Choa chu kang mummy club


So cute. I think Raye has same look as Raine.

Did Yingen slim down ?

Aiyo I realli long time never meet you all liao.

Wait till my JG program over this term, I can organise the playgroup at my house.

Yes yes , we should meet somemore our gals same age. My gal having chinese class at home with some of her frens too. So every Sat I am home except this sat I have roadshow
funkymum, looks like rain had lots of fun...
certainly enjoying her cake!

cl, no problem....let's plan one of the sat mornings for breakfast...
thanks gals.. :D

Funkymum: hey, the BBQ looks like fun... too bad I missed it.. u bought the princess crown?? tot u wana borrow from me?? where u get from?? see whois cheaper.. haha.. so long nvr see Yongshan..

Your R&R pix so cute.. your boi looks more like you wor.. :p

Your boi pix out of shape leh.. hehe

Hwee: you planning another one bo since you luv bb?? One ting bb cute, duno grow up hor, naughty siao liao..

CL: how is Aden's old hairstyle?? cannot see much with the door behind, same color like tat.. :p

Ladies, anyone interested in Kinderart @ Limbang shopping centre every sat morn... Im planning to go for a trial @ $25.. who wana join me?
ling: hehe..ya lor...i dun know how to do mah then for the next few one better liao hahaa..

What trial is that? For adults or bb? paiseh..sound like mountain tortoise like tat haha
ling: ya wanna borrow from u but no time leh hahaha..i bought this at 4.50 i think. Couldn't rem leh..last min i walked past the shop then recalled wanna buy one for her.
Wow so many pics...

Ling, Your ah boi looks like Velda leh...Yes, quite long time never see Yong Shan liao...Quite missed those days I attended class with En En @ BJG.

Funkymom, Raye really looks like another michellin...Look like Raine Raine hor...Me so envy leh...When Ying En is fat, she is not like that leh...

CL, quite true loh...En En Slim down a lot loh...Can you imagine keeping on jumping everyday @ home, climing here and there, running up and down....My HB said attended too much class at BJG
Yen: I realised Raine & En en's hairstyle the same leh cute..

They are really a sweetie pie...

BTW hor I wanna complain on behalf of En en..kekeke...She loves the princess crown very much leh..keep touching Raine Raine one..aiyo..u hor..Y never put mei mei for her?

Luckily I bought 2 then gave 1 to her during Raine's celebration.

Noted your complaint.....

Aiyoh, me rush like mad on that day morning as me got to go buy her goodie bag for the class, then go collect cakes and then to sch....

Wow, I told April, I looked like Auntie right when I reached school as 2 big bags on my left and right hand...Kee Kee....

Tell me where u bought the crown for Raine, I also go and get one for her lah....
kinderart for toddlers la.. not adults.. haha.. wkn 9.30 to 10.30am.. art cls for the kiddos lo, where they express their creativity.. :p

Meow/Nutts: ya, the pix look like vel hor.. haha.. they look quite similar wor except tis one more boi boi la.. :p

Funkymom: I bought the tiara for $2.50 only :p i agree Raye is going the michellin club oso..

Nutts: ya, she looked slim down.. now u noe y vel is not FAT at all?? cos everyday jump, climb, run.. she nvr WALK! at home oso run.. haha.. faint :p

I g0t mine from concourse building.. abit far hor but down there wholesale selling party stuff so cheaper..

Welcome Heather... :D

When is BBQ???
Hey YE & Raine must be having alot of fun in class leh
wah liao, everytime having cakes. children love cakes esp when they c candles & 1 2 blow them

Hi Heather, welcome to join us here.

Meow: cfm BBQ ah??? sure boi?
Me gg to bring my ah boy to cow farm nxt wkend
1 2 jon me there???

Ling: how's confinement food? can cope now?
Serene: where is cow farm?? maybe i wana go with vel.. hehe

Confinement food so so lo.. eat till xian le.. hehe.. Overall still can cope.. so far so good :D
meow, wow, darryl already 5 mths huh? fast man! huh? when bbq?

ling, enjoy and relax when you can!
what age group for the art class? my gal already 5+ lor.. :p

nutts/funkymum, i have been asking for vacancy for my boy at BJG also.....let me remind them. seems quite fun.

welcome heather!
Sat or sun? Time? Kidzloft have 50% storewide from 2-10th. Anyone wants to buy anything?

Isn't Nutts the one who say will organise a BBQ?
meow, you going to kidzloft? when? i assume the dates you mentioned are nov right? hmmm.....let me go into the web to see anything interesting or not....

serene, mei mei very fast catching up kor kor liao!

Wan to let Alexer join Raine and Ying En?

For the trial class @ BJG, the waiting time will be quite long. Ying En and Raine used to attend the lesson during weekend and now they are attending the weekday half day school.

I need to go to the pit and see got shelfter or not before confirm the place.

I have things to buy at kidzloft but I am not around to go. Can I tompang you ? Me also want to get pillow , potty etc. If your hb not driving you down, I have 80 plus worth of purchase, you can top up and get them to deliver to your place. I will pick up from your place when I return.

Alamak, wed bringing aden for his first flight out. Me still have not park luggage. Paranoid to pack long sleeve or not. I think the 2 kids luggage already taking up the full space liao
you pm the list and the link. Any toys? I call you when free cos some toys are OOS but may still have.
Hubby will send me there

Want me to book a chalet for all or not at Chevrons? I'm going to book one for Darryl's first birthday on 18th (sat).

I need some advise here...HB maybe going on course that period of time. Should i book 3D2N at $190 or 2D1N for $100? If i book 3D, who wants help me huh? If i book 2D, you gals want to share and book another room to stay over? Please poll if any wants to stay at another chalet.
that time we went HK, yx's stuff already 1 luggage. My hb and I shared another luggage bag! we ks, just brought her stuff as many as we can. 'cos we are 1st time there and scare that can't get this and that. haha...

do you mind helping me to buy, too? if too troublesome for you, nvm.
meow: sat bah. sun can rest.

hwee: yah loh. my mum say she quite big size. axler so small lose to her hehehe
mei mei always bully kor kor. then axler also dun dare to fight back.
juz stand there let her bully then call "mummy, mei mei"
damn funny

Yen: axler join wat? the class?

CL, where u gg? tell me the experience later on k
me intend to bring the 2 to genting. but got concern hehehehe

Thanks in advance. I pm you and sms you. Ha ha kiasu. Scare later the pm never go through.

I flying off tomorrow but I never pack the bag at all. Ha ha I think Aden and Charmaine will take up 1 bag also.

Going to Hong Kong from 31 Oct to 4 Nov. 2 nights in Disney hotel and 2 nights hotel at causeway bay. Hmm hb never been to Hong KOng before so have to headache plan his itinerary too.
cl, where you going? me last time packing also the kids occupy a big luggage then me and hb smaller luggage....its like tat one la. better bring more.

nutts, yes the trial class is super long wait. half day is what time? and the charges? they only accept up to wat age? the bbq pit is near your place? how much to book the pit? is it troublesome to book? maybe can ask you to help me book for timothy's b'day too?

meow, see sat my hubby got time then i go also. if you going sat, then we discuss timing.
the chalet you talking abt is for when? darryl's first b'day? then its next yr lei....

serene, kor kor good boy...
usually the younger one will bully the older one.
dun worry, after mei mei turns 1 her growth will slow down a bit....then kor kor better eat more.
bringing kids to genting no problem la. think i should be doing the kl/genting in mid nov before the sch holidays.
cl, wat do you need to know to plan itinerary for hk? i've been there quite a number of long as you speak cantonese, its no problem xploring hk... weather is beginning to become cool now. very shiok.
Yes yes, weather shiok. Not too cold not too hot. Hope no rain. Food wise I think should be ok. It is the attractions that I am not sure of. I go sure just eat and shop. I only know to bring him to ocean park and peak. The rest where do you suggest since actually I only 2 days in hong kong island
cl, nov is dry season so no worries on rain.
if you have time go to go to stanley... for food, i even to go new territories for seafood...
while in disneyland, go to the new attraction nearby, long ping 360...the cable car ride....haven't been to that myself.
oh, you are staying causeway bay. plan to shop a lot? hee....
you can go to HK tourism web to do research on where and how to go to the places you want. they also give you some suggestions according to the type of travelling you expect e.g. shopping, family, scenic, etc.
that time before we went there, we just did a rough search. then we decided where to go when we reached there. :p

axler so good boy. i wonder how my gal will react when #2 comes.... worried...
If its 3days will be fri,sat&sun. If 2D will be sat & sun. Check in time if not wrong is 4pm and 12pm next day check out.

Yes its next year. Members can book 6mths in advance mah. Public 3mths only. Me going on sat afternoon.

You PM me too lor

i will call you in a while. Reception coming in only after 4pm
CL: wow so young can go hongkong liao
nowsadays kids veri gd life

hwee: i'm also tinking of KL or malacca.
c how 1st.

sunny: dun wori too much now better think of ur bb sitting issue
so settle?
Ha ha Serene
I think Charmaine better life. 2 times to Japan, 1 time to taiwan and now to Hong Kong. For me I feel bad for Aden so bringing him this time cannot always dump him with nanny

Thanks Meow
not yet leh. think let my mil try taking care of 2 1st. will send yx to childcare/playgroup after the #2 one reaches 6 mth. meanwhile, researching for suitable childcare just in case mil can't cope before the 6 mth.

CL, wah liao ur kids all gd life
yah i also feel bad coz yet to bring Rslier out of spore till now even though she have passport leh
that's y need to work out something

sunny: gd to plan ahead 1st. by the time the 2nd one come out YX how old huh?
shld be 2.5 yrs old rite? btw, i guess boy bingo boh????

Wow your ah gal so good life....

The BBQ pit that I am talking abt is the one behind the bus stop that we normally alight. The pit is near to the playground but got no shelter.
