Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Ladies, it was really nice to catch up last Friday. Vanilla and Elisha are really brave, continue to claim God's promises and He will cover you with the blood of the Lamb.

Sunflower, continue to pray and tell the Lord of your desires. He will provide.

I am going to Dr Foong this Friday afternoon for a check up and then he will let me know when the due date will be. Do pray that my baby gal is growing well inside my womb as she was on the small side at the last scan and Dr Foong is a bit worried about her small size and health.

Dear All,

How are all of you, buried in work for the last few weeks....

i pray that there will be good news from trusting him & Mricky soon.

BB Abbey growing into "heavy-weight" BB already....PD asked me to start her on cereal next month when she is abt 4 months old....

Can i request for a prayer.... Just like what Vanilla stated.... not for a miracle but strength to overcome
Dear MS, my beta was supposed to be today but i did it last Fri. it was negative. i'm experiencing 2nd day menses already - very heavy. Still healing the disappointment. making arrangement to see another gynae, probably Dr LC Foong.
hi sisters - aiya posted the msg then screen hang....

ok let me start again:

Hi Joie - dun worry - girls tend to be on smaller side and also it can be a genes thing - u r small size too..try to drink more fresh milk these few days as the last weeks are growth spurt for u and bb. will pray for God's protection on u n bb.

Hi msfamily - why did ur pd ask u to start abbey on cereal since she is "heavy weight"? Usually shld start in 6mths. Elisha started at 3mths over near to 4mths cos of his low weight. will pray for God's strength onto u!

hi mricky - continue to be strong which u are and keep the faith. REm the case i wrote earlier - this lady lost 3 children and Dr SF loh also told her no hope, dun get pregnant cos she cannot carry to full term. but she is now a mummy to a lovely happy girl who will turn 1 next mth. This shows God Provides as He cares and understands! There is always a rainbow after a storm ...

Hi sisters - the doctors havent call yet to confirmm the surgery date. Tday the surgeon has a major case, so mayb tom he will call. Funny thing is we adults are worried and concerned but the little fellow is oblivious to all this. He performed more stunts - like flipping while sleeping and pulling his toes - while sleeping. It is just amazing how many "tricks" he is capable of!
Hi ladies!
I've been reading this thread and I'm very encouraged by your sharing and the bonds that have been built here. Coping with infertility is such a lonely process. So far, HB & I have been on this journey alone, choosing to share with only a couple of close friends and our siblings. I guess it's to avoid the heartache of having to answer too many questions - no matter how concerned our friends/relatives are, sometimes it's just hard for me to talk about this without getting all upset and depressed. But by and by, we really see God's hand upon our situation and we know we serve a faithful God who will give us the desires of our heart in His own perfect and beautiful time.

I've been TTC-ing for almost two years. First year, we tried naturally but nothing happened. Second year, we consulted a gynae and got my endo n PCOS under control. Tried naturally with clomid for two or three cycles, then attempted IUI - twice with clomid, thrice with puregon. Still, nothing happened. I'm now in my first cycle of IVF.

My first two weeks of lucrin didn't go that smoothly. Two blood tests showed my E2 level was skyhigh at 2,800plus. Then doc found two small cysts in my ovaries that he said looked negligible but since my E2 level didn't drop, he scheduled me for surgery to aspirate them just in case they were affecting the E2 level. It turned out that one of the cysts was a blood cyst meaning my endo may have returned. I prayed so hard that it wouldn't affect my current IVF cycle but I had peace that even if I had to take a break and treat the endo first, I knew God was in control.

Praise God that my menses came two days after the cyst surgery. And a blood test a day later showed my E2 level had plunged to 57.
Today's my Day 20 on lucrin and Day 3 on puregon. Will go for first scanning of follicles next Monday. I'm trusting God that everything will be ok.

Just wanna ask you experienced gals, do I need to pay special attention to my diet during this phase? What should I eat more of or not touch at all? Do any of you take TCM during the stimming period? Do you think it helps? Is it advisable to take cordyceps or red date longan tea (I read somewhere that this helps to warm the body and hence the womb)? Are there any "cooling" fruits I should avoid? Thanks!
Vanilla, Toy, thanks my old friends, for your emails

Vanilla, when i pray, i will remember Elisha too. Will pray for God's protection to be upon him that the medical procedures will all go smoothly and with minimal discomfort to him. That he will become a stronger boy. I am sure God loves him very very much.

Psalms, i did a few rounds of ET and 2 fresh cycles. From past experience and information learnt during then, let me share my 2 cents. Since you are at stimulation stage, good to eat food that will encourage follicle growth such as protein food esp egg whites. I was on TCM and ACU too. The result was quite good compared to my first cycle where i did nothing. Cordyceps is for general health so ok to take moderately too, can eat together with porridge or just smal cup of warm water. As for red dates tea, better to drink nearer to ER and ET to prepare the womb to receive the emrbyos. Red dates help in promoting blood, so yes warms the womb. TCM will also tell you at this stage, try to avoid cold drinks and drink loads water cos immune system might be lower. Cooling fruits, mainly all the melon fruits - avoid. Can take apples, apple is good.
sunflower, fear not for God is wth u. Commit your little one to him day and night. Amen to Vanilla's and Lala's prayers.

vanilla, elisha is so cute, very playful. I pray tt he will have a smooth surgery and quick recovery. May u and your hubby be strengthened in His Name.

Mricky, rest well and give your disappointments to Him. In Christ, no woman should be left barren.

joie, u can drink full cream fresh milk and take beef to boost your bb's weight. I did tt in my last tri whn my bbs' had not reach 2kg tt time.

msfamily, how heavy is your bb? will keep u in prayers. :p

psalm91, during my puregon stage, i drink full cream milk (warmed up using microwave) and took 2-3 eggs a day. I dun rmbr wat food to avoid but i din take chinese med during puregon stage.
Hi Gals, I am undergoing tremendeous stress...

- Hubby resigned from his job 2 months back and has not really started looking.He dun have an urgency but i am panic already

- Due a recent promotion, few colleagues are not too happy. Ignoring me and some not even on talking terms with me now.

- My grandpa whom stay with me fell and now required an additional maid ... which means i have 2 maid at home, twice the expense & twice the problems.... Worst, he does not want the maid to follow whereever he goes, made me feel not at peace whenever i am at work

Although, we do have enough savings and my pay is sufficent to suport the household but the feeling of having very little savings monthly bugs me....

Though of running away from home really..... feeling dry, feeling really low....Tried talking to hubby but he cant understand why am i so disturbed... Men ....

ABBEY is now abt 6.5 kg already, PD ask me to start her on cereal but dun know why ? She is a easy BB, can easily sleep though the night if last feeding is around 12 plus 1....

Mricky - Dun give up, you never know when God's perfect timing will come
Press on.
MS, will keep you and your family in prayers. Do not worry abt tomorrow, God will take care of your coming days. Me too, received a pay cut as co is not doing well. Was upset for a while, but learnt to accept the fact. Even if I lose my job (given many have been retrenched in my co, and retrenchment is still ongoing), I shall fear not and trust in the Lord. Maybe there is a reason for this season.

How old is Abbey now? Solids should only come in after 6 months.

psalm91 - may the Lord be with you throughout every phase of your IVF journey. i did not undergo IVF, hence i cannot comment....

Mricky, fret not, keep hanging in there and keep trying... I never felt defeated even with few rounds of failed cycles... for the Lord is for us, as His children, we just have to hang in and persist... He will grant us the desires of our hearts... look at Abraham and Sarah - they were also blessed with a child when all things seemed impossible. We just need faith! So many of our sisters here are true life testimony!

InTrusthingHim, how are you? Good news to share?
hi Thistle - TrustingHim today off and home no internet - she has good news... her beta test then was 300. How are u? How are ur twins? Got pic?

Hi SUnflower - me and Toy want to have ur Hp no...can sms me - mine is 96844936? How is ur scan that day? Chin up, rem look up to the Lord, He will be there always and forever more.

Hi Psalm91 - HELLO! Welcome. Do join us here..we are a band of God fearing sisters here...we enocurage and support each other. For food, during injection phase i avoid all TCM med, but continue my accupture. Also avoid soya products - soya milk, bean curd, bean sprouts. Take lots of chicken soup - but be kampong chicken cos farm one has hormones injected into them. Like what
sunflower said - avoid cooling fruits, during ur stimilation injection take plenty of water and during ur 2ww, take red date longan and protein and water. Rem water v impt - try room temp or warm water.

Hi MSfamily - dont worry k, my hb was affected by restructuring and was out of job since Dec last yr, I was worried cos his job pays much more than mine, and we got a new car. Then also there is Elisha's medical bills to pay - his ECG scan cost us $300 each time, a visit to PD is like $150. His coming surgery is estimated to be 50k (medisave can use only 4k). My job was also on the line 2 weeks ago and now i am also working day by day (hope the assets dont get transfered). I dont want to stress my hb to look for job...he initally started looking when my job is on the line. Then he also started to be depressed, and I dont want to push him. But now w Elisha's op, he decided to look after his surgery. Have a talk w ur hb, ask him to set a deadline for himself..say by 6mths time he need to get a job etc. For ur grandpa, also have a talk w him - tell him that he is v dear to u and u dont want anything to happ to him and now w bb, all the more he must look after himself - so he must have the maid with him all the time. for colleagues - ignore them. They are just green eyed over ur promotion and there is nothing u can do - just do ur work and ignore them.

Dont b down k, these are tiring and stressful times - but these are also times that God wants us to be closer to Him, seek refuge uder His wings. If you need to talk - we are always here...
Dear Daddy God, I pray that Your hand of protection be upon Sunflower. Let her feel your peace and joy even as she awaits the next scan. We claim life, wholeness and health upon the baby in her womb. We ask for the precious blood of Your Son Jesus Christ to cover both mother and child. Grant Sunflower the faith to believe that all will be well. We commit all this to you Lord, in Jesus' most precious name, Amen!

Hi Sunflower,
Thanks! Yeah, I've been eating lots of apples though I actually hate apples :p...seems like one of the safest fruits to eat, not liang, not zhua. Haha. Can share which TCM you go to for ACU? And is it good? I used to go to the JE sinseh but I'm not sure her meds work for me cos I've been through five IUIs already! And anyway her consultation timings don't suit me. It's such a hassle to go down so early on weekends to get a Q number. So I'm looking around for a new TCM/ACU but my ER may be as soon as next week so I'm panicking a bit.

Hi NZ, I'm trying to drink milk although I'm a tad lactose-intolerant but hot milk not so bad. Have been taking Anlene on and off. And last night, I made HB boil 4 eggs for me to eat - and mind you, he doesn't usually help much in the kitchen.. Hehe.

Dear MSFamily, don't fret. Despite all the troubles around you, at least Abbey is an easy BB to care for - that's one BIG BLESSING to be thankful for
I pray that the joy of the Lord will be your strength. In my recent QT, I was reminded to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God... and all these things shall be ADDED unto you". Our Daddy God will not only give us enough, He will give us more than we need. He will ADD His blessings to us in abundance but we must first seek Him and His word first
Do give your hubby the support he needs now and try not to nag at him yet. He's probably feeling quite down himself. In the mean time, pray pray pray!!! If he doesn't go looking for a job, pray for God to open doors and the job comes looking for him!

Thanks, Thistle! How are your twins doing? You did IUI?

Hi Vanilla - Thanks for your advice. Where did you go for your ACU? Can share? I'm thinking of maybe calling Eu Yan Sang @ Paragon later to enquire about their rates. How often did you do it? I hear it's before and after ER and ET?
Btw, I'm very encouraged by your sharing about Elisha. You're a very strong woman of God

Hi Mricky, I hope you're feeling better today. Don't give up! God can't wait to bless us and everything will be perfect in His time
hi psalm 91 - i did mine with Raf Hos TCM under Ms jin. i did it before IVF one a week then i kia su ask her nearing to IVF can i go 2X. ER that day do 1 time, ET before anther time and shld have 1 more during 2ww but i got OHSS cannot move so did not go..still left 1 time with her
maybe will do for my FET? There is a IVF booster package.

No lah i am not strong...weak actually, but God is good to me...He is there for me all the while
Ladies, AMEN to all your prayers! Thanks very very much!

Psalms, as for me, i am seeing Dr Zou at AMK. What she does for me is twice weekly ACU a few months prior to ER. Then daily for 3 days before ER. Dr Zou handles alot of IVF patients so she is very well verse with our procedures and protocols then she use ACU to complement.

Share something my hb sent me today ... so touching God's love.

(A truly beautiful testimony of God's love for His children..... )

Subject: Isaiah 65:24 - 'Before they call, I will answer'

This story was written by a doctor who worked in SouthAfrica .

One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward; but in spite of all we could do, she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the babyalive; as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator).

We also had no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts. One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in.

Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst (rubber perishes easily in tropical climates). 'And it is our last hot water bottle!' she exclaimed... As in the West, it is no good crying over spilled milk so in Central Africa it might be consideredno good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.

'All right,' I said, 'put the baby as near the fire as you safely can, and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm.'

The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died.

During prayer time, one ten-year old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children.. 'Please, God' she prayed, 'send us a water bottle. It'll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.' While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added, 'And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she'll know You really love her?'

As often with children's prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say, 'Amen'? I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything, the Bible says so. But there are limits, aren't there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever received a parcel from home.

Anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator! Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses' training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door..

By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the veranda, was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes.. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly colored, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas - that would make a batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the.....could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out - yes, a brand-new, rubber hot water bottle. I cried. I had not asked God to send it; I had not truly believed that He could..

Ruth was in the front row of the children. Sherushed forward, crying out, 'If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly too!' Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted! Looking up at me, she asked: 'Can I go over with you and give this dolly to that little girl, so she'll know that Jesus really loves her?'

That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God's prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child - five month s before, in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it 'that afternoon'.

'Before they call, I will answer' (Isaiah 65:24). Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue praying for one another!

‘Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this right now.
I am asking You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.
Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.
Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence to work through them.
Where there is spiritual stagnation, I ask You to renew them by revealing Your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with You.
Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage.
Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders and friends to support
and encourage them.
Give each of them discernment to recognize the evil forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in You to defeat it.
I ask you to do these things in Jesus' name.'
Amen!!!! i was just thinking today, if i'd done my FET next month, what wd be my chance of succeeding..... then again, i thought, what has happened, has happened. no point pondering upon past events. so, now i'm looking fwd to this Sat (see TCM), 7 Apr (see SF Loh) and 18 Apr (see LC Foong). So boh eng..............
i must confess that I am not a strong Christian in faith. Reading your threads and your prayers, show how we should all hold on to God. Things are happening around us, uncontrollable events, but God is in control.

As i have mentioned to Trusting Him and Vanillapod, i had quite a few rought patch happening with me in the office (somemore, performance appraisal coming). but i guess i just gotta hang on.
ladies, i m so blessed by your postings here. Thank God for bringing all of us together n cont to bring more new members. Our prayers will become more powerful whn all of us pray together. In Christ we r one big family. This is where i truly belong.

Tis morning my left breast suddenly became hard as rock and no milk could come out. It was so painful tt i din sleep the whole night. I thot i had to give up bfg and felt rly sad. I prayed once, it din work..the big lump was still there. I prayedd twice, thrice and so forth. The lump became more and more painful. I quietened dwn and ask God for guidance. Finally, i managed to clear the lump by squeezing rly hard. Now i dare not b lazy at nite..will express diligently.
NZ, will using hot towel massage breasts help?

Mricky, i thought i am not a strong christian too. In fact i dont go to church for very long liao eversince i TTC to no avail. I have been so disappointed God forgot me. But strangely, everytime i am down or needed help, needed comfort, needed strength, the first person i turn to is GOD! Its like deep inside me, i know i will never run away from God.

These 2 weeks, i depended on God more than i ever did for my condition. I pray and write to God almost everyday. And i believe God is in control and he knows best.
Hi vanilla and sunflower,
Thanks, I've made an appointment and will see Dr Zou tomorrow.

Dear sisters, it's truly tough to be positive when we TTC for so long and nothing happens. Many times in the past, I've been angry with God and I ask Him, "Why me? Why do I have to go through this?" And I wonder, what am I doing wrong, why is God not blessing me? But God spoke to me thru a devotional that truly changed the way I viewed Him. I've typed it out below just for you

Your Father's Heart
Matthew 7:11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him!

There was a pastor whose young child was diagnosed with cancer. The day his boy was scheduled for an operation, this father cried out to God, "God, I am almost 30 years old but my boy is only about three months old. Why don't you just take some years off my life and give them to my boy?"

Then, from deep within, he heard the voice of God say: "I am not like that."When the man heard that, he realised immediately that his son's sickness was not from God. He also realised that if he, who has faults, could want his child well, how much more his heavenly Father. So he changed his prayer and said, "Father God, I come against this sickness and I ask you for healing for my child." That day, on the operating theatre, the surgeons could find no trace of cancer in the child.

Today, God wants you to know that He is not the kind of Father who wants you sick and defeated, keeps you poor and wanting, refuses to provide for your needs and denies you your blessings. His joy is to enter into your joy and see you happy. If you, in spite of your faults, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to you when you ask Him! My prayer today is that you will know just how much your Father loves you.
so happy to see so many new comers.. Sunflower, continue to hang in there.i am going thru this with you!!

Mricky- is everything okay at work?

thistle- how's your babies?

PSalm 91- welcome

i will catch up later...start work now..
hi sisters - from Job 2:10b "Shall we accept good from GOd, and not trouble?"

Job to me is a v diff book to read - i read it during my IVF time and have to admit at times distress at some things allowed to happ to Job - his children died and him inflicted with disease - and Job is a God-fearing man.

This sentence from Job reminds me that God has a purpose for me to go thru IVF. When Elisha has so many health problems, my hb asked me is it we have done something wrong. I thot of it before - that God is punishing me - but my fren who isnt a Christian at all can tell me "No, pls dont think that way, God is not punishing u".

Now i dont want to think of why, but i think of going forward and think of the strength God will give me and my boy.

Hi NZ - i also got that lump 2 days ago - and to think i have been pumping regularly - dun know why when wake up at 130am lump on left breast big hard and painful. I massage it real hard and pump it out...

Yes Mricky - hang on! Sunflower - hang on. We all shall hang on ok...
hi sisters,

got the dates for the surgery - tentatively on 12 May but going for a scan on 15 apr if scan results not good, we will push for 27 apr for the surgery.

something unsettled me just now... i was talking to my PD - asking him if he is around those dates that Elisha will be doing his surgery. He then told me that he met the surgeon and the surgeon expressed his concern abt my son's poor weight gain and the impact on his development. I thot physical development - since Elisha is so small - but my PD say also mental development - and that is something we dont know how the impact is cos we cannot open the brain and test.

Pls pray for protection for Elisha, he will be completely healed by GOD. Thanks

Thanks for your SMS. My phone is low batt so couldnt reply but i emailed Toy le.

Will keep baby Elisha in my prayers. Baby Elisha is a strong baby, he will get well. God loves him, God will make him whole! He will grow up strong and happy!
Dear Vanilla,

You are indeed a very strong woman, it must have ben a painful process...

BB Elisha is fortunate to have a mummy like you.
I pray that we will all have faith that God has the best for us all. Our Abba father will be the one who carry us through.
Vanilla, will continue to pray for Elisha that our Lord will cover and protect him with the Blood of the Lamb. Keep talking and stimulating Elisha and keep him active.
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shawdows.

I came back from Dr Foong today, he is quite happy to see the baby has gained quite a bit of weight in the last 2 weeks, so he will continue to monitor the baby and we will discuss next week if we need to induce the baby. Thank God for answering prayers.
vanillapod, hang in there. as i mentioned in sms, do cont to stimuluate him.

it is true sometimes tat we think all these misfortunes come from God. We always forget He is a God of goodness and easy to blame Him. I've gone through tat. I was very angry with Him last year after I had ectopic (after 7 yrs TTC). When this FET failed, i was disappointed but not upset. the anger level was minimal, almost not there. I just tot maybe really not the time.

trustingHim/Toy, hope you're doing ok at work.

today i left at 6.45 pm (our official hr is 6.30pm - quite late already). got eyes stare at -me but i don't care lah. went kai-kai with hubby since he'll be wkg tis wkend. got a new fridge cos the old one is overflowing and energy consuming. well, tat's another $900+ gone.......
thanks sisters.

Good to hear that bb is growing well Joie. rem to let us know when u r induced..i will be at GlenE this week..may pop by ur ward and see ur darling!

Update on 2nd opinion by anther PD cardioloigst - we were in the clinic from 11 to 3pm on Sat ...poor Elisha was so tired (though he slept on my arms 2X). Clinic was so full overflowing w bb and parents...also full of germs (N Elisha has to keep clear of them cos surgery soon) i had to walk up and down the corridor the whole time...

the scan did not turn out well - Doc cannot see the asd he chided us parents for (1) feeding the child (2) refuse sedation. There are conflicting views on the VSD holes - he claimed he see one 3.5mm while the other doc measured 8.5mm. THe 2nd doc claimed 1 doc measured wrongly - should not incld the opening...

we have to go back on thur to continue the scan as Elisha will be sedated (he is also doing a lung test). I am actually v stressed now - views conflicting on the holes, and 2nd doc say band is tight but ok no need surgery so if there is no ASD and th VSD is 3.5mm then we might not need open heart surgery, just need op to remove band. But if 2nd doc is wrong, they open his heart to remove band and see holes,they cannot say we do open heart now...then they need anotehr surgery to do it (which means openign him again)...I AM SO UPSET and STRESSED!! holes are holes...why 1 doc say can see another cannot!

Pls pray sisters for enlightment, for GOD to set the path for us and Elisha.
hi Vanilla

ok, will pray for you. I was at Lighthouse miracle service last sat. Prayed for you, Toy, Tintedsky too. Will pray for you to have God's guidance and the doctors to have the wisdom to know what's best course of actions next and Elisha to have divine protection and better yet, miracle healing!
"Father in Heaven, we commit Elisha unto your hands. Lord you are Jehovah Raphe - our healer, Elisha's ultimate healer. We pray for your merciful hand to touch this little baby of yours. We pray that you will lead Vanilla and family to the right doctor who will operate on Elisha. Give the doctor the correct diagnois and wisdom and skill to operate on little Elisha. Meanwhile, strengthen Elisha's health, give him your shield of protection - protection from the germs and viruses in the air. Lord, we give you thanks for we know Elisha is already healed in your name. We can't see the future, but we know you love Elisha more than his daddy or mummy ever love him, so give him your healing, your love, courage and joy. Also continue to give comfort and strength to Vanilla and her hubby. Let there be your assurance and peace in their family. Once again, we commit little Elisha and the upcoming operations and doctor visits unto your hand, we praise and give thanks to you for we know surely GOODNESS and LOVE will follow Elisha ALL the days of his life and he will dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Vanilla, I once read an email saying that "we worry only when we have not prayed. But since we have prayed, we will not worry". Thus, let us not fret coz Our God is in control. Though it's easier to say than done, but at current moment, we all can only trust in this loving God.
Psalm 91/ Sunflower - very encouraged by your posting on "Your Father's Heart" and "story written by a doctor who worked in SouthAfrica" tears just can't help but well in my eyes Thanks!
thanks sunflower and lala ..thks lala for ur sms as well.

Thks rest of sisters for ur encouraging sms as well....

will continue to pray for little boy's health and protection and for God to give me more patience. Dealing with alot of doctors is taking the toll on me and my patience as well. This morning the nurse called me back to arrange Elisha's 2nd doc appt (as he insist Elisha has to be sedated). The plan is to do a lung test (which needs sedation) and while Elisha is sedated quicky followed on the echo test. But the dr scanning the heart can make it 11.30am apt while the lung test is it means Elisha might need to b sedated 2x a day. I was quite fed up and told the nurse to pls reschedule the appt so my poor son who is so small need not b sedated 2X. SIGH then in office some arrow shooting expert keep shooting arrows...feeling v pek chek cos have to attend time consuming meetings n not able to see doc abt my infected eye.

i know i have to calm down and b still....will pray for that calmness to cover me now..
Lala, the email you read is so true. When we pray, we have to pray in faith and believe what we have asked, our Lord has heard. Then we leave our faith in Him and when we do, our heart rest. Only then are we at peace to wait upon the Lord and seek to hear Him.
Cheer up and hang in there. I believe that as long as we continue to hang in there with God, no matter how strong the storm is, we will pull through with Him. The situation right now at home and at work may seem v stressful but learn not to keep thinking of them but commit to God. Remember you have bb abbey and hubby to stay strong for. I will keep you in prayers. You are not alone in this journey for God is walking alongside you.
thanks sunflower for praying for me..i really want to go thru with you too!

Vanilla- Elisha is a brave boy to go thru this! I am praying for you cos as a mum i can feel your pain and anguish!Hang in there!
This desert period (as in Elisha's health probs) will pass (definitely!) and by then, you will realise how strong both you and Elisha have become and above all, how good our God is! The other time when I was down with some serious problems, my god sister told me not to rush out from the desert period; learn to cope and when the time is right, God will lead you out.

Yes, try to calm down now. Have prayed for Elisha that he will not be sedated twice.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are our creator God, You made us and You know our bodies right down to the smallest detail. You know what treatment baby Elisha needs and we trust that You will grant the doctors wisdom to prescribe the right treatment and medication for him. Send understanding nurses and doctors their way to guide them along this journey. I pray that you take away the anxiety and fear in Vanilla and her hubby. Replace it with Your peace that passes all understanding and reassure them that You're in charge. I pray that as they seek You on which direction to take, You will speak to them ever so clearly in Your still small voice. Jesus, by Your stripes, we are healed and we want to claim that healing for Elisha. We commit him into your loving hands. In Jesus' most precious name I pray, Amen.
Just came back from my first scanning after 7 days of puregon. Only 10 follicles - 3 on the left, 7 or so on the right. Biggest is 17mm and smallest abt 9.5mm. Was quite disappointed cos 10 like so few. But nurse assured me that it's quality we want, not quantity. And I'm not feeling bloated at all, so I guess that's good. I'm just praying for the best. I'm telling God I really want to put my 100% faith in Him.

Am scheduled for ER on Thursday. I've been waiting soooo long for this and suddenly, it seems too soon. A bit scared. Just made appointments to do acu intensively these few days till Thursday. Hubby is having a super duper busy week at work so I'm a tad apprehensive about his part.

Were most of you well enough to go back to work the day after ER? I am hoping to be able to do that but dunno if I'm being unrealistic?
Psalm, is this your first IVF and what dosage of puregon were you on? Chances are next few days, your smaller follicles will catch up then you will have more retrieved to fertilise. Nurse is right, we want quality not quantity. If in case you will do a 2nd IVF, then you can request to up your dosage to have more eggs next round.

Dont be scared ok? ER is under sedation, you will probably sleep through. After ER, i will recommend rest at home then next day, if you are well, can go back to work. Provided you dont have any residual aches from ER. You are well prepared for ER so dont worry ok? Relax.

Trusting Him, how are you?
hi sunflower - how r u? Is ur scan today?

Hi psalm - thanks. when i did my er i very garung..told doc no need mc i can go back to work the next 2 days then take 2ww mc, but i did not respond well to the GA and vomitted after ER. rested for 1 day and went back on the 3rd day (day before ET) to work. What sunflower is correct - the smaller follicles will take the next week/few days to play catch up. I rem during my ohss my remaining follicles ot retrieved keep growing in my a couple 20mm (bigger than elisha then)..was so bloated n uncomfortable.

Thur appt called up...will slot in after lung test so Elisha need not wait 2-3hrs and get sedated another time. Thks for ur prayers
Vanilla, thats great! Thank God!

My scan is this friday. May bring forward if anything starts to go amiss. So far, just cringes here and there, more towards right side of womb (or hopefully not right tube) and have on-and-off very light peach-brown discharge. I am believing for now, God has 'moved and stirred' the inside. Whether its a viable pregnancy or ectopic can only tell this friday.
hi sunflower, when i was in my 7th weeks, i got bad cramps, both sides moving to the centre of womb, i call my ivf doc cos gyane is away and he said cld be a start of a miscarriage for me --> cos at 6th weeks cant see heartbeat so he thinks nature doing its course. i was told to take pandol and if got blood then go A&E (cos weekend). over the weekend my hb was away at biz trip and i was lying on bed crying and telling God if He wants my bb, pls take gd care of him/her. then nothing blood nothing and i went work, and thot nothing abt my womb.

now i then realised that cramp is the stretching of the uterus...

will keep u in my prayers, my gd old fren...

I was sharing with trustinghim just now..i was thinking to myself how weak in faith i am. Why am i prepared when i went for 2nd opinion that the doc will have same conclusion as the 1st doc? Though the 2nd doc said the hole is smaller, he measured as 3.5mm while the 1st doc measured a week earlier as8.3mm, and in 1 week holes dont close that much, why am i doubting GOD? this cld be the miracle God is showing me, HE has made the hole smaller.

I should be firmer in my faith that GOD is a healer and He is Almighty.
Hi All,

Thank you for all your prayer.... Although, situations didnt seem to change... I seem to be getting stronger and hope things continue that way....

When all things failed, Remember prayer always works....

Toy, how is your IVF sucessful? How many weeks now already ?
Vanilla, now that you explain the size of the holes, i think so too, God has granted his miracle healing! Praise God! Prayers move mountains! Lets jia you and pray ok?

Yes, we are such old friends. I also hope God will grant me a miracle just like He has poured them over you!

MS hang in there! You will get by slowly but surely ok? Just speak quick short prayers each time you feel down.
hi vanilla, hope u r feeling much better now. It's rly not easy to see our little one gg thru so much. But be strong for we can all pray and change the situation. God's hands are upon Elisha, He will carry Elisha thru in His arms. In Jesus name, all weaknesses in Elisha will be overcome by the power of His blood. I pray tt any sedation or operation will not weaken elisha but God to turn it around and become his strength and good health.

Sisters, shall we all pray together everyday for vanilla, trustinghim, sunflower, mricky, psalm91, msfamily, tintedsky and all when we have our dinner? Let's believe in power of united prayers. Whn we pray together, miracles happen and dark forces shall flee. The enaemy will not dare to come near to steal or snatch away our precious ones. We are surrounded by the shield of God.
Dear Vanillapod, it must be tough on you now but remember what you'd shared with me during my 2ww. God will not put you in a situation where you would not be able to handle. So, though tough, remember He is in control. I'm not good in prayers but i guess we all just have to focus on Him rather than the problem. Fear and doubt will stripe away any goodness we see in our God.
Hi Sunflower, yup, this is my first IVF cycle. I was on 175iu of puregon daily. I think my gynae's policy is to play it safe and not risk OHSS. In any case, I'm thankful for the 10 follicles.

You hang in there and keep trusting that your baby is growing. Don't let the evil one put negative thoughts into your mind. "For God has not given you a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind."

Vanilla, God is so good to answer your prayer that Elisha doesn't have to be sedated twice! Yup, it's definitely God's miracle that the hole may have apparently shrunk. We miss the big picture so often right? We keep seeing the cup as half empty. Sigh, God has so much patience with us mere mortals. hehe
Keep praying for Elisha's healing. It may not happen overnight but it will definitely come to pass.

NZ, Thanks so much for offering to pray for us. Prayer is indeed the foundation to our walk with God. I must admit I'm a weak prayer warrior but through this experience, prayer is being more and more a second nature to me.

I just pray I can cast all my cares upon Him. RIght now, I'm getting slightly anxious cos my hubby is looking very stressed over work. And my sister-in-law is expecting us to tell my parents-in-law the details of what we're going thru. I'm not very keen to do that because I dont want them to go thru the emotional ups and downs with us. It's tiring enough coping with it ourselves. I dont really want to be explaining to other people what's happening and how I'm feeling. I pray for wisdom to handle this.
sunflower, i was in pain yesterday n really worried it ectopic so went to c dr n did my scan already..mine is also supposed to be on friday but i was so worried n the scan shows a sac but my ovaries are still very big n that is causing the pain.. u want to ask to see yours earlier? the dr assured me that the sac is in the womb as far as she can seee..

i am still in great pain on left side even now n the on duty dr just told me panadol but assured me a lot. my own dr was not around. praying to see the heartbeat soon. it is a small sac no heart beat yet.

psalm 91- wow 10 is a gd number.. i only had 8 and 6 fertislised but 5 made it n only 2 finally made it on day 5. i have no frozen.
