Christian ivf mums or mums to be

i am on gonal f now.. last night i tried to inject myuself was so scared after i poked in that i pulled out again and tried the 2nd time.. anyone does that before? praying for the best outcome..

Hi Toy, me,, many times... But try not too. I realise poking the 2nd time is more painful and annoying. hehehehe.. Keep breathing a few time before u poke. another thing not sure if will work for u, I got loads of fats on my belly(Like Michellin Man) so what I do is I thake a chunk n pinch hard than I poke. hhhehehee.. You can try la.. U will be come a pro la eventually.

Are u with Dr Yu?? You are in good hands...
Hi all, haven't been coming here coz my PC broke down, couldn't even turn on. Jst prayed and God made it work again, hope i can finish typing my posting b4 it dies down agn.

Toy, great to hear tt u hv started gonal F. Dun b afraid, u will do it well after a few times. I also tried wat Nicole suggested, pinch the fats a bit and then poke in quickly. Can your hubby help u to poke instead?

Vanilla, i think if this tech was avail during my time, i wld go for it. Medical advancements r God's gift too. How r u? WHen is your edd agn?

BawBaw, i was under SFLoh for ivf and am still seeing him at TPS. Since i m having twins, i think i will stick to KK for cost and facilities sake. I've got a fren who regretted switching from TMC to SFLoh saying there is no personalisation under him. I fully agree wth tt. Wat abt u?

Rejoice, good to c u here.

I hv put on abt 2 kg since ivf.
MS only happens at night but manageable. Rly thank God for his grace. Last weekend i was finally out of the woods and went to buy some maternity clothes. This Fri gg out wth some frens for the first time since i conceived.

Thistle, how's your DS scan results? Will keep u in prayers.
hi Toy - ya -- must pinch the tummy area for a lump of fats and then press the Gonal F pen until u cannot press any more (so the exact dosage is in)... For me i get my hubby to do that for me (cos see the pen so big and must press press press so worried).. i will do the Suprefact jab and then my hubby the murse will do Gonal F.

Like what Nicole G say - must do 1 time only...

Another tip is what my murse told me - 2 finger space from belly buttom - left, right and bottom... put i usually take turns on left and right

Hi NZ - good to see u are ok and enjoying EDD is 17 Oct 2008 but I will be going to do C section so it will be earlier. Me thinking 2 Oct or 12 Oct (cos me bday is 22nd and hubby is thot got "2" is nice)...but must clear this date with gynae first....

I am ok too.. thanks... enjoying my last few mths of pregnancy - before Elisa is out... me enjoying the kicking the turning... this Sat will be my visit with gynae (after a mth's wait)... can see him happy!

Abt maternity clothes and shoes - a little tip - dont buy too many cos when u enter into 3rd trim will expand alot more than expected hence those u buy in 1st trim and early 2nd trim might be too small... I bot rubber soles shoes from URS (rather cheap at 30+) and now too small must buy bigger size... dresses also better cos not like pants will bcome too small too soon.
Dear Sister in Christ

Nov Conference!

Bringing Life to barreness, the author of God's Plan for Pregnancy is COMING to Spore in NOV!!

I am sorry that you are feeling down, feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to, or join an online support group.
Miracles do happen so hang on sis

My next post will be long cos I am going to paste the numerous awesome testimonies which many once were barren but become proud mummies because of our Lord Jesus!
Dear sisters who are still trying, I hope following real testimonies will encourage all of you

Do read on and towards the ending before the birth notice, there is this lady diagnose with molar pregnancy and turns into vigorous cancer!
That is the most impactful testimony for me: it turned to be cancerous , the tumor was healed by God and despite treated with the strongest chemo that destroyed her reproductive system, God has bless her 2 healthy beautiful boys naturally!

Great miracle testimonies here! <> <> (See Lucy, Aviah &amp; Micah)
Lucy's mum was in her late 30’s when she conceived. She faced genetic disorders after her husband was diagnosed with a rare chromosome abnormality in his genes. She was also told that Lucy had not developed properly after an amnio. BUT praise the Lord! This little one was born perfectly healthy in every way! And 15 months later her little brother was born perfectly healthy too (early 2007)!

Avaiah's mum, Andrea writes: On Saturday 7 May 2005 at 10.00 am, my little miracle entered the world. Her name is Aviah (Hebrew meaning ‘God is my Father’) Genesis. She weighed in at a dainty 5lb 13oz. The birth went well. My husband and I were told that the only way we could get pregnant was via IVF because my husband's sperm did not move (0.4% motility), and almost 70% of the DNA in his sperm was fragmented/messed up/no good. Well, God certainly made a way out of what seemed no way, and bless the Lord we have living proof of His awesome works!

We were blessed with our first child, Aviah, who just turned 16 months, and now Micah is here! I want to encourage everyone that God is real and that we need to take Him at His word. He promised to make us joyful mothers of children and it really is up to us to believe Him, especially during the difficult times. God is not a respecter of persons, and what He does for one, He can do for all! I've learned that whatever diagnosis we've been given it doesn't matter because NOTHING is too big for God. I have found that the battle lies in the spiritual realm – not the physical – and if we can get our spirit in tune with what God has planned for us, we can be more than conquerors! I get emotional when I look at what my husband and I were facing 2 years ago, and I just HAVE to give God all the glory and the praise for what He has done in our lives.
Karon Koza

Having children had always been a great desire for my husband Edmund and me and we were both eager to start a family shortly after we were married in February 2000. I was coming up to 38 and Edmund was fast approaching 40. We were over the moon when we conceived our first child shortly after our marriage. Unfortunately, after heavy bleeding and cramping at 7 weeks I miscarried our baby. Edmund and I decided to move on in faith and believed that this baby just wasn’t well enough to survive and was now at home in a wonderful place with God. I became pregnant again within 3 months but within six weeks the same symptoms returned and the result was another miscarriage. Once again the grieving period took place. Then we sought help in every worldly capacity such as doctors, a naturopath, herbal practitioners, we underwent many medical tests and eating programs; you name it I tried it. Our third pregnancy was approximately three and a half months later and I felt so much better prepared at least on a medical level as opposed to a spiritual one. However, a 10-week scan revealed that our baby had died a few weeks earlier. Test results came back and the problem was diagnosed as a genetic disorder. Had this baby survived through to birth, it would have had major problems throughout a very short life. We were also told that we could never carry a baby girl due to the genetic disorder we both had nor could we carry a baby full term due to antibodies and other complications. I prayed fervently for God to send me someone who could help us. Within about a week I discovered New Life Ministries and my prayers were well and truly answered. This ministry was literally a godsend. The fellowship was awesome, the messages were so powerful and within a short time of attending the meetings I received revelations in many different areas. I also received powerful scriptures from this ministry and know without one shred of doubt that God’s Word is as relevant today as it was when it was written over 2000 years ago. One scripture that really struck me was Isaiah 55:11 ‘so is My Word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.’ That was it for us; if we had faith to believe and confessed this, it had to come to pass. Jer. 1:12 The Lord said to me ‘You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.’ was also important at this time. His Word is NOT NEGOTIABLE! Edmund and I also thoroughly read through A Plan For Pregnancy and it became our compass for our exciting journey with this new knowledge. Nearly 6 months after our most recent loss we conceived again. But at 9 weeks I once again, experienced cramping and bleeding. Edmund and I grabbed all of the scriptures we had which related specifically to God’s promise for us in this area and started to pray and confess these out loud. Nerida and Julie came over and joined us together in prayer. They stayed quite late that night and left when we all knew that we had the victory. I felt so much at peace and knew great strength; the support we received was overwhelming. The next day everything had returned back to normal and I went on after an incredibly joyous pregnancy, to deliver safely our beautiful baby girl, Abbye Elizabeth Koza, at the full term. She is our perfect gift from the Lord.
Leanne Brooke

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) at 20 years of age, after suffering from painful and irregular periods for over two years. I was prescribed the oral contraceptive pill, which regulated my menstrual cycle and dealt with the symptoms. In 1999, when my husband and I decided to start our family, I stopped taking the pill and in the first month was delighted to find that my period didn’t come. However, I wasn’t pregnant as I had hoped and found myself on a 6-month roller coaster ride with no menstrual periods (amenorrhea) and no pregnancy! Blood tests revealed that I had extremely low levels of the hormones necessary for ovulation. Scans showed that my ovaries were covered with cysts and that my entire endocrine system was out of balance. I consulted naturopaths, nutritionists and eventually a reproductive endocrinologist who stated that the only hope I would ever have of conceiving was through IVF. But because my body was not responding to the drugs I had already been given, I was told that this option would not work.
I came in contact with New Life Ministries and received prayer for my situation. I stood on Exodus 23: 25–27 and meditated on Psalm 113, Isaiah 49:23 and Luke 1:37. I stuck scriptures on my fridge and pursued God with everything I had in me. Through spending time with Nerida, I learnt to speak to my body and I commanded it to line up with the Word of God, which says ‘by the stripes of Jesus I am healed!’ Over a short period of time I also received the revelation that Jesus had already obtained my healing 2000 years ago; all I needed to do was to believe it. So I did! Two weeks after this revelation, my menstrual periods returned! It was my first natural (or should I say supernatural) cycle in 18 months! I was healed! I then went on to have perfect 28-day cycles with no PMS symptoms, pain or problems! In the fourth month (August 2000) following my healing, I finally became pregnant! As I had experienced such a miracle, I had not planned on having any sickness during my pregnancy. What I had also not expected was such a ferocious attack of fear to assail me. I was terrified of losing my baby and for the first three months I threw up almost every day and could not sleep. I went for a number of ultrasounds to confirm that I was still pregnant. The first scan revealed that there was no baby and after standing on God’s Word that I would not miscarry, another scan a week later revealed a perfectly healthy baby! I also started to bleed one afternoon and I began to realise what a battle I was in. The Lord showed me that I had made an idol of my baby and as I repented I felt the fear lift. From that moment the morning sickness waned and disappeared. It was amazing to see that it was my anxieties that had caused me to be physically sick. I might add that the first ultrasound showed that I was healed from PCOS! This was such a dramatic difference from my diagnosis when my ovaries were completely covered with cysts and were also non-functioning. The pregnancy continued without complications and on 21 April 2001, I gave birth to Joshua Isaac, a healthy baby boy. He was born after about 20 hours of labour, during which I needed an epidural. This slowed things down considerably and I required induction and many stitches! I was so disappointed. Thankfully, I had another opportunity for victory in this area, as I conceived another baby 10 months later. This pregnancy was also fraught with attacks of fear. At six weeks I experienced another threatened miscarriage and the doctors were also concerned about the size of the baby as I was very small. Thankfully, fear did not grip me as it had before and I was not nearly as ill during the first trimester. Kiara Grace was born perfectly healthy after a labour of five hours on 16 November 2002. I required only gas during contractions and no stitches, despite the fact that she was 3.7 kg with an enormous head! Nothing is impossible with God! Update: Leanne had another baby boy, Kale, Benjamin May 2005 and is NOW Pregnant with child number 4 and due early 2008!

God is faithful. I went from 10+ years of infertility and told that my tubes are too damaged to conceive so IVF was the only way. I have had 4 IVF cycles and lost multiple babies. I now have 2 babies. 1 IVF baby and 1 on my own. Yes my son was born with no IVF. Nothing but God. Thanks for all your prayers while I was on bed rest and throughout my pregnancies. My daughter was a twin but I lost the twin at 6 weeks but she made it and was born at 1 lb 9oz and she is doing great and she has no problems. Bless God. My son was born full term and he was 6lbs 11oz. So if anyone says that God cant.. I'm here to say yes he can! What he did for me he will do for you.

My diagnosis consisted of hormonal imbalance, high FSH, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine scarring, ovarian failure, etc. Just about everything! A reproductive endocrinologist and told me that I had a 4% chance of ever conceiving with my eggs. I had two failed rounds of IVF and was devastated. But I started to apply some of the teaching from New Life Ministries. I read my Bible and applied my faith.

I found a new doctor who was a Christian, and he told me that I would be able to conceive with my own eggs. God had healed me and turned around my diagnosis. I had a third round of IVF and this time it was successful. I was pregnant. My son, Xavier Azariah, was born on 23 December 2004. (Azariah is Hebrew for ‘My help comes from Jehovah’.)

In the summer of 2006 my husband and I talked about having another child. I remember saying to God one day, ‘Lord, I really don't want any more IVF.’ And that was it. I didn't really pray hard about conception. Shortly after this, I went for my annual check-up and was told I was pregnant (without knowing it!) and the ultrasound revealed that there were 2 heartbeats! I was having twins. I had wanted twins from the time I was a little girl. God remembers your heart, and He renewed my faith and my absolute love and honour for Him with this.

I had a son and a daughter (another desire of my heart) in early 2007 – Kingsley and Karrington have joined their brother Xavier!

Anna L (UK)
When I came across the New Life Ministries website in February 2007 I had been trying to conceive for 2 ½ years. I had been diagnosed with unexplained fertility and was at a real low point. After reading testimonies on the website, joining the WIF online group and reading Nerida’s book God’s Plan for Pregnancy I began to see that it was God’s will for me to have my own children. I started to believe the many scriptures about fertility for my own situation. In June I went to the NLM UK conference which was a powerful time of prayer, teaching, ministry, testimony and worship. There I learnt to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus them on God and on what Jesus did on the cross 2,000 years ago. At around that time I had a picture of Jesus handing me my baby, and my husband, separately, had a similar vision. We came to a point where we knew that it was only a matter of time before we conceived, and we began to love and trust our heavenly Father and his Word in a way that we never had done before. A verse that stood out for us at this time was: ‘Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33, NIV).

Throughout this time, the Holy Spirit revealed things in my life that he wanted to deal with. I was healed from depression, set free from a fear of pregnancy and motherhood, and there was reconciliation with a close family member. I also improved my diet, took vitamin supplements, did more exercise and lost some weight.

In October 2007 I discovered I was pregnant by God’s grace. I am so thankful and praise the Lord for his faithfulness to his promises. I am also truly grateful for the work of this ministry.

On Easter Sunday morning 2007 I got the happiest surprise of my life! I am pregnant after 14 months trying to conceive!

In September 2006 I was diagnosed with PCOS. My gynaecologist wanted me to start taking Provera and Clomid. I felt very uneasy about this and left the prescription aside while I sought God as to what to do. At first I was extremely discouraged but after a few weeks I resolved that I would not get depressed. I read Nerida's book and soaked up all the teaching and received a real impartation of faith to believe. I just kept building my faith stronger and stronger to believe I would also receive a miracle from God.

My period returned by itself. I changed my diet radically and switched to a low GI diet, and began really looking after my body, eating healthily, taking some vitamin supplements, etc. I prayed the Word over myself and, although my cycles were long, I discovered I was still ovulating. I reached the point where I believed God totally for my healing and baby. I felt a peace and a rest come upon me. That whole sense of striving to ‘make it happen’ left me and I just rested in the secure knowledge that Jesus had already paid the price on the cross for my healing and ability to conceive and that it would happen.

It was still a shock when I got that positive pregnancy test result. To see the promise of God manifested in your life is such a powerful thing. The Word of God has enough power to transform our lives.

We had been trying to have a baby since June 2001. We had a 10 week miscarriage in October 2001 and then 7 AIH and 2 IVF cycles. On the second one we were successful. After a very sick pregnancy, our precious baby was stillborn at 26 weeks. I had felt no movement for 2 days and we went to the hospital and found no heartbeat. Matthew was 690 grams and - apart from no heartbeat - looked perfect. We grieved for our baby and for the hopes we had for the future – ‘just’ falling pregnant again seemed impossible but still our goal.

We had a frozen embryo transfer 4 months after that and when that was unsuccessful I went on the contraceptive pill for 3 weeks to bring on the next cycle without delay so we could try again. After I stopped taking the pill I waited for my period. After 5 days I started to wonder - on the sixth day I did a pregnancy test and was shocked that I was pregnant! The pregnancy was difficult both emotionally and physically as I was very sick again and had some early bleeding. Once I made it past the 26 weeks I started to feel more confident. At 36 weeks the doctor was a little concerned about the baby's size and I had a scan that revealed the baby was about 2 weeks too small and although the placenta seemed to be functioning fine we decided to have our baby induced 2 weeks early. On 22 March 2005, our beautiful baby girl was born, Zoe (meaning life) Grace. She is an absolute delight and worth the struggle and the journey!

My husband and I were married in June 1998 and I was diagnosed with endometriosis in July 1999. I received lap surgery twice, IUI once, and took 3 cycles of Clomid but nothing worked. I spent a lot of money buying fertility kits and a fertility monitor but nothing worked. I was told that I would not be able to get pregnant without the assistance of IVF but God spoke to me otherwise. I finally stopped trying and focused on serving God wholeheartedly. I was determined that I would continue to serve God with all of my heart, no matter what.

In June 2005 my pastor asked my husband and I if we still wanted to have children. He looked me in the eye and said, ‘You are going to get pregnant, it's just going to happen. We just have to pray for really strong sperm.’ We all smiled and from that moment I had so much peace. There was no doubt whatsoever that God was going to give me my miracle and I just had to wait on His perfect timing. At that point my focus was just on serving God and having fun spending time with my husband as a couple. We were making plans of vacations and travelling a lot. We were just having fun and we were not thinking about trying to get pregnant. Soon after this, I discovered I was pregnant. At this very moment (6 March 2006) I'm 9 months pregnant and my contractions are 6 minutes apart.

I had a miscarriage last year at 4 weeks, and at the same time had 2 ovarian cysts (which were later removed surgically). My doctor told me there was a chance it would affect my fertility and I was very upset. I sought help from a Chinese doctor who prescribed me Chinese herbs. Week after week I took herbs, hoping to get pregnant. But a few months went by and still no news. One day I said to God, 'OK, let me get pregnant in your perfect timing', and I threw my herbs away and stopped visiting the Chinese doctor. That was in October 2004 and I became pregnant soon afterwards.

I took a triple blood test to test for birth defects in my fourth month and the clinic told me that my baby had a high risk of multiple disabilities. I stood by God's Word, and prayed for healing. After a detailed ultrasound scan, the doctor told me, 'There is nothing wrong with your baby, your baby is very well developed.’ Praise God for His divine healing!

I gave birth to a healthy lovely girl, Eunice Chiong, on 11 July 2005.

It is now March 2007 and I have just discovered that I am 5 weeks pregnant with my second child! God is so great!

I read Nerida’s book and it completely changed my thinking. My husband and I have been at this for about 6 years and though I've had my disappointments, I didn't let go of my faith. I am a living witness that God will show Himself strong in your life if you focus on HIM and not your issues. I used to be online all the time looking up information on what I thought was wrong or what the doctor said. I had to stop and think, ‘Do I put as much time researching the Word about my circumstances as I do on the Internet or talking to friends?’ At the time I had to say, ‘No’. I HAD to change for my life and my child's life. God has blessed my husband and after 6 years, 2 surgeries, 8 IUIs and 3 IVFs. It’s 14 October 2006 and I'm 11 weeks pregnant today.
Roz, Australia

The point of the journey isn’t only the destination it’s what you learn along the way.

After deciding to move interstate to QLD I found out I was pregnant with my second child. While I was in my last week at work during a routine 20-wk pg check up, Dr Stephen Raymond, announced I had an abnormal pregnancy. There was no baby even though I looked and felt very pregnant. I had a “hydatiform mole” (molar pregnancy). What happens after conception is that the baby eventually dies and a sack grows in the womb, which looks just like a bunch of grapes. The pregnancy had to be terminated immediately. I had to go to hospital that night for a curette. I was numb. That was just the beginning….

After the procedure, the doctors told me that the pregnancy was cancerous and had to start chemotherapy immediately. I felt very alone and the only source of strength I could find was to pray. I wasn’t particularly spiritual, I believed in God, but was very ignorant of anything after that.

We decided to continue on with our move as planned. So we drove to Queensland and I had to go straight to the hospital and start chemotherapy the very day we arrived. I met with a wonderful doctor called Dr Hitchens. He told me that my condition was very rare in Australia. Only 1% of pregnancies in Australia experience this, and only a few of them are cancerous. I then had to go into the hospital every day at exactly the same time to receive treatment. But week after week, nothing was really happening because the drug didn’t seem to be doing its job.

We soon found a great local church which taught about Jesus being our healer. I was hungry to learn and I saturated myself in this information. I also had the opportunity to go to a Christian Conference and I learnt that Jesus Christ is still alive today. I also learnt that I could just simply cry out to him and if I believed the bible and did not doubt that I could receive my healing right now - here today. I grabbed hold of that and confessed it and stood firm. I wouldn’t accept the fact that God had given me a beautiful baby boy and husband only to be told I was going to die. I knew that he wanted me to stand firm and believe for healing. And that is exactly what I did.

The days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months but I just knew, that I knew, that I would receive healing. However, one weekend while we were out at lunch I had a haemorrhage and was rushed to hospital. I ended up having three blood transfusions and more drugs. But even through all of this I just knew I was going to be OK. A supernatural peace was with me continually.

I then had to go to the hospital a couple of times a week to receive chemotherapy. This went on for several weeks - going to the hospital then to the pathology lab to check my blood hormone levels to see if the chemotherapy was working. Then in addition to this I had to visit the specialist to explain my progress. These weekly visits were very expensive and we weren’t covered for any of it. This was a very testing time for us in more ways than one! During one of the visits to the specialist he announced that the tumour had started growing through to other organs in my body. I was then admitted into hospital to have extensive chemotherapy. The strongest type available! I was told that the side effects were nausea, hair loss and fatigue. After the treatment I was sent home with anti nausea medicine to rest for a few days with my family. The amazing thing was that we prayed that not only would I be totally healed but that I would not experience any sickness. I never had to take any of the nausea pills. While I felt tired and had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth and my mouth and eyes dried out from the medication, I never got sick. Praise the Lord!

Then one Sunday at church during the praise and worship I had another massive haemorrhage and was rushed to hospital. The whole back seat of the car was completely soaked in blood, and the stain is still there to this day. Once at the hospital in the emergency room, all I can remember was seeing buckets full of blood and clots, and then I passed out. My husband and a close friend were also in the room with me. On this occasion I died because the heart monitor flat lined. At that point my husband was asked to leave the room. But he along with a friend prayed and the Dr’s managed to get my pulse back. I was then given more blood transfusions. What happened next was amazing. When I was tested to see how the cancer levels were going the doctors were amazed because the tumour had gone! The tumour had extracted itself out of my body. The Dr’s were stunned because they had never seen this before. It was unheard of. Even though the tumour was gone I had to continue with the chemotherapy because my blood still had traces of cancer. However, I continued treatment for only a short time as the levels quickly dropped to zero.

After all of this was over, the Dr’s asked us to go to The Royal Women’s Hospital in Brisbane where we were introduced to a panel of the top oncology doctors in the area. They wanted to know why this happened, as they had never seen anything like this before. They were very perplexed because what had happened was medically impossible. My husband explained that we were Christians who believed in a healing Jesus. They were stunned and said ‘Well your God is bigger than our medicine’. After scratching their heads and asking several questions they let us go home.

My testimony doesn’t end there! Even though I was completely healed and well I still had to go back to Dr Hickens for my final report. He told me on that day, “well you may be healed, and you are a very lucky girl, however you will never have children”. This was because I had been treated with the strongest type of chemotherapy available. And this meant that my reproduction organs would never work again. Regardless, we knew that our God was bigger than that! So needless to say we didn’t believe what the doctor said. We just smiled and shook that comment off. And to the doctors total amazement I was found to be pregnant a few months later. I then went on to have a beautiful healthy baby boy called Matt which means (a gift from God), and then fifteen months later we had our final baby ‘Charlie’ also a beautiful healthy baby boy. He has been a great blessing to our family and both boys to this day are very close.

Jesus said “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (see John 14:12-14). The authority of Jesus has been passed down to us so we can pray for the Holy Spirit to help us for whatever need we have. If you believe and do not doubt in your heart then you will receive your promise if it lines up with the word of God. That is a promise in the bible, (see Mark 11:22-25). God is not a respecter of persons (see Acts 10:34) so that means that anyone of His children can trust His word for their own personal circumstances and see it come to pass!

Birth Notices!

I visited your site more than a year ago and I was really encouraged. God has blessed me with a baby girl. I encourage others sisters waiting not to lose hope, He will answer them. God bless your ministry.
Bidemi Omopariola(mrs) (Nigeria)

I was blessed to find myself pregnant after being a member of WIF for a short period of time. I suffered with guilt associated with my infertility as I thought I was being punished for sins. With the help of WIF members, I was able to remove the blockage and to gain the knowledge that I was already healed and just needed to be faithful and that it was God’s will for ALL women to conceive their own biological children – I would meditate on Gods Word and remain faithful, and it was at the point I became pregnant! And early Father’s Day, 17 June 2007, I gave birth to our son, Christopher Shane. He was 21 inches and weighed 7 lb 1 oz. He is beautiful and a joy to his father and me.
Sylvett P

My husband and I lost our first baby at 9 weeks. It then took 3 years to concieve. I thought we had given it to God a long time ago, but I was still relying on man in some ways – medicines to regulate my ovulation, etc. I finally gave up on man after he gave up on me and the doctor said the only way I would get pregnant would be to do IVF. I decided that my God was bigger than that, and He proved true! My husband began laying hands on me and praying for my body to function according to God's perfect plan. Within 2 weeks of prayer, I ovulated and conceived! It was truly a miracle!! Samuel (which means ‘asked of God’) arrived 9 April 2007 at 2.45 pm, weighing 7 lb 5 oz and 20 inches long. Just to encourage you – lift up your very specific prayer requests and watch God honour them in greater detail than you can ever think to provide!!

I am proud to announce the safe arrival of our 9-year-long awaited son, Luke Andrew. Born 26 April 2007 at 11.20 pm by Caesarean and is a healthy, beautiful, happy 6 lb 3 oz baby boy!! All glory goes to God and we would like to thank you all for your prayers throughout a not-so-easy journey and then a not-so-easy pregnancy. Just don't give up on God or your faith because in the midst of it all is when God will answer your prayers.

Just wanted to let you know that we had a beautiful baby boy on 1 May 2007. It was a fairly painless labour and delivery. Aiden Richard arrived into this world at 9.54 am. He weighed 9 lb and was 19.5 inches long. He spent a few nights in NICU due to inhaling some fluid but everything cleared up and he is doing great. Thanks for all your prayers.

I cannot thank all of you enough for all of your prayers. A year ago today I found out that I was pregnant with my miracle baby. He is now 4 ½ months old.
Maureen, 7 February 2007

Well, I have had my girl. There were times during this pregnancy that I did not think I could make it. But she is here and we are both very well. What a true blessing. I cannot believe God has entrusted me with such a precious treasure.
Heather, 11 April 2007

I just wanted to let you know I had a gorgeous healthy baby boy (Seth Andrew) on Tuesday 9 January 2007 – he was right on time! The birth went really well with absolutely no complications, praise God! He is soooooo GREAT! All up it was 8 hours so I was very thankful it was a quick one. I don’t think the contractions were as painful as with my firstborn son and I know this is only because of Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayer support. I felt so encouraged to push on and believe God for the best outcome and nothing less and He is FAITHFUL!

We have the most beautiful little baby girl: Faith Aurora, 6 lb 2 oz, 48 cm long, born Friday 9 March 2007. We are finally home and in fact have found prayer the most reliable and successful way to settle her. We are none the wiser how to do it in our own strength, but every time we pray she settles!
Monique (Australia)

Tahlia Glenda was born at 5.47 am today (Monday 2 April 2007), 3.7 kg, 52.5 cm, and a glowing appraisal from the paediatrician! All prayers answered. Thank you to those who supported me in this special way. Tahlia is perfect – we’re thrilled.
Nadja L (Australia)

I had my baby girl on 4 Nov 2006 – she weighed 7 lb 4 oz at birth (3.3 kg) and was 52 cm long. We named her Stacey Ariel. During my pregnancy, when I was getting morning sickness, I prayed that little prayer in your God's Plan for Pregnancy book. I prayed it, put my hand on my belly, and I felt the anointing hit me. So I just wanted to let you know I felt the power of that prayer.

I asked you to pray for my girlfriend Joanne (who was told by the doctors she would probably never conceive) and another friend of mine named Leisa who was also told she would never fall pregnant. Well, I am pleased to say praise God that Joanne delivered a healthy baby girl on 15 October and I have just heard that Leisa has also had a healthy baby girl today at 1 pm.
April, November 2006 (Australia)

It is my pleasure to announce to you the birth of Nivedit Grace, my beautiful daughter, who was born on 7 August 2006 at 7.53 am. Her birth weight was 2.78 kg. The delivery was normal but I went in for an epidural towards the end. Apparently it wasn’t necessary as the baby was already on her way down. She was out in 2 pushes and I was totally speechless as I held her for the first time.
Tresa (USA)

My sister-in-law gave birth 13 July 2006 – a healthy baby girl of 6.5 lb. It is amazing what God can do. She was 45 years old in December and this is her first baby. She had been diagnosed with a high prolactin level. The doctors put her on some medication which had really bad side effects so she came off it. Anyway, when she got pregnant, they found that she had fibroids and were talking about the baby coming very early with a strong possibility of a C-section. Well, she had the baby at 38 weeks – they actually had to induce her. She also had the baby naturally. She had a very quick labour which was not what the doctors had told her.
Viviene (UK),

TTC for 8yrs, tried naturopaths, Chinese medicine, surgery, IVF and, most importantly, prayer! Blair Jackson was born 5th Sept 2005, 3.1 kg 50 cm
Amanda (Australia)
well i forget to add that i have a tummy the size of a 3mth pregnant lady but i am just so scared of the needle that i dun dare to pull it in.. my husband will be away soon so i am learning to do my self but i am still scared.. really trembling when i am doing it.. i called the nurse just now and they told me to use ice.. i will try again tonight
Toy, just breath in n out... than when ur ready, poke. I was using needle injections for my Memogon, than Dr wanted me to add the Growth Hormone, that was the Pen injection (CoolClick)just like ur Gonol F injections.. I was so scared. I hated the sound. my HB use to inject the pen one for me after I inject the Menogon but there were nites when he could not be home in time so I had to do it.. Dont worry, I sometimes took 15 - 20mins to inject with the Pen. So dont worry, u will get use to it eventually.. Just take ur time n keep breathing before u inject... My toes all will curl before I inject. hehehhe..
Thanks Happyger, your post brought tears to my eyes cos i m just touched. God is indeed bigger than medicine. I pray whatever condition we have, whatever the doctors are frowning upon ... God takes them all, in his hands, in his might and cast them all away ... nothing is impossible with our God. May God grant us miracles, miracles of bundles of joy in our wombs, in our arms! Amen!
HI NZ, that's the thing. Dr Loh is good but he's so busy. Always waiting about 2 hours during his appt to see him for that 5-10 mins. Thus, I'm very tempted to change gynae. But don't know how to tell him.
need prayers. husband made a big mistake.. i need to reduce dosage to 37.5 but husband pulled to 375.. what to do now? so much will be wasted... going to cry soon... what to do now? cant turn back..any suggestions?
Hi Toy, did u call the doc or nurse? Speak to them and see if whether next few days need to readjust the dosage to even lower.

U doing SO-IUI? Becos when i doing my GonalF during IVF, my dosage is abt 325++

Will pray for u.... u take care.. better to call the doc and ask...
toy, think you need to contact the clinic and go for a scan tmr - you shld be able to see the effects of the jab. btw - 37.5 is very very low, so it's also good to go for a scan to check if your eggs are responding. my dosage was between 75 to 225, with 150 being my most optimal dose. are you on so-iui or ivf? think with that low dose, you should be on so-iui, cos with ivf, the does is high all the way to stimulate more egg growth.

toy, will keep you in prayers, do update us.
NZ, how are you? how's your babies and MS? I am still having slight MS at week 12, but much better than 1 month prior.

Do you know the gender of your bbs already?
hi Thistle, i m much better nowadays, thx. Able to take light dinner without vomitting. MS has subsided from this week onwards. Maybe your MS will also stop soon. Dunno the gender yet but i guess will be able to tell in my next visit. Tummy much bigger than my fren who is also in her 15 weeks. Guess twins moms r like tt bah...

Vanilla, thx for your tips on maternity clothing. Your EDD is in Oct, not far away though. It's alwz nice to see your bb thru the scan right? Their buttocks are so cute, i feel like kissing them.

Bawbaw, how many weeks r u now? It's better to change gynae earlier if u hv decided. Most of the time, i have to wait 2 hours+ at TPS too. Consultation also lasted for 5 mins or so only. In my last visit, i waited for 2.5 hours and when my turn finally came, Dr Loh had left for the day and i was attended by a young doc. However, the young doc was much friendlier than Dr Loh so we took the opportunity to ask many questions.

Happyger, thx for the attached testimonies. They hv once again reminded me tt our God is almighty.
Hi Nicole, i was taking Enfamama chocolate flavour milk powder in the past 1 mth when i couldn't eat much. Now since i could take light dinner, i have stopped taking it. I prefer cold fresh milk, the Meiji brand lately. R u taking any?
hi NZ - ya..trying to prepare myself for little Elisha's arrival... actually missed seeing him for abt 1 mth already...this sat is the scan ...happy can see him! Ya ya...he sometimes curl up and sleep and will show his buttocks to us!

Hi Nicole - i am lactose intolerant... i only relying on calcium pills...heard those milk powder also rather yucky... can drink normal fresh milk ..think that is enough
Hi NZ &amp; Vanilla, oks will just stick to my cold fresh milk. Im not on any at the moment but thought since carrying twins it might be a good idea to have more protein n iron. Worried Im not talking enough.

Im drinking two glasses of cold fresh milk a day. I like Farmhouse, Greenfields or Daisy or Marigold. Dont like HL cause it sweet or vanilla test not sure. hehehe

Im going for 8 week scan this sat? do u know when they will start using the Duplor(machine to hearheat beat, not sure of the spelling). for my 6 week scan it was vaginal so cannot hear the heartbeat just saw to two fluttering heartbeat. Like butterfilies. hehehhee
Hi Nicole - the duplor machine is usually used during 3rd trimester .. if that is what i used the other time CTG i think. But in my gynae's ultrasound scan (tummy), she can press a button and i can heard the heartbeat (not sure if that is Duplor machine)...
hello sisters, just came back from my wk 12 scan. both bbs passed the OSCAR and NT/Down's test. Just that one of the bb's placenta is covering the cervix, hope it will move up, else i will not be able to achieve natural birth. I pray in Jesus name that the pregnancy and birthing will be smooth and painless, as Christ has taken all our pains at the cross, Amen!

Anyway, doc said most likely i am having 2 gals.. ke ke... hope in later scans, a bird bird will appear.... my desire is to have one boy one gal...
Thanks Vanilla. Hoping to hear the heartbeats.

Wahh Thistle 12 weeks already, Im almost there another 4weeks.. I too am hoping for a boy n girl but all I ask of Jesus everyday is may they babies be healthy.
sorry been so busy.. my dosage was 75 initially but on wed they say too many eggs so reduced to 37.5 so hubby pulled 375 instead.. cant sleep at night cos instruction manual say once pull wrongly must pushed out all the medication.. my heart so pained cos it is about 200-300 worth of medication,.. the nurse gave me the drug rep hp on thu and they told me the only way is to click slowly 1 click is 37.5 so every time i slowly click 1 time since 375 has been pulled.. wha t a relief! praise God for this.. really thou i need to release all the medication out since pulled wrongly. i will be scanning again on monday.. dunno so-iui or ivf yet cos depending on the eggs ... now a lot so they are adjusting the dosage...

thanks for all your prayers!
hi Toy - glad to hear it is ok for u... and good to hear that u have alot of eggs!! just on 75 dosgae..u r reacting well to the medicine... i had to use 1.5 Gonal F 750 pens.. very expensive!!

hi Thistle - Praise the Lord for being with ur babies! will pray to God to shift one of the placenta higher.. meanwhile dont squat too often cos of the low placenta.

Hi Nicole - ya it is very exciting to hear the heartbeat ... when i was using the CGT scan, can hear heartbeat and the baby kicking (then i was abt 17 weeks)... very cool..
Hi toy, Glad everything went well.... I understand what u mean. My Growth Hormones were very ex too... for 3 doses cost me close to $600. I had to buy another round of it so just for growth hormones it cost me 1.2k. Than only had to use 5 doese so the last one went to waste.. So sad but oks la money well spent now preggy thats all that matters!!

Are you with Dr Yu???
Toy, good to hear tt u r ok and producing many eggs. Keep your faith up coz God remembers your heart.

Thistle, congrats on passing the oscar test. May God cont to protect all of us here and our bbs. Wow, your doc can see the gender oredi? I m also hoping for 1 boy and 1 gal coz my hubby wants boy and i want gal...hee hee. Anyway, i know God knows wats best for us.

I finally revealed to my family tt i m having twins and they r very excited. However, i dun intend to tell them it's ivf coz they do not understand. I sort of avoided the question when my sis asked me. I told her thru prayers, God gave me twins. Do u think this is considered lying?
Toy, the nurse only advised me to use condoms b4 start of ivf but did not mention anything during eggs stimulation. I think your hubby will somehow nid to abstain from sex for a few days b4 producing his specimen on tt critical day. Better chk wth your doc.
hi Toy, during th IVF stage better to use condoms as i rem there is a sister in another thread, she did not know she is pregnant and was given IVF drugs and had to abort the baby. For better sperm quality, 2-3 days before the transfer ur hubby has to "preserve" it. But there is also books that say that cannot keep in himself too long so i told my hubby to "clear" himself 3 days before transfer so there is "fresh" supply ....

Hi NZ - to me it is not lying cos it is the truth that God gives u the twins. Bcos this miracle is created by God...IVF is a "project" that God makes u and me go thru, whether we have the babies or not is still up to Him cos He knows the timing best. His will be done...

Hi sisters, went for checkup last sat... i m currently on 26th weeks... Elisha was sleeping when we scanned him, trying to see his face but this boy shy lah, cover his face with his hands....after some time then slowly shift his hands so we get to see his lower jaw and left profile of his face...

We will have to plan another detailed scan in about 1 mths' time to assess his ompahalocele. I requested to not do it at GlenE's Xray (bad experience and dun like the machine). Will be doing it again at Raffles Hos...and after it then will arrange to meet the pediatrian surgeon for discussion on the surgery.

Pls pray that Elisha's omphalocele will be healed like the crippled in Acts. God's healing hands be on his tummy and when he is born he need not have to go thru a surgery. Thanks sisters!
Dear All,

Work has been extremely busy the last 2 weeks ... having alot of negative tot during the same period .... was thinking that my baby might miscarriage due to the stress i was going through.... God reminded me that BB is his will and he will see it come to past.

On the 29 will be going for detailed scan ... should be able to know if BB is a Mickey or a Minnie .....

MS is better now.... but i keep forgeting my vitamin pills....
Hi MSFamily, How many weeks are u now? Im in my 9week. Are you still seeing Dr Yu? God is with your baby, he wont let any harm come to what he has created. Did you do the Down Scan? Dr Yu asked if I wanted, we kind of decided not too but just have to confirm with her when we go for our 12week scan on 8 Aug. How was your 12week scan. Im so anxious and wish it was nearer.... How often did u see her? I was saw her on my 6 week n 8 week now she said she will see me in 12 week so thats a month away. Im so worried n nervous but leave it to god to protect my babies.
thanks Nicole.

Hi MSfamily - dont worry... God will protect ur baby...must rem to take ur vitamins... every morning put it on ur dinning table and eat before u leave the house....
Hi Vanilla, thx for your encouraging words. Will definitely keep bb Elisha in prayers so tt he will be totally healed by God's mighty hands and surgery will not be required at all.

Hi MSFamily, try to take things easy...even at work. Remind yourself to take a short break once a while to relax your mind and body. Your bb will be strong in your tummy and yes, they are protected by God. It's good to hear tt your MS is better. Enjoy your blessed preg.

Nicole, is your MS better now? Don't worry too much abt the Down scan. It's good to go for it to give yourself a peace of mind. Do take care in 1st trimester yah...dun go shopping too much yet.
hi NZ - thanks for ur prayers for Elisha. I have an xtra copy of today's parents quarterly magazine, i can pass to u (was at my gynae and nurse gave to me the free goodie bag though told her i took one already a few mths ago). U can PM me ur address and I mail to u. The mag is rather informative...

Hi Toy - how is ur scan? Are u still continuing ur Gonal F? Have the doc decided to do IUI or IVF? Take care my dear sister!
Thanks NZ, Yuppers MS all gone. I think it was a mild one cause I am fine now. Just sometimes if I get out of bed to fast I feel like throwing up or if I talk to much or too fast I feel like throwing up. But all is good.

Most likely wont be going for the scan as Husband not very keen. I will leave it to God n keep praying that the Twins will be healthy.

At the moment they are growing more than the 8weeks growth guide. I cannot wait to enter the 2nd trimester, I have 3 more weeks. Keep me in your prayers ladies that my Twins will be healthy and safe. My prayers are with your babies.
well due to the low dosage only 1 egg on the left side is growing bigger.. having another scan on thursday.. praying there will be more eggs if possible..but dr say to keep to 37.5 still...i hope to join you all sooon.
hi Nicole G - will continue to pray for u and ur twins. Dont worry too much at the scan - it is actually first trimester scanning and it shows the probability of DS. if u dont want to do the blood test, u can just ask the gynae to measure the neck fold and see nose bridge which are also indicators and less invasive as no blood test is requried.

Hi Toy - I think for IUI they need to control the no of eggs and hence dosage is muhc lesser... but will pray that u will have at least 2 big eggs which = twins? Will uphold u in my prayers too....rem, no soya products for now since u doing IUI and ask ur hubby to increase his strawberry intake!
Hi Nicole, i am in my 18 weeks bah....

Vanilla - BB Elisha due in Oct
NZ - Twins due in Dec/Jan
Thistle - Twins due in Jan/Feb
Msfamily - BB due in Dec
Nicole G - Twins due in Feb/Mar

For the rest... Jia you, Our God is a faithful God.
Thanks vanilla.

Wahh MS Family, thanks for the table. At lest can refer. hehehehe..
Wah nice to have a Dec baby. Its like the bestest Xmas oresent in the world! hehehehe
Never I will have the bestest Bday present since my bday in Jan. Belated one la. hehehehe..
Yes God is Great, he wil bless all of us..

Toy, will keep you in my prayers, may u have 2 eggs and may they fertilise n become babies!
toy, jia you, eggs grow grow... how big is your egg now?

updating -

Vanilla - BB Elisha due in Oct
NZ - Twins due in Dec
Thistle - Twins due in Dec/Jan
Msfamily - BB due in Dec
Nicole G - Twins due in Feb/Mar

I plead Jesus' blood and protection over all our babies, Amen!
updates -

Vanilla - BB Elisha due in Oct
NZ - Twins due in Dec
Thistle - Twins due in Dec/Jan
Msfamily - BB due in Dec
Nicole G - Twins due in Jan/Feb

God please continue to guide us and keep out babies save. We lift all our prayers to you.
wow so many babies..can meet up and form a playgroup/prayer group next time.

i was told egg wass 11mm on mon.. need to be 16 and more right? then can do the procedure

Hi Toy, Yes, I would really love that. plus for you to join in with your bundle of joy too.....

Babydust to you. Dont worry they know what to do. Your in good hands.
