all unless Cathay cancels the flight. Please pray that God will make the decision for us - let Cathay cancels the flight if is really unsafe to travel. If not, let the swine flu dies down and give us protection to & fro HK. I am worried this time coz bringing my toddler along ...

Will cont to keep little Elisha in prayer and thank God for His favour on His little one

hi lala = will pray for u...i thot now the airlines will waive cancellation charges? Did u buy travel insurance. if yes maybe u can postpone the trip. I also hope and pray this silly swine flu will die off and the alert be downgraded. I really worry cos the hosp might cancel on us anytime now...and if they continue the surgery they might impose visitors restrictions - 1 parent per patient...i am actually v pissed off with MOH - they so kiasee for what... for adults maybe elective surgery to cancel is ok, adults can take the pain and bear w it...but children how can? My son;s band is tight, do they want him to turn blue, his pink blood mix w blue blood then they allow an emergency suregry! by then if too late, how? Can they give me my son back? Sorry I am really v fed up with the way the govt works? It is not as if there is a case in Spore...
hi vanilla, i was jst like u b4 i gave birth...alwz hd tis thot of leaving my hubby whnever his used hurtful words but now wth the bbs, i m thinking of chasing him out instead..haha. Come to think of it, we mustn't let those thots haunt us anymore. Whnever there is conflict, pray for love and understanding. Even if we r too angry to pray, jst say tt in our hearts. God will send help and close the wound in our hearts. I still hv a lot to learn fr tis..but no matter wat, our marriage is blessed by God, no one can make asunder. Btw, u mean the hospital intends to delay the op due to the swine flu? Cool down and we shall pray for Elisha's well being. God will keep him safe and present to u a healthy elisha.

Yes, i will use the swine flu pandemic to convince my mil not to bring anymore things for my bbs. Good idea!

Lala, thx for reminding me abt teaching our kids abt Jesus. So far, i only pray wth them, hv not told them much abt Jesus yet. Maybe i can start soon.

Will pray for God to prepare the path for u so u nid not worry and wun hv your air fare forfeited.

Mricky, yes i also think our conflicts wth hubby are due to stress from bbs and being first time mom also. U hv walked our path b4 so u know where we are now. I hope the conflict will not strain our rship in future coz it's not healthy for our kids.

Thistle, my bbs dun latch on anymore. My boy wld rather go hungry than latch on..made me sad. Anyway, i m ok wth it now. Glad to hear tt u r enjoying wth your twins. I m also thinking of reading up on solid food to prepare for next month. Need to take half day to go bookshop or library to find out how to start, i m totally clueless.
hi NZ - thanks..hee hee funny thing is before bb arrives his words not that hurtful n i never thot of leaving home...thanks for ur prayer..hosptial is not the 1 that wants to cancel (they want to earn the $ cos we doing it private) is the stupid MOH who might want to impose that...SIGH! next week this time my bb will be getting ready for operation. This morning when I was feeding him milk i told him to be strong, to be brave, mummy and daddy will wait outside the operating theatre for him, while Jesus and His angels will be inside the room with him. He was sleeping so peacefully (and therefore refuse to drink anymore)....he is such a sweet bb...I suddenly realise how much love I can have for someone.

for weaning - no need to buy books - lots of infor on the web - u can check this one:
or this one:

always follow the 3 days rule - meaning if u start ur bbs on a new food, just 1 new food at a time and continue for 3 days. Within these 3 days if no allergy then u can try another new food.

For starters always use cereal - plain rice or brown rice- the latter is better cos healthy - mix with bm or fm. I use Healthy Times brown rice. Start small - 1 teaspoon and see if they ok with it - cos some bbs will reject and have tongue reflex. if they ok with the food, then slowly increase...1/2 teaspoon each time until u reach full serving. If they ok w cereal, u can also start experimenting on fruits or vegs - i started with fruits - apples, pears and the prune (when he has constipation) and veg is pumpkin, carrots and then spinach etc...i gave according to the age group - some veg and fruits are meant for biggr bb. It is quite fun feeding solids..cos can dictate what food u want to feed bb...

Now elisha is eating porridge for dinner - cooked in pork rib soup and i add either pork or fish with veg like spinach, or those I puree and kept in freezer. now i like going to supermkt, look at the veg and bb food section...hee hee v auntie hor
i went to dr foong ystrday. He recommended ivf for optimal resuls. i guesss my hope of using SOIUI is dashed. anyway, i'm looking fwed to it (try nt to tk abt needles) & currently thinking of ways to strengthen my body. besides raffles hos which accu, does anyone else know where to go?
Whether it's SOIUI or IVF you'll still need to inject yourself with hormones.IVF more hormones needed tho... Initially I cudn't see how i could take those injections, much less do them myself, but it just happens when the time comes.

Most ladies go to clementi, marine parade or amk. All of them need to make appts. I hear the ones at clementi and marine parade have very long Q.

Zou Yumin Physician & acupuncturist (she's away this wk; but a male acupuncturist replaces this wk)
Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2670 Tel:64560833
Mon to sat 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 6pm, 7pm to 9pm. Sunday and PB 9am to 1pm (close on wed). But now also open on Wed for appt (only for those on ER that wk).

Dr Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
433 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120433
Telephone: 68723237

Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081
Tel:  6334 6718 
Business Hours:
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm
Sat: 8.30am-3pm
Sun: 8.30am-12pm
Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

All the best in your fertility journey.
hi mricky - ivf also good lah -- got eggs to freeze so maybe next time u want no 3 or 4 still can use!
hi haze! first time seeing u here!
praise the Lord the alert will be yellow next week! Thanks for all ur prayers!Pls continue to pray for his surgery, no complications, good recovery so he can go back to himself again - my kpo boy...
Thanks vanilla.
I didn't know there's a thread for christians going thru ivf too. but looks like this thread has more mum's??

when is yr boy's surgery? Children heal fast i hear. Will keep u n kid in prayer.
thanks Haze!

Ya one of our good sister started this thread - most of us started in other christian thread. God's grace has been upon some of us by giving us children earlier...His grace will continue to pour on all sisters here that they will too have their bbs v soon.

My son's surgery is 13 May..i pray he will recover faster too cos he is v active, cannot pic him confine to bed..he will sure make a lot of noise..
not sure what kind of surgery he would hv.... may be u can bring a few of his favourite soft toys and books for his stay...

I'm HOPING God in his Mercy n Grace will grant me a child b4 my fresh cycle in july. tho I'm not too sure abt it cos Dr Zou said it'd be tough for me to conceive cos my BBT drops a day or two after ovulation... progesterone and lining problems. I've seen another sinseh for 3 years, so I'm really helpless when she told me this. Now my DH wants me to return to full time work.... I really dunno if I can successfully conceive or not, cos when i did SOIUI (5x) I was working 9am to 9pm and my sinseh said with my weak immunity, it's not good. When I did my IVF, I wasn't working full time, but we had some friction, which i assume caused some cramps and later failed cycles....

So disappointed
hi haze - dont be sad... must have trust ok. I was telling myself the whole day - even if i dun trust the doctors doing the surgery, i must trust God. but i trust the doctors, so i must trust in God more!

with ur progesterone - maybe u can ask the docs to give u more the injections during the 2ww? I rem i have to take it after confirm preggie, but in KK they apparently inject onto bum during 2ww...

See if u can get a job that does not have such long hours or if can whether part time is available...

If u start in July, u might have a cycle buddy - Mricky....her is june/july....rem nothing is impossible with God.

My son is having a open heart surgery on the 13th. this will be his 3rd surgery since he is born. He is just 7 mths now. This will be the most major and important surgery to correct his heart defects.

Ya will bring his barang barang once he gets downgraded to the paedietric ward. He will be in ICU for like 3 -4 days.
Thanks Vanilla,
Oh yes I was on 400 iu progesterone during both my failed ivfs. that's why dr loh said the lining issue was dealt with so it can't be the womb that caused the failure.

One of my nephews had a surgery for the hole in his heart too when he was still a baby. Not sure if it's the same, but dealing with surgery, it's still crucial.

It's hardest for all mums to see their precious in ICU. May God's comfort be with you n hubby. And may He grant your son Elisha peace and a joyfully speedy recovery.

BTW if you r still feeding him breast milk, try eating foods that help with healing. Hopefully these nutrients will go to the milk and help him too. A fren of mine said her mum kept drinking asparagus juice after her surgery and in the end the doc was surprised she recovered so well.
hi haze - not i take...supposed to b for my hb..but he too heaty take abit ulcers all over his mouth, so now i take cos benefit will go to bm for bb. Once i start injections alot of tcm supplements i dont take
vanilla, i see. thanks.

I was still taking tcm while on injections leh... but i noticed my previous sinseh will adjust according to my health... but not dr zou. My mouth has one ulcer recently... i thot it's too much chocolate...
i think diff tcm doc got diff practices - i go to Raffles Hosp chinese medicine, the doc said no tcm med when i do injections.

Rem to drink plenty of water, fruits, green vegs and chicken soup..
welcome Haze. my injection will start ard mid Jun and probably embryo retrieval/replacement in Jul. i'm with Dr LC foong, Vanillapod's fertility gynae. i was with dr loh (i.e. Sheila Loh then SF Loh @ KK). used up all my 9 emb so decided to go private. i will have to go back to my tcm. i heard of the one @ marine parade. long long queue but mine @ hougang also long wait. she's with tong chi.
hello Hazel, we were all trying n trying for years before we got dun give up. we are here to suport and pray for each other..

sorry ladies i have not been around..on leave n back today and going to be clearing work.. will catch up later!!!

so happy baby elisha op will proceed... n now 2 visitors allowed!!!!
Hello Trusting Him, thanks.
erhmmmm who's babe is elisha?

Ladies can you pray for hubby n me? I'm on my last week after ovulation. last evening i felt giddy then had cramps around my lower abd. I'm not sure for natural conception it's the same as for the ivf 2ww. Cos my tcm doc gave me medicine and also acupuncture to help me keep my after ovulation temperature high.

Anyway, despite this i went on to cook dinner. I was so disappt my hubby didn't offer to take over nor did he offer to wash the dishes later on. Altho he was the one who wanted a child so much he still expect me to serve him in this condition. Did anyone go thru this before?
hi haze - bb elisha is my son

Hi trusting him - u take care dun overwork are our 2 darlings? know the gender yet? When is ur next scan?

hi haze - did u tell ur hb that u r not feeling well? men sometimes v not "auto" one - u must tell him ..say u not feeling well, can he go ta bao.

i stay w my mil so dont really have to cook..i think if i cook my hb also dun want to eat
...haha now only my son eat my porridge!
Hi Vanilla, Ah okay. thanks for clarifying. Cos yesterday u didn't say he's already warded. when I saw Trusting Him's details, i was a bit confused.

yes i smsed him when i became giddy just before i was to cook. i already told him i'd defrost and marinated the meat in the afternoon so dabao wasn't an option. he always say he's exhausted from work, but for once surely he can help?

we came a long way w my lousy cooking and I'm still trying to serve perfect tasting meals. when we went for marriage camp recently the first prayer he had for me was that God wud make me a better cook!

in a way i'm glad we're not staying w my in-laws la... cos my mil is even more obsessive than my hubby. And I'd be expected to cook not her.
haha...ur hb v funny lah that as the first prayer!!

My son not warded yet...but i was smsing trustinghim that i am worried w the orange alert due to swine flu his op might be cancelled....

Now Lala also can proceed with her trip - happy for her too...

worse come to worst next time just throw away the meat and dabao cos if u dun feel well, dun force urself to cook + if ur hb also tired, no pt fighting abt it....Men me they are like another bb a bigger, more diff to handle bb.
vanilla, my hubby very concerned over finance. so wasting food is a big no-no. i think his priority is still his needs. that is something that disappts me. why do u think those married men chose to abundan their families for women they met on travels? his mum cooks well and always asks wat he wants to eat before cooking type. so he expects me to cook as well as his mum. guess God is "punishing" his taste buds.

the alert has been lowered to yellow yesterday no? anyway as i hear only elective surgeries were postponed when the alert was orange. is your son's an elective surgery?

did you read my PM yesterday?
la la- have a gd trip! i wish i can on a hol soon before the babies come.. our leave are cancelled due to this swine flu so cant wait for this to be over..

Mricky- raffle shosp should be near your rest well n pu your body.

my next gynae visit is next fri..sigh...i have not seen them since 7th appraoching 12 wk but still worried cos dunno what is happening.. i wish i have a machine at home.. i even made my son put his ears on my tummy to hear but nothing .. ha ha

haze- your husband is blessed..mine has to eat porridge son too.. my husb cant complain cos we agree i ck you wash up so he inisted only 1 meal dish if can disposable plate n bowls even better...tell your husb to come my place n he will be shocked at the no. of packs of instant noodles..
i do confessed i should not be eating that but no choice due to the hot weather i dont go out n eat up eating instant noodle but i chose those without msg but still very the salty.

sunflower- i am still praying for you..dun give up!!!!
thistle- your babies are soooo sweet!! but i think it is not the babies are easy to handle but i just feel you are the cool mummy!! are they still waking for their feeds? you must have lots of energy for 3 and your eldest is only 2...

i dunno y my son is not easy to manage maybe he is full of pains me when i catch him lying.. his recent trick is to turn to the last page of his home work to look at answers n if i dun sit down with him to do his home work, he can take hrs to finish it... i think i have to spend mroe time with him compared to the babies next yr cos he will bei n p1.. he is really playing almost all the time in child care wonder how he will cope in p1..
hi haze - rec ur PM..replied u!

Hi Trustinghim...ur son is so cute! but i guess boy lah...v naughty. Yesterday Elisha's foot got caught in the cot (the bars) during his nap time, he was lying there w one foot caught and did not make noise until my hb saw him. Seeing his dad, he pouted and proceed to cry! I "scolded" him - who ask u to sleep and put ur legs everywhere -- such a messy sleeper!
trusting him, thanks. i'm sometimes checked on if i cooked food n soups or not by mil.

vanilla, thx. received. replied 2.
dun scold yr son for sticking his bed into the bars la.... when i sleep over w my niece and nephew, they used to kick me in their sleep. i used to think they rotate 360 degrees in their sleep! :p
ya that is why i dun co sleep with him. so small but take up so much space on the bed...turn here turn there....aiyo..

btw is ur mil a cantonese?
trusting him, why dun u tear out the answer pages of your son's books and file them away?

i babysat my P1 nephew a few months ago. yes, he took forever to do his homework unless I was sitting down with him too. didn't know wat to do with him.
vanilla, at least she helps to buy herbs then give instructions. but i pray just dun call to check on me la.. drive me crazy esp with all the injected hormones.... quite sensitive to these things.

actually both of us see the benefits of drinking soups regularly esp with work stress. Moreover, my previous sinseh usually prescribes soups i have to cook at certain part of the cycles.
haze, try cooking those 1-dish meal, eg chicken stew, beef stew, fish soup, etc. i do tat, lazy mah. i oso did cooking during my 2ww. also disappointed with him but i guess if tat time wasn't meant to be, nothing in tis world can change tat!

ya, raffles hos near my office, but they don operate during office hrs and u know my wk hrs r super long. so, stil gotta take wkends. i;ll try 1 session 1st lah. meanwhile, try to scout for others nearer to my hse.
Haze, my fren just passed me some recipes (for my maid's ref) but you can use them as a guide. i'll try to scan and email over. do you hve an email address tat i can do send?`
ELISHA-helloooo.. a blessed week to you and your family!!jia you!! auntie will pray for you on wed... just have a gd rest thru out the op n when you are up! you are healed!!

haze- my son gave me sooo many excuses his teacher will scold him if i tear his book... sigh.... but i no choice but to sit beside him n stare at him.. i dunno how come he can start whining when it is time for work but become so energetic once it play time n tv time...

lala- have a great trip with your kids.. went hkg with son few yrs back n he cant rem much now so i also would love to go there if i can..
i met my dr..he's back so finally after 5 wks i see the babies' heartbeat again!!!! they are beating normally n they are 5 cm n they looks like babies with head n toes n body. just did the down test but need to wait.
Mricky, wow thanks. but i'm currently out of town. can i PM you? your private message is off leh...

trusting him, sigh... ya my nephew is the same. but i hv to say, that day my hubby made him redo his chinese writing, and told him no lunch unless he writes neatly, he cried, but he got serious the next time.
Thanks for praying!! Yes, will proceed with the trip, pls keep us in prayers for journey mercy and God's protection from the flu.

Thank God that bb Elisha can proceed with the ops

My Janelle is also sleeping with her foot caught in between the bars of the cot ... haiz ... girl also so "rough" ... kekeke

Trusting Him,
I desperately need a hol coz the last one was 4 years ago!! Btw, when is your EDD?
vanilla, tx for the tips on starting solids. Elisha's op is 2 days away. WIll pray for him and your family.

trustingHim, good to hear tt your bbs r doing well in your tummy. No worries yah..

Mricky, your work is still as busy? Must take time to relax a bit b4 strating new cycle in jun yah..

Welcome hazel. Pray tt u r successful in ttcing. Will ask God's protection to be upon your womb.

i m not doing too good lately. Have been staying awake almost every nite to feed and pacify my bbs. Dunno y they cried a lot a nite and refuse to sleep after their nite feed. Both wake up at 4+am and cry till 6am. Me n hubby both very tired and demoralised. Dunno wat went wrong. Besides, my bbs din drink much milk, every feed abt 70ml and only 5 feeds a day. Tday my mil jst commented tt my boy lost weight and asked me wat did we do to him over the weekend. Sigh...i m already very stressed over their sleeping probs and after my mil made tt comment, i felt rly sad. I prayed til i dunno wat else i should tell God. I would only call His name and let him take charge. Rly feel like crying.
lala- must enjoy yourself..since the last hols is 4 yrs but with the kids getting older it is much easier..i rememeber the 1st trip abroad we brought our maid, in laws ( plus sis in law too)... then finally when son was 3 we took a bold step to US which is soooo scary cos son need to take 3 flights diff time zone n airport sooo the time he adjusted we are on the way back again n we really regret going so far n son only allows me to go mac donald n the hotel watch cartoon.. so what did i see in states... nothing much..

NZ- i can understand cos my son was crying very badly at night when he was younger and wanted to be rocked to sleep... we even bought a sarong in desperation.. it took 1 and 1/2 yr after son was born we considered a 2nd child..we were quarrelling so often as to who to comfort him n in the end i quit my job cos i am just exhausted..

i started reading a babywise bk on feeding them n letting them play n then sleep not sure if it works.. i have a friend who let the baby cries to sleep n after that the baby just sleep bbut it is unbearale to let any child cry to sleep..

my sis in law bought the motorised sarong n it is fantastic cos even when the baby wakes up in the middle of night she will place him inside n let him be rocked to sleep..

what method have you tried?

yes i will be keeping u in prayers cos this is a tiring period for both of you.

hang in there!

any mums of twins can share sleeping tips?
NZ, I heard from my friends with older babies, that the babies go through phases with their sleep. You have to stick to the routine u have set for them as long as you have checked that they are eating well and temperature is ok. I know it's very tiring and frustrating when they cry.. and those wonderful textbooks are at best guidelines to help you...

Sometimes I also scold my baby gal - told her I spend so much energy feeding her and instead of being good gal and go to bed when it's time, she wastes all those 'calories' by crying n then become hungry again - missed the nap time.

Vanilla, have been praying for Elisha and u must also take care of yourself. Must rest a bit cos you will need all the energy to take care of him after the op.

Hazel, must be relaxed during your 2ww. Dun fret too much about the cooking, maybe just tell your hubby to dabao for the time being

Lala, enjoy your trip to HK. HK Disneyland will be great fun for your kid.

Trustinghim, enjoy all those scans - it's really great to see the babies development every few weeks. How about starting a scrap book to keep a book of your pregnancy journey? I did mine for Faith, it brings back memories when I read them now and reminds me of God's grace and miracle gift.
NZ, work is quite unpredictable. these few days more busy but stil can close one eye and leave at ard 715pm. nt too bad lah. looking fwd to bu my body with tcm and accu. didn't tell hb abt accup session (start next Sat) cos ex :p

trustingHim, so happy for you!!!! eat & rest well ok?

Vanillapod, u r in our prayers and support. but our ultimate trust is in Him cos nothing is impossible for Him.

Lala, enjoy your trip!!!

haze, frankly speaking, i dunno how to set my PM.
hi sisters, let's keep elisha in prayer, surgery time is at 1.30pm. Vanilla will be in hospoital at 11.30am. Remember to pray for Vanilla and her hubby as well. Pray tt God to send the right doctor and to guide this surgeon's hands as he operates on elisha. Also to pray for other doctors and nurses to handle elisha with good care and wisdom. May God give elisha a full and speedy recovery and we all can give him a big hug when we gather one day.
Wow, today's Elisha's big day. I know God's hand will be upon him and upon the surgeon as he performs the op. Praying that the little boy will recover fast and that Vanilla and hubby will be strong and keep trusting in God.

trustinghim, Yay! You finally got to see your babies again! Must be a relief to see them doing so well after 5 long long weeks. Hang in there, you're almost done with the first trimester symptoms.

My update: At 7weeks, 2 days, I finally caught my first glimpse of my singleton yesterday. 1.33cm with heartbeat of 155. It was really surreal to see the blinking heart. I was speechless! Really thank God for his blessing and protection.

Vanilla, you were saying u had a hairy belly during pregnancy. Well, i just realised that my belly AND boobs are growing a layer of fuzz! Is that supposed to make me feel sexier??? ;P That plus all the bruises on my buttocks from the progesterone jabs. I just imagine they are the tatoos i've always wanted. Hahahaha :p

trusting him/psalm91 - reading yr threads make me wonder when's my turn. job getting busy again. hope no biz trip in Jul cos tat's the targeted ER/ET.
