Choa chu kang mummy club

Serene, tink we postpone it la.. Jess not keen oso..

Caramum: u looking for daily or weekends playgroup?

wah, gemini, working in bank.... this yr very good bonus lor! :eek:

meow, so poor thing. ya, if have other races, usually they will stand in during chinese festive holidays.

serene, haven't got yr email yet. but i'm not leaving yet, you can take your time.
Hi mummies,

I am new to this thread. I just delivered my BB boy on 14 jan. I am stayin at Villa Verde near to CCK nrth 5. I am looking for a nanny around Yew Tee mrt area. Do you all have any lobang. Please PM me! Thanks
welcome welcome. My ex nanny has a fren staying blk 706 should be near you I think. If you interested can email me at [email protected]. I try to connect you and you see if you are comfortable with that nanny.

My ex nanny will be too far for you as we are staying at cck st 52
Ling, I'm looking for a daily playgroup, those with for 1.5-2hrs/day programs. I check some dou dou class ard my area, they only intake tot born in 2005 and they say my ger too young cos she born in 2006....I have a few friends who say there are lots of RC or non-RC program for my ger's age that conduct these 1.5-2hrs programs leh...but i cannot find any so far.

Pooh: I live at blk 441 CCK ave 4.
caramum, yr ger is already 18 months? then you should be able to find some programmes at kinderland. try to call the cck centre (beside lot 1) to see if they have any classes.
hihi mummies,

I am a mummy staying at cck crescent. Currently my boi is 15 mth old. Will be sending my boi to CC when he reach 18 mth. Wondering which cc in cck area is good? Based on the curriculum, teachers, environment.

hwee, I check the kinderland already...they only have 1/2 or full daycare program for 20mths.

Pooh, thanks I'll call and find out
serene, you send to which email? can send to my office? thanks ya!

caramum, oh, only childcare huh? i know around my place there got playgroup sessions for weekdays mornings. think its some montesorri syllabus or so.
hey pooh, the website looks interesting... The school seems quite good oso wor..

Hwee: there are 2 kinderland. next to lot 1 is a childcare... The other is at Sunshine place. they offer nursery and kindy (2 to 3hrs class).

Caramum: u should enquire on the other outlet at Sunshine place
Hello mummies

Ya, the school should be quite good. I know the principal, I used to teach music in her school. She's a very nice lady
Ling, thanks for the info. sunshine place also has another childcare, learning vision, right? i probably need to look for a playgroup near my in laws for my boy soon too....
hwee, do u have the contact to the one near your place?

Ling, thanks. I will enquire at sunshine place also

I call up the gifted-learners centre not bad...charge $135/mth...quite ok hor...I will visit them next monday.
caramum, i go and see those banners and sms you the number when i go back this evening. the charges is for daily playgroup at the gifted-learners centre?
are you referring to the banner below my block ? I think it is for RC at blk 549

Alternatively caramum wait another 2 months, the edu centre at yew tee cc takes from 22 months

Avoid learning vision at sunshine place I think one of the mummy in this thread advised before

Yah, the principal is a very nice lady, my boy who just enter P1 show improvement in his work and reading and he's only with them for 3 month.

I think their ratio for playgroup is also quite small.
ha ha you make me feel like sending my gal there. ha ha. You know lah she have that lazy symdrome

Ok ok, this weekend I very packed. Maybe next sunday since our gals got activities on Sat.
ya, pooh, after going thru the blog, i also feel like sending my kids there lei....

cl, next weekend me not in town. my gal got swimming on sunday too! hee hee.... i'm also enquiring on piano classes for her.
cl, i'm not buying a piano yet. so cannot get the teacher to come. that yamaha is super ex. $117.70 per month while ossia is charging $64.20 per month.
hwee, CL, thanks I'll check it out....sounds like the kinderland in sunshine place very popular...i must faster go check it out....ya the 135/mth is for daily playgroup program...the in-charge Mr Leong also it includes a snack like biscult/bread/cake.
Just call up kinderland at sunshine place...they only take tot born in 2005 for year 2008 intake...this is a pre-nursery class, 3hrs/ ger cannot attend liao.
caramum, for that price for the daily playgroup, its really cheap. for pre-nursery you have to wait till next yr. dun be impatient.

cl, ya hor, didn't think of that. well, let her start at ossia first la. ossia is a spin off from christofori, can't be that bad. anyhow, its not the school, it the learner. hope my girl will not give up halfway. that's why not getting the piano yet....
Ha ha with my gal giving up on ballet and yamaha half way me oso not so keen on signing her up such classes but maybe will look for choir class. Ha ha she love singing and can make up lots of songs kind. Then sign her up for singing contest and i pocket all the money keke
If you're staying there you can consider lor. Actually I only plan to put my boy there only for the school holiday, cause I got maid to look after him at home. But after he go there for 1 month he pester me to let him continue. So now I'm putting him there on Mon, Wed and Fri and they give free keyboard lesson also. I think the price is better than you engage tution teacher.

For what age is the "I Can Read" programme for? Is 4.5 yr old suitable?
Caramum: the edu @ YT CC takes in 20mths oso... tat time vel nearly get to join. Stupid nanny back out to bring her to sch so I sack her and bring her to CC instead... dum dum, make mi pay deposit le then say cannot!!! beside tat still have other factors la...

But i tink its too far from your place in Ave 4 to travel to YT rite...
Hwee, I check out the edufarm at 685C liao...very far for me...and they dun have bus service

Ling, YT not so bad if they provide bus irresponsible the nanny!

I sign up for the tumble tots twice weekly playgroup already...cos they provide bus service which is what I'm looking for as well....I start with the twice weekly program first...if she ok then move on to the daily program.
Caramum: Tumble tots is good... I like their program but find that 2hrs is too short for my girl... Hope your girl is alrite with the bus ride cos she is still young :p Irene from TT is very helpful and nice... she is also incharge of the playgroup in YT CC
caramum, the edufarm that cl and i are talking abt should be at blk 549.

pooh, let me see and enrol my girl there for holiday programme first.

cl, my girl also give up ballet before. she asked me to start it again then i started her lor. think she suddenly think she wanted to continue lor. but hope she won't play me out with the music lessons! fingers crossed! hey, dun pocket all the money alone, if need singing partner, call my girl, ok? then i get to pocket some money too! haha!
ling, how can yr nanny do that? anyway, vel is at bjg now right? as long as she's enjoying can liao.

caramum, let me know how you find tumble tots. was thinking of letting my son go there for weekend class.
How much you pay total for the twice weekly programme? I also like their programme especially for my son who cannot still.

Yah you can try out their holiday programme.
Hwee: vel is in BJG weekends only, never joined the daily one cos too far la... but i withdraw her le since I was on confinement last year.. till now nvr go back le and im still waiting for my deposit refund... wait till neck so long :p

Presently Vel in CC la... I enquired on Tumble tots program.. they are using letterland teaching and I saw them during class and finds quite good... Tot of joining wkn oso but the timing too late for me, vel sleeping time.. it starts at 3.45pm during saturdays :p

CL: u staying near limbang area rite... Tinking for converting Vel to 3 or 4hrs playgroup ard CCK... Any good playgroup there?? my neighbour goes to the one under blk 540?? is it good?? any good suggestion?? YT CC abit far for to walk from my house...
ha ha their refund very long one lah. Ha ha I almost totally forgot about it liao.

You still working, if Vel dun go CC then who look after her leh ? If you can go blk 540 then can go YT CC one what.

I sent my gal there for phonics class. Ha ha me like my gal particular about toilet. If I find the toilet not up to standard, then I will suspect their hygiene standard. Most of Charmaine's classmates in nursery at CCK Bible Centre Kindergarten are from there and seems not bad. For me I quite particular about environment so for young kids, I wont send there.

Who is looking after your gal now ? Cannot bring her on public transport to go ?

I think can start early for I can read. Because Charmaine's nursery classmates all went to woodland civic centre branch at age 4.
ling, wanted to send my son for weekend program at bjg but they always full. so now no need la. if not wait till next yr and send him to those pap class near my in law's place during the weekdays.

pooh, 'i can read' programme can take kids from 3+ onwards.
CL: ya, damn long leh. already reminded once le.. sigh..

Currently hv a helper to help out ma.. YT CC dun wan la, only 2 hrs leh.. Im looking for 3hrs cls, best half day oso good... any lobang..

so the sch at blk 540 not up to standard due to toilet but most of yr girl's classmate from there seems quite good... m i rite? haha

hwee: if can send to tumble tots btr la... i duno hw those PAP class operate.. many students there anot? teacher good anot? hehe
ling, basically i just wanna let my boy go and play with other children for 2 hrs a day. i dun care abt the syllabus or the teachers yet. will look into those another yr whn he attends nursery. most probably will be at true way church which is at queenstown mrt.

your ils stay queenstown meh ? Was thinking maybe next year get helper and send both kids to mum place. Then will sign Aden up for Faith Church Kindergarten at Commonwealth
CL: yr mum stay commonwealth har? wah, everyone sending to schools so farrr away.. my mum and inlaws only all CCK area... haha
