Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hi trustinghim - Praise the Lord! Good that bb is safe in the right plc..i think ur case similar as me - the left over follicles still expanding...hold on ok, when the follciles reached 20-25mm they will "pop" and then all will be fine. if really cant take the pain, ask doc for painkillers.

Thanks NZ for ur offering to pray for too will pray for all of u..i must also remind myself i cannot dwell in my own probs and worries on Elisha but share my sisters' burden here as well.

hi sunflower - hold on to His promises ok...pic this : u handle ur little bb to God and ask Him to protect ur bb.Pic God's hand crandling bb, rocking the little one to sleep...

hi psalm - take care..pray for strength for ur hb.

i spoke to my boss yesterday - his father in law is a PD. His father in law said my 1st doc is a much more experienced doc though the 2nd doc said the 1st doc is his junior before. I will not think and make myself worry..will just wait for thur scan and then see how. I have already made appt to see 1st doc on 15 april to scan Elisha' little heart to see if there is a urgency for op to be on 27 apr instd of 12 May.

NZ, yes we should. Prayers move mountains.

Psalms, that explains the lesser follicles. Usually first IVF cycle, gynae gives very low dosage to 'test water', see how you are responding cos you are right, some people can respond very well to low dosage and kenna OHSS which can be life threatening. Dont worry, on ER day sometimes you may even get more than what was counted previously cos more follicles would have caught up in growth. So relax ya? Your job now is to relax and be prepared for a smooth ER.

TrustingHim, thats good! At least half a worry gone. Continue to have faith ok? When is next scan? By next scan, pray can see baby heartbeat.

I am not in pain but just cringes here and there, hopefully like what Vanilla explained, its the stretching of the womb. My dr appt is this friday. Since no pain and no more discharge, my DH say dont fret too early and just ask me to wait till friday. I will wait out next few days in good faith then.

I feel abit more relaxed this week. Came to accept that whatever is going on with my pregnancy whether viable or not, ectopic or not, its God's will, not mine and i have to trust He has His reasons why i have to go through certain trials and tribulations like this. So i am really handling my baby in God's hands. But of course from now till i know what is going on in my womb, i will live by good faith that God is in control. I will try to be positive and believe God has heard my cries, understood my conditions and has 'turned' things right. I will believe in miracle healing, miracle touches God has made upon my womb and baby. I will hope for the best and hope to see something positive this friday.
Vanilla, yes, actually your sharing and my aunt's advises encouraged me to be at peace and really leave my burden to God. And trust that He knows best.
But i will still pray for the best.

Tested on HPT again this morning, its an instant and clear BFP still. Feel relieved HCG hasnt declined to zero.
hi sunflower - the only regret i haveis never test with home preg kits....i never see the blue line!

another little comfort i always do...i pic myself put all my worries into a box and post this box to God.
hi..just did a major cry in office...saw this link posted by Sept 2008 mummies and it is on a taiwanese boy who pass away when he is 8mths. He had a heart condition. So sad when i see his happy face..smiling, sucking his fingers, flipping...
Vanilla, don give up. God has different plans for each one of us. Was reading a book given by fren - God appears to be telling me to be patient and wait and that He knows our hearts' desire. So gal, don give up.

TrustingHim/Sunflower - don give up too. busy here run there like mad woman...

saw this message from my church fren. tried to post but file too big...will pm u all ?

tom i do it cos now waiting for bb elisha to pick me up...hee hee
Hi everyone,
I'm feeling so nauseous from eating hard-boiled egg whites and downing milk n TCM. How I wish I could have a piping hot bowl of spicy tomyum soup from thai express right now! ;) hehe Press on! I must ren!

Just wanted to share something from my devotional today:
Exodus 14:15–16 "And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it."
The problem with the body of Christ today is not that we are not praying. We are praying. But many of us are praying desperate prayers. We are praying, “God, help… God, please… God, do something about my problem!”
If you are smiling a little by now, most likely, you know about such prayers and might have prayed a couple yourself. My friend, God does not want you to pray pleading prayers all the time. He wants you to use the authority He has given you to pray powerful prayers, to boldly command and to “stretch out your hand” and see miracles happen.
When Moses stood before the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit, the Bible tells us that he cried out to God. But God told him, “Why do you cry to Me?”
There is a time for you to cry out to God and there is a time for you to use your authority. God told Moses, “Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it.”
The “rod” you have today is the name of Jesus. As you command in Jesus’ name, your “sea” will open and you will go on dry ground through the midst of your problem.
Do you realize that Jesus did not say, “Go and pray for the sick”? He said, “Go and heal the sick.” (Matthew 10:8) So stop pleading and asking all the time, and start using the authority you have in Christ.
Jesus told the church, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore…” (Matthew 28:18–19) My friend, God wants you to go and use the authority that He has given you. And as you go, miracles will flow!
psalm91 - i agree with u. was reading an inspiration article. God's power is greater than all. we should use the authority given to us in Jesus Christ. with me, the problem, i m rather obssessed with having another child. every day plan my cycle, plan when to 'strike", if never kena, plan when to do next cycle or when to see gynae. i must admit i am worrier instead of a warrior.......Pls pray that I would draw strength from God rather than focusing on the issues.
hello sisters - thanks for ur sms Mricky, NZ and TrustingHim...

Sorry unable to mail u the inspiration email i got today - v busy today w Elisha's scan and need to rush to office to settle work.

Today scan with 2nd doc --> we have 2 choices -1) take out band and then wait for ASD and VSD to close 2) take out band n do open heart to close ASD and VSD. He said that surgeron to suggest 2) is not unreasonable and pple might want to take that - one shot do all rather than 1) cos if holes dun close will need 2 surgeries.

Me and HB choose (2) and we will get back to 1st doc on 15 april to see scan and if there is urgency to do on 27 april or 12 may

Today unfort Elisha was sedated 2X. the first time, he was supposed to sleep for 2 hours, he wokr up 45 mins later and we have not done the heart scan. So sedate him again and he woke up 15 mins later. Nurses keep saying he v strong, sedated but wake up so fast. We did the lung test and thank GOD it is ok....
sorry to intrude!

i just cant helping coming in here to jiayou TrustingHIm and sunflower.

Vanilla/Elisha, jiayou!!!!
Dor, you are not intruding. I remember you, you used to come in here encourage us long ago. Thanks for your jia you!

Vanilla, thank God Elisha cleared the lung test, one worry less! Will pray for you to have smooth plans for Elisha from now. Elisha will be fine! He is so strong.
Praise God Elisha's lungs are ok!
You know what, it is a blessing that he is such a strong boy and cant be kept down by sedatives. He has a strong will to pull through this tough period. Just keep praying. I am sure he will be fine and come out of this even stronger! God is good!

I had my OR today. Praise God for my 8 follies. Tummy feels a little crampy n slightly bloated but other than that I'm ok. But I think I'll consume my MC for tmr cos I can't really walk straight - achey feeling.

The whole morning before the procedure, this song was playing in my mind:
Don't need to wait for the sun to shine, Don't need to wait for the clouds to clear. I'll still sing, I know that my God, You're so good.
Don't need to wait for the storms to calm, Don't need to wait for the waves to still, I'll still sing, I know that my God, You're so good.
I'll praise You, You are for me. I'll praise You, yes You love me. I'll praise You, You are faithful, I'll praise You, You see me through.
Psalm 91 - praise God for filling your hearts with songs of joy and praise.
Vanilla, thank Him too that Elisha's lungs are alright. Be strong! God's is our strong foundation. Just remembr when you're about to fall, lean on your Rock of Foundation.
psalm91- jia you! hope you will join us sooon.. it is not easy the wait after et... now from or to et, eat things u will miss for 9 months.. i took sashimi..

Vanilla- he is just a active boy! i am praying for him that even if he needs to go for the op, he will be completely healed... but of course, i wish for a miracle that an op is unnecessaary!!

Dor- thanks .. you are with us right from the start of the thread.. me , sunflower, you, thistle, vanilla... hope me n sunflower will follow thistle, vanilla and your footstep.

everyday is a challenge i just thank God that i pulled thru.. all the what if... so i want to release all to God all the worries n stress..

Mricky- update us when you see the dr!! go home early n rest!
hahaha.. we are still together.
i wan no3... heehee....
but hor... i got 2 yrs no mens already.if not, can "meet" u n sunflower at dec mtb thread.
hi dor - thanks!!

hi psalm - take care..during ET if ur bloatedness is terrible, take lots of protein - can b protein milk and 100+.

Hi sunflower - hee hee he is the back seat "driver".... today is ur scan right? I pray for u last night...that God will protect u and that u will be like me at 8th weeks - see a beating heart on the screen.

hi Mricky - thanks...tom is ur appt with Dr Loh?

Hi trustinghim...thanks for ur prayers too... this little boy..yesterday after 2x sedation when home sleep 2hrs twice...i told him - u r supposed to sleep in the clinic so we can scan u,not here at home when u r supposed to drink milk and eat cereal!! haha..we starting him on porridge today...hope he likes it cos doc say he needs protein (again i need to thank God that the doc who did the lung test is a dietian and she advise me on food to give Elisha
save some $ no need to pay to see dietian)
Dor- what 2 years no mense? breast feeding so effective to stop menstration?

Vanilla- he's soooo cute.... the sedation has an after effect.... so maybe must sedate earlier then he will sleep at the right time!!

well i did my scan today got a BIG scolding from the sister cos cant change dates..and it is 2 heart beats!!!! fainting.... need expert advise from twinnes, NZ, thistle... and lots of prayers... 2!! night feeds???..i better pray for more breast milk.. the last time i dun have enough for even 1..
Trusting him!!!!
congrats!!! 2 heart beats!

hahaha... ya.. my breastfeeding career is veri veri successful. wait til u see my boy!!!

may yr cups run over.... this was what i used to proclaim to myself and my bm never stops.
So so so happy for u trustinghim...hee hee it is as if i am the one seeing on the screen 2 heartbeats!! Dun worry abt bm...not enuff i can give u mine!! Ha ha serious cos Elisha milk feeds getting lesser and lesser...i have milk frozen up...

Sorry Vanilla, Toy, i have been mixing up my SMS replies to you both just now. Answered some of your qns with weird replies right? Heehee... i was busy rushing work earlier so didnt read hp properly.

Grats TrustingHim! God blessed you 2folds! I believe your boy will help you take care of his brothers/sisters when borned. He is already so sweet now. You take good rest ok? Double your rest and portions of good food, good nutrients!
Thanks for your prayer Vanilla. I also hope to see that. Though i already handed my baby to God, its His will and He knows best, i am still believing in the best.
thanks Dor and vanilla- i dun mind the donation... how do u all manage... actually i will start praying for bm- i remembered my son has no bm till almost end of 1 mth n it is so little that i need a sip n it's gone... i told the nurse size matters she wont believe....i am size A all the time.. God pls help me have more milkd whether A, B, c... ha ha

sunflower- as i told u i cant wait for your result.. Pls hang in babies need playmates tooo ... Elisha is going to be the big kor kor! we shall have our ivf playground one day.. so-iui babies also can join of course!!!
hi trustinghim - yes yes..Elisha will be the ringleader.... so i must bring cane along to the play dates!! haha....size does not A size but now ss stabilised and Elisha drinks rather little....i still take the medicine for lactation.

Any mummies need fbm pls let me know... i have some to donate....

Hi Sunflower...wil continue my prayers for u....

my bm started also veri little.then when my boy abt 3mths, it just kept increase until my whole freezer is packed with forzen bm....

vanilla, my Isaiah should be the ringleader cos he 14mths old.
trustinghim, thank you for letting my SO-IUI son in as well.

sunflower, amen to yr prayer.
haha Dor..good then Elisha will be spared the cane if he is naughty...hee hee he will say korkor Isaiah teach him one!! but i will still beat his backside lah...
Hello! bb sunflower thanks all kind aunties here for your prayers! bb sunflower is not ectopic, yay! He/she is growing in the womb where he/she should righfully be!

But still abit small and slow. By right should be in 6 weeks now but sac measures 5 weeks only. So cant see heartbeat yet. Gotta go back in 2 weeks' time.

But at least no ectopic still got hope. I will be good and take all my supplements and pray bb sunflower grow and show us heartbeat in 2 weeks time. Ladies, thank you all so much for prayers and being thru this with me. Please continue to keep me in prayers as bb sunflower still very vulnerable now, need to grow strong and well to show heart beat soon. Thanks all!!

I am so relieved, so grateful. Thank God thank God!

Yes, TrustingHim and Vanilla, bb sunflower wants to play with Elisha and all other baby-bros & sis-in-christ here!
These 2 weeks have been such a tough time for me. It will continue to be just as unrestful till everything stabilises. But i trust God. Really, i have handed bb to Him. God knows best. And He hears and answers prayers! And i trust that He delivers!
Sunflower, congrats! Enjoy your 1st trimester.

Vanilla, your boy is very strong - sedation also can wake up so quickly.. Dr must be surprised :)

Went for another check up today, Dr Foong told me to expect the baby anytime next week.. hmm, I think one can never be fully prepared for the birth :) Anyway spent some time to discuss with Dr Foong on the epidural stuff and discuss which dr will be administering it. I not so gung ho to go natural with no pain relief :)

BTW ladies, tintedsky is successful in her last IVF with a BFP and Dr managed to let her see/hear the baby heartbeat - so happy for her! God has answered her prayers for a 2nd child... You can check out her updates on her blog.
trustinghim, congrats! twins....must take care and rest well k? eat well too...

dor, wow - no menses? me too... no menses, though i am just into my 4th month of bfg.

vanilla, how is elisha's feeding?

sunflower, rest well, it's still early. heartbeat can only be seen at 6 wks plus. maybe your bb was implanted late, take ur time. i recalled for my twins, one sac and heartbeat appeared a week later.
hi ladies, praise God we have many good news recently. I seldom login nowadays coz back to work and when i reach home i hv to take care of bbs. Now can steal some time after putting bbs to sleep.

Vanilla, thank God Elisha cleared his lung test. Looks like Elisha is not afraid of the sedation at all. His trength comes from God and he is sure in good hands.

trustingHim, i m so so happy for u. Dunno wat to say but you are really blessed. Dun worry abt bfg..u will hv enuf for your twins. Mine was very little to start with n i topped up wth fm . Now my ss is more stable but whn i rly sit down and count, it's still not enuf for my twins. Somehow every end of the day, my fridge will never run out of bm. To up ss, u nid to pump every 3 hours and drink lotsa fluid. I m still taking fenugreek and i also heed Vanilla's advice to drink lotsa water. It rly helps...

sunflower, i had the same worry as u last time. Worried abt ectopic then bbs' heartbeats. I m sure u can pass all the hurdles that come your way in the name of Jesus. Let Him be your resting place.

psalm91, do eat well during stimulation stage. If milk and eggs make u sick, try some other comfort food like hot soup and porridge wth meat. 8 follicles is a good number and it might increase too. I pray for u to have optimal follicle size and quantity.

Mricky, glad u r back on your feet. May u see good results soon. I totally agree to be a warrior in prayers. Let's keep it up.

Dorothy, u hv bn bfg for 2 years? Your hv my admiration. My goal is to bf for 6 mths first then see how but this 6 mths seems so long to me. I will persevere..

Thistle, *wave* r u? Good to see u here agn. How r your twins? How mch r they drinking nowadays?

My bbs went for their injection last week. I prayed tt they wun develop fever but they did. Anyway, i thank God they recovered after 1 day. My boy is 6.2kg and girl is 5.5kg now. However, they hv not bn drinking much milk recently. Dunno why their appetite dropped. They also woke up several times at night. I m really exhausted. Pls pray for my bbs to sleep well at night so tt i can sleep well too.
hi ladies!

Trustinghim, it's AWESOME news about your twinnie twins!!! YAY! God is faithful!! High chance of long feng tai! Dr Zou was just saying today that the embryologists are quite nice, they usually give you one embryo of each sex cos technically, they can see the XY chromosone of the sperm when they fuse it with the egg. Heh! So cool!

Sunflower, I'm sure you'll be next to give us good news! It's just two weeks to go! Keep praying! Prayer moves mountains! Keep seeking God and He'll give you the desires of your heart.

As for me, I'm very thankful to God that I'm feeling very well. Thanks for all your prayers, dear sisters!! On the day of the ET, I felt a bit crampy. But the next day, I was so much better, I was happily washing the toilet and filing my documents and doing as much as I could to clear the clutter in my house so that during my 2ww, I can have a nice neat house to chill in :p Today, I even went to work (half day) and met a friend for lunch.

Out of the 10 follies extracted, 1 was too small. 9 were fertilised. 6 made it to embie stage. Latest result is that 3 split into four cells, 1 split into two cells, 1 split into three cells and one didn't split. My ET is on Monday, meaning my embies will be cultivated for nearly 4 days. I praise God that none of the follicles was empty, especially since I supposedly have PCOS. I see this as a miracle from God.

I'm just trying not to be too anxious about my 2ww... I know I'll worry a little but I'll try to distract myself with lots of dvds and books
psalm91 - all the best for your ET. how i wish i can go for ET again and retrace what went wrong. I used all up my frozen embyros already so now is to decide whether a fresh cycle is required and if so, when and where.

TrustingHim - many congratulations. Sorry i couldn't join u for tis round's motherhood. Frankly, i do feel left out. it feels as if everybody has reached the end line but i am back to starting point. sigh. anyway, don worry too much in nt having bm. worrying will only affect its production.

trying not to think too much into it. haven't called my parents to talk about tis. they sounded disappointed.

vanillapod, baby Elisha is truly strong and humourous....
Mricky, hugz!!!!
no worries.. we try together.... TTC

NZ/Thristle, hee...
no lah.i only bf for 14 months.
i plus the period when i was preggie in, so is abt 2yrs no mens.
thanks for the well wishes, i wish i can survive this stage the sick feeling..very nauseous..very sick.

Dor- your boy is soooo cute... is your dau helping you? do they fight? my son is not very excited.. i think gals are more motherly n helpful.. but at least thankful my son helps in the injection.. but now he is even doubting me... he asked me mummy your breast so small how to feed babies? dunno y the sudden interest in my breast..

Mricky- dun give up!! i tried all methods( iui, so-iui, laposcopy, 12 counds of clomid n even 1 ntaural ivf)... and like u, i see Dor,Vanilla,little twin star, NZ, thistle, twinnes got pregnant n wonder when was my turn... finally me n sunflower together..
I really wish to see you join us too! Jia you!

Psalm 91- we will be keeping you in prayers.. u want to pm me your hp no? Vanilla, Mricky, Nz have been there for me thru out the 2 wks wait..i iwsh i can help you tooo.. i was so sick with the cramps but these ladies keep telling me to go on n we chatted , sms and they really encouraged me a lot..

thistle- just curious how many maids are helping with your 3 children? i m worried if i get 1 maid is it enough for 3 kids... my son changes so much clothes n i wonder how a family of 5 chores could be like.. u know who i am right ( i am toy collector).. finally joined you.. i wish i can pull your husb in singapore or still in states.. how do you cope with the night feed?

Joie- all the best to your baby's arrival! can post here your baby photos!!

Vanilla- cant wait to meet up with you 1 day.. You are soo encouraging all these while!
trusting him, big congrats! We are so happy for you. Keep well during the 1st trimester ok.. no stress, no lifting, dun go shopping too much :) just loads of eating of healthy food (if you are not nauseous) and take slow walks..
You son can have playmates and play the role of big ge ge now..

I am just counting down...praying that God will give me a Good Fri baby naturally :)
Mricky, Don't give up! Maybe take a short break, rejuvenate and then start a new cycle. How many IVF cycles have you done? Keep pressing on and staying upbeat. You must believe you are highly favoured and deeply blessed by God. He will, in His own sweet time, grant the desires of your heart.

trustinghim, you're so sweet to offer to encourage me. I'll try to PM you. I haven't used that function before here. suaku.

I was such a woosy woose today during my ET. I CRIED. :p So embarrassing! I was just so frustrated cos my bladder wasn't full enough and they had to fill it with a catheter. That got me slightly stressed. I hate the feeling of a bursting bladder and an ultra-scan scanner pressed against it. For me, this has been the absolute worst part of the whole IVF process. And of cos not counting having the seven or so people in the operating theatre staring at my nether region as I lie there buttnaked. I have a retroverted uterus and my cervix was so crooked that the 10-min process took more than half an hour. It was horrible. I was lying there reciting Bible verses in my mind, trying to relax and ignore the devices stuck up my vagina. At some point, my emotions took over and I started tearing. One of the nurses was so sweet as to hold my hand for the rest of the procedure. So paisay. :p

I just pray that my embryos will implant properly. Triplets, twins, singleton - I'll take whatever God gives.

Did you ladies really stay in bed all day during 2ww? I'm so bored lying down hehehehe
Psalm 91, just stay in bed for the first few days. Most impt is not to get stress out over anything as Dr told me stress will cause the uterus to contract which is not good.
Watch Korean dramas or TV, read books etc.. yes, it's not very exciting to stay in bed

I started to walk around slowly after the 3rd day cos started to feel bloated after a while - but no heavy lifting of any sort.. not even grocery carrying for me during the 2ww.
tks Toy and Dor.... tk hormonal imbal. some days i feel ok, some days i feel lousy. i truly wan to believe my turn will come. seeing your perseverence show me i shd never doubt God.

Psalm 91, agreewith joie. no stress. nt even anything tat will agitate u. Vanillapod and Toy Collctor wd recall 2 lousy sms i got during my 2ww which got me fuming. always wonder whether those 2 incidents caused the failure (better to blame others than myself) :p
psalm 91- i did stay in bed as advised by vanilla n nz.. but i drink only soup so need to go toilet a lot of times.. i also had retroverted womb n you know my dr also had prob cos i did not drink water to fill my bladder so he used a long prop to push it in n he said it would be better if the bladder is full so he can easily put in the embroyos..

i listen to bible verses n watch tv lying down but i started walking after 1 wk..cos i need to take care of son on sat cos no child care.

Hang in there!!
hi sisters - sorry was out these few days! i was so happy to hear sunflower and trustinghim good news -- hee hee feels like i am the one at the clinic.

Hi joie - congras so fast will see bb!!! If u dun mind can sms ur ward..want to visit u at the hosp...take care rem to pu during 1st mth...u have tintedsky blog address? can sms me? thks

hi psalm - how is the start of ur 2ww? U can sms me at 96844936...we will all encourage and be with u....rem no carrying of heavy things, take lots of water and eggs....

Hi Mricky - yesterday i read this verse in the Streams in the Desert and I am comforted by it as well - God will not put u thru trials that He know u cannot go thru. Rem, we are here cheering for u..and most imptly GOD is there always holding ur hand!

Hi NZ and Thistle - hihi..good to see u here...i think NZ u must be busy...hi Thistle how is overseas life? Elisha just started on protein -- he hee he v naughty...that day the doc say give him porridge w fish so 1st day he still gong gong take it..then by dinner time, he smarten up and refuse cos not his usual food. by day 2 he protested..keep spitting the porridge out - so he became fish smelly has fish smell all over him. 3rd day this mummy pek chek..decided to play bluff...put fish into his brown rice worked!! Thank God...he still needs his comfort food - brown rice cereal. Milk feeds are reduced now...he reguritate if i force him to drink more than 110ml....think he has small tummy so mus give small freq meals and milk feeds and also fruit puree (from bottles)

hi dor! must ask u on ur advice on what food to feed 6mths old bb....

Yesterday we went Sean Lau photography to take pics for Elisha (for his 6mth. It was a fun but v tiring experience... hopefully we get some nice pics! and if my IT skill improve i will post it coax a smile from him at times so difficult...Sean said he is a "cool" bb...haha..when camera not on him he will smile and laugh!
hi trustinghim -- sure..maybe we will do 1 gathering soon? i think i can plan after Elisha's then u sunflower and psalm will be end of 1st trimester or into 2nd trim so better...and Joie can sneak out with bb for the meet up as well...

But i can always meet u first! actually u work v near my plc i stay at havelock road....
hi NZ - ur bb now 5mths right? During this time is sometimes known as milk strike time.... dun need to worry too much if they feed less than before if they continue to put on ur boy and girl are of good weight! hee hee heavier than Elisha! Elisha is on the 3rd percentile and that day PD say he is "failure to strive"..really hope after the op he will recover and feed better....
hello trusting, i know who you are - i have been following the thread. i only have one helper, and as i stay at home, i am able to handle 3 kids. i usually look after the twins, and my helper assists with cooking, cleaning, and feeding and showering my elder son. i bathe and feed my twins myself. sometimes i find it hard to accord attention to my elder son... trying hard to manage this. as he goes to school in the AM, i will try to put him to bed after his lunch, and play with him or read to him when he wakes up. sometimes i will have all 3 kids in my room, reading books or feeding one, and reading to the rest, etc. i find that a swing and a rocker helps, so when i am busy, i can swing one and feed the other.

NZ, my boy is 6.8 kg 2 weeks back, and gal is 5.3 kg. Boy is much heavier, and he is outgrowing his clothes very fast. Boy is still on 180 ml and gal, sometimes 150, sometimes 120, depending on her mood. I do not have enuf milk, so i give 3 - 4 FM feeds a day, to keep both of them happy and contented... so i have more time to do my own things.

vanilla, elisha is so cute... his fav is brown rice? for weaning at 6 mths, best to start with red apple, carrots, green pear, please observe a 3 day rule... keep to the same food for at least 3 days to rule out allergy to the new food. You can also mix the food into Elisha's cereal. If you can, go organic. My boy was on organic from 6 mths to 1 year plus.

joie - pray for a supernatural childbirth! Amen!
hello ladies, ya i am pressing on for good news at the end of the tunnel! Its another 2ww for me again.

Mricky, jia you! I felt what you felt so many times too. Come let off steam if it makes you feel better. Then jia you! As long as you dont give up.

Psalms, take it easy. Maybe spend your time 75% in bed and 25% walk around the house abit. Walk abit is ok and in fact good cos bring blood circulation. Just try not to go out and be exposed to harsh weather plus our immune system at this point is low.

Vanilla, tintedsky is at I read that page in Streams of the Dessert too. It comforts me to know that the journey i am on now, God will not overwhelm me.

Joie, may you have supernatural and painless birth!

hello vanilla- pls post his studio photos here..must be really cute!!!

thistle- u manage 3 with only 1 helper.. i thou u are working? are u in states or singapore now? do u latch on or pump? wow i wish i can be like you...
