Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Trusting - Congratulations....

So happy for you. The 2 heart beats somehow remind me that that our God is a generous father
He give more than what we ask and can imagine
Hi all... today i spent 4 hrs @ KK inclusive of 15-20 min with Dr Loh. sigh...... my hubby was so restless. Dr Loh went off for emergency ops = MIA almost 1.5 hrs. i got the chance to ask him abt transferring blastocyst. he said it wd be wasteful thus did not do so for my case. Last FET did not materialise probably due to "age" of the frozen emb (oredi 2.5 yrs). he just asked me & hubby whether we wan another fresh cycle (seems like he cannot cope liao).

anyway, seeing dr foong next Sat (hubby will be reservice so goiong there with my girl)

after spending whole afternoon @ KK, just make me so sien and looking fwd to my trip to dr foong (altho dunno wat's the outcome will be like).

my mum suggested doing ivf back in M'sia. She has some frens whose relatives had done so and have high success rate. i tk its much cheaper there. but hubby doesn't like th idea cos tat means i hv to be away or even on unpaid leave for a tks mkt condition, we wd never know........

Vanillapod, just to add on. ya i rmbr u telling me God will nt put us thru something which we cannot withstand. i agree. i'm nt as messed up as last yr when i had ectopic. well........just go on & c how. Maybe God will grant a miracle even b4 i start fresh cycle.
trusting, i am in sing and yes i am working, but mostly freelance work from home assignments, so i can keep a lookout at kids.

how r u feeling? when is ur next doc appt?
hi Mricky - that is such a long b honest i really hated waiting for when i didnt have to wait long for Dr was a welcome change.

What u said is true - maybe God will give u a bb even b4 u do a fresh cycle. God surprises us sometimes...hee hee maybe it is becos we are stuck in one line of thinking...but forgot that He is Almighty and powerful.

hi thistle - Yay..u r in can join us if we plan a gathering? Me v excited..thinking of a plc to house all of us + bb + 1st borns (and of course the hbs)....
Sunflower, how r u? I pray tt you r growing stronger physically, mentally and spiritually. The little life in u will grow likewise too. when is your next scan?

Psalm91 - 2ww tho is testing period but somehow it is wonderful coz u know a new life is growing in u, depending on u to carry him/her in the tummy. During my 2ww, i din stay in bed all the time but wherever i landed on, i would lie down. I walked really slowly too. I remember i dared not push too hard when gg toilet. On my 2nd/3rd day after ET, i had bad diarrhea. I thot it's gone but God is so merciful and He protected the little ones. Commit your 2ww to His hands daily yah.

Mricky, hope your session with Dr Foong will be a fruitful one. I can see the strength in u despite wat u had gone thru. U r another Thistle and Trustinghim, full of hope and lead by God. U will succeed too. Let's share your worries and fears here and we will all uphold u in prayers.

Joei, r u excited 2c your bb soon? It's a beautiful feeling whn the doctor brings your bb 2u. Remember to treasure tt moment. I m glad to hear abt tintedsky's success. Will visit her blog one day.

Vanilla, my bbs r not yet 5 mths. They r only 3 mths+, coming to 4 soon. Lately my girl doesn't like to latch on to sleep anymore. My boy has long refused my breasts. I told hubby i m so sad tt bbs dun want to b close to me anymore. Is there a way to make bbs want to latch on again? I like the feeling of pacifying my girl to sleep on my breast. Now she prefers the pacifier.
dorothy, welcome to join in the gathering. I m looking fwd to it too. We shall meet up when everyone has more or less settled down well.
Hello NZ thanks for your prayers! I am praying hard too. Hope bb is growing strong and developing more day by day now so that we can see heartbeat soon. My next scan is next fri.

I am having little MS symptoms like slight giddiness at times and sore breasts. Also abit 'suan suan' feeling at the abdomen. I am hoping for more MS symptoms haha, just so i can feel bb is still there.

Psalms, jia you. How you feeling today? Actually we are both in 2ww together, you to your BT, me to my next scan. Lets pray and live by good faith together! From a chinese medicine point of view, try to keep your body warm too. Good to wear bedroom slippers if you have and avoid sitting on cold floor. Thats what my TCM dr advised, i guess no harm following, hehehe so i am doing suit now too.
hi NZ - i think dawn thinks latch on is to drink milk and she rather does not want to latch on...Elisha is like that to milk bot..if he wants to sleep and we make him drink, he will scream shake his head right to left and i must quickly put him down on bed...give him pacificer...he will suck the life out of the pacificer...give him the milk bot he will reject. They v clever now...know the diff bwt pacificer and milk teat....It is not that they dun want u ... it is more they want to sleep....sometimes Elisha also dun want me to cuddle him to sleep....he will scream and when i put him on bed, he sleeps, curled up. I think it is a development stage that they sleep like this now...dun be too sad ok...

Hi Sunflower - JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!

Hi Joie - ya when my PD brought Elisha to me when i am lying there -- i gyane said..yes it is the end of ur long journey... then again she is wrong is the start of another journey...

HiDor -- of course u r welcome! But must wait for a bit...thinking of doign it after Elisha's could be end of May or in June.
i try to be strong......but helpless sometimes. sometimes just try to forget abt it. ya, hope visit to dr foong wd be fruitful.

hello everyone - this is Elisha -- me a couple of mths back..mummy finally get to post pic of me in the forum...

to all aunties - thank you for ur prayers....

To Auntie trustinghim, sunflower : God will protect ur bbs like how He protects me

To Aunty Mricky - Jia you, dun give up. Rem I am cheering for u!
Elisha! I finally get to see the strong happy boy we've been praying for. You are simply adorable and you don't look the least bit sick! That's because Jesus took all our sicknesses when He died for us on the cross. Sweetie, you have been healed in Jesus' name! :D
Hey ladies! As you can tell, I've been very good and lying down most of the time so haven't logged on in a while.
Luckily I like watching tv.. haha!

Joie, have a superquick supernatural childbirth!

Mricky, it's natural to have your emotions go on a yo-yo. But keep believing that in spite of your circumstance, God is in control. Here're the lyrics of a song that encourages me when things don't go my way:
All things work for our good, Though sometimes we don't see how they could, Troubles that break our heart in two, Sometimes drives us to our knees. Our Father knows what's best for us, His ways are not our own, And like a tapestry, He's changing you and me to someday be just like His own.

God is too wise to be mistaken, God is too good to be unkind, So when you don't understand, when you can't trace His hand, When you can't see His plan, TRUST HIS HEART
i've emailed you. How are you doing?

sunflower, let's press on together during this 2ww. I can't wait for it to end but I also know that this is a time of trusting in God. It's really about having faith. I can't see the little ones in my womb. I don't know if they are growing at all, but i trust God that He is in charge.

Are you resting at home or back at work? Take care and don't stress, ya? Yup I'm wearing bedroom slippers in the house and socks at night when I sleep...also cover my tummy with a towel to keep warm... super kiasu. Heh.

NZ, take it easy. Don't imagine your kiddos don't want you anymore. I'm sure they love their mummy very very much. It's just a natural progression, maybe? And it makes it easier for you to go back to work too?
Vanilla, I'm doing aright. Not very bloated altho my breasts are a bit sore. But I shan't imagine things.. will keep believing that a miracle is happening in my womb. Not drinking longan red date but cordyceps red that ok? Also taking some TCM from dr Zou.
hi psalm, i did not take any tcm during my 2ww...but i think shld b ok cos Dr zou is good and she treats alot of ivf patients...

yes...a miracle has happened and is happening!
wow!!!finally see him!!!!
so so blessed.

me also decided to post my SO-IUI baby!
take when he was 1. 2 months ago
Wow wow, Elisha looks so delightful! Praise God! Thanks bb Elisha for rooting for aunt and bb Sunflower! Yes, our God is a protective Father in Heaven!

Dor, whats your boy name? He is chubby chubby, so cute!

Psalms, i am back at work, but have been taking some half day leaves here and there to rest also. My work is rather stressful these few weeks. Once i almost cried but went to toilet to pray instead, told God to please take care of bb if i have to be very buried in work, tell Him to please protect bb on my behalf if i have to carry abit of heavy stuffs. I have been carrying alot of big ring files lately. Trying my best not to stress so will sometimes sneak in forum here and be drifted away from work, heehee.

You are doing well, taking all steps you can to take care of yourself and bb, thats good enough while our Father in Heaven is doing his part within you, so its a perfect partnership! Dont read too much into symptoms ok? At this early stage, abit hard to believe everything. Just relax ok? They say when we are relaxed, our body also emit some hormones that will in turn help with implantation.

I am also drinking red dates drink up till now. I drink it raw leh, no cordyceps or longans also cos longans can be heaty. How many red dates you put in your mug a day? I put in at least 15 red dates. Is that too much? Maybe i too kiasu, haha. I think i too kiasu. My mom and MIL makes me chicken soup every week so i also get to drink 2 times a week. On other days when i dont have chicken soup to drink, i drink the bottled chicken essence. So kiasu me hor? Heehee.
hi cute. Isaiah is so chubby!!

hi sunflower...if u need help to carry ring files, ask ur colleagues for help.

i tried to post another pic but cannot cos too big...he has a mona lisa smile....
Dor, oh baby Isaiah ah? Paisey paisey

Vanilla, cant ask for help yet cos i havent told my colleagues that i preggy. But i think maybe i can say i injured my back hor? Heehee
ya...say ur arms ache from exercise etc...when u ask for help i think they cant reject u right....if someone ask me to help them take file i would. But if the person is a well-bodied man then i will ask him y he cannot do it lah..
Sigh. I so hate myself now. Went to drink 1 cup of milk tea just now and this morning also drank 1 cup. Total 2 cups! By right tea is cooling and also got caffeine, at most 1 cup a day is allowed only. But i double dosed cos of my stupid craving. So feel like slap myself now for being greedy. Sigh.
dun b too hard on urself.... 1 cup more today, then tom u dun drink is ok...1 more cup today has no effect. Sometimes we all have cravings, other than alcohol and sashimi, we can indulge once in a while....I also drank decaf today...usually i dont even drink decaf cos still got caffeine and i cannot risk elisha in the middle of the nite eyes big big...but today i dun be too hard on urself k.

Tom is Good Friday - lets all take time to rem Jesus powerful gift to all of us!
oh ya i almost forgot. Tomorrow mediacorp artiste Rayson Tan and Chen Liping (ah yo yo teacher) are giving their testimonies at Lighthouse Evangelism's GF-cum-Miracle Service! Chew Chor Meng also attending same church.
his name is Gervaise Isaiah.....

vanilla, hee... thanks
lao baby already....

rest...please post more bb pic!!!! let's booast up the thread.
Hi ladies, thanks for all your prayers.
Our daughter Faith was delivered by Dr Foong on 7 April 9.04pm.
Thanks be to God, the delivery was smooth and quick. I had my epidural at 4pm after being dilated for 4cm. The Dr came and I had to push for less than 5 min before Baby Faith decided to come out :) and see the world!
She is on the small side around 2.36kg.. and she has a delightful smile...
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Baby Faith
Baby Faith with a wink.bmp (1.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Joie, baby Faith is adorable!!! Congrats to you and your hubby on this precious gift of life from above!!
And praise God for your quick delivery!

Dor, your boy is very cute and chubby! He must be very fun to play with at this age

Sunflower dear, I love milk tea tooo! And I crave for it every single day! It's my comfort food and I'm so sad that I can't drink it anymore...not during this crucial 2ww anyway. Sigh.. it helps that I'm at home now but the moment I get back to work, I can't be confident I can resist!!!! So don't feel bad sneaking in the occasional cup. I so understand the urge. Hehe :p Anyways, doctors and sinsehs all say one or two cups a day is fine.

As for red dates tea, I put only 8 in my soup cos they can be heaty. But you've been drinking for a while now, so shld be ok for you. Your body can take it.

I've been super hungry everyday but eating small meals cos otherwise a bit bloated. Did most of you get implantation bleeding? I dont have leh. Just a bit twitching on both sides of my womb, dunno is it cramps.
Is my 1st post here. Hee hee...
I'm sure god will grant each n every one an angel...
God will want us to be fuitful n multiply.
God will guide us through it all. Praise the Lord!
hi Bb angels - welcome. ha ha...God sometimes will grant us more than 1 angel!! NZ, Thistle and TrsutingHim have twins!!

H Joie - COngras!! Praise the Lord...Faith is so cute!! Hop eu are doing fine urself, rem to rest more and let everyone else helps.

Hi psalm - i did not get implantation what sunflower said, dun worry abt symptons, all are not the same. For me, on my 7th weeks, my tummy became super hairy...that was God's way of telling me Elisha will make it then!! I think i was the only one with hairy tummy
Congrats Joie, very happy to c your bb pic here...very cute. Do rest more to recuperate ok.

Vanilla, elisha looks very different from the last time u mms me his photo. Rly a big boy now. Such a lovely smile.

Dorothy, how old is your boy now? Sorry i might hv missed your post. He looks cool.

Sunflower, Plsalm91, take gd care of yourselves yah..

Me n hubby will b bring bbs to church today. It's our first mission out wth bbs..oh i rly pray tt bbs behave well and dun fret. Me a bit stress now. My hubby will also panick if bbs cry. I pray for God's protection and care.
Wow. baby Elisha, Isaiah &amp; Faith are all so cute.... Psalm 91 &amp; Sunflower, i love milk tea too. nowi still drink maybe 2x per week. but drink decaf coffee (bluff my body system tat got caffeine).

just came back from Malacca. quite a nice trip except we were trapped @ Tuas for 4-5 hrs!!!!!

Thanks Vanilla for your encouraging words.

mysunflower, do take care. don stress out ok? i know work can be very stressful. agree with vanilla, try nt to carry files. no matter how heavy or light they are, they are still weight. the 2ww is precious (i know it, i've gone thru 4 rounds).
helloooo such cute babies photos!!! Faith is soooo pretty ..i am looking at her praying i will have a baby gal too as sweet as her.. do have a gd confinement n good rest!!

Dor- your son is so chubby and i like sooo much!! i like to pinch his cheeks!

Sunflower- i also very depressed after seeing dr.. i even went to sunday indoor stadium to hear Reinhard Brooke..

sunflower- you are still very kaui.. i confessed i ate ice cream cos i have the bitter taste all the time..the drink i drink everyday is ribena.. i used son tooth paste cos i feel like vommitting all the time.. i eat lots of sweets which i dont if not for this bitter teaste..i drank tom yam soup n even ate curry cos i cant take it any longer if not spicy food..i went jap restaurant but look at sashimi but comfort myself with sushi... i just cant eat well..very sick but very hungry... very miserable..

do any of you eat a lot of sweets? it is very bitter even drinking water is misearable..i tried to keep my spirit up so as not to affect the babies but i long for the days when i can eat n feel full n not small portion n hungry but just no appetite cos nothing lookks gd..

i sepnd a lot of $$ on food... i even told husb i crave for peking duck but till now have not made it to eating it at prima tower.. tonight celebrating fil birthday with chili crabs but i am not interested at all.. i still want peiking duck!!! i also need to confuse i drank shark fins soup 2 wks ago.. i just crave for the forbidden food!!

Vanilla- i am praying for Elisha's scan this week.. do hang in there!!
trusting him - try nt to eat chilli crab. my tcm said its cooling. wow........ u do have many cravings.

vanillapod - wat happened?
oh Mricky- should have read your post earlier.. i ate the crab cos my mil only bought that last night with chili mussels n frog legs...

i was so hungry.. actually told husb to buy vege n chicken but eh came home late so ended up not getting other food..

vanilla- you ok??
good morning!

vanilla- what happen.
"be still! n let HIM do the job"

trusting him-welcome to the craving club.
last sat, i also craved for crab.
trustingHim, guess u must b thinking abt food all the time. I din hv cravings last time so i dunno how it feels whn a preg woman's craving not satisfied at times..

Vanilla, hope u n your hubby will make up very soon. Today's daily bread is rather meaningful:
"Our concerns r His concerns. Or pain is His pain. Commit your challenges and difficulties to Him. He is the all-seeing God who remembers us as a mother remembers her children, and He waits to meet our needs."

I realised my rship with my hubby also got affected ever since our twins were born. It started with some differences in opinion then ended up in a fights. Nowadays it's kinda giving up on each other so not much communication between us. I do feel strongly abt this so we must always be watchful and dun let things affect our marriage. I m still learning on how to cope with this.
vanilla and nz- yes you are right... i remembering having big fights with husb cos it is a big adjustment n very tiring to have to take care of the baby n esp the night feeds. but really things get a little better when the child is older n more independent..

i was also upset with husb cos i think he is not as excited as when we have our first child... he was not that concern n was in fact upset that i keep asking him to buy food n aasking him to pray for the babies... sigh i think man just not as maternal as us.
Dor- i am a food lover n i faithfully watched the wed food show on which hawker stall to eat... but now i can only watch cos cant really travel to eat..

but on friday i did a crazy thing..i brought son all the way to Queenstown market ( the one near to Church of our saviour) there is a fried dumpling stall on the 2nd floor n it is delicious... i was totally exhausted when i reached home ..1 hr to go there n 1 hr to come back.. i even packed the food cos ordered too much... ha ha
i need to ask aa personal question- can we have intimacy with husband when we are pregnant. we never since er. i asked cos i am on the med that need to insert from my v n i am also not keen to have any thing inside there (scared the medicine got wear off)... to be honest my 1st child ( no medication involved), we never have intimacy from 3rd mth n all the way till i deliver and even after 9 mths after i gave birth cos i am very tired with the night feeds..

to be honest, i am not a very sensual person n maybe shy too but i am not sure will that meet husb needs..can some of you share?

hi Nz and trustinghim - sigh! with the little bundle/bundles of joy also comes bundle of frustation w spouse! hi NZ - ya..sometimes he ask me do this do that..or give me instructions i v sian never answer also kanna chided..yesterday i was really tired cos Elisha keeps waking up and cry and wants me to carry (something he has not wanted us to do during nite 4 v long)...and office got horrid work to do...i know as parents is new relationship, but sometimes i think he is not appreciative what i am doing.

Hi trustinghim - to be honest i have not really done it w hb for v long. Since Oct 2007 cos after my lap i immediately do ivf. then when preggie 1st trim cannot do then 2nd trim onwards hb does not dare to do (scared will hurt bb), thenn gave birth, no energy - tried once but did not got tension also dun want to do..then i feel like an in mess, tummy so fat ..i know hb wants sometimes but i also v tired...dun know how too..
