Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Dear God,

We pray for your healing hands to be on Elisha and we know that in every step ... BB Elisha will not be alone, you will be there with him and for him.

Thank You Lord.

In Jesus Name...... Amen

Mricky dear, your turn will come. I'm so excited that you've decided to take that step of faith and start ivf. Believe with all your heart that it will be a success and God will pave the way.

Even now, I have days when I'm fearful that what I have now will be taken from me but then I rebuke those thots because the destroyer cannot take away what God has given to me.

Every time my mind starts doubting, I claim this scripture: Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:23-25. Through this whole process, I've come to realised how impt it is to fill my mind with God's word so that the evil one cannot cause me to waver.

Hang in there, babe.
hi back to pump n rest cos me doing nite shift today.

praise the Lord, elisha is out of the ventilor. He still hasm assistance in oxegen - but doc reduce cos he can breathe on his own.

Just now he is abit awake - make alot of noise, want to flip and keep kicking his blanket - the nurse v busy and unable to really handle him cos he is so active so the nurse manager will help out. He drank some glucose water cos he is super hungry amd just now another 30ml of milk. He has to control water intake cos doc worry he will flood his lungs.

He is such a brave boy with all the tubes and blood. Docs are pleased w his progress so far but another 2 more days in icu before transfer to paeditric ward.

Thank u sisters for all ur prayers! pls continue to pray for him during this recovery period. thks v much.
hi nZ ..sometimes bb will test their routines -- maybe they are hungry so they cry at 4? Or are they starting to teeth? Sometimes their gums are itchy?

Also there is a period of time their milk intake will drop. I rem Elsiha's milk strike is abt 5 mths old. Refused to drink until i force and stringe in cos he is so underweight. They are drinking 70ml still ok...try day time feed more so nite they can sleep longer.

Cheer up and hold are like that, once parents got used to their routine, the bb will change is like a rebellious act !!

For elisha i have to retrain him when he is back (haha make him sound like a puppy)..on his sleeping time and solid intake. 2 days before surgery he just refuse his solid now know now to purse his lips and clamp his jaws tight....v v notti boy!

And oh yes, he has started crawlimng too!! this also must retrain him when he recovered...cos with his big scar on his chest think he will have to restrain alot of activities for the time being....
Hi I'm back n so was my AF two days ago.

ladies thanks for your encouragements.

can you PM me instead? just click on my name and choose private message. you'll see my email address when you do so. Sorry I just thot of it.

praise god the surgery went smoothly. may God's peace and patience be upon both you and your hubby. And may Elisha be filled with joy n not be bothered by any physical discomfort.

thanks for your advice and encouragement. Hmmmm will pray tt God prepares my hubby to zi dong about the meal arrangements.

Can someone share what is the process of FET?

I will be doing a PT MBA next year sponsor by company. Commitement will be for at least another 3 years, am thinking of going for a second BB now before heading back to school.... Also Hubby in already 40 this year, dun think should wait too long? What you gals think?

Hubby is currently out of job.... Thinking once he gets a job, will go for FET... Also worried abt twins then cannot cope.... There is really alot on my mind now.....
I just did fet in feb at kkivf. Not sure if the other hospitals are the same. but basically, it's very straight forward.

Once you ovulate, the nurses will arrange for embryoes transfer. No hormone injections if they are following your natural ovulation. total is below $2K for me, incl progesterone inserts 400iu 2x a day.

I guess, when God blesses and if this is His Will for you, He will provide. So continue to seek him.

Was your No 1 also via IVF? Can you share your experience and why u need to do IVF instead of conceiving naturally?

I've 1 failed Fresh and 1 fail FET.
Hi Haze, No 1 is through IVF. MY HB Sperm and my eggs has a bonding issue.... The sperm cant stick to my eggs thus the only way out was ICSI....

My No 1 is really a blessing, she is very sweet, very cute and she is an easy BB and most importantly she made me realised how much God love me... How much Jesus meant to him ... and how much it hurts him to let him died for us ... Sinner, not worthy of him ...

I felt that Abbey led me to a deeper spiritual dimension .... she is a real blessing....
Hi MSFamily, thanks. I learn one new fertility issue.... bonding issue btw eggs and sperm. hmmm.

On my 1st tcm appt, I was told that fertility wise, it's more worrying for women as they age from 36 onwards, as it's very steep from there onwards. So perhaps it's best to try to conceive as early as you can.

Yes, God gave us children to make us better children of God. Enjoy your parenthood.
hello mummies

trusting, congrats on seeing ur 2 sweet peas... must be exciting!

nz - could it be your bbs are teething and have difficulty sleeping? hope this phase will go away soon. my bbs too... have been waking up at nite for milk - cos they do not take enuf during the day due to teething.

nz/twinnies - do you find that sometimes you do not spend enuf time with your bbs? sometimes i do feel guilty that i am not able to spend as much time reading and playin with them, as compared to my older boy. most of my time is taken up with routine caretaking tasks like feedin, bathing, cleaning and grooming (mani/pedi) them.

vanilla - Praise God for keeping Elisha well! Pray for a speedy recovery!

Haze, Amen.. God will grant you the desire of your heart - kids and kids....

MS - I agree that you shld try early, it took me 9 mths and 4 soiuis to concieve my twins, in the midst of that, i had one blighted ovum. For my elder one, i conceived on my 1st soiui... though it's 2 years prior, i think age play a role.
MS, over the weekend it came to mind that wives shud also try 2 be sensitive to hubby's feelings esp since he's unemployed esp in such financial climate. as a man he may feel very pressurised and even more depressed that he's not bringing home the bread. at the end of the day, i believe that it is god who opens the employment door hence continue to pray fervantly about it.

it may be hard on u as u think about the potential burden u would need to undertake re your bro's and dad's situation, n yr mba too. but i pray tt u will find god's amazing grace, mercies and provision to take u thru this period, n soar spiritually in Him as u overcome every situation with Him and yr family.

oso when i heard that God gave us children to make us better, my imm reaction is to tell god this is tough. cos life alone is tough with its many trials

thistle, thanks for your blessings.

have a great start to a new week to all in this forum
hi psalm91, congrats on your singleton and hearing your bb's healthy heartbeats. Enjoy your pregnancy journey, i think i still miss those days coz i wasn't working then and was relaxing at home. :p

mricky, yes, your turn will come soon. We will jia you for you. Doesn't matter abt your busy schedule or travelling coz God understands u r busy wth work. He will still bless u wth a child. Just be your best.
Vanilla, we will cont to pray for elisha's recovery and restarting of his routine. Yes, rly have to watch him closely coz he has started crawling. I m sure your hubby can do a good job when you go back to work..:p
Haze, i was with SF Loh too. i understand your disappointment coz i was trying naturally at first and every month got hit by disappointments after disappointments. Every time when i saw Dr Loh, he would ask if i have any good news for him. Eventually he was the one who gave me the good news. God knows your desire so dun give up. He will open doors and bless you n your hubby with your bundle of joy. Abt your meals arrangement, why dun you order tingkat instead? They have 1 week trial. If not, u can PM me and i will teach u simple and healthy recipes for daily meals..:p Only a slow cooker and an electric steamer are suffice.

MSFamily, doing p/t mba plus working plus taking care of Abbey plus trying FET plus takin care of family affairs might be too much for you. It's better to focus on one thing at a time. Give priority to the ones your feel more important to you and do it progressively. Looks like u rly have a lot of things in your mind. You can take some time off and find some peace and seek God's direction. He will surely guide u and give u peace of heart in doing what you want.
Thistle, i m not sure if my bbs r teething coz i dun see any whitish growth in his mouth. I have separated them at sleeping time since last week. This way, they wun wake up each other and me and hubby get to have some sleep too. And yes, I do feel taking care of twins is rly a challenge. I thot maybe it's coz i m a first time mom that's why. Most of my time at home also spent on taking care of their basic needs one after another. Furthermore, i still need to pump milk in between. I am stopping bfg next month so i hope i have more time to play with them. Recently, me and hubby enjoy taking them out for a walk on weekends. We will set off at abt 3.30pm and come home by 6pm. Only when we r out of the house will we be able to give them more attention and play. But of course, by 3.30pm, i have to ensure that they slept enuf, fed and i finish pumping. Then, we can set off with peace of mind and be able to enjoy our time together.
thanks Thistle- i reall dunno how u can cope.. i think i might have to spend more time with son who is going pri 1.. he is misbehaving n getting out of hand so i am not sparing the rod on his backside....i am praying for strength to take care of twins n a pri 1 son.

MS family- i can sense your concern.. i also feel 1 is lonely. i think as what NZ mentioned earlier, maybe 1 step at a 1time.. studying MBA is agood idea but it might take away some time from the kids. pray about it and see which one u feel more at peace eventually..but i agree it is not too gd to have a wide age gap.. the thou of night feeds n diaper change is not something i am looking forward..
Thanks NZ for your encouragement. ya, sometimes this site will hang for no reason and all the things you've typed will just disappear.

work is pickig upagain,especially when you intend to take leave. so annoyed.

If i don strike naturally this month, my ET/ER will be in Jul. Hopefully everything goes well.

TrustingHim, don worry tat much. Boys tend to be a bit of naughty and lifely. just look after your health and the babies'.

MSfamily, ya, pray about it and talk to your pastors if required. you don have to carry this burden yourself.
hi sisters, me back at work(cos colleague on holidays and i have to b ard cos just 2 of us)....

Elisha still has fever, last nite went to high of 38.1 degrees... v worrying, hope his fever will be gone. He is still abit cranky at night time. Sleep and nap v little. All his routine is hay wired now..tryin to fix it back ....he cried v loud at 4.30am - hungry...sigh! cos he is on medicine to flush the water from his system (so his lungs will be flooded), he gets dehydrated and we have to keep feeding him milk.

I was so tired that i ignored his cries and let my hb handle...i had been doing the nite duties at the hospital and come home only to catch 2hrs nap-- v v tiring!

He has to find out his pain threshold and what he can and cannot do - like he cannot flip and crawl now cos his ribs are sawed and now the chest area is v painful, he can turn to 3/4 before a flip and that is max. he can kick real well - that is his only action now with flapping of arms. Sigh for an active boy, he must really miss his flipping and crawling.

Tom we will go back to remove his stitches on his tummy (on his sides to drain water out of his chest)...seeing his little body, i am so sad but at the same time, really thank God for giving me such a strong boy!

Thanks sisters for all ur prayers. Pls continue to pray for his speedy recuperation and strength for me, my hb and mil to take care of him.

Thanks v much!
vanilla - you are one strong lady, and a great mummy. kudos to you. i dunno how i can cope if i am placed in your situation. sometimes when my kids are cranky, i can lose my temper easily.

these few days, my no. 1 has been bored at home, and tends to make me upset by disturbing the bbs, or waking them up with his loud voice. i lost my temper with him few times... and felt bad after that. td while feeding him lunch, he told me he loved me cos i always make him nice soups... so sweet, warm my heart.

my twins are quite sticky now as they are both teething and prefer to latch on then drink from the bottle. hence i find myself latching on and on and on... when they find that i am not there, they will be cranky again...

really thank God for giving me the stength to live through each day, and i thank God for giving me this great resp - to be their mummy... pray for wisdom and strength so that i can continue to play my role as a great mum...
Hi All, how do you knoe if the BB are teething? Abbey also cries a far bit in the evening and demand for me to carry her ... thinking she is teething too but no dun see any up & coming development in the gum actually....
not sure how old Abbey is. Below are two links you can read up... hope they help.

info on teething symptoms. pls see this web

i read an article about colicky babies, who usually cry in the evenings..."bouts of colic occur regularly, commonly every evening, but can occur anytime. Bouts of colic gradually become less frequent, and have gone in most babies by the age of 3-4 months." extracted from an article in

thanks for your offer. I may just take it up one of these days.

May God grant both you and your hubby peace beyond understanding, strength and perserverance during this trying period. May He replace every frustration in Elisha with His peace as He brings him through a speedy recovery.
hi msfamily and nz - actually i shld correct myself - it is gum itchy. Elisha's gums have been itchy for v long and still no sign of teeth. He can bite the pacificer like a teether - he hold it to the side of his mouth and chew (like eating a drumstick). I put detinox teething gel to soothe the itchy gums at nite when he cries. but dun put too much cos it is sweet.

Hi Msfamily - u are v brave to have another one! I am still thinking abt it, but cos mine is C section rest period is 18 i have plenty of time to think. What i worry is the genetic problems, I cannot handle it if my next child is like Elisha - have so many health complications. Even if emotionally and physically i can handle, my bank account cannot afford....

Hi Thistle - thanks for ur comments - but honestly i am v bad - i screamed at Elisha in the hospital - the last nite cos i was v tired and grouchy and he keep fussing and I have tried putting him to sleep for almost 2 hrs...i was abit rough w him and he instinctively flipped to get away from me and that hurt his wound n he screamed. Made me feel so bad that i keep apologising to him. U r a strong mum! twins + 1 toddler! that is more tiring!

hi NZ - gd that u and ur hb enjoy ur weekend walks! It is good to bring bb out...

Hi psalm - congras! keep us posted if it is a girl or boy!

Hi Mricky - God bless u! May u have a natural super conception!

Hi Haze - how is ur trip?
It was good. It's just another lifestyle going to places we used to visit for meals and shop. i bought an unbranded face mask going for $2.80 for a pack of 10. Promises to moisturise skin in 3 days, since so cheap just try lor.

Stay strong and positive ya.... try to read a bible verse a day and pray. It helps to calm your spirit. Lack of sleep causes a person to be impatient. Hope you manage to catch up on your sleep since you're now home with MIL to help keep an eye on Elisha... take some ginseng in the mornings to energise... just soak in boiling water and cover. You can drink once it cools down. Add chrysanthemum if you feel heaty.

keep looking up He is our peace who has broken down every wall...
thanks haze... it was a panic last evening cos his fever (38.2)came back, he diarrhea 5 times...called doc and she said might need readmit to hospital cos he shld not b having runs...sigh! called PD and he said to watch the fever. Thank God this morning his fever has subsided...hope his diarrhea also gone....i dun want him to be readmitted..cos he has such fear over the nurses..he sees one in blue he cried...and i am working so diff to do nite shift in the hospital.

Thanks for the tip, but cos i am breastfeeding cannot take ginseng...the ginseng will make Elisha a very awake baby! (ehee hee ...tip for u next time u have bb...) I take cordeyps instd to bu cos i cannot fall sick now.

Read Psalm 33 last nite, it comfort me....

Thanks to sisters I sms last nite to pray for elisha's fever....
Hi Vanilla

Thats great to know Elisha's fever is going down! Sorry i have been travelling due to work lately, missed out on earlier posts. Will continue to keep Elisha in my prayers. You too take care of health ok? Cos you need to be the strong one to take care of him.

Psalms, grats!

Haze, welcome to this thread. I might cycle with you under Dr Loh soon, just might, havent decided yet. If i do, it will have to be a fresh cycle. Frankly, i am feeling very tired. You might have read from archives, i BFP the last FET but lost it at 9weeks. The feeling of lost is so much greater than the monthly disappointments when AF come, all put together. So ... are you trying for your 1st? Me is.
MSFamily, yours is egg and sperm bonding issue. Mine i am wondering is it genes mismatch. Cos it took 10 embryos for me to BFP and even then the 10th one couldnt develop normally. So i wonder is mine a case where egg and sperm can meet and bond but when they put the genes together, its a mismatch so baby will never develop. Hmm ... if like that, then IVF also hopeless for me. What for ... can fertilise but cannot develop. Sigh ... that will be the coldest and wettest blanket poured over DH and me.

Is there such a thing as gene mismatch all the time? Ie. there is permanent fault with my or DH genes such that they will never ever combine to make normal babies?
hi sunflower - i understand ur worry - in my case, genes play a big part in giving Elisha his health problems. It is very sad to hear the gynae telling me - u have an abnormal baby. and then it was just his tummy that is the problem. With heart and kidney problems...sigh...

I understand that KK has this genetics prediagnose for embroys (under IVF)...maybe u can ask Dr Loh abt it. I think they might b just testing chromosomes rather than genes. My fren's hairdresser is under KKIVF and she aborted her bb cos DS...they told her next time can do this test before putting the embroy in.

For me if i want my 2nd one i will call up and ask if can test for genes. i know in UK they allow it..but i cant transport my frozen eggs there and the cost! maybe i am thinking too much and worrying too much, shld just let God decide for me.
thanks for tip... forgot u are still breastfeeding. ah... childhood fever is such a frightening thing!
is cordyceps good since he developed fever n the runs, possible for u to check w TCM or for your MIL to check w a TCM if it's good for you to continue cordyceps with these symptoms? can doc's explain why he has such symptoms?

thanks for welcome. ya three of us may cycle together in July if everything is as planned. MRicky oso.

yes this will b my 1st child.... and at my age.... (sigh)... singapore really doesn't have good environment for conception.

one of my frens did a detox before they got married cos they didn't want their bad chromo to be seen in their baby. i didn't do it cos fasting is quite tough n dh not supportive of such alternative methods. both husband and wife should do it to see results. if u interested i check w my fren.

re your short bfps wat was dr loh's explanation? for me my temperature will go up then some times got nausea during 2ww, but temp drops after a few days..... (sigh)

i hear some other ladies doing some chromo testing etc w dr loh, but he nvr say anything to me leh.... i wonder why?
hi haze - hopefully he is having fever cos he is dehyrated cos his heart med is making him pee alot. hope his diarrhea stops too so he will not be dehyrated....sigh...really dont want to readmit him to hospital again...
Hi All

Sorry been away for sometime.

Vanilla, Im glad Elisha Surgery went well. Ur a super mummy & u have a supper baby. God Bless Elisha to u as he knows u can handle him well.

MsFamily, Wahh thinking of another baby. well done. It will be nice for kids to have a sibling.

NZ, U might want to let them cry for abit? I did that with mum as I couldnot do anything cause all he wanted was to be carried. Anout sleeping let them cry to sleep so they get e idea its bedtime. I just make sure that they are just feed n pampers is dry.

Thislte u super mummy, mange Twins and a toddler. Good job.

I want to increase my twins feeds, any pointers ladies? They are 4months n drinking 150ml every 3hrs. Sometimes during the day they can sleep for 4-5hrs. They are on Breast Milk. They have 1 Formula feed at 8pm n they sleep till 7.30-8.30am. Than they go on Breast Milk again. So how much shld I increase their milk? Worried they not drinking enough.

Trusting God, U will enjoy the detailed scan @ 5moths. We had a great time. The best scan. Scarry but it was so nice to see their nose, mouth n all!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy it when u go for it.

Hope someone can shed some light on the feedings for me. Thanks ladies

God bless to all.
vanilla, do u hve dehydration salt he can drink to replenish his fluid? docs usu prescribe for diarrhoea patients.

if u hv family gp or paed can give him a call..... my frens do that.
Hi ladies,
Wondering if this is the right place for me now as I am contemplating IUI/IVF. Still hesistent as I am not sure if this is the path God wants for us to explore...can I ask how did you all know?
hi furry,
i guess only those who conceived thru ivf can answer your question.... i'm also asking God..... I'm doing IVF cos it's the recommended path by gynaes and even my tcm doc said a bit tough for me to conceive naturally.

i ask myself what is prayer if i'm not doing my part. so since i've already been told, i will just have to try lor and pray that God blesses our efforts.

If i tried n didn't succeeded like my frens who conceive naturally told me, at least i've tried, so no regrets.

god bless.
thanks Haze - i have called my pd n the doc -- we will be seeing both of them tom when remove stitches for Elisha.

Thanks Twinnes - for me, we just increase another 10ml more for Elisha and see if he can finish. U can also try increase say 20ml and see if they finish. if they stop and left say 10ml, u know their max intake is just 10ml more. Also if they reguritate means u overfeed them. as they are 4 mths u can also ask ur PD if u can try to start them on solids. most pd start at 6mths but if ur bbs are v hungry then might need to start earlier. Another method to try is give water, not to filled them up like milk but is a good way to inculcate water drinking habits.

Welcome furry. ..this is a plc where we sisters in Christ talk abt IVF or IUI or infertility issues. Non christian friends are welcome as well.

Each of us all have different stories. For me, IVF is the only way i can have a bb cos i have blocked tubes. I was v upset w God and questioned Him, He spoke to me v clearly that this is His path for me. But i still questioned Him even after giving birth as my son has multiple health issues - the first thing that comes to me is God is punishing me for doign IVF so Elisha is born this way.

The funny thing is I thot of that when i was in post natal depression. I wanted to die and i wanted my son to die as well. It was a bleak episode.

Now looking back, i think God still want me to do IVF cos He is training me - the mental, emotional and phsyical pain during IVF prepared me for having a bb to undergo multiple operations.

My pastor told my hb that our God will not do this = punish me by giving me Elisha w health problems cos I do IVF. Indeed God is gracious and He is kind.

My only advice to u is to pray to Him and ask Him for guidance. It might not be a sign to indicate He says yes, but peace in your heart as you ask Him for guidance u will know what His decision is for u.
vanilla, since you seeing doc tmw, must u still see pd? it will b double expense for you leh... i thot if Elisha was still having runs and fever, sometimes yr pd can advise over phone. cos they know how drugs work.

sorry to cause confusion.

thanks for sharing how God spoke to you too....
hi haze, we seeing doc abt the heart and pd is more to pop by to see as well. we stop the antibtoics that cause runs since mon so not sure why he still LSing...SiGH!
vanilla, antibiotics are meant to prevent infections n needs to be completed for it to be effective... hope your doc replaces it with something gentler for Elisha.
ya, he is back on his usual antibotics..SIGH!

sorry keep sighing...thot after hospital everything will be ok....PLS GOD, PLS PROTECT AND HEAL ELISH.
vanilla, Amen to the healing prayer. caring for sick takes a lot of wisdom and patience.

I've chronic sinusitis n gall stones so every month I was sick. i used to get very bad gastric pain at midnight n made my dh very stressed cos he didn't know wat to do... then must drive me to 24 hr clinic for injection, until he's so paranoid abt it.. so no choice i hv to learn to care for myself....

your consolation is u dun have to camp at the hospital anymore. so if you care for him well, he will be on the road to recovery with God's blessings n protection. n u hv mil to help keep an eye on him at home... take heart he will heal soon.

play some worship music at home la... praise drives away the -ves n lifts up the spirit.
Vanilla, Amen! Pray tt Elisha will not have fever and diarrheoa anymore. May God heal him completely. U hang on there yah. And also agree with Haze's comforting words on Elisha's road to recovery.

Welcome Furry. I was in the same position as u b4 embarking on ivf last year. Spoke to a sister in church but she was strongly against it which made me more confused at that time. The best is still talking to God and He will guide your heart.

Twinnies, yes, i m thinking of trying the control crying method when they start solids in a couple of weeks. My bbs dun drink much nowadays, sometimes only 3 feeds a day and each feed is abt 100ml or less. Quite worrying coz they also dun sleep much. My girl is still very light in weight altho she is 5 mths now but will see how when we go for the jabs on 1jun. Last night, my girl woke up at 10pm and it took me 3 hours to settle her back to sleep. At 5am, she woke up again and i took another hour to put her back to sleep. Rly at my wits end...

Sunflower, hope u r recovering well physically and emotionally. Dun think your embryos have genetic mismatch problem. It's not fair to your little unborn bbs. Cast all negative thots to God and leave no room for despair. Talk to Dr Loh abt it and he will be able to advise.

Thistle, yes, we must pray for God's strength to live thru each day esp when our bbs r cranky at times and we are over tired. May God multiply our sleep duration that even tho we only managed to catch a 5-min sleep, it will seem like a 5-hour one. :p
Dear all, for once i can join the thread in the day time cos on mc. Got eye scaring after a foreign particle flew into my left eye. hmm..

NZ, i know some sisters in Christ are against IVF. I have also struggled with that but I guess nobody should be judged for taking this path. The decision we take is between God and us.

Haze, if you could, maybe can consider quitting job for a while. My friend quit her job last year June and is now 4-5 mth preggie with 2nd child. i also thought about it and also quit when my hubby thought of overseas posting.
thanks sisters, just came back from docs...E has to do blood test and urine test to see what is wrong cos shld not be having fever.

there is a prob now. His pulmonary artery that has a band is v narrow now cos band was too tight, though doc did a patch there the turbulence is v high. pls pray that his artery will expand, so that blood will flow properly..thks v much
hi mricky - hope ur eye is getting better... i was thinking of "chioing" u for lunch this week...

hi nz - does dawn take pacificer? why dont u try the teething gel? It is dentinox teething gel..
Was just thinking that the best gift to give to Abbey is a sibling, hopefully they get along well and will be good companion to each other ....

Have a fren that is a only child thus can sense she is very lonely and heavy responsibility now that both her parents are down with stroke... Very sad.

Vanilla & Elisha - Jia you
Hi ladies,

Thanks for the welcome and words of encouragement.

Can I ask if anyone is with O&G partners ? What is the price differential between private and public hospital IVF?

Also trying for my 2nd child and its been really challenging.
thanks MSamily.

Hi NZ - how are u? Did u manage to convince ur MIL abt the recycled clothes and toys and how to put Justin to sleep?

Hi furry - i m with dr foong at O&G. the cost is at least 2x more exp - reason is becos the drugs used are not subsidised unlike in public hospital. The + side is under Dr F the Q is really short and he gives personalised service. really nice guy! Pardon me for asking, have u found out why u r having secondary infertility? have u done any tests yet?

hello joie -- how are u and little darling faith? Hope she is not wasting too much "calories"...
Ya, i am under him. Joie is also w him. Mricky cld be using him. He is a very nice doc. If i want my 2nd one..will be using him as well. this time i will keep him as my gynae!

hello Vanilla- i will be keeping Elisha in prayers n pray that God will expand his artery.. how's his fever.. but i am glad he is pooing. is his wound healing?

Hello Vanilla n NZ- i am ok except that i still crave for spicy food n feel nauseaous even now at wk 13.. i am very selective n still feel rather sick n still have the bitter taste.. but i tell myself i must not complain n bear with it cos all of you been thru it too..but i wish the babies will gain wt cos i am losing wt.. strange, i have a tummy but dunno how i lose wt..

husband say maybe the babies are digesting the food n all come out of me.. but the prob is i am on iron pill n still quite constipated..

furry furry- pte has no govt subisidy but their service is much better.. govt is god but i think our dr n nurse are very bz..

thistle- how to let both the twins latch on? does your back hurt.. i think you should be the BF group spokesperson.. i m praying that i can manage 2..i would love to latch on but i dunno how fast or slow they drink n i need to coach son in his studies n i tell u that son of mine would want a sip too.. he has been wondering how bm taste like. if i can latch on last time i think i would have bf them longer..pumping is very tiring for me cos i pump 45 min -1 hr n every 6 becomes a real challenge when i need to go out n cant be home early..

twinnies- u also a cool mum , handling both on your own.. do u have time for chores? n how abt dinner?
