Choa chu kang mummy club

cl, my il at ghim moh, nearer to c'weath area.
i like the environment at faith also because its newer. but its methodist church. we go to presbyteran church, so the next nearest is true way.

ghim moh hor ha ha St james so near hor.

Any mummies here looking for Part time maid ? my fren recommended me 1 Filippino maid. I am thinking of engaging her for Sat Morning , if you are interested can engage her for Sat afternoon.

Accordingly to my fren she is very good and still only charge $10/ hr.

She is staying at SEng kang lah, thot it will be better if she can do 2 household in CCK since she comes all the way then trip not wasted
Ling, I also worry about the bus ride...will stay with her for the first few weeks that she won't be so scared.

Hwee, I thought the edufarm is at 685C leh...that's why I went there...I find tumble tots not bad lor...cos my ger now attending the wkend gym class....but if compare to mygym, mygym is much nicer lor...I was thinking the wkday playgroup will not be gym base but sing song/arts& shd be ok.

Pooh, I paid $180 for 1 term (wkdays: twice a wk program), inclusive of uniform and course material

CL, my maid looking after her now, I thought centre bus better, if my maid bring her on public transport, then she have to stay there and wait 2hrs....btw do u know if the centre bus alloy parents to follow for the first few weeks?
cl, st james shifted. anyway, called them some time back they are already full. long long waiting list some more! faintz!!!

caramum, i'll start looking for pre-nursery classes from middle of this yr onwards. becos my boy is born in dec so he just started walking and i think he's too young for school...hee hee...
hi mummies,

I am a mummy staying at cck crescent. Currently my boi is 15 mth old. Will be sending my boi to CC when he reach 18 mth. Wondering which cc in cck area is good? Based on the curriculum, teachers, environment. I have shortlisted a few CCs. Elfra, Agape, Ace@Work, Carpe Diem startlets and creativeland. Any comments on the above mentioned CCs?

wah liao mia a few days the conversion so long
take me some time to read thru man

hwee: i tink i sent to ur personal email
i dun tink i have ur office email leh
i go back office check 2mr

ling: so our gd fri trip cancel
any program in the evening?
swimming? u bring vel to golf?
serene, have lei. i give to you before. you sent me those links to see those items one lei....

calling caramum and sunny, the mini chiffon pans that you ordered from pink is here. she's going to pass it to me. arrange your collection with me.

serene(coolman), i don't send my kids to cc in cck.
cannot advise you.

other mummies, please help ok? thanks!
HI All
It has been a long time I log in to the forum le.
Currently I looking for ballet/phonics/piano class for my gal.
Any1 have any recommendation??
Hello mummies

My gal can flip already. So interesting to see her trying and trying till she make it. Now she's flipping every chance she has... My mum says very tiring to look after her.
gemini, good to hear that your gal is doing well and able to flip. its fun to watch them grow and achieve such milestones. next she'll try to roll on her tummy or roll back and forth. have fun!
serene: mi not sending vel to golf.. nvr tot of tat yet :p currently she attending art class only..

when u wana go swimming?? i went to dental surgery ytd to remove my tooth... sia... now face swell leh.. sobx.. eating porridge only..

u mean good friday program?? any ideas :p

Serene(coolman): my girl in Ace @ Work @ Blk 703... small school with caring teachers.. :D
Lyn Baby

Depending on your gal's age.

Personally, I feed if you want to expose her to music and she's abt 4 yrs, Yamaha or Cristofori group kind is quite good. Teaching is different from the one to one kind.

For one to one kind, you can consider private. I'm giving private lessons also if you want to consider.
Anyone can recommend a good infant care around our area? Thinking of putting my gal in infant care. She's abt 3 months 2 weeks now.
Gemini19: currently u r looking after by yrself?? i duno any infant care here but tink its btr to bring only after 6mths else notice alot of babies will fall sick easily... tatz the disadvantage...
my mum is looking after now. But my sister in law just gave birth this morning. and my mum also got to look after. Her health not very good somemore, so i'm thinking of infant care.

Nanny? also thought of but my parents n in-laws will sure be unhappy if i do that.

so fan now

If your parents in law are not happy, can they help instead ?

Like for me , i put my son with nanny for 2 years then send to CC.

It is also more cost effective. Infant care is very exp one. So young immunity still low mah, plus medical bill you will have headache liao

Explain nicely to in laws , they sue will understand one
my in laws can take care for me, its just that i dun want to. Their style is very different and many times i cannot agree. Like they say must let my girl learn how to stand on her feets (with adults holding of course) everyday to train her legs when she's barely 2 months old. at 3 months, say must learn how to walk???

In fact, I've kept a room free for my in laws to use anytime they want to stay over.
hwee..thanks. I will pick up from u thanks. but i forgot if i pay her liao...I'll go check the thread.

gemini19, my friend send her ger to flamingo...she din say it's good but I think that's the only one that suit her requirements best.
caramum, cl, your pans are with me already. pink got post on the payment, please go check. let me know when you all want to collect.

sunny, your pans are not with me yet. you got pink's contact? she didn't hear from you and didn't know if you still wanted it or not, so didn't pass to me.
cl, you let me know whether to pass to you in cck or at work. i can bring the stuff to office again, no problem.

caramum, you still have my mobile no right? then you sms me when you at your mum's place and i pass to you there.
lyn, either hotel or my fren hse
if ur'all 1 2 join then i might stay hotel

ling, recd ur sms.
now then read. hahaha abit slow hor
coz no where to go mah
u 1 2 join me huh?

cl, i juz now went to that seak st sun lik
wow liao, go there spent $$$ only hahaha
hwee, thanks, cara have high fever over the wkend couldn't come to pick up from u. doc send her for blood test yesterday....luckly dun have dengue...but result show she is aneamic...quite worry...doc tell me to give multi-vitamin rich in iron n ask if we are thalassemic...i dun think we are....hopefully she will be ok.

mummies are u all familiar with food to give to increase red blood? doc say she need to eat more red meat...other than that do u know what els
Caramum: glad that her fever is btr now.. I duno wat food to inc red blood cells... Did doc prescribe u the multi vit?? Don worry, she will be fine :D
Ya, gemini19, I am the friend caramum talking abt. Stay where U stay, rem? hee.. So the gathering still on? Let me know ok.

I send my girl to Flamingo, not say very fantastic but not bad also. At least no record of HFM which alot of parent worry abt. Cost is reasonable, 2-12mths, $650 & 12-18mths, $550 after subsidy.

My girl is graduating next mth as she is 18mths old liao. U can go take a look. Abt 10mins walk from Quintet backgate.

Another infantcare nearby is NTUC near Yew Tee MRT. My friend told me not bad as is new so environment is very clean. Price is slightly higher, abt $700plus after subsidy.
Ling, thanks...went to see doc again yesterday cos she develop rashes...finally doc diadnose her as having fake least now we know what's wrong with her...ya, will start her on multi-vit after she recover from sickness.
Hi Hwee

Sunny just delivered this morning so cannot come into forum lah. You just collect for her can ? I know where she stays and how to contact her
hwee: u 1 2 collect for sunny?
i can help to collect for sunny & pass to her if u helping her to collect

ling, sunny juz deliver on tue or wed.
so busy lah where got time to post her prince pix
wait till she settle down 1st bah
Hi mummies,

Long time no log in to this thread. Just wanna pop in to say hi to all. Anyone interested in order from Amosco? I am going to order stuff for my baby's first birthday so interested mummies can tompang. I am staying at CCK Ave 5, so collection will be there.

serene, i suppose you informed her liao? think will meet her sometime this week. hopefully your mould is in stock liao.
let you know again.
